An npc who just wants to live idling around.



He is the third clone of Ren, his appearance is that of a young man with blond hair and light blue eyes, and he usually has a kind look just like his heart, currently little is known about him, he is on a mission from his king the which is to rescue half-beast people who are hidden and oppressed within the empire.

Morian Arguh: S-Rank elven general under the direct command of the Arwen Queen.

His appearance is that of a tall man with long blonde hair, golden colored full body armor.

Currently, I don't know much about this man except that he has great respect and even admiration for Ren who saved his daughter from the slave traders in the human world.

Rossweisse: princess of the ice elven tribe.

Since she is a new character, I don't know much about this woman, from what I saw, apparently, she is a marksman with the attribute of ice because of the bow she had on her back, but she is also a sword user since she went to the same teacher of ren

Elpis: a presence that lives in ren.

Nobody really knows what that thing is, it has a feminine voice and usually has a calm and somewhat lazy attitude, I don't know why it brought Ren into this world, unfortunately, it happened before I was hired as a narrator, only the author He should know about who he is, but according to him, Elpis is just a "powerful" being.


"ha... I miss my mother and my sister, sometimes I would like to see them again

Ren smiled wistfully as he remembered her kind sister and her doting mother from her old life.

Ren realized a fact upon coming to this world.

usually many reincarnating or transmigrating protagonists tend to miss their family from their old life and that's where it all ends, those who usually begin to become attached to other parents, even knowing that they are not really their parents.

Ren obtained the body of the old Ren, but that would not change the way he was or his customs from his old life, of course, he will do everything possible to support Ren's parents as a form of gratitude for the body he received from him, but that's all.

ren didn't plan on getting attached to those parents, it may sound harsh but that's ren's idea.

- do you want an illusion ability to do it?

"It's not necessary, it's just hard to accept not being able to see her again

Ren took out a handkerchief to wipe away a tear that ran down his cheek.

then she stared at the cute embroidered dragon face.

- That girl is very dedicated, isn't she?

"I didn't expect it from her either.

ren thought about what happened on Christmas while he smiled.

Akane had summoned Ren to a place away from everyone on Christmas Eve and gave him a gift.

it was a red embroidery with images in the middle.

" what's this?

Ren asked with a confused face, to which Akane smiled warmly as he said.

-This gift comes with a story, can you hear me sensei?

" anytime

Akane nodded and took a deep breath before looking up at the full moon as he told his story.

- Well, you will see... in the ancient nobility there was a custom that noble ladies could give their hearts and their lives completely to a man and the representative symbol of that decision is an embroidery made by the lady's mother, usually to be later given to her daughter's husband after the marriage.


Ren nodded as he also looked at the moon.

- I found this information when reading this old book about the customs of the ancients when I was little, then I begged my mother for a long time so that she would make me embroider and be able to give it to my future husband.

Akane gave a sad smile as he continued.

-but she always said that she doesn't need it... so at that moment I decided to do it myself.

Akane held her fingers as she told Ren with a wry smile.

- unfortunately, the books didn't give embroidery classes, so I had to bribe a servant to teach me how to do it.

- hehe, it took me 8 months to complete it, but I did it

Ren looked at the red embroidery, and although it was washed and barely noticeable, Ren recognized something more than just the wool.

"and red for your hair?

- for my hair and also to be able to cover the blood from the wounds I got while embroidering it

Akane looked at her fingers which had a few scars from the punctures she had gotten back then.


Ren looked at the embroidery... he was trying to give Akane a chance to go back on the decision she was making.

Ren also knew the meaning of this embroidery from the game.

it was the final piece of each heroine she gave when the preference was 100%

It was a sign that the heroine is giving her entire life to the protagonist, her life and her death symbolically, implying that Kiriko could send her on a suicide mission and the heroine would go.

It's like saying that Akane wants to give her entire life to Ren.

It's not that Ren is against it, but Ren also thinks of Akane.

Akane is 16 this year.

Although in this world people reach the age of majority at 15, Ren also knows that Akane only lived a small part of her entire life, she is just coming out of her shell and Ren doesn't want her to regret it sooner or later, although he Like Akane, he's not selfish enough to tie her up for the rest of her life just because she helped Akane once.

As if Akane didn't notice Ren's thoughts, she began to speak looking into Ren's eyes.


" Yeah?

Ren looked into Akane's eyes.

-I want to give this to you


Ren looked closely at Akane, she had a confident and completely determined look.


Akane put her hands behind her back showing her big chest, but Ren was too busy studying Akane's expression to look down at this moment, Akane was also too nervous, she was pinching his hands behind her back at this moment too to ease your nerves even a little.

- because you saved me, even though you always say that I did it alone, it's not true, it was thanks to you...

"That's not reasoning enough Akane, you should think about it.

Ren gave Akane a serious look, and Akane gave Ren a serious look.

- I've thought about it for a long time Ren before I met you... I was totally alone

Akane looked at the moon again as she remembered everything that happened before she met Ren, but strangely she didn't care about that now, she didn't feel pain about what she suffered, and now she was more concerned with responding to Ren at this moment.

- my family only wanted to use me for a commitment, and I was belittled and insulted by others, my family where it could not be called family was the worst, they humiliated me all the time and always compared me to my talented sister, since I can remember I didn't feel the warmth of my mother's hug or the affectionate gaze of my father, ha... innumerable times I thought of ending my life so as not to feel more pain, my mind was too tired at that moment and there was no one with whom I could share To my pain, even the maids looked down on me and there were even times when I was harassed at home, but my parents always turned a blind eye... with time I too began to believe that I was worthless trash, only to be used as a human cow for the rest of my life...

Akane then looked at Ren affectionately, even putting her hand on Ren's cheek, which Ren didn't avoid as she continued to study Akane's expressions in silence.

- but then you arrived... despite my refusal, you did not give up on me, you helped me discover my talent, you helped me realize that it was not necessary to be accepted by others to continue living, you helped me get rid of my stalkers, and even when the attack passed, you came to my rescue despite facing a stronger lord, if that can't move my heart, then nothing in this world can, ren... I really love you from the bottom of my heart, I can no longer imagine a life where you are not there, a moment where I do not miss you does not even cross my mind for a moment, I really want to at least be by your side in what remains of this life, I can be whatever you want... I can be just a lover if you ask me, and even a servant, just keeping me by your side will be enough to fill my heart.

Ren looked at Akane with a complicated expression, even thinking that Akane is still too young to give her life as a favor, Ren wants Akane to experience the world, then she can choose who to give her heart to.

Akane, seeing Ren's complicated look, nodded as she smiled sadly.

- I see... if I can't be with you in this life, I'll accept it, I only pray to the goddess that in the next life she gives me an opportunity to see you again, goodbye sensei, it was short... but I appreciate that has granted me to know the happiness of being in love in this life...

Akane said as she drew her dagger.

Akane stared at her dagger for an instant…before stabbing into her neck.


A few moments passed and you could see drops of blood falling to the ground... blood falling on the shoes of 2 people standing face to face.

but they weren't from Akane's neck.

Akane opened her eyes and could clearly see that his dagger passed through ren's hand before it reached her neck, ren's palm was blocking the path of the dagger until his palm collided with his hilt. the palm blocking the advance.

- oh god, sensei!

Akane let go of the dagger in shock, immediately pulling a first aid kit from her ring before tucking the dagger into her wristband.

When the dagger disappeared, the open wound on Ren's hand could be seen.

but no drop of blood fell to the floor.

Akane quickly treated Ren's wound, before taking out a maximum-quality potion and trying to give it to Ren to drink.

Ren looked intently at Akane's concern for a small wound on her hand more than her own life, Ren then sighed long leaving confused Akane who was holding the potion in her hand.

Ren made up his mind…he grabbed the bottle from Akane's hand and wrapped his arms around Akane's waist pulling her to her chest.

-eh!? first, we have to heal your hand sensei

Akane blushed until the blush reached her ears, but still, she wanted to treat ren's hand, then she was surprised by ren's next words.

"Now I'm not allowed to hug my girlfriend anymore?

-girlfriend!? It means that...

Akane couldn't complete the sentence as her face turned completely red.

Ren smiled fondly as her bandaged hand-held Akane's cheek, the warmth of the blood that stained her bandage left Akane mesmerized.

"Although it's not common in my philosophy for a girl to declare herself...let me just say it anyway, do you want to be my girlfriend? Akane Scarlett

Akane looked at Ren's affectionate gaze, her mouth hanging open as her eyes began to shed tears.

- why am I crying? I feel happy but I'm still crying

Akane didn't really understand why she was crying, unlike other moments where she cried, at this moment she didn't feel sad or hopeless.

"Those are happy tears Akane.

Ren said as she wiped the tears from Akane's cheeks.

- seriously? It's the first time I feel like this.

Akane looked at Ren's face who carefully wiped away her tears, that care filling Akane's heart with warmth.

" then you accept?

Akane took a deep breath before confidently saying her next words.

-I agree.

the two embraced in the moonlight.

Akane smiled happily as she said her oath.

- I will continue to love you until the day this life ends.

-I will dedicate every second of my time from now on to you until I release my last breath.

Akane said looking at ren with a big smile that to anyone would seem like a crazy smile, but to ren, it just seemed sweet.

Ren said her oath to Akane...

Looking at Akane, Ren saw everything she needed to see.

In life... a person can know or experience many forms of love.

some are pure, some are obsessive, some are toxic, and some are self-centered.

Ren saw in Akane a very unique love directed at him.

a very deep and heavy love, a bottomless swamp of love that could drown you.

the bad thing is that it is a love that makes you want to dedicate your heart completely, a love that you could take with you to the grave.

the narrator could bet that even if ren plunged a knife into Akane's chest right now, Akane wouldn't be afraid, on the contrary...she might even be happy dying for her lover.

Ren knew those eyes quite well.

a love that a person would dedicate their entire life to without blinking an eye, even entering hell as many times as necessary just to protect that person.

Ren had to do that with her family...

her mother could not spend time with them.

Since they were young, Ren's parents were always busy.

for as long as ren could remember... it was always him and Astrid in that big house.

Ren met family love not primarily with his parents, but with his sister, their parents being so busy that Astrid took Ren as a protective figure.

Ren didn't see a problem, but there are many things that only a father should do with his children, like going to their school events, going with them to spend important time, or like when Astrid was able to learn to use the bike when she fell her first tooth, etc. ren had to be there for her in those moments, Astrid developed a great emotional attachment towards her older brother.

When Ren was little, he often complained about the harshness and absence of his father, who left early for work and came back late, or even that he didn't come back for weeks.

his mother also spent little time with them, just enough for her to sit at a table 2 meals a day with them.

when ren turned 15... his sedentary high school life fell apart.

And it was only when his father died and his entire company collapsed that he felt the pressure, the anguish, the pain, and the responsibility of his father.

At that moment of pain... that girl approached Ren giving her support since that girl was a scholarship student and she knew the pain of losing a parent, while all those who Ren called her friends turned their backs on her completely.

but that little sweetie could hardly go on.

Since Ren's life changed completely.

their mother had to spend all her time at work trying to stabilize the situation of the company, or at least the blow is not so strong for them after the company falls, back then they did not see their mother at home any time.

His mother had to be constantly traveling because of the multiple tasks of that company that his father ran before, the competitions, and especially her father's brothers wanted to leave them bankrupt and leave them with many debts.

his mother had to spend day and night reducing the blow that would soon come as best she could.

Although she reduced the blow, she could not avoid losing so much money that she had to mortgage the house to later be repossessed, and the 3 of them had to move to a small seedy apartment.

Even so, they had debts to pay, thanks that their mother was not at home at any time since she had to work in a company where she was miraculously accepted, that company was a small branch run by Ren's aunt since she could not get involved a lot with ren's mother to avoid the eyes of his brothers.

ren to try to ease his burden a bit since there were so many debts that there was no money to eat, he began to look for multiple jobs to bring food to the house.

he could only afford school tuition for one of his brothers.

Ren paid his sister's tuition for her to continue studying, while Ren got a scholarship to continue studying.

Ren was grateful that he had high intelligence enough to keep the scholarship since time did not exist for him.

Ren came home late at night, when his sister was already sleeping, despite having a strong body, it was very heavy for a 15-year-old boy where one of the jobs he needed was to carry heavy things, plus his boss paid to ren a pittance later, but even so, ren could not help it, in his city it was too difficult to find a job where a university degree was not necessary.

and even at that time his mother arrived later, luckily, ren learned to cook from a young age, at that time it was so that his sister always has a full stomach since their parents sometimes did not even have time for that and could not hire any babysitters as there was always the danger of her family inserting spies into her home.

so ren always left food for Astrid and her mother in the fridge before falling exhausted to bed.

Since he didn't have a degree, Ren had to take multiple jobs to bring home food, pay rent for the small apartment, and pay Astrid's tuition.

It got to the point where he could only take exams at school since he had to work.

at that time ren only had 2 moral and important supports.

her sister whom he could only see asleep when she got home.

Ren at that moment understood his father a little bit, he wanted to spend more time with his sister, he wanted to listen to his sister about how she was at school, he wanted to hear her words of encouragement... but there was no time to rest.

the second moral support was that girl.

When nobody wanted to give him even a small part of the course syllabus out of envy, that girl always gave him his notes.

Thanks to that, Ren didn't have so many difficulties in school.

back then Ren had the same eyes that Akane has when he looked at his sleeping sister.

that desire to dedicate his life to someone no matter how much he has to endure.

Ren had that look when he saw his family, every time Ren wanted to give up because of the difficulty of a mission, remember back then his tired mother without energy when they rarely met when they got home late at night and his sister Studying late at night to try and get a scholarship, those 2 women gave Ren enough energy to keep his sanity.




Snapping back to reality, Ren stared at Akane sweetly.

It's been a while before Akane remembers Ren's hand.

-Hey? I almost forgot, your hand sensei 

Ren smiled mischievously as he said

"And if you give me the mouth-to-mouth potion?

Akane blushed as he lowered his head.

Ren thought he took it too far so he was about to say it was a joke, but to his surprise, Akane held out her hand.

-give it to me

" Give you what?

-the bo-bottle

Ren nodded and handed over the bottle.

Akane drank the bottle until her cheeks were full, but she didn't swallow it.

Akane motioned for ren to come over.

Ren nodded and moved to Akane's level.

Akane with puffy cheeks like a cute squirrel prepared to give him the potion from mouth to mouth, but a voice interrupted them causing Akane to almost swallow the potion from his mouth.

- Don't you think they go very fast? sensei? older sister?

Kelly said with her arms crossed as she looked at Ren and Akane.

Akane was about to swallow the potion, but Ren pulled her into her arms and kissed Akane as she drank the potion.

There were loud obscene noises making Kelly blush but even so she didn't look away.

After finishing drinking the potion, Ren looked at Kelly as she said

"Next time, couldn't you wait for her to finish before you interrupt, brat?

Kelly smiled secretly as she watched her sensei frustrated at having her sweet moment taken away from her.

A while ago Akane had said goodbye to Kelly saying that she decided to declare to Ren and would end her life if Ren rejected her, Akane didn't really want to force Ren to accept her declaration of love.

Akane was planning to commit suicide after ren leaves, but seeing ren's complicated look... Akane couldn't take it so he tried to kill himself.

Kelly still remembers Akane's words.

-Sister, I... I love him, and I want to dedicate myself completely to him, when I almost lost him in that attack I knew I couldn't wait, I want Ren to pamper me, I want him to hug me, I want to be by his side not just as a friend, I want to give everything to him, I realized when I saw sensei on that stretcher, imagining him dying, I knew at that moment that he would kill me without thinking for 2 seconds, so if I don't have a good result, I will kill myself later sensei leaves, I hope you can accompany him sister, please, I entrusted this to you so that my sister does not try anything against him.

Akane had said before handing a letter to Rose.

but apparently, the emergency doctor that Kelly prepared in advance was not necessary.

Kelly pouted as she said.

-perverted sensei.




Returning to the present, Ren fell asleep until the next day.

first, ren went to see the elven queen who was in his office.

I knock twice on the door before hearing a melodious voice.

-go ahead.

Upon entering, Ren could see Arwen sitting in her office which was decorated in the open-air style.

From one of the many windows came a bird, leaving a scroll on the ground and then flying away.

The scroll instead of falling to the ground floated in the air to the side along with other scrolls.

Ren nodded in admiration as he stood there waiting.

15 minutes passed before Arwen decides to take a moment of rest.

a sigh left her lips as she picked up the teacup and took a sip with her eyes closed.

Opening her eyes, Arwen saw Ren standing calmly, gazing at the landscape behind her.

Why didn't you say anything?

"I  was waiting for me to finish


Arwen nodded with a smile and gestured for Ren to sit down.

-tell me what you need young ren?

"May I ask permission to explore her dungeons?

Arwen blinked a few times, not understanding.

-Can I ask why?

"I wanted... to know more about the elven culture in this country

Said Ren looking for a random excuse.

Arwen looked at Ren carefully before nodding.

- go ahead

"I thank you, besides that, I have a question, I know that elves have a higher affinity with air, is there a way to ask someone to help Kiriko to guide him to learn to face air users since he lost his talent?

-um, we have a course for that


-That's right before All young people took an experienced awakening and trained with it, I can make an exception for the hero to take the course while they are here, you should too before going to a dungeon, you could learn a few things.


"I can't go to a dungeon quickly?

Arwen asked confused

- Didn't you say that you wanted to know our culture?

ren thought deeply about whether she should say it or not, the voice inside ren reminded her

- and if you say a part?

' it will work?

- if you want to finish in a month I suppose


"I'll be honest with you queen Arwen, I need to enter dungeons to find the cure for your father


" really

Arwen looked at Ren for a couple of seconds before saying

- you can do it alone if you let my daughter accompany you

'I guess she wants to keep an eye on me

" ok

Arwen nodded as Ren got up to go and find Amerie, but before she told the queen

"When is that course?

-Today at noon the selection of teachers begins.

"I'll be there with the hero.

Arwen nodded.

ren left the office while she went to look for kiriko

when she found kiriko she saw kiriko surrounded by elf maidens and a couple of young people even said phrases like:

- how strong are you hero of light

- its magic is very strong, I felt that it would blind me when I got closer

-as I would like my husband to be so I would not worry about anything

Ren looked away from the girls in heat and headed towards Kumiko who was further behind him, standing on the side of a pillar with a stoic gaze.

Ren stood next to her, and without saying anything she took out a package of almonds with chocolate.

Kumiko, without responding to Ren, grabbed a handful and put it in her mouth.

" brighten your liver Kumiko

- shut up and give me more of that shit

Ren offered him another bag without saying a word and Kumiko snatched it from Ren's hand and began to eat.

"If you want to cry go to a corner

- that should be you, kiriko is surrounded by pretty girls, many of them princesses from other clans and you are here alone with a random servant

Kumiko said in a flat tone.


Ren patted Kumiko on the head.

"If you pay attention to his gaze, you will see that there is no fluctuation in his eyes or even a hint of lust unlike when he sees you, I only see that jerk giving polite looks to those women in heat.

-um, I know

Kumiko said without shaking her hand from Ren's head.

Ren thought for a moment before saying.

"Do you want me to push them away?

- it will look bad that you do it, they have good positions in their clans

" Y?

-would you do it?

"for a couple of coins

ren accept without caring much.

-forget it


Ren laughed a bit before remembering something.

"How did it go with the dungeon?

- You know... not so difficult, the team that the queen chose were all very skilled and trained, it shows that the people here are more prepared than in the human territory

Ren nodded.

People stronger than Kiriko cannot go to Kiriko's party, since Kiriko's blessing cannot be used.

It is like putting liquid in a bottle until it is full, if there is not enough liquid, you will not be able to fill the bottle and use it, only people with a maximum difference of one rank can go, kiriko as rank -C can go with people of rank +D or c.

"anything out of the ordinary?

-this time there was no ambush outside the dungeon, it was strangely calm

"Did you check the surroundings?

-Yes, the queen assigned a ghost team but no one showed up, they were surely lucky

ren thought for a moment before saying.

"or maybe they already knew

Kumiko blinked a few times before saying

- are you serious?

"I don't know, I'm not from that group to know

On the human continent, people who wanted to serve the demon god appeared, in the organization, there are people from the 4 races, and although no elves from that organization appeared so far, Ren doesn't think they're not here.


- by the way, you-

before they can continue speaking they heard the voice of kiriko


Ren turned around and saw Kiriko quickly approaching with a smile, her black hair with a streak of blonde giving a somewhat comical scene in Ren's mind.

"What happened my King?

Ren greeted Kiriko with a fist bump.

- finished the dungeon

" good for you

- and I got an artifact as a reward


- ujum, I give it to Miss Rossweisse.


Ren followed Kiriko's gaze and saw a girl with silver hair and light blue eyes looking at Kiriko.

the thing is that this woman despite her beautiful appearance is clearly older than the girls here.

Ren looked at the girl for a moment before turning his attention back to Kiriko.

" You're an Idiot.


Kiriko just laughed ironically, Ren always gave him magic equipment for defense every time Ren returns from a dungeon, but he ended up giving his equipment to someone else, but he couldn't help it after hearing the story about the clan of the.

- one moment

the girl named Rossweisse spoke

" Yeah?

- Why do you disrespect the hero of light?

Ren only raised an eyebrow at the question, but still answered calmly.

"because he is my friend

- Likewise, you shouldn't do it, you can't disrespect the hero of light, such an important being for the world, you-

"If you don't joke with your friends, it's not my problem, miss, or don't you have any friends?


ren just shrugged

Rossweisse looked at Ren's body and she didn't feel anything coming from him, realizing that she didn't feel any attributes or rank, she thought that Ren was an ordinary person, so she smiled.

- You say a lot of things for someone weak, don't you?

Ren looked at Rossweisse who was a -c rank in her 20s.

which is not bad considering that All is literally a concentration of resources for young people.

something that ren didn't think of until he got to the elf realm was one thing.

awakened ones are very rare.

There are 100 first-year students in All.

But why 2 rooms of 50 people?

Well, because they could only get 2 capable S-rank teachers for the first year.

another thing is that the selection of 100 students is selected from all 4 races.

ALL have been in existence for 10 years, and finding talented people among so many people is difficult since the awake ones are very few.

It's like finding needles in a giant haystack, then those selected needles have to undergo further testing before being accepted.

elves can become old and still rank F.

Seeing the sword on this girl's back and her calluses, Ren saw hard training on her.

ren to avoid embarrassing her too much was going to say that he was C in rank, but a voice before came forward.

- ren present is rank c, you are D+ just like me, right?

Kumiko said with a smile, she put up with a lot from this woman, and seeing this woman bothering the calm Ren saw an opportunity to attack, Ren realized that apparently Kumiko cannot sense or realize the level of others because of her aura.

-ha, do you think I'll believe that this boy has rank c when he's barely 16 years old?

Kumiko released her D+ rank aura aiming at the girl, and the girl released her C- rank aura towards Kumiko.

the clash was winning Rossweisse.

Ren took out just a hint of the king's aura in his body and directed it towards Rossweisse to protect Kumiko.

Rossweisse immediately looked at Ren in horror with sweat on his forehead holding back the urge to kneel.

out of nowhere, the pressure cut off, as if it had never been summoned.

"Could you excuse me for a moment? I want to talk to my friend

The girls didn't say anything and quickly withdrew, avoiding Ren's gaze.

Kumiko to the side looked proudly at Rossweisse.

Ren looked at Kumiko, but he didn't say anything and spoke directly to Kiriko.

"The selection class will start in a while, you should go to train your sword control and counterattack against the air attribute, kiriko.

Kiriko nodded and the three of them walked toward the location indicated by Arwen, in the training ground.

When they arrived, they saw many young people there, among them the girls who accompanied Kiriko.

Ren didn't say anything and approached the group as the presenter finished.

- You choose one of the 12 people here to train with you for a while, each of you will finish when your coach says you're done.

ren who found amerie approached

" Hello Princess

-hum, I won't talk to you

Amerie said and walked away.


What does this woman have?

Ren calmly looked at Amerie's back and was debating whether to follow this girl's game, but at that moment the young people began to choose a trainer among the 12 present who held a banner with the logo of their weapon.

there were 8 young-looking elves with shiny armor and expensive weapons with proud expressions, and there were 4 older-looking elves, with somewhat worn but clean equipment.

Ren looked at each one who held their weapon proudly.

Ren asked Amerie who had come back after not being chased by Ren.

"You're going to bow and arrow right?

Amerie resisted the urge to bite Ren, but she still nodded.

"and your kiriko?

- I would like to learn ways to counter air magic.

ren agreed

"And you Kumiko?

- I want to learn new shield techniques

"Okay, I'll see you later.

Amerie walked up to one of the older-looking Elves who had a bow and arrow on his banner.

upon arrival, she found a young elf who had a kind look.

the only one who was behind the old man.

Amerie smiled at the young woman and stood behind her as she looked at her friends.

Kumiko went towards another of the elders who had a large shield on his banner and carried a heavy shield on his back, when she arrived she saw a young elf with a shy face, Kumiko agreed and approached to meet her companion.

Kiriko walked towards an old wizard who had his old wooden magic staff in his hands and an ancient leather book in his arm.

upon arrival, he saw a red-haired elf who gave him a cheerful welcome.

Ren went with another of the elders who had a sword stored in his sheath, along with an appearance of an experienced hunter.

arriving behind him he saw a girl.


Rossweisse looked at Ren for a second before turning her attention to the other 2 instructors who had glowing swords out of their scabbards.

- Why didn't you go with them?

"why not


'This is going to be a headache.

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