An Incubus Life

Chapter 28 Transit Party

Chapter 28

The Saturday hockey practice was good.  We ran some scrimmages, 5 on 5.  I scored three times and had an assist.  The whole team was getting excited about our first game.  They knew the team was much better than last year with me.  James said I was probably going to win the league MVP with my skills.  

I skipped my shower at the rink in favor of showering at home.  I smelled really funky after practice and my tryst with Abigail.  I took a long ice cold shower.  This was something I found with my new form.  I preferred the cold shower over warm or hot water.  A thought occurred as I was drying off.  How human was I?  Abigail had said I exuded heat.  I grabbed a thermometer and checked my body temp, 101.6.  So my body temp was higher than a human's.  My blood was red when I made a small cut on my thumb.  I watched as the cut healed in about a minute.  The only hair on my body was on my head…the rest of my body was bare.  Iris had said I was sterile.  There was an ability I could purchase with life essence to have children but would those children be human or demon?  

In this form, I looked human and for now, that was good enough for me.  I knew subconsciously I hadn’t transformed into my incubus form because I feared losing my humanity and wanting to remain in that form.  I stood in front of the mirror naked.  I tweaked my age forward a tiny bit.  I took off my glasses and ran my hands over my body.  It was real…I was human I told myself.  I  transformed into my incubus form, growing horns, growing in height, and increasing my muscle mass, and the length of my cock.  Damn, that was an impressive dick.  I was impressed.  I grasped it with my larger hands and it felt different but the same.  

I started stroking it while watching the demon in the mirror.  My incubus tail swayed behind me and converted its tip to its phallic resemblance.  I thought about using this cock on a woman…on Mandy.  Yes, she needed to be punished with this phallus.  My fantasy evolved as I closed my eyes and increased the tempo of my hand.  I imagined I had Mandy pinned and naked to the ground face down and forced her knees apart with my knees and thighs to give my dick access to her pussy and my tail tip filling her mouth preventing her from yelling out.  I started thrusting my horse-sized cock into her as she struggled beneath my weight.  I gripped it tighter pretending her vagina was struggling to take my thickness.  I imagined her hips squirming to escape my penetration and her mouth gagging on my tail.

But her wetness and moaning started betraying her as she switched from squirming to pressing into cock as I thrust into her and she started sucking on my tail’s tip.  Suddenly I came and opened my eyes as I sprayed the mirror and walls in my bathroom.  Holy shit!  Two five-foot leathery black wings shot out from my shoulder blades behind me in my ecstasy.  Where did they come from?  It was an endorphin rush as I went Jackson Pollack in the bathroom.  The cum was thick and brilliant white.  I heaved deep breaths spent.  With some effort, I slowly folded my wings back.  I turned to the side and the wings folded and disappeared into my muscled back.  That ejaculation was intense and draining, literally, physically, and mentally.  This orgasm was different than when I was in my human form.  The smell was definitely different and it was…thicker.  I rubbed a sample of it between my fingers.  Maybe I should give a sample to Iris to try and sell?

My cock slowly dropped from attention.  Damn.  My faculties returned to me and I was slightly disgusted with my fantasy.  Using this body to abuse and fuck…well a cat woman.  Granted she was in her human form in the fantasy if she had been in her cat form would it have been less violent…my cock responded to visual change and was rapidly extending upward.  I quickly changed my form back to human which subdued my lust.  

Iris said I gave off a lust aura in my incubus form so did it affect me?  Or was this just weakness on my part?  I looked at the fucking mess.  Demon semen splattered across a six-foot section of wall, floor to ceiling.  Definitely a much greater volume than my human form.  I grabbed a towel and ran the shower.  I mopped the floor, walls and ceiling and rinsed the towel in the shower multiple times.  It took half an hour and then I took another shower.  My thoughts during the cleanup were focused on what it would be like to release that firehouse of cum into Mandy.  Why was my focus on Mandy?

Clean once again I fell onto my bed in my boxers.  I grabbed my cell phone and went through my messages.  Mary had the most of course and I answered her texts.  We were going to go shopping on the first Wednesday in December and she was asking which vehicle we would be taking.  I decided I should drive and texted her back.  Next up was my sister Paige.  She thanked me for getting the bedrooms ready and said one of her friends might be interested in sneaking up to my room.  Nothing confirmed yet but if I was interested I should let her know and she would see what her friend's interest level was.  I texted her back three lettered Y-E-S.  As far as I was concerned it was free life essence.  

Chloe had sent me a text confirming our date.  I confirmed back.  Molly wanted to come over to my house to study on Monday.  Molly definitely struggled in school.  We were in the same English class and took the same math class, just at different periods.  Since her season was over she could come over after school.  I wasn’t sure how difficult our foray into the transit would be on Sunday so I texted her back that we could study on Tuesday after school at my place.  We had Thursday and Friday off due to Thanksgiving. 

Iris wanted me to come over today so we could prep for tomorrow.  She had procured some weapons for me.  I texted my mother and asked if it was ok if I went over to Iris’ house tonight.  I would be home tomorrow night.  It took 15 minutes before she said ok.  I dressed quickly and headed out texting Iris that I was on my way over.  

Iris set met me at the door and we went inside the kitchen.  She had half a dozen sledge hammers on the kitchen table.  My eyebrows went up.  She obviously didn’t respect the kitchen as a place for consuming food.  Iris blushed, “I thought it was a nice simple weapon.  You don’t know how to use a sword.  I have my aetheric pistol.  I figure we could just go in and look around for a few hours for clues about my parents and then come back.”  Iris’ plan wasn’t too complicated.  

“Hey, Iris I found someone who has trained to explore the transits and wanted to ask if you want me to see if I should ask her to join us,” I asked.

Iris’ face was slightly concerned and worried as she asked, “Who?  Are they from the Magus Arcanum?”

“No, it is Jade.  James’ cousin.  She is a tigerkin.  She said she spent six years at something called a dungeon academy,” I relayed to Iris.

Relief was on her face.  Why was she so concerned about the Magus Arcanum?  “Ok, Caleb it is your call.  If you think she is trustworthy.  Your ability to open a portal is a bit rare so be cautious.” She was dumping it on me.  Iris breathed deep and spoke.  “I examined my core pretty thoroughly and used some basic analysis tools.  I think it is going to be a long time before we can attempt to expand it again, if ever.”  She seemed somewhat upset, maybe depressed.

She recovered slightly and said, “It’s not your fault.  I think you only get one chance to expand a core this way.  My best analogy is your core is like molten glass.  When you force aether into it with your ability Caleb it blows up the molten glass and that core sort or cools into its new size.  My core used to be like a fluid ball, malleable.  Now it is hard and not flexible.  I think it you forced aether into it again it would shatter.  But my magic is so much better!” She offered a smile.  “I have so much more aether than before.  Over four units.  I can cast my fireball spell four times at full power now.  And I think I can learn an upper tier 1 spell.  So I don’t regret anything.” She blushed when she said ‘anything’.

“I'm sorry,” I said.  “If I had known I would have pushed it further.  I just wanted to be safe.”  

“Don’t be sorry.  I am much more powerful now.  What do you think of the weapons.”  She brightened.  The array of sledge hammers on the kitchen table had scratched the surface and I picked one up.

“I think I can swing it effectively.  What kind of monsters will we face?” I asked testing the mauls while swinging it easily. 

“I don’t know it could be anything.  Do you want me to see if Jade wants to come over now?  Maybe she could help us prepare better?”  I asked still swinging the 5 lb hammer.

Iris looked indecisive but finally said, “It’s ok if she comes here.  My parents never socialized with anyone outside of the Magus Arcanum.  If you think she can be trusted.”  Iris once again left it on me.  Well, if Jade couldn’t be trusted I could always use my seductive gaze to charm her.

I pulled out my phone and called her.  I very tired sounding Jade answered, “Who?  Caleb?  Why are you calling me…oh it's noon!  I didn’t realize.”  I had the thought of how cats liked to nap and were slow in waking up.  “Ok Caleb.  What are you calling about?  Ready for a lesson in how to kick ass?”  She sounded alert now.

“Um, no.  I have this thing going on tomorrow morning that I thought you might be interested in.  A friend of mine and I plan to check out a portal to the transit.” I said and Jade remained silent for a long time.  “Jade?”

She finally responded, “Even if you know where a portal location is located you still can not gain access.”  She sounded curious.

“Well, the thing is we kind of have a theory that may work to open the portal,” I said sounding uncertain.  I hadn’t tried to open a portal yet and Iris just seemed to think it required 100 aether. 

It was another long pause before Jade talked, “Where are you?  I will come over now.  I need to sneak out as my aunt and uncle still don’t want me venturing out on my own since I am so volatile,” she said irritated.  I looked at Iris who nodded.  I gave her our address which was less than a mile away.  I was about to offer to pick her up when she hung up the phone.

“I guess we wait,” I said looking at Iris who looked slightly amused since she easily heard the entire conversation. 

It was almost an hour before the doorbell rang and Iris checked and then answered.  Jade was standing there and looking at the house.  “Nice wards on this place!” She said as she walked past Jade and was carrying a large duffle bag.  “I hope this is a legit chance to get into a transit.  I assume this is Iris?  I checked the address on my phone and it said the Cafrtwright’s lived here.  So you two mages have a device that can get us into the transit?”

Iris looked a little taken aback by Jade’s forwardness so it was left to me, “Yeah we have a portal location and want to try opening it tomorrow.  Our device…” I paused is in my pocket.  It is charged and ready to go.

“Why are we waiting till tomorrow?  Does the device have any restrictions on its use?  Can we go now?  If my aunt and uncle find out I am not in the house…” She looked embarrassed as she admitted she was under confinement. 

I looked at Iris who seemed to consider and then gave me a curt nod, “Ok Jade we can go now I guess.  The reason we asked you over is that we don’t really know what to expect.  You have trained for this.  We have not.”  Jade put on a massive grin.  She went to the kitchen and dropped her heavy duffle bag on it.  She looked at me and then the sledgehammers and raised an amused eyebrow. 

Jade took on a voice on confidence and opened her bag, “So there are a number of dangers in the dungeons.  Monsters, plants, elf communities, and weather.  The best preparation is to be ready to run the fuck away.”  She started pulling out pieces of armor that looked like cheap plastic.  Then she pulled out short blades, knives, and a small backpack.  “You don’t want to eat anything in there so bring enough food and water for your expedition.  If you do eat something and come back you will be sick for days from aether toxicity.”  She began suiting up in the armor. 

“Only take on monsters you are 100% certain you can handle.  If you don’t have a healer or potions then even a small injury can be fatal.  So what skills do you two have?”  She was finishing up with the armor.

Iris made a healthy fireball in her hand the size of a basketball and Jade nodded in appreciation, “How many?” Jade asked.

“This size…two.  But the aether regeneration rate in the transit means I should be able to recover my aether quicker?”  The last was a question directed at Jade.

“Yeah about ten times faster than on Earth,” Jade answered as she started strapping on her assortment of weapons.  “And you climber boy?” She asked in a teasing tone.  I just pointed at the mauls on the table.  Jade rolled her eyes at me, “Thought you were a powerful mage.  Well if all you have are physical spell enhancements that is fine.”

She was finally finished with dressing and looked extremely badass.  I would describe her as a ninja soldier.  Iris looked around and then said, “Let me go pack!”  And rushed away leaving me and Jade in the kitchen. 

“It's fine if we can't get into the transit Caleb.  I have my doubts you actually have something that will work.  Either way thanks for inviting me.”  Her eyes seemed to be undressing me, “Do you get taller since yesterday?” She asked after staring at me for a while.

“What?  I don’t think so.  Maybe it’s the hiking boots I’m wearing.  So what kind of monsters have you fought?”  I diverted the question.

“Most monsters don’t last long outside of the transits.  They rely too heavily on the aether-saturated food and environment so get sick when they come to Earth.  Some do adapt.  That is where the myths all come from.  But for the monsters, it is like deciding whether to remain in Hawaii or Artic so many don’t leave the transit.”  Jade paused.  “I fought some slimes, dire wolves, and a few goblins at the academy.  Usually in a team of five.  Two front-row tanks, two damage dealers behind, and then a support who hopefully had some healing.” 

That sounded like a game I thought, “Sounds very game-like.”

Jade smirked, “No the game mimics the tactics we evolved over millennia.  Five is the most versatile and flexible unit.  It is also always for quick communication and familiarity with each other.”  Pain registered on Jade’s face so I assumed someone in her team did something to her.  Maybe it was the vamp Mandy mentioned. 

Iris returned with a backpack that was way too heavy for her.  I rushed over and adjusted the straps to make it fit me.  “Did you forget the kitchen sink?” I asked as the pack easily weighed over 70 lbs. 

“No, it is in there.  Well a camping kit for cooking anyway,” she smirked at me.

We moved to the car and it was funny as Jade had to remove half her arsenal to get into Iris’ truck.  I tossed the backpack in the bed and Iris said to be careful as there was a lot of valuable equipment in there.

I ended up driving with Iris in the passenger and Jade in the back.  Jade asked, “So why do you two want to go into a transit?  You don’t seem like adrenaline junkies like me.”

I looked at Iris and she answered, “My parents research transits and they disappeared.  I hope to find them.”

“Fuck!” Jade said loudly and I panicked for a second, “Your parents are those Cartwrights!”  She huffed in the back seat.  “We had to read their books at the academy.  They are a bit famous.  Powerful wizards who share their research openly.  Well, I didn’t know they were missing.  Sounds a bit fishy to me since they are basically experts on transits.”

“Exactly!” Iris affirmed from the front seat.  “The Magus Arcanum barely investigated their disappearance.  Every friend that they had refused to help me or referred me to someone else.”

Jade nodded in the rearview mirror, “Yeah the Magus Arcanum is full of a bunch of cunts.  They don’t lift a finger unless it benefits them.  I heard they let a duel between two tier 3 vamp lords happen in Africa and it killed over 2000 natives.  They could have stopped it or had them fight someone else.  They were only fighting for rights to Madagascar anyway.”

I pulled close to the cove of trees where the portal we located was found.  “It is a short walk from here,” I turned and told Jade.  We walked into the woods and quickly located the portal again.  Jade couldn’t see it but I felt it out.  I moved forward and touched the outline I could see with my abyssal eyes.

A shock went through me…I could feel the transit.  If I wanted to I could traverse the transit and emerge right into the 22nd layer.  No…I didn’t have enough aether…it would take almost 1000 so I could do it if I fully charged my pool.  Using my aether manipulation, finally making use of the skill, I toyed with the line figuring out instinctively what to do.  I basically needed to charge the portal with aether and tear a door into the transit. 

After nearly forty minutes of me standing there with my hand outstretched Jade asked, “So it’s a no go?”  I shook my head to the side and nodded slowly.  I wanted to do this right.  I had gathered exactly 100 aether units from my core in a messy ball in my mind space.  I just needed to move it to my hand…

My hand glowed bright blue and crackled as the aether flowed from me and a round portal materialized into a black hole outlined in glowing blue sparks.  I looked at my two female companions, “So that was kind of cool right?  I mean I just opened a gateway to another plane of existence.”  Jade’s mouth was agape and Iris looked longingly at the dark portal. 

Jade spoke first, “Well damn.  Does anyone have a light?”


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