American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 58: Leaders must have a spirit of contract

  Chapter 58 Leaders must have the spirit of contract

"It's already the fourth day, Tommy, are you sure you still don't want to try to understand how the prime minister solves the country's problems?" Madouf saw Tommy Hawk sitting outside the government gate like a lazy man again. Sitting on the deck chair, enjoying the afternoon sun, he walked over with a smile and asked, "Not every high school student has this kind of opportunity."

   "I'm not interested in politics, Mr. Prime Minister, it's already a headache for me to keep these guys in check and prevent them from making too much trouble." Tommy said.

  This is a daily conversation between Prime Minister Madouf and Tommy for seven days, but every time Tommy is not interested in Madouf’s invitation.

   "Okay, Tommy, then I will occupy your prime minister's office temporarily to handle some real official business." Madouf exhaled, patted his belly with both hands, turned and walked towards the government building.

  The Prime Minister and His Excellency the Governor are recognized as good gentlemen by the students. These days, they have fun with the students and have no pretensions.

Kevin completed his national sports meeting plan, and Dennis also held a rock music festival. Most of the students recovered from the madness of the previous three days and gradually calmed down. To understand the workings of the country like an adult.

   "Tommy, you'd better come here." Chris poked his head in a cowboy hat from the government building and said seriously.

  Tommy walked into the conference room on the second floor. Chris and several students who were interested in taxation were looking at piles of documents and whispering: "What's wrong? The casino you cooperated with David is about to officially open?"

   "No." Chris closed the door, and then handed over a document with dense numbers on it. Tommy looked at it twice without knowing it, and looked up and asked, "What is this?"

Chris pointed to the numbers above and introduced to Tommy: "We originally wanted to study how much tax we need to collect if we open a casino, so we consulted the tax information of this country and found that Bolton Sugar is probably evading taxes. Yes, I suspect Bolton Sugar is bullying people in this country who don't understand taxes."

"They only pay the most basic corporate income tax, but they have no record of paying the value-added tax on agricultural products, and the report they submitted shows that the net profit of the sugar factory is very low. I asked the former tax minister, and he said that three years ago Bolton Sugar has been paying according to this figure for building a factory here. The reason for the low profit is that Bolton Sugar has provided them with too many jobs and the expenses are too high. They have hired more than 6,000 local people Work in a sugar factory, in fact, I have learned that those workers who cut sugarcane or process on the assembly line did not get the salary they wrote on the report." A student raised his head at this time and said to Tommy.

  Tommy looked at each other: "How can you be so clear?"

"My family has three county tax commissioners, Mr. Prime Minister, and I am preparing to become the fourth. I don't think anyone here is more sensitive to tax issues than me at the moment." The trainee said seriously to Tommy .

   "Just suspicion, no evidence?" Tommy shook the document in his hand and asked.

  The student said: "Mr. Prime Minister, if in the United States, this level of suspicion is enough for the tax department to investigate and check the records of the sugar factory."

   "Ashley said you were here, Tommy." Pam, who was about to be browned by the Caribbean sun, came in from the outside: "The sewage from the Bolton Sugar Industry even poisoned wild boars..."

   "Poor man, I'm going to lead the armed forces to blow up Bolton Sugar's sugar factory!" Before Pam could finish speaking, Catherine walked in angrily outside: "Tell me! Where can I get the explosives!"

  Tommy Hawke looked at Pam and Catherine: "Your Majesty, calm down, and explain clearly what happened first, why you are all eyeing Bolton Sugar."

"You know, I have four capable and beautiful servants, no, they are men, they are carefully selected by me, I have never been interested in knowing them before, but today my favorite black girl among them did not come to accompany me Me, because her mother was sick, she was going to take her mother's place at the sugar factory, and guess what the next thing I knew, almost all the local workers in Bolton Sugar owed money to the factory, and their wages were not enough to support their families To make ends meet, the son of a **** sugar factory has launched a loan service to lend money to workers, so that they can meet their basic needs and not starve to death... Soon..." Catherine was a little emotional:

"Soon... it will become that all workers owe money. The salary they earned for a month is not enough to pay the interest they owed before. They can only continue to borrow money from the factory. The factory tells them that if they work hard, they will lose money. Won't go after what's owed, will continue to lend them money to live on, but if they quit...return all money including interest, they turn workers into generations of **** debt that can never be paid back Slaves! More brutal than the British colonial rule!"

   "Hi, everyone, I can hear your voices in the next office." Zoe opened the door, threw a contract on the table in the meeting room, and said softly:

"Look at what David and I found. This is a contract. The United States joined the Organization of American Cooperation established by the United States in order to make St. Vincent independent. The factory came here to invest and build a factory, monopolizing the only profitable industry in this country, the sugar industry, the word monopoly may be too direct, it says exclusive cooperation rights, and within half a year after the contract was signed, Bolton Sugar came here to start However, it has been nearly three years since the 20 million aid that the United States said, but it still has not been fulfilled.”

David Schafer also walked in, and looked at the people in the room with a blank face: "The United States promised to provide financial support to St. On the right track, but as a result, the country lost the colonial aid provided by the United Kingdom before, and the Americans did not give the country any benefits. They almost blatantly robbed the country's most valuable sugar industry and did not give St. Vincent a Cents, this poor country is being played around by the United States, but there is nothing it can do."

   "This is the real reason why everyone in this country pleases us. They hope that we have played enough and can find the heavy things hidden under the mask of joy in this country and help them." Zoe said.

Tommy Hawke let out a depressed breath: "I finally understand that the reason why Prime Minister Madouf refused to share the account at the beginning is much more complicated than the account. They know that although they are the head of state of this country, in the eyes of the United States, their status is even higher. Not as good as a group of high school students, which is the real reason why people in this country play crazy with us, he treats us as real student leaders, but in fact, if we go back to China, we have no right to speak to Washington at all.”

   "Tommy, even if we don't have the qualifications to go to Washington, we have to do something." Chris said as Tommy walked out the door.

"I know, but I always have to ask the former Prime Minister if this is what he would like to see." Tommy opened the two doors of the meeting room, and saw the real Prime Minister of the country, the Governor, Two elderly people stood alone at the end of the corridor, looking at Tommy and the American high school students behind him with complicated eyes. Obviously, the sound insulation effect of the meeting room is not very good.

   "Sorry, children, we are sorry..." Prime Minister Madouf lowered his head in shame, but then raised it up: "This is the tragedy of a small country, no one wants to listen to our voice."

Tommy Hawk lit a cigarette and turned to look at the high school students in the conference room: "He called us kids, I want to say, we are more than kids, let them see what is called American youth student leaders , Our term of office will end in three days, and within three days, we will teach the United States what it means for a **** leader to have a contractual spirit!"

   The low-grade fever has begun, and the state is very bad, which has caused the quality of the chapters in the past two days to also decline. Everyone, I am sorry, I will try my best and will not stop updating.



  (end of this chapter)

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