American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 311: best birth gift

 Chapter 311 The best birth gift

 Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, beyond the Eagle's Nest.

A police car drove along the road toward the gate of the Eagle's Nest with its lights on. Hearing the sound of the siren, some neighbors who lived with Tommy in Beverly Hills walked out of their homes and looked at the police car driving towards Tommy's mansion. direction.

They knew that Tommy was hosting a banquet here today to celebrate the arrival of his daughter into this world. They all received small gifts prepared by the hostess early to express their apology. They were sorry that there might be some noise today.

To be honest, the gift seemed sincere, and they all chose to be tolerant for this reason. Everyone could understand Tommy's joy at receiving his daughter, and even if they didn't understand, they were willing to choose to be tolerant for the sake of the gift.

All the male residents of the entire Beverly community received a collectible bottle of high-end red wine and a box of cigars, while the women received a small coin purse from a luxury brand and a pair of beautiful pearl earrings. People who live here It doesn’t mean that expensive gifts are good, but sincere gifts can make them feel that they are respected by the other party.

For this reason, they can accept the noise caused by the carnival at Tommy's house, but it should not include the roar of wild beasts. For example, at this moment, half of Beverly Hills can hear the **** elephant neighing from Tommy's house. !

Tommy Hawke has a small family zoo at his home. Everyone knows about it and has even been invited to visit it before. However, the animals are cute and harmless, and the community does not allow him to keep elephants.

So the neighbors chose to call the police and ask the police to find out what happened. Did Tommy's girlfriend give birth to an elephant?

Two policemen from the Beverly Hills Police Department parked their car on the side of the road, turned off their sirens and lights, then got out of the car and prepared to walk to the front door of Tommy's house. They were familiar with Tommy, who was the oldest man in Beverly Hills. The private owner of the property owns the largest private residence in the Hills and is also the largest donor to the Los Angeles Police Foundation in the Beverly Hills area.

"I mean, if Mr. Hawke, who was the subject of the complaint, really bought an elephant and kept it in his zoo, how should we explain to those celebrities that there is nothing we can do to deal with the elephant?" A young policeman said Holding a glass of Coke in his hand, he bit the straw and asked his companion.

The older policeman grinned: "Why should we explain? If these rich people want to deal with elephants, they must have a legitimate reason, and they will never give us the opportunity to arrest them for animal cruelty and other crimes."

 Then he patted his companion on the shoulder, and they turned around, got in the car, started the car, and left.

“You can choose whether to ask my boss to call your boss to ask you to turn around and leave, or to have someone from the military call your boss.”

"I don't know much. I only know that the security guards who patrol the front yard to prevent strangers from breaking in without invitations, and that the security between the core floors of the manor and in the backyard are more complex, I, a young elite of the FBI, are only qualified to do so." Guard the gate." The young man replied with a smile.

"I think you'd better contact Dorothy inside, the housekeeper of Tommy's house, right away, instead of standing here like a self-righteous fool and obstructing the police. I said, we received a complaint to the police. Come to the scene to investigate." The young policeman leaned forward and tried to put pressure on the other party through body language.

The young man took two steps back and raised his hands: "Wow, relax, you two, please allow me to slowly lift up the hem of my suit."

"What did Mr. Hawke's girlfriend help him give birth to? The next president of the United States?" the old policeman asked the young FBI.

The two policemen checked each other's IDs, and even used the walkie-talkie to call the police station to ask for confirmation from the FBI. After confirming the identity of the other party, they returned the IDs. The old policeman looked at the large private parking lot in the distance. At this moment, the parking lot was full of license plates. There were luxury cars from all over the United States, and there were a dozen young men who were obviously security personnel patrolling the venue.

"FBI." The young man took out his ID from his suit pocket and handed it to the two of them: "I don't know why you are here, but I want to say that the FBI has other plans for everything that happened today. In order to avoid the two of you... There are plans that may affect the FBI. I can't let you go in to visit the elephants now. Officer, why don't you find a reason to tell the neighbors and be more tolerant."

Before the other party had time to speak, a black and white Bell business helicopter had already flown in from a distance. When it passed over the heads of the three people, the air flow blew their hair messy and fluttering. The helicopter flew straight into the roof of the Eagle's Nest Manor and stopped. Ping.

The policeman looked at the calm front yard behind the other person, and then at the other person's smile: "Just to help the elephant go to the dentist?"

The old policeman looked around, and the young policeman thought he was the waiter Tommy had hired to serve as a doorman today: "Someone called the police and said they heard an elephant screaming inside. Let's investigate."

“Yes, it’s just to help the elephant see a dentist.” The young man nodded:

The two policemen nodded while holding the handles of their guns. The young man slowly opened the hem of his suit, revealing a gun on his waist. On the holster, the metal badge of the FBI shone in the bright California sunshine.

“Call Kenny from B4, the chief asked you two to pack up and get out of there.” At this time, the walkie-talkie on the old policeman’s shoulder rang, and a female voice said.

As if he knew that the police were coming to rescue him, there was indeed another elephant's neighing inside.

 The young policeman shrugged at the young man: "Did you hear that?"

"Two police officers." Beside the main entrance of Eagle's Nest, which was large enough for two trucks to drive in side by side, a young man in a suit flashed out and greeted the two police officers with a smile: "Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

  After hanging up the communication, the old policeman looked at the young man: "It seems that your boss or someone else has already called our boss."

"Of course, there is an elephant inside that is visiting the dentist. Just like humans, it always makes some painful noises when visiting the dentist." The young man had no intention of letting the two of them go in, and continued with a smile: "My opinion is, Just let it receive treatment without interruption.”

The old policeman stared at the FBI for a few seconds, then picked up the walkie-talkie and responded: "B4 received it, getting ready to leave."

Although he has never met Tommy, he has met Dorothy, the housekeeper of this mansion. She once called the police. When several neighbor children came to visit the zoo, they played a game of hide-and-seek. A naughty little The boy was never found after he hid it. In the end, Dorothy called the police and asked the police for help. She stood in the courtyard gate and used a megaphone to call the little boy to come out. Dorothy and the boy's parents really didn't want to waste time and searched carefully on their own. Completed more than a hundred rooms.

When the police car drove out of sight, the young FBI agent reported through the air headset: "The two police officers received a complaint from a community resident and came to investigate. They have already left. Can't you let the elephant learn to shut up?"

"The guests don't want the elephant to shut up, so we can only tell those **** residents to shut up. Think of a way to make those idle idiots not in the mood to pay attention to what's going on here. You are the FBI." to respond.

The young man said: "Besides lying and intimidation, what other good ideas can the FBI have? If I were asked to think of a way, I think I would ask my boss to pass an intelligence message to the local police station, saying that there are several brutal black men. The murderer seems to have escaped to this community. For the sake of the residents of this community, let the police persuade them to go home and pretend to be dead or leave temporarily and stay in a nearby hotel for one night, so that both the elephants and them can enjoy the rare silence."

At this moment, the backyard of the Eagle's Nest was a scene of joy. More than two hundred guests who came to the banquet were attracted by a huge American elephant on the lawn. It was fixed on the ground. Animal keepers and veterinarians were working on it. Busy repairing its damaged and cracked ivory, the veterinarian carefully used a metal ivory sleeve to cover the cracked ivory, and a metal protective sleeve was also made for the sharp tip of the ivory.

Looking from a distance in the sun, it looks like the elephant’s tusks are covered with two huge gold rings and two gold manicures.

After determining the size, the veterinarian took off the braces and looked at Stephen. Stephen stood out among the crowd, opened his arms and looked at the elephant and said:

"Engrave my phone number and a sentence on the two rings: To Elephant Moon, this is the magic ring I gave you. When you encounter any trouble, call this number and I will send my godfather. Help you. Love your Tooth Fairy Jenny.”

Pam, Catherine, Zoe, David, Chris and other CS gang members were taking photos and talking around Otilia. Beside her, a nanny was carefully holding Jenny, who was Otilia and Tommy. A month and a half ago, Ashley helped Tony give birth to a boy named Hans. Ashley, Tony, and little Hans were not able to attend Jenny's party because Ashley and Hans recently lived in Hawaii and tried to enjoy the happy time with Tony as a family of three.

Stephen came over and gently touched Jenny’s young hand with his hand, his eyes full of love: “Maybe your father can give you everything, but he must not give you this. As long as you don’t go out on the street and violate traffic regulations, you can always do it. The elephant that rides it, think about it, if one day you are sixteen and meet a bad boy who is as bad as me or your dad, and he breaks your heart, then you can ride it This elephant tramples his sports car and his balls, and then lets the elephant call my phone, and I will show up as soon as possible, love you godfather."

 After finishing speaking, Stephen raised Jenny’s little hand and touched it affectionately to his lips.

"When it comes to spending money, compared with Stephen, we can only say that we have no talent. When your good friend gives birth to a daughter, would you think of getting an elephant as a gift to her in the name of rescue and adoption? Obviously I just want Jenny to have the opportunity to ride an elephant openly, but this reason can make the zoo and animal protection organizations all grateful to Jenny for riding an elephant." Jason sighed beside him with sincerity:

"Otilia made the right decision to let Stephen serve as Jenny's godfather. According to Tommy's idea, if Charles becomes Jenny's godfather, the guy's gift to Jenny may only be a book "How High School Girls Avoid Being Yale" Picking Up College Boys—The Autobiography of Charles Salmon.”

Susan, Susie, Holly, Mark, and even Eric, the vice-president of the Stanford SSD fraternity whom they had not seen for a long time, were also among the guests. They were enjoying the afternoon with champagne and all agreed when they heard Jason's words. laughed.

 But the other two characters in Jason's words, Tommy and Charles, were not among the crowd in the backyard.

Al Gore’s wife Mary Tipper Gore was quietly asking Dorothy, the housekeeper at the scene, and her husband Gore was also missing.

“Mr. Gore, accompanied by Mr. Tommy, is visiting Jenny’s nursery,” said Dorothy, smiling.

Colin, the old head of the Hawke family, was holding a bottle of light beer in his hand and was looking for his son Tommy all over the world. This **** already had a daughter, but he had no plans to marry Otilia. If not, Otilia seemed unaffected, and was not prepared to vent his anger on his little granddaughter. He had already pointed a gun at Tommy's head and taught him how to be a responsible man.

"Sophia, where is Tommy?" After wandering around the mansion for a long time, he finally saw Sophia. He knew that Sophia was Tommy's secretary, so he strode over and asked, "What is he doing? He doesn't care about himself. , but that is his daughter, and Otilia, he must give enough respect to his daughter and wife! Instead of hiding in a corner and refusing to come out to see others! "

Sophia smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I am also looking for him. Some guests want to chat with Tommy, you can see, I have no idea where he is hiding in the house. His phone number is on Page In his hand, Page didn’t say what he was doing, only that he would show up when the banquet officially started.”

"What is he going to do? Dennis came with me and Pam, but Dennis didn't see anyone, and only Pam was left in the backyard." Colin said suspiciously: "They shouldn't be planning any pranks, it's best not to That, because I'd kill them if their lame pranks scared my granddaughter."


"I didn't let Big George volunteer for so long just to play a prank. Big George sacrificed too much in order to better help them." In the conference room on the top floor of the Eagle's Nest, Tommy stood in front of a huge round table. He placed his hands on the table, leaned forward, and looked at the people surrounding the table.

At the table, Charles, Gore, Ted, Dennis and a dozen other white men of various ages were being introduced by Tommy and looked at the strong white man named Big George standing behind him. .

 “Are you going to hang black people in an open and honest manner?” Dennis, who was enjoying a special vacation, patted the table with his hands lightly and looked at Tommy.

His straightforward question made everyone look at him. Noticing everyone's gaze, Dennis shrugged: "Sorry, should I not know? I mean, although Tommy took the oath at the headquarters back then, I haven’t joined SSD yet, but I later joined SSD at West Point. My former president once said that there was a fool at the headquarters who made such an impossible oath to clear himself. He didn’t name his name. I could guess it was Tommy, because he said that the other party had a grandfather who once helped count the number of black people killed by each member of the Ku Klux Klan and distributed bonuses. Tommy’s grandfather did this. Let me add that my grandfather was in charge. The one who provided the weapons and fuel, who knew how to burn down a nigger’s house with the least amount of gasoline and Molotov cocktails, and who was so calculating that everyone praised him.”

"This is no joke. Tommy's oath was more difficult than Mr. Hull's oath to kill the Jews at the meeting. What he said was just and aboveboard in America, a modern country with advanced civilization, to hang niggas. ." Ted then spoke, drawing everyone's attention to himself:

"Of course, I'm not against it, I just think it's too difficult. If Tommy can fulfill his vows, the General Assembly will, in return, directly promote him to become a member of the Gray Bishops of the SSD Brotherhood General Assembly, but it failed. ?No one will admit it, or even jump out to accuse him of racial discrimination, and he will at least superficially complete the cutting, and Tommy, you! Will lose everything now, why not just give up your trust to your brother, your wealth and existing Assets are enough for the bishops to forgive you for speaking out in your youth."

Charles reached out and patted Ted's shoulder: "Have you not realized that everything this guy has done since he swore an oath is to fulfill his oath, TV, newspapers, and the emerging computer network? He will do everything possible to fulfill his oath." He may be able to control public opinion and portray the killing of **** as legitimate self-defense, but at best it is an excessive defense. You would think he would be greedy for wealth. No, this **** is coveting the position of the General Conference of Bishops. He becomes a member of the General Conference through such a difficult means of taking oaths. If you have an inner idol, you can either die or convince the old guys in the Bishops’ Conference to send those of us here to the seats of the Bishops’ Conference. At that time, the more than 20,000 living SSD members will be his wealth.”

As he spoke, he looked at Tommy who was standing in front of the round table: "To fulfill his trust to brothers, he has the opportunity to become the youngest member of the bishopric since the founding of SSD except for the original college student founders, and now the youngest member of the total. The member of the bishopric is also fifty-two years old. If he succeeds, he can convince all members that he is omnipotent and then be willing to follow his advice and survive those old guys. He is the gray pope of SSD. Now, he is Trying to complete his papal coronation.”

"He is standing here, not talking about giving up. He has already allowed the big man named Big George and the neighborhood safety mutual aid volunteer organization he established to successfully instigate a Korean to shoot and kill an underage nigger. Such incidents will continue to happen in the future. And his BT TV network is trying hard to make **** pay attention to these things Koreans do." A thin middle-aged white man chewed a cigar and spoke in an indifferent tone, spitting out every word that came out between his lips and teeth. A puff of smoke.

Seeing the confused looks from some people, Charles explained: "Edward Phelps, who once joined the SSD chapter of the University of Wyoming, was nicknamed Little Furball because he stood in front of the main entrance of black fraternities and sororities during Hell Week. He was expelled for performing a performance about white people auctioning off male and female slaves. The SSD chapter of the University of Wyoming at the time did not help him make any defense to the school. Later, he was admitted to Yale and joined the KSig fraternity, which was slightly more extreme than the SSD. Yes, it is the Star and Moon Club. He is the brother of my future father-in-law, Mr. Cheney. However, SSD did not expel his membership. We removed him from his position as the head of the SSD branch of the University of Wyoming, so he has both SSD and KSig. identity."

Hearing about the KSig Brotherhood, the people present who had just expressed doubts were relieved. If SSD was still quietly nostalgic for the white robe era of the Ku Klux Klan, KSig Xingyue Society was a big fan of its philosophy.

In particular, the KSig chapters of universities in southern states have two shows a year that are so big that they are not allowed to perform on campus, and they must rent a venue to perform off-campus. One program is about the conquest of America by white cowboys, and half of the members perform. One half of the majestic cowboy played the role of an Indian who was chased, hunted, and eventually scalped. The other part of the show was about how white people sold black slaves and how black slaves were lucky enough to come to American farms from poor Africa. Without the threat of Indians, The story of enjoying a happy life despite harassment.

The most exciting and unsurpassed performance recognized by KSig came from a performance at a Mississippi university in 1969. At that time, local blacks and people of color were seeking racial equality through street marches and other methods. KSig members wanted to fight and ensure that the performance was exciting and Shocked, the members of the meeting got real Indian scalps to put on their heads, and acted out how white people cut off the scalps of countless black people and people of color while they were marching, cursing the black people for not understanding the love and care of white people for them.

It is a pity that the black people who marched at that time adhered to the instructions of the organizers and actually held back their anger and did not beat up these discriminators.

Otherwise, KSig actually ambush some lawyers with membership status nearby as witnesses, some white police officers and white "enthusiastic citizens" who happened to be passing by. Just waiting for the black people to dare to attack the performers, the enthusiastic citizens and policemen went out with guns to legally rescue them. Poor white people being mobbed by black people.

This notorious fraternity has not produced a U.S. president, but it has produced 21 U.S. governors, eight senators, five state supreme court justices, and more than 30 white politicians who have served as state attorney generals. , and almost all from the southern states.

To put it simply, SSD can still treat pure white people, Jews who do not believe in Judaism and convert to Catholicism or Christianity as white people and absorb them, but KSig even shuts out white Jews. Local black people or people of color see young people Wearing a vest with the word KSig, you will take the initiative to walk around. If a police shooting of a black man occurs in a southern state, and if the policeman who shot the gun went to college, then eight out of ten will have joined KSig in college.

 Charles’s father-in-law, Dick Cheney, is the highest-ranking living member of the fraternity in politics.

“It’s the Allies, like the United States and Britain in World War II, and **** are **** Nazis.” Ted said with a smile.

“So what happened to the Korean guy after he killed the little nigger?” asked another voice.

"The boss asked my neighborhood mutual aid organization to donate money to the California Justice Fund. At the same time, we are also preparing to collect evidence to testify in court and are working hard to achieve a situation where the Korean guy is acquitted." Big George raised his head behind Tommy , said with an honest smile: "The trial was supposed to be held within half a year, but the boss felt that this was unfriendly to **** and wanted to give them the right to participate in the trial. He hoped to see that the jury could have more than half of niggas, and those **** would be righteous." The rhetoric suggested that the court sentence the Korean man to life imprisonment, but the judge ultimately rejected the image of the jury choosing to release the Korean man in court. If the skin color of the jury members is changed, the time may be longer."

"Tommy knows how to flirt with niggers. Think about it, those **** who are constantly being pushed by the BT TV network must think that the jury has a majority of **** and they are sure to win. However, the white judge informed them at the last minute that Fuck the jury, I have the right to reject the jury's opinion. I usually respect the jury, but today I am going to change my mood. I announce that the poor little **** died of suicide and the defendant was acquitted." The man named Edward The white man took off his cigar and grinned happily.

"Discussing this matter today, isn't it a bit...I mean to Jenny, we are not respectable uncles. We didn't even prepare elaborate gifts, we were just discussing carefully about niggas." Gore started He smiled and said, "Tommy?"

Tommy straightened up, walked to a window, and looked down at his daughter in Otilia's arms in the backyard: "Genesis, Genesis Hawke, my daughter's name is Genesis." It’s Hebrew and means creation. How could I have thought of giving my little angel such a name? Because I feel that creating a better world for her, a new world where **** know how to fear, is the most important thing for me. The best birth gift for her father."

 (End of this chapter)

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