American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 305: Kanevan's conversion to Buddhism

Chapter 305 The reasons why Kane-Fan converted to Buddhism

After Jason received a call from Tommy informing him that Charles was coming, Jason hurried over and pushed open the door of the conference room. As a result, he was hugged tightly by Ted and Tommy who were hiding behind the door. Afterwards, Jason was sitting at the conference table just now. The handsome Charles stood up after adjusting his suit, moved his two palms, and finally put his **** and index finger up, and stabbed Jason's buttocks **** the table:

 “Long live Sparta!”

The entire WinStar company is said to have heard a beast-like howl that day.

After laughing and reminiscing with Ted and Char, whom he had not seen for a long time, Jason dragged his numb **** half to sit next to Tommy and looked at Tommy. Tommy nodded slightly and received Tommy's reply. Signing, Jason then looked at Charles sitting opposite, said with a straight face: "No matter what you want to talk about, Tommy doesn't know anything, whether it's AmigaOS or some recent PR activities about Stanford, if you want to know , ask me, I am the Boss."

“Are you sure?” Charles looked at Jason, raised the index and middle fingers of his left hand and shook them at him, and asked with a smile.

 Jason shrugged, leaned back in his chair and said, "Just as sure as you are sure your four fingers know my rectal temperature, Charles."

"OK, so actually in May, when Gorbachev and his wife Raisa Gorbacheva visited the United States, we had a meeting specially arranged for his wife in an independent itinerary, and you came to chat with her. Chatting, right?" Charles said, looking at Jason.

 Jason was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Tommy, and lowered his voice and said uncertainly: "Didn't you tell me that you had done some public relations work on AmigaOS when the Soviets came to Stanford University?"

“It’s indeed done. Professor Condoleezza did it, and Dennis also helped a lot.” Tommy said to Jason.

Jason frowned: "Then why the **** did Charles ask me to chat with Gorbachev's wife? Haven't you seen Hollywood movies about the Soviet Union? The KGB is omnipotent, and I don't want to get involved in anything weird. Weird espionage stuff, and I don’t want to have an affair with the wife of the Soviet president and then be silenced by KGB agents who can crawl out of sewers, vents, and even **** shoes.”

 “Jason, the direction of your anger has gone astray.” Tommy said helplessly.

Jason picked up the cigarette and lit one, then raised his head to look at Charles and changed his tone: "You're here to collect the benefits, right? I don't understand, don't your father-in-law and the president get any salary? Mr. You are looking for an opportunity to take advantage of us small businessmen! We have already paid Dennis a large amount, and he seems to have done a small favor for the president. I thought you were here to show the president's return for his kindness to us."

 “It’s right this time.” Tommy nodded happily.

Charles opened his hands and gave Jason an innocent look: "That was just the ticket, now we are talking about business. Gorbachev mainly visited Stanford University's infrastructure at Stanford. He was interested in the West Coast." An American politician delivers a speech at a dinner about politics and cooperation between the two countries, and then goes to the next place. From late May to the first week of June, his schedule in the United States is very full, and the advertising salesman cannot Too likely to find too much time to market to him.”

Gorbachev's visit is that the United States wants to show goodwill and values ​​to Gorbachev, and wants to convey a concept. Even if the Soviet Union seems to have problems with some of its member countries, the United States absolutely does not want to see it. The Soviet Union collapsed.

Of course, this is correct. The disintegration that the United States wants to see is for the entire huge country to completely stop, arouse national hatred, and allow war to break out among the Soviet Union countries. Because of that kind of disintegration, no matter what reason the United States chooses to use to connect , are all real talkers, but now, although the various countries in the Soviet Union seem to be clamoring for independence, their armies, factories, and intelligence agencies are still working normally. If the Soviet Union peacefully disintegrates under order, That's definitely not the best answer America wants to see.

This is the reason why the United States invited Gorbachev to visit the United States, to support him to withstand the pressure and expand a little more freedom as much as possible. If he needs it, Mr. President would not mind visiting those participating countries to help Gorbachev stand up A station.

  When the United States is sure that it is ready for full-scale intervention and has the ability to set off a strong enough anti-Soviet democratic wave in the major Soviet Union countries, it will then disintegrate more freely.

Therefore, the United States attaches great importance to inviting the other party to visit the United States this time. At this time, the Secretary of State has flown to Moscow in person to discuss and finalize the details of this visit to the United States. After the other party arrives, he will share all the wonderful things born in the United States based on the free system. Bring things out for the other party to appreciate, so that he can see the smiling faces of Americans wherever he goes, and let him feel that the free world is ready to accept the Soviet Union.

“So we want to discuss business with his wife?” Jason exhaled a puff of smoke: “How? How about I ask her to be the vice chairman?”

Charles smiled and said: "Compared to Gorbachev, his wife Raisa is obviously a more suitable business partner. She was born in the Soviet Union. As the first lady of the Soviet Union, she longs to be as high-profile as the first lady of the United States. And freedom, in fact she did the same, living a very luxurious and flamboyant life. During her previous visit to London, the Soviet First Lady bought hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of luxury goods at Harrods Department Store and wore them the next day. She didn't care about being caught on camera at all. The first ladies of the Soviet Union's member countries were like her maids. As long as she wanted to, she could call the first ladies of Ukraine or Romania at three o'clock in the middle of the night, shout them out, and use high-level encryption to make direct calls. Chat just to let the other person help you analyze which dress is more beautiful."

“She has a very relaxed schedule while in the United States, right?” Tommy sighed and asked Charles.

 Charles did not nod, but just looked at Tommy with a smile in his eyes: "It depends on the situation, it can be very loose, or it can be the other way around."

"for example?"

"We are considering that, judging from the dates, it is possible to have the two first ladies of the United States and the Soviet Union attend the graduation ceremony of a university's women's college at the same time and deliver speeches. After the end, representatives from the school will be able to meet with the two in the next four hours. The first lady will talk about the status and development of women in modern society. I think you will be interested. It will be four hours, four hours without interruption."

Tommy nodded: "Okay, if I want to be a cowherd who serves two old women with my mouth for four hours, what is the price?"

"AmigOS has some interests in Europe and the Soviet Union. I mean, if you agree, Ms. Barbara Bush is willing to continue to help WinStar promote certain projects in Eastern Europe or the Soviet Union four hours away. She is very willing to do that."

“That thing hasn’t been launched yet, who told her it would make money?” Jason interjected dissatisfiedly from the side.

Charles looked at Jason and lightly tapped the brooch on his suit with his finger: "I, I told her, it doesn't matter if it's about making money, anyway, the money-burning stage has been completed, and we can't miss the money-making stage, it's nothing more than The difference between making more and making less.”

“Why don’t you **** tell the president and his wife to just send a team of moving companies to move everything back home, Charles.”

Charles took a sip of coffee and said in a relaxed tone: "If you really can decide everything as you boasted just now, you can say No to me, Jason, as far as I know, Microsoft is very interested. If not The previous Murdoch group made them happy to work with, and I won't be here."

"Tommy, what should we do? This is quite different from the judgment we made during our previous internal discussions." Jason could no longer pretend to be the boss who could decide everything in front of Charles, and turned to look at Tommy next to him.

"KeyBank and the Peace Corps, you haven't mentioned it, have you?" Tommy rubbed his face hard and looked at Charles.

 Charles nodded slightly: "Of course."

"Thank you, I mean no problem." Tommy breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Charles said: "The release of AmigOS will be held before Gorbachev and his wife visit the United States. As for which university's graduation ceremony will be lucky? With two first ladies here, can I know now?"

“Temporarily considering Wellesley College for Women in Massachusetts.”

"You're a **** provocative bastard, Charles, your girlfriend must be in ecstasy on your hands!" After Tommy heard Charles say the name of the school, he grinned at him and raised his middle finger, then turned to the corner Page said:

"Page, go out and ask Sophia to find out what projects Professor Robert Keohane of the Hoover Center for International Political Economics at Stanford University needs financial support for recently. Ask him how much research funding I need to support my big belly." Girlfriend holds some legitimate title at Wellesley College for Women... Wait a minute, don't bother Otilia, it's Ms. Delia Keyes, I won't let my angel use her pretty young face and smooth His skin ruined the good mood of two old women."

Page, who was leaning against the wall, straightened up and walked out of the conference room.

After Tommy watched Paige leave, he turned to Charles and Jason: "So, there must be some old men like Paige and old women like Delia around us. I like Delia. Four As a teenager, she still has charm in bed. As long as she wants to do it, she will definitely have a way to make my club stand up, and it will not cause too much hostility from the president's wives. As long as she changes into old-fashioned clothes, After staying up for two nights without sleeping and appearing without a face, she will immediately become the kind of harmless same-sex friend that the president's wife likes most. By the way, I will also let VOX live broadcast the speeches of the two first ladies around the world, free of charge. "

“What’s the connection between women’s colleges and professors at Stanford?” Jason asked Tommy confused.

Charles said: "The professor's wife also worked at Stanford University before and served as the chairperson of the school's faculty senate. Eight years ago, she was solemnly recommended by Stanford University to serve as the president of that women's university. In the education world of American universities, she is considered a real The Stanford faction.”


“Meaning that you donate to Stanford University, you can also make that university think favorably of you.”

Charles didn't have much time to stay at Stanford to reminisce about campus life. After getting answers from Tommy and Jason, he got up and said goodbye and returned to Washington. After seeing off Charles, Tommy continued the meeting and discussion with Jason, Suzy and Ted without stopping. Regarding subsequent operating system releases, Jason was still dissatisfied with Charles's big appetite:

"Shareholders may be dissatisfied, Tommy. I mean if one day you can no longer withdraw money, they can use this reason to kill you. If AmigaOS succeeds, it will be a huge profit, big for everyone." Anyone who likes money will be heartbroken.”

Tommy held a cigarette between his fingers: "We can make it back, Jason. The only thing that's different about me is that as long as I want, I can defecate money twenty-four hours a day. If Stephen, Benjamin and the others really find it, It’s very simple to come to them and tell them that by slightly reducing the cost of the computer hardware they sell to Europe and the Soviet Union, such as replacing Intel 386 with AMD 386, you can easily save a lot of money.”

“But AMD’s 386 chip is not strictly legal yet and may be recalled at any time. Its lawsuit with Intel has not yet been concluded.” Jason told Tommy.

“The whole world knows that AMD will win, and Intel also knows it. Let’s get back to the topic, the AmigaOS launch conference. Susie, what do you think?” Tommy looked at Susie and asked. Susie spread out the document at hand and pushed it in front of Tommy: "According to what you said before, this is the plan and general process designed by me and everyone. The key words are probably female, user-friendly, confrontation with tradition, breaking order, and new world. "

Tommy took it and looked through it, and said, "We need to slightly adjust the scale of the press conference."

"for example?"

"Treat the press conference as part of the product and take it seriously. Don't stand on the stage and do a lot of things like you thought before, and then let the big screen show the photos, and then the paid audience will Take the lead in applauding. If more budget is needed, the company will agree, but your plan should be really attractive. If you can surprise and respect the Gorbachev couple in the Soviet Union after the press conference, then Even better, do I want more?"

"Because you mentioned the additional budget first, I think it's very reasonable." Susie smiled at Tommy and said, "Then I'll have a meeting with them. I can see that you are in a hurry."

 After saying that, Susie stood up and walked out.

After seeing Suzy leave, Tommy whispered in Jason's ear: "Jason, when you sense that the time is right, ask Suzy to release a few Microsoft system vulnerabilities she has mastered before to help Microsoft increase its popularity. The consequences will be the worst." Fortunately, a large enough company has suffered losses because of its adoption of Microsoft systems. She is only a part-time employee of the federal security department, right? It is normal for leaks to occur in the process of reporting security vulnerabilities."

 “My beautiful girlfriend might lose her job.”

"Of course, I understand what you mean." Tommy nodded in agreement: "So what should you do if Susie loses her job?"

Jason sighed and looked at Tommy: "Maybe, I would say we should get married?"

“Correct answer.” Tommy looked at Jason and said with a smile: “This unemployment compensation is not bad for her, right? It’s not bad for you, either.”

 After finishing speaking, Tommy looked at Ted opposite who was about to doze off:

"Ted, Jason will contact you after he's done with it. Then you have to send your most reliable reporter to follow up on the vulnerability news provided by Jason, and then look through Microsoft's scandals or negative news over the years. You don't want to go to Microsoft." Trouble, but the news is to tell everyone what happened, report it truthfully, and if you are sued, don’t worry, Jason will pay the fee generously, you know what to do, right?”

"No matter which country Gorbachev visited, he always had the habit of asking people to buy the top-selling local newspapers and look at which pages the news about his visit was placed." Ted yawned, feeling weak. said:

“Anyway, tell him that Microsoft is an uncomfortable **** that happened to fall on his head.”

Tommy nodded: "Yes, that's it."

Ted lightly tapped the table with his hands a few times, shrugged, stood up and walked out.

After Jason was the only one left in the room, Tommy tiredly leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't open your mouth and let me enjoy the rare quiet time, Jason."

"But Stephen called us before and invited us to the premiere of his new movie, which is about the holiday activities of a group of you high school students. How long are you sure you can enjoy the silence? Suzy and I have both received the invitation, and I I guess you should also be invited." Jason said next to him:

 “Also, Charles…”

"Don't discuss Charles's problem, Jason. Charles has paid a lot for us. Believe me, he didn't make profits for himself, nor did he exploit us in exchange for the respect of those big shots. He tried his best to provide us with the best solution." Tommy Rubbing his eyebrows, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Page walking into the conference room. He cursed dejectedly and stood up from his seat slowly:

“I guess I have to deal with the old woman before I go to the premiere of a bad movie.”


Delia Keys opened the door of the suite at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Then he threw away his handbag, took off his brand-name high heels, and slumped down on the sofa in the living room without any elegance. He put his feet directly on Tommy's thighs and turned his head to look at the TV that was turned on. A video was playing on the screen. This is a small movie on a premium channel that looks like a crudely made soft comedy science fiction film.

"I'm not in the mood, Tommy." Delia looked away, closed her eyes and said, "And the picture quality is terrible, but the male protagonist has good muscles."

"Of course, that's good. That's the male protagonist, Lustful Man. The movie cost 470,000 US dollars and earned 5.3 million at the box office. The title of the movie is "The Adventures of the Crane Ship". Can you imagine? I definitely don't want to hear the name. The movie I watched didn’t have any famous movie stars, but it sold more than five million at the box office and made the company a lot of money. That was 1974, and in 1990, my dear good friend Stephen , a biopic that cost more than 30 million to shoot, and hired Hollywood stars such as Matt Dillon and Dane Lane, but it is estimated that the first-week box office of the finished film may not exceed that of this bad movie. "Tommy. His face was also full of fatigue, and he was staring at the picture on the TV.

 “What do you want to say?” Delia stepped on Tommy’s leg muscles with her foot and smiled with her eyes closed.

Tommy looked at the TV screen: "I want to say that just a movie about a group of amateurs showing off their muscles and **** can earn more than five million. How stingy is Stephen to the audience? If Diane Lane shows her muscles, she will definitely be More than five million, right? Stop trying to make money off American moviegoers by showing them some **** artistry, like this great 1999 Gossip Show, showing off pretty blond girls’ cunts.”

Stephen's Hollywood career is still going on, and although the movie is as bad as ever, the ratings for "The Apprentice" are very good, thanks to Tommy, Jason and Bert, Stanford alumni who contributed a lot to the show. It’s a joke. The audience didn’t regard them as really starting a business, but more like watching a sitcom. Turner TV Network is even preparing to discuss the possibility of producing a second season with Stephen’s company. The current difficulty is where to find the second season. In the first season, there are three highly educated Stanford talents with no lower limit and super mobility.

Stanford University is said to be preparing to send a formal letter to Stephen's company to express dissatisfaction. Stanford University supplies a large number of high-quality talents to the society every year, but Stephen, as an alumnus, deliberately vilifies Stanford graduates. The school believes that Tommy, Jason and Bert They did that series of actions at the request of the show. If they encounter trouble after the show is broadcast and need legal assistance, Stanford Law School is willing to open its door.

Even though he was about to be blacklisted from Stanford University, Stephen was still complacent. He had even called Tommy very happily before to tell Tommy that his company had made a profit from "The Apprentice", which showed that he was born to be a film and television producer.

Tommy didn't bother to remind that idiot. That was because he didn't even think about paying the three leading actors, and the books only showed a slight surplus.

“Sofia called me and said that you were going to let me chat with the two first ladies at Wellesley College for Women. That’s why I came all the way. Otherwise, I would have drank a few glasses of whiskey and lay down to sleep.”

Tommy picked up a document bag on the coffee table and handed it to Delia: "The information is inside. It doesn't matter if you take your time and read it after you have a good rest. It's not too much, just over a hundred pages."

  Then he moved Delia's feet off his legs, stood up and prepared to walk out.

Delia saw Tommy preparing to leave and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I went to Los Angeles to attend the premiere of Stephen's **** movie as a character prototype, and falsely praised him for how great the film was. After that, I went back to Stanford University to stay for a while. I probably won't show up until AmigaOS is launched. After all, I still have a lot of work to do, such as treating my classmates to takeout pizza, or playing games with professors? Make sure they feel respected enough by me and can work better for me."

“I said I was very tired,” Delia said with emphasis.

Tommy frowned in embarrassment: "I didn't bother you, I was just about to say goodbye, madam."

“I think you should probably take a shower.” Delia winked at him.

Tommy's tone was a little dissatisfied: "Hey, you said you were not in the mood to exercise, Ms. Case. You said on the phone that you were not in the mood to exercise, so I came to see you with confidence."

“What I mean when I say I’m not in the mood to exercise is that you exercise in bed, and I try to stay as still as possible. The doctor said I’m approaching menopause and I’m in urgent need of comfort.”

“I now understand why your assistant, Mr. Kane-Fan, converted to Buddhism at the age of thirty.”

 (End of this chapter)

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