American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 297: Jason and Suzy, the surnamed matriarch of the Hawk family

Chapter 297 Jason and Suzy, the patriarch of the Hawke family

At dusk, Tommy and Jason were sitting on a bench outside the Stanford University shopping mall, drinking soda and eating secret burgers from Stanford University's unique "Ungradable Burger Restaurant".

The reason why this burger restaurant is called this is because the owner is over 40 years old and has not yet obtained a diploma from Stanford University. In fact, he has completed his studies in the next ten years and can definitely graduate, but he no longer wants to graduate and leave Stanford. , after all, the burger restaurant business was very good, and the wife he met when he opened the burger restaurant was very beautiful, and she was an associate professor at Stanford University at the time.

 A normal man would not want to leave again.

And Jason's prodigal girlfriend Susie and Sophia, who nominally served as their shopping guides, but in fact blatantly took advantage of the two women, rushed into the Stanford Shopping Center opposite to go shopping.

"Is the university in your hometown in Rhode Island like **** Stanford? You can spend tens of thousands of dollars just by taking your girlfriend for a ride on campus?" Jason drank his juice and looked at his My girlfriend, who always attracts attention wherever she goes, said with a tone of doubt about the world:

"I never understood why Stanford University built such a large high-end shopping mall before. How could students have money to spend. Now I understand that they may not want to make money from current students. The huge girlfriend group of Silicon Valley alumni can Keeping their sales at a high level is why Susie urges me to take her back to Stanford campus to experience the campus culture. The cost of returning to my alma mater is not ordinary. Capitalists should be hanged! Let’s make money. All the black hands have actually reached into the campus!"

The Stanford Shopping Center that Jason was cursing stood in front of him now, covering an area of ​​nearly 130,000 square meters. Various high-end luxury brands have opened branches here. As long as you have money, you can shop here. At the center, you can buy everything from real estate, cars, private yachts, to the latest styles of women's underwear from luxury brands.

“It may be that the school is worried that graduates will not be active in donating to their alma mater, so they took remedial measures. If they don’t donate, then try to let those guys spend large amounts of money at the school.” Tommy took a bite of the burger and said in a vague voice.

Jason drank the soda until there was a hissing sound inside the straw, and then he said, "Why do you want to see the professor first? You should know that the professor will not support you. He has been advocating Internet freedom for more than a year or two. , otherwise you think why the United Nations Internet Organization asked him to serve as chairman, you should go back to the company, formulate a business plan, promote the listing of AmigaOS, and then talk about the friendship between teachers and students after the listing."

"Have you been urged by many people in the past two years? After all, the news that Microsoft has birthed nearly 20,000 millionaires seems to have happened yesterday. Those guys are eager to bring that thing to the market, go public to make money, and continue to expand. , and then spin off and go public to make money... I guess to sum up, this is what those guys said to you." Tommy finished eating the burger, stood up and threw the garbage into the trash can. After sitting back down, he slowly said to Jia Sen said:

"What they say to you, if I thought about it, I could do it before they realize it, put the money in their pockets, why would I go and get the **** TV networks, why the **** would Murdoch's Butt, why don’t I just graduate and go back to the company to polish AmigaOS with you? Instead, let Sophia help me sort out the countless meeting minutes faxed to me every day, and waste time reading them slowly, instead of sitting in the meeting with you directly. Excited discussions in the room, just like the ones we had at Actor Company?"

“Because you haven’t tried an old Australian man’s butt?” Jason asked with a smile.

Tommy nodded: "Maybe, the prostitution money gained is quite rich, because when AmigaOS really debuts, the former EFF alliance will no longer exist, and the development of computers will shift from the previous commercial and educational to the Internet and home It is a blue sea as beautiful as the Pacific Ocean. Sharks will swarm in, bite their opponents or be bitten by their opponents until the sea is dyed red. And rely on the existing TV networks and vulgar newspapers to fight In the name of freedom and free, the largest number of ignorant bottom groups can support us and serve as the teeth of our shark."

"Except for your Los Angeles real estate, almost all of the wealth you have acquired in the past few years has been donated in the name of supporting various freedoms and justice. Of course I know that those donations are not purely for freedom and justice, but I don't quite understand. , Tommy, frankly speaking, do you still remember the first time we met? In the E-66 dormitory, we asked each other about the purpose of coming to California to study, and found that our purpose was exactly the same, it was for the hot girls in California, our current wealth..." Jason Having said this, he looked around and leaned into Tommy's ear:

“We can make all the women in California line up to come to our door. From now on, one per day, or even ten per day if you want. It will be enough for us to sleep until we die at the age of ninety without repeating it.”

After saying this, he sat up straight again and asked sanctimoniously: "If you like power, then run for president. If you like wealth, you already have it. Why? Why can't you just follow conventional business methods?" Make money, relax yourself, launch AmgiaOS, and let various departments of the company make plans. Or if you like to decide everything by yourself, you can also go to the company by yourself and stare at various data reports every day. Why do you always give people a very aggressive attitude? impression."

"Jason, what did I say? You lack a sense of social responsibility and only think about women all day long. This is why I am nicknamed the Righteous Man and you are called the Cowherd." Tommy took out the cigarette and gave it to the other party. He said with a smile: "We should use our wealth to help this country become a better place."

 Jason took the cigarette: "Yeah, if what you mean by social responsibility is to send a fool who believes in the flat earth theory to Congress and let this fool build a better America, you did it."

"Do you know what the most attractive thing about America is? It's its democracy and freedom. In this country, we can do whatever we want, right?" Tommy helped Jason light the cigarette, and then lit it himself , minding his own business, he said: "How are your three children who were sent abroad living? Have they ever thought about what they will do when they grow up?"

Jason rolled his eyes: "How do I know? I don't care what they are going to do, just like their mothers don't care if I am still alive. They only care whether Susie can continue to pay child support for me if I die suddenly." , or simply divide all my property."

"Okay, let's take the example of my and Otilia's unborn child. For example, we gave birth to a pure little angel who is as cute as Otilia. He is not interested in the family business at all. When he grows up, he just wants to go to work. As a doctor who treats illnesses and saves people, or a poet who sings about a better life, as a father, of course I have to support his decision. He can do whatever he wants. This is his freedom, but the problem is, if he What should I do if a small accident occurs during an operation and I accidentally kill a dozen patients? Or at a Ku Klux Klan poetry recital meeting, because I successfully composed a new poem and I accidentally burned a few **** to death while adding to the fun, what should I do? ?”

Jason looked at Tommy's solemn expression and scratched his hair in despair: "It's time to consider aborting this child, buddy. A small surgery accident resulted in the death of more than a dozen patients? Are you sure your child is wearing white? Uniform, with a scalpel in his hand? It sounds more like he's wearing a combat uniform and holding an assault rifle in his hand."

"Just to give you an example, right? My little angel is likely to face trouble from the country because of an accident. And if he is a little guy with a very strong self-esteem and chooses to bear all responsibilities as an adult, there is no need to ask for anything. I help, but as a father, do I really stand by and watch?" Tommy explained the case he gave enthusiastically.

This guy's excited expression gave Jason the illusion that when it came to abusing black people, Tommy was even more excited than when talking about women, so as a good friend, he thoughtfully gave the most tacit reply:

"No, of course I can't just sit back and watch. If it were my child, I might apply to the judge to let me carry out the execution with a gun and kill him with my own hands. Man, he killed a dozen patients or burned several black people to death. Even if you kill him, Spending all the money on hiring the best lawyers will not change the fact that he is a criminal."

Tommy glanced at Jason: "You indifferent bastard, you have to understand the meaning of family first. My father often talks about this word, so I think I should help him correct his mistakes."

“According to what you said, your **** kid’s work is comparable to that of terrorists, and sending him to the gallows is the only way for this country to correct its mistakes.” Jason continued to hit him relentlessly.

"If I have billions of dollars in assets and I like women, as you said, I can let a different woman give birth to my child every day until I die completely. Maybe even if I die, there will still be women who won't let me go. Come over to my bird, bite it out of my body, and use it for in vitro fertilization." Tommy sighed, paused for a moment to organize his words, and then spoke again:

“But what about the children? I have to find some more considerate nannies to take care of them. I can make these nannies appear in the small accidents that I gave examples to make sure that the person who made the mistake is the deceased and the country, and it is definitely not my children.”

Jason had a clear expression: "According to your moral character, it is nothing more than lobbying companies to lobby politicians and judges..."

"No, no, no, I mean a live-in nanny, not an hourly worker. Just like your hometown in Mississippi during the Confederate States of America, those plantation owners would always choose close-knit servants of school age to accompany their children to study. Spare money to pay for their college expenses, train them to become lawyers, doctors, sheriffs, etc., and then let the old politicians teach the new generation of subordinates who belong to their children during the process of their children inheriting the family business, and let them run for city elections. President, congressman, governor, attorney general, justice and even the president." Tommy looked at Jason:

"Do you think billions of assets are enough to pay for these high-end nannies? Obviously not enough, not enough. Naturally, they will not help me solve minor accidents encountered by my children and grandchildren. The best way is to integrate them with the Hawke family. , inseparable, just like the state of the five of us during the Actor period, I decide everything, and you are responsible for executing it."

"The Rockefeller family in New York State, right? It looks like it has been dismembered, but it is actually integrated with the entire United States. It has gone from occupying a few aortas to integrating into the entire body. It is everywhere." Jason flicked the ashes of his cigarette and gave Tang Rice's words summed it up: "Don't insult the white plantation owners in Mississippi, they are cleaner than the New Yorkers in the North."

Tommy did not hesitate whether the example he gave was Mississippi or New York, and continued: "It doesn't matter. At that time, if my children burn **** to death, those nannies will only have to be responsible for telling the people. The investigation is very clear, those **** He tied himself to the cross and then lit the gasoline on fire. It was just an ordinary self-immolation incident. It was the dead black men who were at fault. They went to the Ku Klux Klan club and used self-immolation to provoke harassment. The great white poet at the scene was harassed. Severe psychological trauma, this is a serious act of racial discrimination, and the poet is considering claiming compensation for mental damages from the family of the black man who was burned to death."

"Are you going too extreme? As an SSD member, I feel sorry for those **** who self-immolate in your mouth." Jason was satisfied when he heard that after burning a **** to death, the murderer had to claim compensation for mental damages from the family of the deceased. His face showed the expression that he wanted to curse but couldn't:

"So, the nanny fee is far from enough... No, in other words, if you need loyal followers, you need to show strong enough control so that they are willing to believe and defend you, and also let their interests be at odds with yours. Or your family is tied together. Obviously the control ability shown now is not enough in your opinion. Understand, the United States is really a free, democratic and attractive country. Are you sure this country only attracts human beings? How are these kinds of people attracted?”

After Tommy finished speaking, he shrugged: "After listening to this, it's not difficult to understand why I am always so aggressive, right? It's just that it's not time to stop. When it's time to stop, I will definitely be like the Rockefellers." Just the same, disappear, become one with this country, and spend all day studying how to live longer." "You said so much to me, do you mean to treat me as your retinue?" Jason suddenly rolled his eyes suspiciously, He asked looking at Tommy.

Tommy immediately explained: "No, Dad Jason, you know, I am full of gratitude and admiration for you. You are simply the savior and head of the Hawk family. Without you, I might not even have a diploma from Stanford University." I haven’t gotten it yet.”

 “Don’t stop, keep boasting.”

Tommy continued: "If you don't mind your three illegitimate sons who don't care about life and death, in line with the principle of not wasting, you can study it."

"Go to hell, I...I've been talking nonsense for so long, and you haven't said why you need to see the professor first." Seeing someone sitting down on the bench next to him to rest, Jason changed the subject in time.

"If we don't inform the professor first and bring the Amiga, browser, and MCI-Mail to the market without telling him, Professor Winton's Internet liberal temperament will probably fall out with us right away. If he If he turns his back, the freedom-advocating bosses behind him will also turn their backs. After that, Stanford University will stand on the side of the professors and condemn us. In the end, we will become the public enemies of Silicon Valley, even if we donate all our property and all the tadpoles in our bodies. , I can no longer get the understanding of Stanford and Professor Winton." Tommy also returned to his normal gentle expression and explained:

"But I was like a young boy. I rushed to tell Professor Winton that I had done it. I also asked Stanford University to apply for many related patents. I just wanted to seize the operating system market. What would the professor think of me? In his eyes, Tommy is an arrogant young man who thinks he is confident. This cruel world will teach him a cruel lesson. The patent rights held by Stanford University will definitely be invalidated by the court, and the speed of the ruling will be faster than that of those big universities. The company passed it very quickly, and soon I could see Tommy appearing in front of me with his head downcast. So my image in the professor's mind at this time, although a little greedy and a little impetuous, was not too bad and looked good. It can be saved. All you need to do is take a few more of his Internet courses, listen to his thoughts on Internet freedom, and understand why the Internet needs a free and open environment, and you will immediately become an outstanding young man."

"The problem is, the professor's guess should be very accurate. I have always felt that your patent moat is completely useless. You have to know that the father of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates is a board member of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Both his father and his son are He is a member of the board of directors of this chamber of commerce, and his father is also the president of the Lawyers Union of King County in Seattle and the president of the entire Washington State Lawyers Union. The history of lawyers who went from the union he led to the American judiciary is simply worse than the California girls I have been with. More, otherwise why do you think Microsoft settled in Seattle and rarely loses plagiarism lawsuits? You use patent rights to try to delay the speed, just like Suzy tried to stop me from taking off her clothes. Before I could do anything, the clothes had already fallen off. Go down." After listening to Tommy's words, Jason immediately gave another difficult question:

“There was a small company whose software functions were plagiarized by Microsoft. The company thought it was a sure win, but the lawyer and the company owner violated some weird state law in Seattle and were deported by the state police. They were unable to attend the court ruling on time. In the end, it was delayed until Microsoft found favorable evidence for a comeback. The original claim was 80 million, but Microsoft only needed to settle out of court and pay a few million."

Jason's experience working in Silicon Valley in the past few years has given him a clear understanding of Microsoft's power in the industry. Therefore, Tommy said that using patent rights as a moat to delay the entry of major companies such as Microsoft and Apple was completely useless. It may take a year or more for other companies to go through the normal process of litigation, but Microsoft can file a lawsuit at least three times faster because it has lawyers and judges, and behind it is the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, a huge organization willing to help it in court. Served as amicus curiae.

Tommy blew out the last puff of smoke and then put out the cigarette butt: "You know that the father of Charles's girlfriend Liz became the Minister of Defense, right."

"That's not a secret. All the SSD brothers know it." Jason said: "The Secretary of Defense can't control how the court decides."

"Do you know what happened when Murdoch withdrew from the United States and liquidated his assets? A female actor friend of mine named Sandra Bullock suddenly took a stake in FireWire for her father who was too busy and became the Ted Newspaper Company. 's partner is the largest shareholder of the Washington Post, with Ted's family holding the second largest shareholding." Tommy looked at Jason with some regret and said softly.

Jason nodded in understanding: "Hold it for Charles' future father-in-law?"

"Patent rights are for potential resisters like professors who are obsessed with scientific research, but to deal with those big companies, truly powerful machines are needed." Tommy did not deny it, but before he could continue, Suzy, Sophia, and Quinn The man walked out of the shopping mall carrying large and small bags. Susie shook her arms at the two of them and asked, "How are you two gentlemen? What are you talking about?"

"We are discussing that WinStar is going to hire you as vice president and head of new product launch, and Jason agreed." Tommy said to Susie without blinking.

Jason quickly turned around and asked Tommy in a low voice: "When did you tell me this?"

"Your girlfriend's identity and experience are more in line with the interpretation of freedom. Her publicity can greatly reduce the dissatisfaction of the Internet nerds who advocate open source and openness towards us, and turn it into sympathy. After all, Susie is just a self-taught hacker. , has not received higher education, is a weak female, and when the time comes Suzy will come forward to explain why WinStar asked Stanford University to register the patent. She will say that she has never gone to university, she is self-study, she does not have a thorough understanding of Internet freedom, and she did not register it herself. Instead of making profits from patents, she chose to register at Stanford University, which she has always admired, because of her desire for the knowledge palace of Stanford University and Silicon Valley. When the product is launched, she is willing to go to Stanford University and Silicon Valley for further study, and then vaguely mentions her part-time job, such as this For a while, I have been working as a vice president and an SM queen in Silicon Valley at the same time, hoping to use my part-time job to absorb the nutrients of Silicon Valley geniuses. Believe me, fools will fall for this trick."

“I’m going to make a small movie for the company, and my girlfriend is going to be a queen for the company? This is not the patriarch of the Hawke family with a foreign surname. This is a *slave with a foreign surname of the Hawke family!” Jason stared and glared at Tommy.

“Didn’t Jason say that he would let me come to Stanford University for further study?” Susie was stunned for a moment when she heard Tommy’s words, and then saw the two of them whispering furtively and walking suspiciously from a distance.

"Jason has changed his mind." Tommy said with a smile on Susie's face, and then lowered his voice and said to Jason: "It's not like you really want Susie to receive guests anymore, just like you don't really sell short movies. It’s just a gimmick, in short, you agree, I will pay for Susie’s consumption today.”

"No, your studies have been delayed. Tommy and I need your help." When Jason heard Tommy's words, he immediately stood up and said to his girlfriend with a smile.

Susie looked at Jason with confusion on her face: "What kind of help? Vulnerability detection of AmigaOS? The security of that system is pretty good, not as riddled with holes as Windows."

Jason pushed Suzy toward the shopping mall: "No, you are helping me. Go back and continue shopping. If the purchase is less than one million, you are not allowed to walk out of that door! First, ask the property owner if this mall is for sale. If so, , we bought the whole building! Go! Now!”

Sofia held Quinn's shoulders at this time and looked at the suddenly bold Jason in surprise: "Can the two of us do it too?"

Jason turned to look at Tommy, who turned to look at the sunset in the distance. Jason could only try his best to put on an envious expression, and said in a bewitching tone: "Tommy won't let me replace him." You pay the bill, but he insists on handing over his credit cards to you, one for each of you."

"Thank you, Tommy, this is the most generous you have ever been!" After hearing this, Sophia smiled in surprise, and then immediately dragged Quinn to follow Suzy's footsteps and disappeared into the crowd of people in the shopping mall.

“Why didn’t she come over to get your card?” Jason looked at Tommy in confusion: “Sophia has been brainwashed by you to the point of working for you at her own expense?”

Tommy looked at Jason with an idiot look: "Silly*, is there a possibility that it's because my card, cash and even **** Trojan are all in her bag!"

After cursing, Tommy got up and walked away. After walking a few steps, he returned to Jason and said, "Lend me ten dollars."

 “What to do?” Jason looked at Tommy in confusion.

Tommy looked into the distance and said the question he was thinking in a philosopher's tone: "BDP is giving away a big gift today. I want to go there and think about a question, that is, I have watched it for four consecutive years and why I am not tired of it yet. "

 (End of this chapter)

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