American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 286: shoot yourself

Chapter 286 Shoot yourself

 At Marshall Country Club in Los Angeles, Tommy carefully selected golf clubs.

Next to him, Al Gore, who was wearing the same golf uniform as Tommy, was leaning on his hips and looking at the undulating green in front of him. He said lightly: "You know that when that guy Clinton was governor, he would only go to white-only golf clubs. How did the scandal come to light?”

"It doesn't matter, he has already solved it, hasn't he? He is now popular with those black people. Who the **** cares if he would never appear on the same golf course with black people before." Tommy chose a club. He waved it twice in his hand and said.

Al Gore looked at Tommy and laughed: "Because he is so stingy in tipping, that guy always thinks that his ugly face can make women happy."

"As far as I know, there are indeed many black girls who fantasize about having **** with him. It's very interesting to say that although this guy refuses to play ball with black people, he does not object to sleeping with black people. This guy is a hypocritical white man. Real white people should be as self-disciplined as I am and can withstand temptation." Tommy straightened up and looked into the distance and said.

 “It’s about tipping and being stingy, Tommy,” Gore said.

"Thank you for reminding me that the tip I gave you was a little low, so I hope I can compensate you with something. How about this alloy club?" Tommy grinned and looked at Al Gore He shook the golf club in his hand and said.

This is the supporter he has chosen, an SSD alumni brother he can trust. He is 41 years old and in the prime of life. In fact, Gore does not lack support. This guy is a hereditary senator. Even if the Gore family in Tennessee is not as good as the Kennedy or The hereditary politicians of Bush and Roosevelt have prominent families, but they are also veteran powerful men in Congress, and they are by no means unknown.

Grandfather Allen Gore graduated from Cumberland University in Tennessee and is an SSD alumnus. He graduated and became a practicing lawyer. During the Spanish-American War, he joined the Tennessee Volunteer Corps as an infantry captain and went to the battlefield in Cuba. After the war, he served in a Tennessee court. The judge later ran to become a member of Congress, but died of lung disease not long after he became a senator.

 Father Albert Gore, now also known as Old Gore, graduated from Tennessee State University, SSD alumnus, former U.S. Senator, visiting professor at Vanderbilt University, director of the board of directors of Occidental Petroleum Company, and vice president.

Speaking of Old Gore, we need to focus on the patriarch of the Gore family. Although Old Gore lost his father's protection early, he was lucky to have a godfather named Cordell Hull, who was also recognized by American politicians as The patriarch of the Gore family.

Cordell Hull is a college alumnus of the elder Gore's father, Allen Gore, and brothers at the same time at SSD. During the Spanish-American War, they signed up to join the army and went to war together. After the war, one became a judge and the other a lawyer. They can be called Tennessee Unparalleled twins in the judiciary, they complement each other perfectly.

 Later, they both entered Congress. Unfortunately, Alan Gore died too early. Before his death, he asked his good brother Cordell Hull to take care of his heirs.

In order to better take care of the family of his deceased friend, Hull did not get married until he was forty-five years old, and he never had any children in his life. He raised Gore as his own son.

Hull was the longest-serving Secretary of State in U.S. history. President Roosevelt repeatedly praised him in public as his strongest ally. This was true. At his peak, Hull was so powerful that if he didn’t nod, the South would The Democratic Party would not vote for Roosevelt from New York. American Jews were so powerful that they raised funds. President Roosevelt and his wife came forward to try to save more than 900 Jews who were being captured and killed in concentration camps at any time in Germany. Their plan to come to the United States was blocked by Hull. People can veto it rudely.

In 1939, more than 900 German Jews spent all their money to buy tickets to board a German ocean liner and ran to the waters near the United States in the Atlantic Ocean. American Jews raised funds to invite the Roosevelts to stand on the platform. After receiving the platform fee, the Roosevelts only had to pay a Board the passenger ship at sea, so that the passenger ship can change its route and sail into the United States. Even if it docks briefly, the Jews can disembark and arrive in the United States. This will not only make money, but also help the couple to add some charity and humanitarian aid. Gold bodies, the president and his wife thought why not.

Unfortunately, Secretary of State Hull, a pure-blood Anglo-Saxon white man and a die-hard member of the Ku Klux Klan, found out about this matter. He went directly to the president and his wife and said that the president could accept the platform fee paid by the Jews, but the passenger ship could not board. , and passenger ships could not sail into the United States. Roosevelt's wife angrily accused Hull of being cold-blooded, and sarcastically said that Hull was not the president of the United States. Then when she was about to insist on boarding the ship with her husband, Hull said coldly, Roosevelt dared to go out, who was the president in 1940? He didn't know, but he was certain that the name of the president at that time was definitely not Franklin Roosevelt.

In the end, Roosevelt refused entry to the passenger ship. More than 900 Jewish millionaires who bought high-priced tickets drifted in the Atlantic Ocean for an unknown period of time. When they were only one step away from the free and great America, because of Hull's words, they were brought back along the same route. After entering Germany, they successfully caught up with the Holocaust of Jews in Germany and sent them directly to concentration camps to produce daily necessities.

When a Jewish representative in the United States discovered that the president had taken money but failed to fulfill his promise, he came to question the president's wife. The president's wife told the other party that Hull had blocked the rescue. So the American Jews filed a complaint with the U.S. State Department for discriminating against and indirectly participating in the massacre of Jews. They learned that American Jews dared to find them. Trouble, Hull's response was also very quick, that is, he issued a decree to U.S. consulates around the world to ban the issuance of visas to Jews. At the same time, the proposal to accept more than 20,000 European Jewish children to the United States turned into a cold decision. It is absolutely impossible that a large number of Jewish bullying incidents broke out in the American South at the same time.

This series of operations allowed Jews to develop a good habit of shutting up in the United States from 1939 to 1945, when Hull resigned due to illness, and no longer dared to say anything about the government’s discrimination against Jews.

What shocked the Jews even more was that after investigation, they found that Hull's wife was actually a beautiful Austrian Jewish widow. There was no contradiction in Hull here between marrying a Jewish wife and sending Jews to their death.

It is rumored that some Jews at that time could not accept the truth and asked reporters to pretend to interview and asked Hull, who had retired due to illness, why he married a Jewish wife despite his lack of favorable impressions of Jews. And Hull's answer is said to be very American. I just don't want to have children to take away my feelings for my friends' children. It's not that I don't have sexual desire.

When Hull retired, it was clear that all U.S. federal officials and even high-ranking Western officials knew that Hull was a Ku Klux Klansman and SSD white man, yet they recommended him to the Nobel Committee. In the end, the committee decided to award him the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his contribution to the Western Hemisphere. efforts for peace.

For many brothers in the SSD fraternity who have died or are still alive, Cordell Hull is an omnipotent God-like existence who can watch indifferently as Jews are led to slaughter, can tell black people face to face to implement apartheid, and can make everyone Everyone knows that he is a white racist, but everyone still wants to give him all the praise, saying that his massacre and racial discrimination are fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

 Before him, and after him, SSD could never find such an influential brother.

The patriarch of the Gore family, with a foreign surname, disciplined Albert Sr. as his own son, and trained him to become his second self, rational, cruel, and white supremacist. His resume is also like copy and paste. He joined the Democratic Party in college and won the victory. Double majoring in politics and law, he started out as a lawyer and became a member of Congress. During World War II, he joined the army as a congressman. He went to the front lines to observe and participate in battles, completed reports for congressmen, and served as a prosecutor for the military government during the Allied occupation of Germany. After he retired, he continued After being elected to the House of Representatives, he is a dazzling political star no matter how he looks at it.

According to Hull's vision, his godson Gore should be able to run for president in the mid-1950s. Unfortunately, Hull suffered from tuberculosis in his later stages and was often hospitalized. He was unable to continue to teach Gore by words and deeds. He got a question wrong. He thought he had participated in World War II and had seen battlefields, so he understood war. In a congressional hearing on the Pentagon in 1951, Gore believed that the words of the US generals explaining the poor performance of the US military in the Korean War were just excuses. , believes that this is the attitude of the US military trying to blackmail Congress for funding. How can the North Korean and Chinese volunteers resist the US military's offensive? If that doesn't work, they can use nuclear weapons to create a radiation belt, cut off the other side's retreat, and prevent the supplies and reinforcements from North Korea and the Chinese volunteers from crossing. The radiation belt split the North Korean territory in two and completely surrounded the soldiers who were cut off from their retreat.

This speech was considered by the US military to be the ravings of a war maniac. They didn’t even bother to reply. They only said that Gore had never been to the Korean battlefield and did not understand the battlefield conditions and the opponent’s will to resist. At the same time, Gore was classified as one of the top US military officers. The annoying Congressional blacklist for mentally retarded people made Al Gore lose the favor of the Pentagon and ruined his path to the presidency. The Democratic Party will not choose a candidate who is hated by the Pentagon, because that will simply provide a direct assist to the Republican Party.

However, although he lost the opportunity to run for president, Gore Sr. still sat in the Senate position for nearly two decades, consolidating his family's influence in Tennessee until his son Al Gore grew up. Adults, qualified to take over their own political legacy.

Al Gore, the third-generation hereditary senator who Tommy did not spare any support, also had a godfather, that is, the owner of Occidental Petroleum Company and the legendary American businessman Armand Hammer. Hammer was the elder Gore before him. The financial backer has always provided strong financial support to Gore. Even after he was defeated in the Senate in 1970, he even let Gore join his company as a director and vice president of the board of directors. Of course, in return, most of Western Petroleum Company was seriously polluting. The coal and fertilizer plants were all arranged by Old Gore in Tennessee. Even the coal company was completely under the responsibility of Old Gore. From the 1960s to the 1980s, even if the coal washing plant and fertilizer plant sewage blackened more Tennessee For water sources, Occidental Petroleum did not get into trouble with the environmental protection department in Tennessee. Local residents tried to find an environmental protection company to test for pollution at their own expense. Before the test could start, the testers were expelled from Tennessee for various violations of state laws. This completely Shut up, this is the influence of Old Gore in Tennessee. In addition, he is a senator from Tennessee. He does not raise the issue of pollution on behalf of Tennessee in Congress. Congress has almost no understanding of the pollution situation in Tennessee.

 It is this long-term and close friendship that also allowed Hammer to make a promise to Gore Sr. that he could support his godson Gore Jr.'s future presidential bid.

In addition to Hammer, the Gore family also has a close relationship with the Rockefeller family. Part of the Rockefeller family's oil processing industry is also located in Tennessee. Gore has always enjoyed scholarship support from the Rockefeller family when he studied at Harvard University and Vanderbilt University.

It can be said that even without Tommy's support, if Gore really participated in the general election, he would not lack funding problems. What he lacks is public opinion support, which is a very big shortcoming. Because Cordell Hull and his father Al Gore have too much past scandal, the current American environment can no longer accept the behavior and remarks of those politicians during World War II. If there is a general election, no one knows that Republican opponents can use their past All that black material was put out on television and made available to the American people for free.

The current situation of Jews occupying Wall Street and Hollywood, and the story of the old patriarch Hull forcing the Jews to death in the past is revealed to the public. Gore feels that he is almost the same as his father back then. He basically bids farewell to the road to the presidency and has only the rest of his life. He continued to control Tennessee and put his hope of rise in his son.

When Tommy, who is also an SSD brother, contacted him, he did not show off his financial resources. Instead, he talked candidly with him, who was also concerned about computer development, about the computer network and TV network plans he was preparing, and described the upcoming Internet era. Al Gore saw the light. He had been paying attention to computer networks before because of his desire for publicity. He always felt that sooner or later this thing would be as popular as television, or even surpass television. If he could seize the Internet position, even if it was just On par with traditional media newspapers and television networks, his hopes can be greatly increased.

What's more, Tommy Hawke, who proposed this idea, is from the SSD fraternity like him.

 So, Al Gore has been helping Tommy push for the introduction of some bills in Congress. Even if Tommy seemed to support Clinton more, he never cared. He just made a serious request to Tommy.

That is, he hoped that Tommy, a brother in the congregation, could serve as the godfather of his son Albert III, who was born shortly before the two first met.

Hearing Tommy's teasing at this moment, Al Gore first asked the caddy to help him place the ball, and then he tried to swing a club. After it hit the ball, he smiled at Tommy and said, "Of course, I already saw that club." Can’t wait.”

Then he sent the caddy far away, and when there was no one else around except Page, Gore looked at Tommy with his hands on the clubs: "It's unlikely that you just asked me to play a round of golf."

"The current situation is a bit delicate. I threw out the bait. Indeed, some fools jumped out and said that my TV station was engaging in **** McCarthy propaganda, but they were all small roles. Are famous politicians so timid now? Why can't they be braver! Tommy cursed with a somewhat irritable tone.

Gore twirled his cue: “Is it possible that people become famous because they’re not fools?”

“I needed a well-known figure from the Democratic Party to jump out and punch him in the face, but this person never showed up.” Tommy looked at Gore.

Gore nodded slightly: "So, you want to choose one yourself?"

"Our mayor of New York City, the good old Democratic man Ed Koch, has served three terms. His third term is about to end. The polls are very low, and..." Tommy said his thoughts, but he didn't wait for him. After speaking, Gore decisively interrupted him and spoke seriously:

“No, he is a good friend of mine. Do you know how hard he worked for me in New York to promote my party’s nomination? Not only can you not choose him, you should also support him for re-election, Tommy!”

Tommy seemed to have guessed that Gore would be a little fierce, but did not back down: "That guy is a Republican in Democratic garb. He has many more friends in the Republican Party than in the Democratic Party, and he relies on Murdoch's public opinion support. After taking the position of mayor of New York ten years ago, it was very reasonable for him to jump out and righteously criticize what I had done, and it was also reasonable for me to ruin his reputation and give other Republicans a blow."

“He’s going to run for re-election, he’s not going to cause any trouble, he’s a smart guy, and he couldn’t come out and accuse you right now even if you wanted him to,” Gore said.

Tommy exhaled and shrugged: "So I hope you, his few friends in the party, can persuade him to stand up bravely."

 “Does he disagree?” Gore asked after a moment of silence.

Tommy waved to Page, who was not far away. Page came over and handed Tommy the file bag in his hand. Tommy patted Al Gore directly in his arms: "He is a gay, and he is your best friend." The nasty kind, the kind that gets **** by other men.”

"This is **** impossible!" Al Gore did not rush to open the file bag, but stared at Tommy and lowered his voice: "Although he is not married, I...him and I, and some men , we once had fun with many girls in a New York club, and he..."

 “Cheating, he likes to be 0, how do you think the New York people will view it?” Tommy withdrew his gaze, continued to place the golf balls, and then swung one.

Gore was no longer in the mood to play, and asked Tommy: "How did you find out all this, Tommy? I mean, there were indeed people who questioned him because he was unmarried, but there was no evidence. How did you do it? "

"What should I say? Do you think it is more trustworthy that I traveled to the future and learned the truth that has been concealed for decades from the best-selling book published after his death by his nephew who has followed him for many years in 2022? Or do I have someone under my command? Is it credible that a **** guy happened to share a club with the Mayor of New York?" Tommy turned his head and looked at Gore lightly and said: "I won't lie to you, Gore, he is indeed a **** that you hate. guy."

Gore slapped the file bag in his hand and stared at Tommy: "If it is true, if all this is revealed, not only will he not be able to seek re-election, he may have to move out of New York and have to avoid the wrath of New York gays for the rest of his life. Chase.”

"If he agrees to jump out and help Murdoch attack me, he will just not be able to seek re-election, but he can continue to live in New York." Tommy also looked back at Gore and said slowly.

“How are you going to discredit him, besides this and other negative news about him?” Gore continued to ask.

Tommy shook his head slightly, and then looked at the green in the distance: "Who knows all the dirty information about a person, of course it is himself. I am a soft-hearted person and like to give people choices. It is the same this time. He You can choose to provide yourself with a piece of black material that is explosive enough but still maintains dignity, and publish the black material through the TV station you gave me and Ted's newspaper, or you can choose a more convenient method and I will directly give you the black material. This information was broadcast on the television network.”

"You have to let him jump out and attack you. After the attack is completed, he will personally hand the gun with the safety open to your hand. He can only choose to die honorably or in an embarrassing way." Gore felt that his eyebrows were beating uncontrollably. He jumped, and then said decisively:

 “I’m going to fly to New York.”

"There is a ticket to New York in the file bag. I know you will stay in Los Angeles for less than three hours." Tommy smiled at Gore, then pointed to a group of figures walking slowly in the distance: "So in order to avoid Boring and a waste of venue fees, Delia and Susan are here to relax with the girls who were harassed by Fox.”

Gore looked at Tommy: "You are a cruel bastard, Tommy Hawke."

Tommy carried the club and walked towards the crowd. As he walked, he said: "Compared with Mr. Cold Hull, the old patriarch of the Gore family and the gray godfather of SSD, I am far behind. But, I am Try to catch up with him and see you later.”

 (End of this chapter)

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