American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 281: Silicon Valley Gangsters

Chapter 281 Silicon Valley Gangsters

When Jason followed Tommy's phone reminder and turned on the TV, he saw without any surprise that a picture of a white fool standing in Congress with a medicine ball in his hand appeared on the TV screen.

Jason, who witnessed this scene, cursed, and then said to Tommy, who was panting on the other side of the phone: "You win, asshole."

After saying this, Jason threw the phone back, slumped back on the sofa, and stared at the TV screen. Although he did not turn off the TV volume, whether it was the host or the Congress, , those people’s exclamations as the fool took out the medicine ball could no longer attract his attention.

"You seem to be in a bad mood." I don't know when Susie quietly appeared in the living room. She leaned against the door frame of the living room with her graceful body, and asked her rich young boyfriend in a gentle and sweet voice.

Jason sighed and looked down at his hands: "I still couldn't convince that trouble-making **** to propose a bet, but as you can see, I lost to him without any accident. Let's make it His business only made less than 700,000 yuan. Do you know how much that **** Tommy made? Just selling the company registered by his driver Martin to other large consulting companies was as high as 2 million yuan, not counting He raised political black money under the guise of that fool."

"Isn't it normal for you to lose to Tommy?" Susie observed her man with a playful expression: "Do you want to leave him? Has another company offered you a better price?"

 Jason laughed when he heard what Susie said. He looked at Susie and shook his head seriously: "I don't think there is any company in the world that can offer me a better price than my SSD brothers at the same time."

 “Then why do you care about losing to your best friend?” Susie continued to ask.

Jason sighed again: "I just... felt that after working for so long and accumulating so much business experience, I should be able to make Tommy listen to my opinions seriously, and now I sadly discovered that this It’s more **** difficult than letting me carry your child in my belly.”

"Why do you have to give him advice? Just like you did back then, wouldn't it be good for him to think about all the problems? And speaking of it, Jason, I have never seen you being so attentive to me in bed. You have to do it every time we go to bed. I design various gameplays, and you are only responsible for making sounds such as Baby ah~ah~ah shit~ under my body." Susie deliberately imitated Jason's tone at the end and imitated the words he made at that time. voice, quipped.

"Do you know what it means if I keep leaving everything to Tommy to think about like I did before? It means that Tommy, my best brother at the same time, divided the money he earned over the years into a man named Jason's idiot, yes, is just the same as the idiot who played with medicine balls, which means that my idiot is exactly the same as when we first met him, and has not grown at all." Jason exhaled depressedly and looked at Susie.

Susie shrugged and blinked her beautiful eyes: "So, if you win Tommy, he will listen to your strategic development suggestions for your business entity?"

“Thank you for using the word if to remind me that I didn’t win against that bastard.” Jason said, rubbing his face vigorously with both hands.

Susie also sighed, then walked to the front door and opened the door. Tommy, who was standing outside the door and was picking up his pants, took out his wallet, counted out a thick wad of bills, and said reluctantly: "Okay, you win, he Not ready to resign, this is three months of salary the **** U.S. government paid me and now it’s yours.”

Tommy walked in while adjusting his pants, and motioned to Suzy to hand the banknotes to Paige behind him. At the same time, he said: "I told you not to bet with me. Jason won't even have his brain unless he thanks you on the bed." Thank you all and go out, otherwise how could we part ways. He would rather sever the father-son relationship with his children than sever the father-son relationship with me. Hi, Jason, dear Tommy is here to visit you. .”

Seeing Jason looking at himself in surprise, Tommy walked to the wine cabinet and chose a bottle of red wine. He walked towards the sofa where he was sitting with two goblets. When he passed by Susie, he remembered something again: "By the way, Su Xi, please improve the two-person centaur thing you designed, such as adding a gag or something. The woman I ride can't help but make noises. Sometimes I want to gag her. Otherwise, the sense of substitution is too poor and it always makes me feel like there are two women. But I must admit that the posture of two women forming a centaur is great and makes me find fun. I will try to find it next time Two women, one white and one black, form a centaur, but don’t worry, I will never touch a black girl, I will just let the black girl act as a mount.”

Hearing Tommy's words, Susie gently touched her forehead with her hand: "Although I have seen all kinds of weird men,... your racist remarks about black women make me feel too extreme."

“No, I want to correct you, black men are the ones who insult black women the most.” Tommy corrected Susie, and then sat next to Jason.

Jason took the wine glass handed by Tommy and adjusted his mood: "Suzy called you?"

"Yes, your girlfriend is very worried that after you lose the game, you will eventually resign or leave because your ideals cannot be realized. In that case, she will lose the luxurious life of a rich woman now." Tommy picked up the red wine and poured it. Two cups, he said with a smile.

Jason glanced at his girlfriend Susie, who stuck out her tongue playfully. He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Tommy: "She thinks I'm an idealist, which means she doesn't know me well enough. "

"Of course you are a **** idealist, Jason. When you were at Stanford, you were able to sell yourself for the development of OSS. Is there anyone more idealistic than you?" Tommy swung the glass twice, said with a smile, and then After tasting the red wine, he turned to look at Jason who was also grinning:

"You persuaded me to develop software well at the beginning. You were worried that I would encourage Mark to steal Davenport Community College student information and be arrested in San Quentin Prison. You also seriously considered which topical ointment to buy when you visited me, which would be good for me. The **** helps, I always remember that.”

Jason raised his **** at Tommy: "Translating idealism into dream selling, I don't know whether you are humiliating me or humiliating idealism." "Of course both." Tommy smiled and looked at Jason and said.

In fact, Tommy understood why Jason was willing to spend a lot of time playing this game, because he hoped that winning the game would make him listen to his advice. It was as simple as that. If it was just an ordinary suggestion, Tommy would certainly not refuse it, but when it came to Regarding the future layout of the computer industry, Tommy insists on being a dictator. Even if Jason wins the game this time, he will actually not agree to Jason's suggestions.

But fortunately, he won. Jason could not create a more impressive scene than himself. He successfully relied on the operation of having a congressman take out a medicine ball in public to announce the flat earth theory, which perfectly maintained his friendship with Jason. .

"I know that the reputation of the two of us is not very good among the small companies in Silicon Valley. We are robbers, tyrants, dictators, ghouls, executioners, rapists... But that is the price we must pay if we want to succeed. Without those Stepping stones, without them constantly giving us blood transfusions, how can we support our own career? Those guys who scold us are all smart people, don't worry about them, they are not the eggs of a rooster. Once they are castrated, they will completely lose their fertility. , they will come up with new things soon, just like weeds that grow again after being cut, just find an opportunity to cut them again." Tommy patted Jason's shoulder and said seriously.

My brother at the same time, the eldest son Jason White, needs to go to Susie to vent his pressure. Because he has been criticized for too long, Jason can not care about his own face, and he can happily tell others about his shooting. He has little film experience, but he cares about the reputation of the career he created. The actor duo, who were once praised by countless people in the industry, have now been reduced to the point where everyone in Silicon Valley is shouting about them. This is the reason for Jason's mental and psychological problems. , after all, he is only twenty-six years old, and he is still unable to be as unfazed by honor and disgrace as those old guys who are forty or fifty years old.

Jason looked at his friend who was holding his shoulders with a serious look on his face: "Tommy, during the Actor era, countless programmers called us the Silicon Valley Rogues. We were like cowboys in the West, challenging the black-hearted capitalists and taking away the stolen property. It is distributed to everyone for free, but now you know what they call us? Silicon Valley gangsters, we are like the Western gangsters a hundred years ago, killing people and setting fire to the computer industry, and only rob those poor people, regardless of morality and law."

After finishing speaking, Jason took a sip of his wine. EFF and the technology investment company founded by the two of them had not contributed at all to the development of the computer industry in recent years. One after another computer industry-related companies were discovered by them, found bright spots, and deceived them. Capital, operation and listing, and then abandoning it after making a profit at the end. The founders of those companies may have become millionaires or multi-millionaires, but there is no light in their eyes anymore.

Those young people did not understand finance or economics when they received investment, but after the company was listed and abandoned, they realized that their hard work to start a business and their dream of changing the world were just a joke, and the process of negotiating with capital was just like Jason White. He was a strong-bodied cowherd, and the other party was a young and beautiful woman. He raped the other party hard, and when the other party refused, he forcibly took away most of the banknotes in the other party's wallet as money for the night, leaving only a few coins for the other party. Poor coins, take the subway and go home.

This is how Tommy and he have invested in the computer industry in recent years. Countless victims have even coined a term for this investment method, **** investment.

Even their mentor and friend, Compaq Chairman Benjamin Rosen, sometimes complained about Tommy and his cruelty.

Benjamin Rosen is a recognized angel investor in Silicon Valley, and Jason White and Tommy Hawke are notorious computer death gods in Silicon Valley. When founders of emerging companies who think they have a chance to develop, Tommy prepares The moment he signed his name on the investment plan, there was only one question left, and that was how long it would take for him to fall into hell.

The most important thing is that there is no way to prevent it. You think you can avoid disaster by reminding yourself to stay away from Tommy and Jason and EFF all the time. But in fact, Tommy never comes forward to discuss investment cooperation on his own. There are so many people you trust. Well-known university professor, such a promising development plan, so many investment companies, so many investors, from beginning to end you will find that the company that invests in you has nothing to do with Tommy, but as long as you receive the investment money, Very well, when the next board meeting is held, they will be stunned to see themselves, or Tommy will appear in the meeting room with a harmless smile on his face.

“Harvard should invite you to lecture on American history. You perfectly summed up the history of the development of the United States in one sentence.” Tommy concluded Jason’s words, and then he was silent for a moment before slowly speaking again:

“A grand thief also needs weapons, Jason, believe me, I am still the same grand thief. This period is just the pain of Silicon Valley. When we have accumulated enough firepower, we will continue to teach those real capitalists, such as Microsoft.”

“The Amiga operating system we acquired is now capable of full-color windows. I don’t think it is worse than Windows 2.1 and can be launched at any time.” Jason said seriously.

Tommy shook his head: "But that's the fourth level of the game. For now, let me pass the second level first."

"What is the second level? We have slaughtered all the emerging companies in Silicon Valley to the ground, leaving only a few behemoths? We have eliminated all possible potential helpers, Tommy, no one will praise you as a grand thief anymore, they Just admit you’re an asshole.”

 “No, the second level is to kill Murdoch America.”

“I don’t understand, what does Fox Film Company and Fox Television Network have to do with our business development in the computer industry?” Jason felt a headache when he heard that Tommy still wanted to continue to make those **** TV or movie layouts.

Tommy laughed and clinked his wine glass with the other person: "This is why Charles can work in an environment like a think tank where the struggle is more intense than the battlefield of World War II, and you can only bully the nerds in Silicon Valley. You are a good person at heart."

 “What if I’m a bad person?” Jason asked after taking a sip of wine.

Tommy shrugged and looked at Suzy in the distance: "If you were a bad person, you should have suggested opening a hole in the horse's **** when Suzy was designing that thing, and let the woman playing the horse's body below comb her hair. Wear it into a reverse ponytail so that when guests lift the ponytail, they will see her mouth.”

 (End of this chapter)

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