American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 268: one vs three

Chapter 268 One VS Three

After Jeff finished speaking his answer, unless the three people in line behind him ran naked on the spot, no matter what they said, they would be unable to attract the attention of the audience, because no one could do it, whether it was the live audience or the voters in front of the TV. It only took six minutes to digest the shock this plumber gave them.

But Tommy listened carefully to the answers of the last two people. In fact, the speeches of these two people were clearer than the first few. After listening, in Tommy's personal selection, they could at least be ranked before tonight's speech. Three, but the American election does not require such plain and simple speeches, it only needs to be non-startling and endless.

Moreover, these two people obviously don’t have any financial backers. They can’t even put up newspaper advertisements. They travel all over the 18th constituency on their own and get donations and recognition from small businesses and ordinary people in the district, so they can barely sneak into this place. There is a team of candidates. Even if such a person is really elected, there are only two results. Either he is forced to change his original intention when running for the election, or he is mediocre and is kicked out by his opponent after one term.

Black insurance agent James Meg's answer is to promote the region's most important fruit growing industry to complete the one-time deep processing assembly line, ensuring that from planting a citrus sapling to a bottle of citrus-flavored cans leaving the factory and sending them to supermarket shelves All procedures are completed in this area, and a complete chain of production, processing, and circulation is completed. This can increase employment opportunities in many different positions for residents of this area. At the same time, we call on the government to provide large subsidies to these companies that are willing to deploy a complete chain in this area. It is used to support enterprises in training local residents to meet the needs of enterprises and get started as soon as possible to achieve a win-win situation.

This is the only answer that Tommy heard from the five speeches tonight that he felt might benefit voters in this district. It may just be because this black man does not have a complete election team and is not well prepared. If he can find a golden man before running for election, Main support, and then fill in some more intuitive data for his speech by consulting a large amount of information. If the incitement was stronger, it would never be possible to rank so low as fifth.

Furniture store owner Raul Wright, who followed closely behind, is a mixed-race black man. He believes that if he wants to improve the environment of the area, he should start by strengthening the tourism industry in the area. After all, Miami is a well-known resort in the United States and even the world. An endless stream of tourists come here to enjoy their vacations every year, but most of them are concentrated in the South District of Miami. Because the South District has become the first stop for many foreign tourists arriving in Miami due to the rapid growth and word-of-mouth fermentation of Little Havana. The last stop, what should be considered most now is how to make the 18th District the second stop for these tourists in Miami, so that a large number of tourists are willing to pour into the 18th District and spend money in this area. As for attracting tourists The method is to make some preferential adjustments in consumption tax, or consider focusing on exploring Jamaican culture, promoting reggae music, competing with the Cuban culture in the South District, and forming its own cultural characteristics as soon as possible.

After listening to the furniture store owner's speech, Tommy couldn't help but wonder if he was still in the United States. The answers given by the two black men were more feasible than those of everyone else, including Jeff, and were neither vague nor hypocritical. The only drawback is that their speaking style is too plain and simple like their answers, completely unable to attract the attention of ordinary people.

"Martin, after the primary election, call James Meg and Raul Wright as soon as possible to see if they are willing to consider having a candid chat with Jeff." After listening to the two people's speeches, Tommy said to the broadcast In the indoor corridor, Martin, who was staring at Jeff on the stage, said through the communicator.

Martin lowered his voice and responded with a puzzled tone: "Both these two **** expressed their support for Cubans. According to your previous plan, boss, I shouldn't be the one to broadcast the news about **** being beaten up by Cubans in the street tomorrow. Help Are they celebrating a good primary?”

The fate of the three black candidates has already been arranged by his boss. As long as these three **** express a little kindness to the Cubans during the primary election, the news broadcast the next day will make them angry. The black compatriots were scolded to death, and they were black people in the United States, not just in the 18th district.

 Why are you suddenly feeling kind now?

"Destroying them does not conflict with getting their carefully prepared election plan from their hands." Tommy said calmly: "Whether it is given to Jeff or not, it will be destroyed. They will give a more detailed plan. , so your staff don’t have to write it themselves based on a one-sided two-minute speech. If you don’t give it, your employees should also know how to copy their stuff.”

 “What’s the use of copying ideas?”

“These two ideas can be used to support your companies and politicians in doing business. These two ideas are only worth investing if they are elected. But do you think the two of them have an elected face?”

“No, if these two can be elected, I will run for president immediately.” Martin said with certainty.

Tommy explained casually: "But you can take their stuff and carefully improve it into two more detailed reports, and then use your popularity to negotiate business with members of Congress, and change the ideas of the two failed candidates. , it has become a business for MPs, such as how to obtain high subsidies, how to acquire land cheaply under the banner of creating a cultural style, etc.”

Tommy stopped talking after that, because at this time the seventh candidate, Andy Hogan, had already begun to answer the question asked by the host for the seventh time. He looked tall and strong, and he was no more than twenty-eight years old. The young man stood generously on the podium at this time, showing a charming smile: "Thank you, host, uh... I originally prepared a lot of words, but Mr. Jeff Lavin finished everything I wanted to say. , I actually stood here listening to what he just said, and I wanted to applaud him vigorously. I also have the same view as him. If District 18 wants to get better, the most important thing is to expel illegal immigrants."

With Jeff's speech, although Andy Hogan's speech was unexpected at this time, there were not many surprised expressions in the audience. Only the host with Cuban descent looked at Andy with wide eyes in depression again. - Hogan, he should not have agreed to be the moderator of this debate. He thought that as a Cuban, he would be able to enjoy the in-person overtures from all the candidates. Unexpectedly, two white people stood up and shouted in front of him. The slogan is to drive the Cubans out, but due to the rules and the status of the host, I cannot argue with it. Although I have a good eloquence, I can only sulk silently.

"Some people may think I look familiar, no doubt, it's me, Andy Hogan, a young movie actor. I have starred in "Neon Nights", "Wanda on Wall Street", "Don't XX in the Woods" and other hot-selling movies Movie, I am lucky enough to be qualified to stand here, thanks to the friends I have worked with and many fans who like me. By the way, my new movie "Men's Hell" will also be available in video stores this week. It is a movie. A big production, me and many actresses will be in it..."

The host really couldn't listen any more, and directly interrupted the white racist who was also boycotting Cubans with a cold tone: "Mr. Hogan, I remind you that your speech should be related to the issue, and mark your work at the election site. Advertising will not increase sales, it will only make everyone feel that you disrespect them."

"OK, back to this question, why do I have the same view as Mr. Jeff Lavine? It's because I and a large number of actors are going to lose their jobs. North Miami's Canter Bay in the 18th District has now become an illegal small film crew. In the holy land of Hollywood, those illegal immigrants dare to do anything in front of the camera in order to pay the smuggler's fee. **, **, **, ** and other subjects that are strictly prohibited in American small movies, they can do it. Filming, at its most basic, animal cruelty is against U.S. law and Florida law!”

"They only charge low salaries and do not need to provide them with insurance, sign a formal contract, or join a union. Those crews are all illegal immigrants from top to bottom. Even if the police catch them on the spot, they will be helpless because they will Tell the police, we are entertaining ourselves, this is what those Cuban smugglers do."

"My wife and I have been unemployed for more than two months. Even though we have lowered the minimum limit, we have agreed to shoot shameful subjects such as gangs, **, and **, but we have not found any job opportunities. This is the cruelty of the 18th district. The reality is, you can’t make money even if you want to sell your body.”

“I stand here knowing very well that I will never be elected, but I am very happy to hear Mr. Lavin’s speech. I am very happy that there are other candidates who, like me, are aware of the serious harm caused by Cuban smugglers to the 18th district. Everyone, we must deal with these illegal stowaways, otherwise if this malicious development continues, my wife is going to go to those illegal production crews to abuse animals. I don’t want to... see a group of illegal stowaways*my wife, or my wife riding a horse A little movie about animals, and I don’t want to starve to death on the streets in the great United States because of stowaways taking away jobs.”

 “This is what I want to say, thank you host, thank you all.”

After Andy Hogan finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar. If Jeff LaVine's speech made many American citizens believe that Cuban smugglers had robbed them of their money, then this Andy Hogan's speech , it makes them feel that these Cuban smugglers are too disgusting, those subjects that make people feel disgusted just by listening to them, those subjects that white Americans cannot shoot, but the Cuban smugglers can shoot, they are so disgusting.

After hearing this, Tommy shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful: "The performance of the speech was very poor. This handsome guy's acting skills are not very good? He probably relies on his special skills to make a living~~~ And it sounds more like a short movie about Cuban smugglers." After listening to the ad, I even wanted to buy a videotape to see how Cuban girls torture animals.”

The host tried to take a deep breath to calm down quickly, trying his best to sound unaffected by Andy Hogan's speech, and said in a stable mood: "Every candidate has finished his speech and gave his own answer. Next, It is a free discussion session on the speeches of each candidate. It lasts for fifteen minutes. Ms. Kennedy, what do you think of the speeches of other candidates on this issue?"

"Ms. Pepper's speech is incredible to me. Mr. Claude Pepper has been a representative of this district for 25 years and has been unable to push forward a proposal for 25 years. I don't understand why she thinks she can push it if she is elected. Success, I think Ms. Pepper may not quite understand that the job of a congressman is different from her previous job as a corrections officer. Everyone in Congress does not support the proposal, and you cannot just call the police to arrest people who do not support you.” Rosario- Kennedy directed his fire at Joanna Pepper next to him: "Ms. Pepper has always said that she would run for office based on her uncle, Mr. Claude Pepper's previous attitude towards this district, so I would like to ask, are you also prepared to run with her? Like your uncle, was he always hostile to Cuba when he was a member of the House of Representatives in this district? I still remember his remarks at that time. For the sake of the stability of the United States, he called on the U.S. government in Congress to fund the Cuban rebels and use various methods to destroy Cuba. , including but not limited to destroying infrastructure, forcing the Cuban people to panic due to water and power outages, and putting pressure on the government. If you really..."

Joanna Pepper listened calmly to Rosario Kennedy's questioning of her. This kind of criticism during debates is very normal. In order to attack the opponent, in addition to directly swearing, any cynicism or sarcasm is normal. In operation, she did not rush to interrupt, but was just looking for a better entry point to interrupt the other party, and then started her long speech smoothly, ensuring that the audience's attraction was drawn to her.

  After all, Jeff LaVine has stolen everyone's limelight during the answer stage. Whether voters support him or not, they must admit that it is the plumber who has left the deepest impression on everyone tonight.

In the free discussion stage, you must seize the opportunity. Even if you cannot be the most impressive, you must at least rank second.

Just when she was sure that Rosario would criticize her for her uncle's hostility to Cuba, and she had chosen the angle of counterattack and was about to speak, Jeff suddenly spoke loudly:

"If Ms. Joanna Pepper's speech made Ms. Kennedy feel incredible, then Ms. Kennedy's righteous questioning at this time shocked me even more. Ms. Rosario-Kennedy's Cuban surname is Aguiles, which is a comparable name in Cuba. Kennedy's surname, Ms. Rosario Kenneth's grandfather, Elisio Aguiles, is the President of the Senate of Cuba. Her father and mother are both senators. Her great-uncle is Mario Garcia-Aguille. She also had three uncles who served as mayor of Havana, the capital of Cuba, and other important positions."

Hearing that Jeff helped her question Rosario, Joanna Pepper was not grateful. On the contrary, she almost cursed on the spot!

This is the line I prepared to refute Rosario's carefully prepared words! Why did this guy make such an accurate judgment? Just when Rosario finished saying that Pepper was hostile to Cuba and was about to question him, he shouted it out over the opponent?

 After he finished speaking these words, what did he say?

"Family has nothing to do with me. I came to the United States when I was fifteen years old. I..." Rosario Kennedy didn't expect that Jeff would be the first to attack. She quickly opened her mouth to interrupt Jeff, but Jeff increased his volume. , did not interrupt his speech, did not consider that women should be respected at all, and said straight down:

"How much aid did the U.S. government give to Rosario Kennedy's family and Cuba? Hundreds of millions. Then what? Not long after their family collected the money, Castro led the revolution and ousted them from power. , those aid funds from the United States were wasted. I would like to ask Ms. Rosario-Kennedy, do you still remember the guarantee made by the Arguelles family to the U.S. government that Cuba would not be seduced by the Soviet Union? Will it be resolved as soon as possible and will it be promised that the United States will never be affected?”

"I didn't know the situation in Cuba at that time. As I said, I was only fifteen years old at the time, and I want to say that that period of history was not..." Rosario's face could not pretend to be calm at this time, and he spoke rapidly. He turned up the volume in an attempt to interrupt Jeff's speech, but Jeff's voice was obviously louder and he spoke faster. He pressed the podium with both hands, and his voice sounded like he was trying to suppress his anger:

"If I remember correctly, those aid funds were provided to Cuba by President Kennedy in 1960, and less than half a year after the aid funds, which were composed of U.S. citizens' taxes, were sent to Cuba, you and your grandfather , my father, mother and uncles flew to Miami on a special plane, leaving Cuba intact to Castro, and the whole family became Americans!”

"And many years later, you can still happily marry Mr. David Kennedy in Miami, as if your family and the Kennedy family have caused the American people to waste high aid funds and the Cuban people to lose their freedom. These things have never happened. .”

"If you question Ms. Pepper's ability to push forward the proposal, can I also question your ability? I'm worried that if a revolution breaks out in Miami one day, you will not only escape with your family members, but you may also be able to take the Kennedy family with you." Take them away too. Of course, taking away the Kennedy family is a good thing for the American people. Otherwise, if they continue to do wrong things, the American people will also want to take them away. You have two ex-husbands. The first one The ex-husband is of Cuban descent and the second is of Irish descent. If you love Cuba, why don’t you keep your Cuban ex-husband’s surname and insist on using the surname Kennedy even in the divorce? Can you answer me?”

Rosario-Kennedy was stunned by this question!

Jeff or Tommy, the previous historic and grand propositions were all illusions, just used to trick Rosario's mind. After her mind was trapped by the words Jeff said, she thought Jeff was going to use this. When something goes wrong, approach it from an unexpected angle!

Just to make her unable to react and stunned for three seconds!

At this moment, Gerald Richman suddenly spoke to Jeff, attracting everyone's attention and allowing Rosario to take the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief: "Mr. LaVine, from answering questions to discussing freely , you have been venting your anger, and you are trying to incite everyone to join you in being hostile to people of color in this district. As a white man, you..."

"I am not hostile to anyone, including Cuban-American citizens. I am only hostile to foreigners. I am a veteran. My career tells me that I will always protect this country and prevent those foreign countries who want to cause trouble for this country. Those beaten will go back to their homes! I repeat again, I do not discriminate against Cuban-American citizens! And Cuban-Americans do not represent Cubans, because every Cuban-American citizen has sworn an oath to the flag when he obtained American identity. I believe that they Americans will be willing to stand with me, an American, to drive away those Cuban smugglers, unless they violate their oath of naturalization! If they do that, the U.S. government can consider depriving them of their nationality and letting them If they can stand on the side of foreigners openly, then I will be hostile to them." Jeff directly opened his mouth to intercept the other party's attack, and then did not give the other party a chance to cause trouble again, and directly turned to look at the other party with a look. I don’t care at all about the resolute look that you all are attacking me with:

 “Mr. Richman, you are a Haitian, you...”

“I am an American and I love America.” Richman quickly added: “I was just born in Haiti.”

"I think your love is not strong enough, because you have been focusing on helping illegal immigrants obtain refugee status as soon as possible. I have learned that you have enthusiastically helped more than a thousand Cuban immigrants obtain refugee status for more than ten years. What a warm-hearted person, but there is another data. In your more than ten years of legal career, you have rejected more than 30 black Americans who wanted to seek legal help from you but were penniless. I want to ask, is this what you love? The way this country is? Is this how you treat people of color as equals?"

Richman didn’t even know how many **** he had rejected in his more than ten years of career who had no money and still wanted to help him with lawsuits. This kind of thing was too common. Lawyers are not volunteers. Talking, let alone black compatriots of the same skin color, even relatives of the same blood, don’t let yourself get free. Once you open your mouth, countless **** will surround you like flies. This is something every lawyer has encountered. A small thing to mention.

But the most vicious thing about Jeff Lavine's words is that he described his normal business of helping more than a thousand illegal Cuban immigrants obtain refugee status for a fee for more than ten years as enthusiastic help, and then rejected it from himself. The affairs of more than thirty poor black men were put together!

The black people in front of the TV sounded like Gerald Richman had betrayed black people. While calling on black people to vote for him, he refused to help black people in need. Cuban smugglers taking black jobs.

 Richman didn't even think of how to refute. Just when it was about to cool down, fortunately, Joanna spoke at this time and actually attacked Jeff: "Mr. Raven, the question you just asked Mr. Richman..."

These three people are all politicians. They were ranked first, second, and third in the previous simulated voting. There are no fools. They saved each other tonight, not because of their close relationship, but because they all realized that Jeff LaVine must be beaten. Go on, this plumber is so scary. He now firmly occupies the microphone, making the audience's eyes and ears firmly locked on him. It doesn't matter who among the three of them is elected in the end, because although they compete with each other, they all know each other's The price is such that even if you lose the election, you can still trade with the winner.

Moreover, Jeff must be suppressed with cooperation, and allowing this guy to attack Cubans unscrupulously through nativism will only cause the Democratic Party to lose the support of more Cuban voters and push them towards the Republican Party. The people in front of the TV must be allowed to Cuban-American voters clearly see that Jeff Lavine only represents himself, and the three of them represent the attitude of the Democratic Party.

As soon as Joanna Pepper finished speaking, Jeff had already regained the right to speak. This speed of reaction made Joanna's heart sink. How many manuscripts had this guy's election team prepared to provide him with firepower in this primary election?

Can one person really dominate the microphone and indiscriminately blast the other six candidates until they are speechless and have nothing to say?

"Ms. Pepper! Have you thought about how to answer the question that Ms. Rosario Kennedy asked just now? If you have, I just have another question waiting for you now, Mr. Claude Pepper. He became a senator in 1936, lost the election in 1950, and then started all over again to compete for a seat in the House of Representatives. The careers of many politicians are gradually rising. Why is Mr. Pepper's career so low~~~" Jeff simulated an airplane with the palm of his hand and made a sliding downward motion: "Keep sliding?"

Seeing that Joanna Pepper was about to open her mouth to answer, Jeff said first: "Because he once went to the Soviet Union to meet Stalin, and after he came back, he seriously announced in Congress that Stalin was someone the United States could completely trust, and that the Soviet Union was humankind. A symbol of progress, the Soviet Union and the United States can coexist peacefully. In fact, Stalin and the Soviet Union taught him a lesson and made him a joke in Congress. Americans all know that this guy was fooled by Stalin! This is why he lost the election The reason is that people cannot accept a man who was tricked by the Soviet Union to continue to serve as a senator."

"Then why has he been able to serve as a member of the House of Representatives for so long? You can't take away my microphone, so give up. Ms. Joanna Pepper, let me tell you the answer, because he has focused on one thing since the day he ran for the House of Representatives. It was against the Soviet Union and everything related to the Soviet Union, including Cuba, which was supported by the Soviet Union."

"So, you'd better admit openly that you are against the Soviet Union, Cuba, and those Cuban smugglers. Listen to your uncle and do the right thing, because this is the fundamental reason why he has been able to hold his seat in the House of Representatives for twenty-five years. .”

I did not make up the information about Rosario’s family, or the candidates in the election. Except for Jeff, who was made up by me, everyone else is a real person~



 (End of this chapter)

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