American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 256: for justice

  Chapter 256 For justice

At eight o'clock in the morning, Tommy, who had finished his morning run and took a shower, came down from the suite of the Four Seasons Hotel to enjoy breakfast in the dining room. Without any surprise, he saw Stephen sitting at a dining table, opposite to him were two beautiful Cuban girls with honey-colored skin. , Think about it too, how can a rich man come to Miami and miss a Cuban girl who is as sweet as flowing honey.

  Hitting up and chasing Cuban girls has almost become a must-have item for rich men from other places in the United States to travel to Miami, Florida.

  But Tommy took a look at the two women's attire, and felt that Stephen might not be able to succeed. This bastard's method of picking up girls is simple and rude, but it is only effective for women who like money.

Stephen was dressed in a British style. At this time, he was eating breakfast in a gentle manner, and he was talking about his views on life to the two women: "I have been thinking about philosophical issues about life. Do you know, girls, our life , You can only have this moment forever, the previous experience is like the annual rings hidden in the trunk of the oak tree, hidden in the memories of our brains, only some scattered fragments are left, you can only barely piece together the past in your brain , but never think about the real thing, reappearing yesterday, just like we cut down an old oak tree, and don’t want to know what it has experienced in the past, but only look at the rings of rings.”

After saying this, he put a small piece of local honey bread into his mouth, and then saw Tommy walking in his direction. While the two women were still thinking about this deep question, they didn't pay attention. Before Tommy came over, Stephen gave Tommy a "get away, don't affect my charm" look.

  The waiter also rushed over with the menu, and asked Tommy politely, "Sir, is there one?"

At this time, the two women beside Stephen also turned their heads to look at Tommy following the sound. Stephen's eyes almost popped out of their eye sockets. Tommy finally chose to sit at the table two tables away from Stephen and told the waiter Sheng nodded: "Yes, alone."

   "I think what you said makes sense." A young girl looked away, first gave a positive response to Stephen, nodded seriously, and said to Stephen appreciatively: "Yesterday can never be repeated."

"And the future is also nothingness." Stephen got the girl's affirmation, and raised his volume slightly: "Think about it, the future is unknown, maybe you want to be a poet in the future, and I want to be a philosopher in the future, but this is just us. A beautiful fantasy, God knows if it can come true, every moment, accidents will happen, will change our fantasy, in case a tsunami breaks out in Florida today, and we just happen to be sitting in this seaside hotel restaurant at this moment, no matter how wonderful Our future is just a bubble, and it is only worthy of being the eulogy spoken by the priest when we are buried. There is no chance to realize it. Every moment, accidents may happen, so we must live in the present, enjoy ourselves in time, and don't waste every present. Seconds, two, I heard from the hotel waiter that there is a beach volleyball four-person team match on the beach today. We just need to find one more lucky man, and we will be able to form an army. The champion will get the best sea view of the Four Seasons Hotel The right to use the suite for one night, of course, the runner-up doesn't matter, I guarantee that we can still get the prize of the champion..."

  Tommy heard Stephen chattering in his ears, and ordered the food. Sure enough, as he expected, when he finished ordering the food, the two girls rejected Stephen without much hesitation, then got up and left, heading towards the hall.

"Where did the problem occur? This system works perfectly in Los Angeles. When I sat in front of the two of them and struck up a conversation, it went well, but why did they leave?" Stephen came over with his coffee and dinner plate , sat across from Tommy, and said unhappily.

Tommy waited for the waiter to help him bring the coffee, first he added sugar cubes and stirred it slowly, seeing Stephen still staring at himself questioningly, he said regretfully: "If I remember correctly, you just said about life If you want to enjoy yourself in a timely manner, you should have plagiarized me. Although I am not original, I forgot which books I borrowed from, but it does not prevent me from questioning you right now. You plagiarized the lines I used to strike up a girl, and then came to question you confidently when you failed Where did I go wrong?"

"Otherwise?" Stephen put the bread in his mouth: "Don't you know, what you said was written down in a **** notebook on purpose. If he didn't think there were too many words, he would have liked to have it tattooed on his chest. By now He doesn't even believe that you, a poor ghost from the White Robe Society, who didn't spend a **** penny and just relied on a bunch of sweet words, actually let his literature department, who originally wanted to participate in the annual American Lover beauty pageant in the Order of the Phoenix, A beautiful girlfriend who broke up with him and became a philatelic queen who enjoys instant pleasure. Those idiots from the White Robe Society under your command have had in-depth exchanges with her, and even sent us a caring photo with his mother, which completely ruined her. It killed his hopes of competing for the American Lover Championship with that woman."

Stephen didn't wait to become the boss of the Stanford branch of the Order of the Phoenix, so he took a leave of absence at Stanford halfway. Unlike Tommy, who spent four years at Stanford and completed his promotion in the fraternity, Stephen actually listened to his brother Bell at the same time. After graduation, when talking about Tommy's method of attacking the Order of the Phoenix, he was a little thankful that he dropped out of school early, otherwise the **** would never let him go.

Belt can't meet Tommy, even if everyone has graduated now and has Stephen as a buddy at the same time, in Belt's words, as soon as he sees Tommy, he has the urge to take a gun and kill Tommy , just because he was in the same class as him, the Order of the Phoenix has always been overwhelmed by the White Robe Club. Mi hit up a conversation and went to bed with her, Belter was not so angry, no, this idiot fed a bunch of **** theories about life's pleasure in time to that girl from the literature department, and then that girl became so sloppy, compared to the one from the Blonde Club The rascals were still open, and in the end, those **** of Tommy's White Robe Club were the first to take advantage.

When everyone in the White Robe Society of SSD presented the outgoing chairman Tommy Hawke with an honorary commemorative rope and sent off the outgoing chairman of the White Robe Society to bid farewell to college life, the old and new brothers of the Order of the Phoenix pressed him on the floor , drew a **** composed of JJ on his forehead, and asked him to attend the graduation ceremony with that symbol, just to thank the Order of the Phoenix, under the leadership of Bert Feinstein, for achieving the second consecutive year at Stanford Fraternity achievement.

But Belt must admit that later he used Tommy's trick to attract beauties majoring in philosophy or literature to no avail, and then passed this trick on to Stephen. Stephen also used it a few times in Los Angeles, with excellent results. Miami actually missed.

"First, the two girls can tell by looking at their clothes that they are locals. They just came to the hotel to wait for their friends and pick them up for activities. One of the girls wears a Patek Philippe 1951 classic minute repeater ladies watch on her wrist. I I gave Sophia a piece as a birthday gift before, and it cost about 27,000 yuan, do you think a girl with a down payment on a sports car on her wrist will be tempted by staying in a sea view suite for one night?" Tommy picked up his coffee and drank it With a sip, he said in a relaxed tone:

"Second, you are too impatient. When I chatted up girls at Stanford, I didn't just have breakfast once. In order to mess up Belter's plan, I spent two weeks creating a chance encounter with his girlfriend, and I didn't talk about it. To talk about love is just to talk about life, let her accept the **** theory of being happy while you are alive, if you want to brainwash a person, you have to do it subtly and slowly, not like you, talking about life sanctimoniously one second, and wishing for them the next second Take off your clothes and go to the beach with you to make waves."

"You are not suitable for this set. Did you notice the celebrity magazine in the girl's hand when she left? The girl wore the same style of clothing as the cover actress. You should just say, girls, I am a well-known producer in Hollywood." People, I have had in-depth cooperation with many actresses, especially the cover actress, and then dialed a call to your director, pretending to be surprised and saying that I was on vacation in Miami, and I met two people who are very suitable for the new film. Girls in the movie, please ask the company to send them a formal letter to invite them to an interview, air tickets and accommodation are all included, and then ask the girls' address and phone number to tell the director, a thoughtful reminder to pay attention to privacy, you can leave a public address, and then hang up , A few more polite words, leave your business card, introduce a few words about the new movie and leave, and let your subordinates take care of the rest. I promise, the two girls will never be able to hold back their curiosity at night, and they will come to you to chat about the script, drink Two cups, blowing the wind, blowing the net, when everyone is drunk, you remind them again, have you seen the handwritten Arabic numeral 20 on your business card before? That is the benchmark of your understanding of film art, used to Confirm whether they have enough artistic depth, believe me, the more artistic or glamorous a woman looks, the more open she will be to a man after drinking a few more glasses."

   "Do you often get girls drunk? It sounds like you have a lot of experience." Stephen asked suspiciously after hearing Tommy's words of accosting girls.

  Tommy shook his head: "No, it's Otilia. Once her friend's winery sent her some red wine, which tasted very good, and Otilia drank a few more glasses."

   "What about after that?" Stephen asked.

  Tommy smacked his lips in recollection: "After that... I felt as if a juicer succubus possessed her. At noon the next day, I lay in bed and called my personal trainer to ask for a three-day leave."

"Remember to ask Otilia to call her friend and send some of the same red wine to my house." After hearing the gossip, Stephen turned his face and said, "So, why don't you **** go to a variety show and sit here What to do? Get to work, don't forget you're signed to perform! Unless you're going to tell some more stories I'm interested in."

   "I'm waiting for Peppa." Tommy said while eating breakfast: "Without him, the follow-up plot will lack a climax."

  Stephen thought about the name Page, and asked, "Your old man's bodyguard? What did he do for you?"

  Tommy swallowed the food in his mouth, and said righteously: "It's not for helping me, it's for justice."


  Putnam County, Florida, the county seat is Patraka City.

This is a city smaller than Warwick, Rhode Island. There are only over 8,000 people in the entire city. At the same time, it is also the city with the lowest income level in Florida. If the large American consortium Koch Company hadn’t built its paper mill here, Providing jobs for nearly 2,000 citizens, this place might have been bankrupted and dissolved many years ago.

Page bit his pipe, drove a 60% new family car along the road into this small town, held the steering wheel with one hand, looked around blankly, and asked on the other end of the phone: "Are you sure they Live here? I don't have much time, if I can't find anyone, I only have enough time left to deal with you."

After getting an affirmative answer, Page parked the car in a parking lot in a living area in the North District, first took out an honorary sheriff badge and pinned it on his waist, and then opened the door to get out of the car, according to the information provided on the phone Address, walked towards an old dilapidated house whose lawn had not been mowed for a long time, stood in front of the door, rang the doorbell twice, and found that the doorbell was broken, he knocked on the door panel:


   Ten seconds later, an old but alert voice sounded from inside: "Who is outside?"

   "Honorary Sergeant of the Long Beach Police Department, Paige Lott, regarding the murder of Brian Parker and Ginny Parker, I want to come and talk to you." Paige responded skillfully in the tone of a policeman coming to the door.

  Hearing this sentence, the inside became quiet. A few seconds later, the door opened, and an old man with white hair and arched back looked at Page: "Excuse me, it is... Is there any news about my son's case?"

   Without waiting for Page to answer, he seemed to be afraid of losing his hope, turned his head and shouted loudly: "Rachel, Rachel! It's the police, Brian's case has finally progressed!"

   Soon, an equally old old woman appeared tremblingly in the living room, looking at Page outside the door with cloudy eyes, with disbelief and shock.

"I'm sorry, but there has been no progress regarding the two cases filed against the Miami City Council regarding the murder of Brian Parker and Ginny Parker by felons who were on vacation." Page's voice was extinguished without any emotion. The little spark of hope in the eyes of the old couple.

The old couple had a son named Brian Parker who died two years ago at the age of 31. He worked as an umbrella salesman in Miami and had a gentle wife named Ginny Parker. Died two years ago, at the age of 26. The two died in a burglary. The criminal was a criminal who had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing children, but because Rosario Kennedy was in Miami at the time The felon furlough pilot program introduced by Congress allowed this guy who should have been in the electric chair long ago to enjoy the humanitarian spirit of the United States towards criminals.

He got a chance to get out of prison, and unfortunately, the Brians met him, became his target, and were brutally killed. Fortunately, their son happened to be on summer vacation and was sent to Patraka My grandparents' house was on vacation and escaped a catastrophe.

  Although the criminal was caught back to prison, he received two more life sentences, and the trial vacation plan was quickly cancelled, but the Brians could not come back to life.

The old couple living in Patkala sued the Miami Council in grief, but unfortunately, nothing happened after the filing of the complaint. The state court reply is always in the waiting list, and they have no money to hire strong Lawyers went to help themselves advance this case. It’s not that they haven’t tried it. They found some big lawyers and said that if they get compensation, they can use most of the money to pay the lawyer’s fees, and donate the rest. They don’t want money. They just want someone to pay for the death of their son's family.

But no lawyers were interested. Some lawyers told them that the success rate of this lawsuit is too low. After all, the city government has countless reasons to prevaricate. For example, the city councilors who initiated the bill were all voted by the people of Miami. The city councilors will say that they are pleading for the people. This is the decision of all Miami people. If the state court sentenced the city council to lose the case, whether those councilors will be punished, no one knows, but those councilors can definitely incite public opinion and make all the people Go attack the state judge, that judge will never even try to make a living in Florida.

  Hearing that Page was not here to convey the progress of the state court, the old man changed his face, looked up and down the police badge on Page's waist and his numb face: "What are you here for?"

"I'm here to inform you." Page took a sip of the tobacco in his pipe and said calmly, "If you want to sue a member of the House of Representatives, you may have to send the complaint to the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, but I Think, you should have no travel expenses to Washington."

   "Are you here to laugh at us? What do you mean?" The old woman walked to her husband's side and held each other's shoulders. The husband and wife supported each other and gained strength to support themselves with the help of each other's bodies.

   "Ms. Parker, you don't seem to have any obvious features, but if my information is correct, you should have some Jewish blood." Page took off the pipe in his mouth, looked at the old woman and said.

  The old woman stared at Page and said impatiently: "Is the United States also massacring Jews? Are you going to arrest me and send me to a concentration camp?"

"No, on the contrary, can you invite me in, pour me a cup of coffee, and listen to me slowly?" Page gestured to the coffee pot in the living room with a pipe, and said to the two: "Or, I leave now , you continue to stand in this small town, and you can only helplessly watch the murderer of your son take the plane to Washington, where he is promoted to the House of Representatives."

  (end of this chapter)

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