American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 8 - Librarian, huh?

Just when 11 secretly helped the three of Mike and Will get in touch, Will’s mother Joey was also waiting at home nervously.

It has been three days since Will disappeared, and she hasn’t closed her eyes yet. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees all kinds of misery in Will. But she can’t do anything and can only wait for the result of the police station.

I was waiting restlessly. Suddenly, the lights in the room began to flicker, and then the phone on the wall rang.

Joey jumped up from the sofa and quickly picked up the phone.



Will’s voice faintly came from the phone, accompanied by the roar of unknown creatures, which shocked Joey and quickly hugged the phone and cried and asked.

“Will? Is it Will? Where are you? I’m mom, where are you?”

There was no answer on the phone, the lights in the room began to flicker violently, and then the phone banged and black smoke appeared.






Joey broke down and shouted while holding the phone.

The lights in the room began to flicker violently, and the collapsed Joey followed the lights all the way to Will’s bedroom.

Pushing the door open, the stereo in Will’s bedroom rang.

It was a tape that Jonathan gave to Will. It was a song by his favorite band.

Then, the sound stopped and everything returned to normal.

Joey wiped his tears, picked up the bag and rushed out of the house.

She rushed all the way to the grocery store, swept away the colorful lights on the shelves, and began to hang them when she returned home.

Joey had a feeling that Will was always by her side and never left.

The lanterns were hung up, and the electricity was turned on one by one, and Joey cautiously shouted “Will?”

It’s quiet all around, and the colorful lights illuminate the room colorfully.

Just as Joey was disappointed to prepare to put away the colored lights, all the lights in the room suddenly went out.

Then, the colorful lights light up one by one.

Joey trembled with excitement. She tried to restrain the feeling of fainting, and followed the guidance of the colorful lights to the closet.

Open the closet, and there is a small white lamp inside.


Joey cried out cautiously while holding the small lamp.

The lantern in his arms turned on for a while, then went out.

Joey was overjoyed, she wiped away her tears, holding the little lamp and said

“Will, mom knows you are there, mom always knows you are.”

“Will, don’t be afraid. Mom is here.”

“Listening to my mother, my mother will ask a few questions. If the answer is yes, you can make it light up, if not, you can make it light up twice. Understand?”

After a moment of silence, the light ball in Joey’s arms lit up.

“Okay, okay, Will, isn’t it safe on your side?”

The lights came on for a while.

Joey couldn’t help but shed tears while holding the ball of light.

“How are you?”

The light group hesitated for a moment and then turned on.

Just when Joey was about to ask how to find him, the lights began to flicker hurriedly, and the colorful lights in the room followed the mountain. At the same time, waves of unknown came from the wall behind Joey. Roar.

“Will! Will!”

Joey yelled anxiously while holding the lamp ball. On the wall behind him, the wallpaper began to fall off, a layer of mucous membrane was supported and raised, and it was grabbed towards Joey. Joey turned his head abruptly, just in time with the mucous membrane. She screamed in fright, rushed out of the house holding the light ball, sat in the car, shaking hands and feet, took out the keys and left.


The flashing lights in the room returned to normal, and the surrounding area was quiet.

Joey sat in the car for a while, then plucked up the courage to get out of the car and return to the room.

In the room, the newly raised wall is intact.



Joey yelled while holding the ball of light, and the light did not flicker anymore, responding to her call.

Joey bit her lower lip. She turned out the paint and began to paint the letters on the wall. Then she removed a section of colored lights and placed them on the letters one by one. Then she held the newly bought phone and waited quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, there was a sound of electricity in the room, and then all the lights went out.

Joey stood in the dark, tentatively shouting out joyfully


The lights flickered.

Joey was overjoyed, pointing to the painted letters on the wall that hadn’t dried up and said, “Will, what you want to say, just light up in order. Can you hear me? Will?”

After hesitating for a moment, the light on the wall corresponding to the letter “Y” flashed.

Joey quickly asked, “Will, where are you?”

The lights on the wall came on one after another.

H, E, R, E!


Will is here.

“I knew it, I knew it, I knew you were always there, Will, I knew you were always there.”

Just as Joey was overjoyed, the lights on the wall began to light up quickly.

R, U, N!

Then, the indoor lights burst open all the way.

The wall where the mucosa appeared before broke again, and a claw pierced the mucosa and stretched out.

“Will! Run! Will run!”

Joey picked up the chair and threw it at his paw while yelling

“Will, hide to a safe place! Run! Will”

The next moment, a monster emerged from the mucous membrane.

This monster is tall, about 18 feet tall, and has a long and slender body like a giant snake covered with dark green scales. The upper limbs are winding octopus-like tentacles. The legs look slender but strong and powerful. There is no face, but A mouth that can bloom densely with fangs.

The monster opened his mouth and shouted at Joey.

Joey yelled for Will to run quickly, got out of the house, got in the car, and drove outside.

The next day, early morning.

This night I finally had a good night’s sleep. There was no red name to disturb, and no community service woman knocked on the door. Benny slept until dawn, refreshed.

After the three of them had breakfast, they got in Hope’s car and took 11 to the school. Hope took Benny to the library. He always feels that there is a problem with the secret laboratory and is ready to find information about it.

“Hi, Marisa. Good morning.”

Benny greeted each other cordially with the librarian, and they hugged each other and pressed their cheeks.

“Oh, Ben, hello.”

Benny walked into the library, and Hope behind him opened his arms to hug him, but Marissa just gave him a sideways glance, and the smile she had just pulled down immediately.

“Do you dare to come?”

“What?” Hope looked at Marisa with a dazed expression.

“You should at least make a call first, just say,’Marisa, we can’t work, sorry for wasting your time, I’m a bastard’”

Benny also looked at Hope with some surprise.


Hope nodded, then asked tentatively

“Maybe we can go out again next weekend?”

Marissa looked at Hope with a shocked look. Seeing Hope was still looking at her cheeky, she turned her gaze to Benny, who hurriedly shifted Marisa’s gaze to Hope.

Hope shrugged and said

“Do you have a newspaper here?”

Marissa rolled her eyes and walked in with Benny and Hope.

“We have the New York Times and the New York Post, both of which are big newspapers. They are classified according to year and subject. You can find the corresponding microfilm in the reading room.”

“We are looking for information on the Hawkins National Laboratory.” Hope said calmly, as if nothing happened just now.

“So, why don’t you start with the New York Times, and we start with the New York Post.”

Marisa looked around in shock and left without a word.

“Librarian, huh?”

Benny stepped forward.

Hope shrugged, picked up a stack of newspapers and left.

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