American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 367 - Transform

“When you get to the restaurant, you two don’t walk around randomly. I’ll go to Dean and ask. I should agree to let us look through it.”

The three walked through the woods, Kevin reminded in a low voice.

The re-planned area of ​​Hawkins Town is much larger than the original one. The complex streets in the middle form a natural pattern. Except houses, most of the streets are filled with green vegetation.

For this reason, many teenagers prefer to walk directly between the vegetation instead of walking the road in a conventional manner.

“What if Dean disagrees?”

Steers was a little less optimistic about the relationship between Kevin and Dean, and objected.

“That’s not a treasure, it’s just a register of personnel, why wouldn’t it be shown to us?”

Kevin asked incredulously, wondering how Steers could ask such a stupid question.

“Kevin, you need to know that it’s more than just a roster. With it, you know almost the entire Hawkinstown. There will be no secrets in Hawkinstown, right, McGow.”

Since his father was the deputy sheriff of the police station since he was a child, Steers thinks more about these than other children.

Hearing what Steers said, the backward McGao raised his head, a pale smile appeared on his face.

“If this is the case, we would never have access to the roster.”

Kevin frowned and said

“Benny’s restaurant looks like an ordinary restaurant, but in fact it can become a fortress at any time.”

After experiencing the last Hell’s Gate Incident, Benny’s Restaurant was demolished and rebuilt. This time, it made reference to the many shortcomings exposed in the Hell’s Gate incident and made up for it. In addition, with the development of science and technology, the construction methods are changing with each passing day. It is no exaggeration to say , Once again the Hell’s Gate incident, Hawkins’ casualties will definitely be much smaller.

“Their walls are all mixed with rowan ash and silver shavings, mixed with holy water. These three alone are enough to deter most evil supernatural creatures.

In addition to these, there are also a lot of ironware, complicated organs and formations, moonstones and other rare gem structures, etc. In short, if it is an ordinary person entering the restaurant, it is okay. If it is a supernatural creature, there is no need for other people to do it. The restaurant activates its defense mechanism, and whether it survives depends on the mood. “

As a prophet, and the person who has the best relationship with Angel Cassidio, Kevin knows a little bit about the architecture of Benny’s Restaurant. Whenever he thinks of Benny’s Restaurant, Kevin’s first time comes to his mind. The day when Dior made holy water.

I read the Bible to the water basin every day, from opening my eyes in the morning to closing my eyes in the middle of the night, without stopping.

In fact, most people can make holy water, but those with priesthood will make it more powerful, such as the angel Cassidio, such as the little prophet, and Kevin.

Thinking of that period, Kevin couldn’t help shivering, and shook his head quickly to shake the scene away.

“But fortunately, we are ordinary humans.”

Steers stopped and smiled at Kevin.

“Yeah, McGow.”

No response was heard, and the two looked back.

He found that McGao was standing in the shadow of the woods, lowered his head, and let out heavy gasps.

“Makgo? What’s wrong with you?”

Steers asked with concern.

Kevin raised his head and looked to the sky subconsciously.

In the blue sky, a silver moon rose slowly from the top of the mountain.

Today is the full moon!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

In the distance, there were waves of howling wolves one after another, which were the cries of young wolves who had not yet learned to control their transformation.

From the first wolf howl, the call became more and more, and soon, the wolf howl almost enveloped the entire Hawkinstown.

For the people in Hawkins Town, this situation has become accustomed to it. There will be such a day every month. They have long been used to it.

Kevin retracted his gaze and looked behind him.

McGao’s breathing became heavier and heavier, but Kevin’s gaze was not on McGao’s body.

Behind McGao’s body, two dots glowed red from the shadow, and a tall figure gradually emerged from the shadow.

It was a wolf, a tall and strong Alpha wolf.

Alpha Wolf’s heavy breathing sounded, and McGao’s breathing became heavier and heavier.

Steers felt a rush of heat, and his stiff head was facing Alpha Wolf. At this moment, Steers just felt the hairs on his neck that were exposed in the air, and a coolness came from the tail. The vertebrae run straight to the back.


Kevin yelled and pulled Steers to a dash.

“FUCK! That’s Alpha Wolf! That’s Alpha Wolf!”

Steers screamed loudly as he ran. He was frightened by the feeling of being in close contact with Alpha Wolf.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Isn’t there only one Alpha Wolf in Hawkinstown!”

“Who said there is only one?” Kevin retorted as he ran. “In fact, only Ben knows how many Alpha Wolves are in Hawkins Town.”

“what should we do?”

Steers gradually calmed down and asked aloud.

They all knew in their hearts that if they didn’t find a way quickly and simply escaped, it would be impossible to get past the werewolf.

And it is precisely where they are now in a remote location. The expanded Hawkins Town covers a large area, and there are not many people living in this area.

“how could I know!”

“Aren’t you a prophet?”

Kevin was choked by Steals, he glanced back, and then yelled, “Tell me first when McGao became a werewolf!”

It was only then that Steers remembered that he had just left a good friend in place.

“What werewolf?”

“Watch it for yourself!”

When Steers turned her head, she happened to see an orange eye.

McGao, who was transformed into a wolf, jumped up, a pair of orange-yellow beast eyes filled with barbarism and madness, and he threw Steers to the ground.

The giant wolf exhaled a hot sniff, pressing his two front paws on Steers’ chest, leaning down and sniffing on Steers.


Kevin made a quiet gesture to stop Steers from struggling.

After the werewolf transforms, even if he cannot control himself, he does not completely lose consciousness. It is just that after transforming into a wolf form, the animal nature will prevail, which does not mean that the reason will die.

However, Kevin felt that it was obviously not reliable to pin his hopes on McGao’s rationality, and there was a terrifying Alpha Wolf behind him.

He moved his palm cautiously, opened Steers’ bag quietly, and took out a pile of intercom fragments from it.

He touched it without giving up, and a cell phone was touched out.


At the moment he pressed the keyboard, Kevin almost wanted to hammer Steers to death.

Good phone, why do you have to set such a loud sound for the buttons! ! !

Sure enough, after the keystrokes sounded, McGao’s attention was immediately drawn to Kevin.

He barked his teeth, then let go of Stiles, jumped up, and rushed towards Kevin.

Kevin gave a strange cry, dialed a number at random, turned around and ran.

“No matter who you are, we are on Bogusta Street, where the former Arkins house was. We were attacked by a werewolf. Come and save our lives!!!”

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