American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 14 - Gravity restraint

Steve’s backyard in the woods.

As the sky gradually darkened, Nancy and Jonathan looked around with flashlights. Before they knew it, they drifted away.

When Nancy found the two separated, it was too late.

After yelling for a few times, Jonathan didn’t get a response, Nancy boldly continued to search on her own.

Nancy soon found out.

Under a tree in front of her, something seemed to be howling.

Nancy boldly approached the tree and found that the sound came from a hole under the tree.

She took off her backpack, took the revolver, and crawled into the tree hole.

Benny’s plan is perfect, that is, it raises the MP limit and saves Will. All they have to do is to contact reliable personnel in advance, and then sneak in or break into the national laboratory to record the situation inside. Just bring it out.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

It is a pity that the plan is not as fast as the change. Even if Benny knew the plot in advance, he couldn’t predict how the world with his participation would develop next.

After all, TV dramas are just TV dramas, but now they are real people.

Therefore, when Bennyhope brought Joey, who had to keep up, cautiously approached the National Laboratory, and was about to damage the external power grid and sneak in, he bumped into a large number of security personnel.

Both sides are stupid.

With a vise in his hand, Hope squinted under the shining of a large number of bright tactical flashlights, and covered his eyes with his arms, looking pitiful, weak and helpless.

Benny stood beside Hope and smiled.

“Dr. Brunner, I said we were here to deliver the food, do you believe it?”

Dr. Brenner stepped back, and was slightly relieved after being blocked by security personnel. He pushed his glasses, and calmly reached out in a please gesture

“Then please bring it in.”

Seeing the three people were silent, Dr. Brenner waved his hand, and several security personnel slowly approached with their guns.

“Hope, what should I do?”

Benny kept smiling, feeling his face stiff with laughter, he asked quietly.

“Don’t you know that?”

Hope gradually adapted to the bright light and replied with a small pistol.


“That’s it, whoosh, pop—”

Benny took a deep breath, opened the skill panel, and silently calculated the gap in the number of the enemy and the enemy, as well as the distance between the security personnel.

5 meters, 4 meters, 3 meters!

A black halo spread out around Benny, quickly enveloping creatures within three meters.

Gravity restraint!

Immediately, Benny raised his left hand and waved it strongly towards where Dr. Brunner was.

A big basketball fireball emerged out of thin air, and with the wave of Benny’s left hand, it dragged a long trajectory in the air and slapped it into the crowd.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the fireball exploded in the crowd where Dr. Brunner was avoiding. The security personnel and Dr. Brunner were scalded by the high temperature of the fireball technique and fell to the ground screaming.


At the same time, several shots sounded from his side, and Benny lowered his head in amazement.

Behind him, Hope was lying on Joey with a look of consternation, bleeding slowly from his chest.


Benny was a little confused, he raised his hand and drew the pistol to kill the security personnel lying on the ground next to him, squatted down, and tentatively shouted.

At this time, the ten seconds of gravity restraint had passed, and Hope was spitting blood and a grunting sound in his mouth. He stretched out his hand to hold Benny together, stared at Benny with wide eyes, but couldn’t say anything.

Benny clenched Hope’s hand tightly, feeling the flow of vitality in his body, his mind was still in a daze.


Hope gradually weakened, and finally spit out Joey’s name.

Benny finally recovered. He tried to calm himself, quickly opened the attribute panel, and rummaged through a lot of bright skills.







Life prayer?

Yes, pray for life!

Life Prayer: Active skill, consumes 50 mana points, prays to nature, and manipulates natural energy to inject the wounded into the wounded body, which can effectively heal the wound and relieve the wounded’s pain. Can be upgraded, (11000) (Note: When the prayer is interrupted, the natural energy will fall into a violent state, tearing the wounded to pieces; the natural energy will not favor the praying prayers)

Benny looked at his mana.

Just using gravity restraint and fireball, 20 points were consumed, eight red names were killed, and 24 points were left.

not enough!

Benny looked up at the people struggling on the ground. They were the people who had been injured by fireball before and were not dead yet.

He let go of Hope’s hand, picked up a gun casually on the ground, and walked to them.



37 o’clock!

not enough!

Benny looked up at the National Laboratory building where the alarm bell was made, put the rifle on his back, turned and dragged Hope to the back of the car.

“Hope, listen to me about Hope,”

Benny looked up at the security guards emerging from the laboratory building, and slapped Hope **** the face.

“Wake up buddy!”

“Hope, believe me, I can save you, you have to hold on, when I come back, remember, you have to hold on, don’t fall asleep, do you hear it? Hold on!”

“Joy, you have to look at Hope, don’t let him fall asleep!”

“Have you heard!”

Benny shook the frightened Joey and shouted loudly.

Joey came back to his senses and nodded again and again, shaking his hands over Hope’s muzzle.

After the instructions, Benny tore off a few strips of cloth, bandaged Hope indiscriminately, raised his hands, and slowly walked towards the surrounding security personnel.

“Hey! I surrender! I surrender!”

Benny yelled as he approached slowly

“I am injured here and need treatment.”

“He is Hawkins’ sheriff, he needs treatment!”


“Kneel down!”

“Hold your head in your hands!”

“Get down!”

Benny did them one by one, obediently.

Upon seeing this, a group of security personnel quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed to hold Benny.

Benny felt the pressure of running, and opened the skill panel blankly.

A dark halo spreads out around Benny,

Within three meters, everyone fell to the ground.

Benny stood up, picked up a gun casually, and a shuttle was directed at the people on the ground.


Benny picked up a few guns indiscriminately, turned around and picked Hope and threw them in the back seat, calling Joey to get in the car and ran away.


“Hold on! Hope!”

Benny kept stepping on the accelerator, turning his head anxiously and shouting.

“Hurry up!”

“Hurry up!”

Joey sat in the back seat, holding Hope in her arms, covered in blood. She tried hard to help Hope press the gunshot wound on her chest and kept urging Benny.

“His heartbeat is weakening!”

“Hurry up!”

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