American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 55 I have learned a lot


Seeing Levian's reaction, General Sam's face turned green, and he cursed Levian with red eyes.

"Fuck, you ran so easily, how did an old ghost like you become a general!"

"You asked me how I became a general?

That's how I became a general!

I have been avoiding danger, trying to live for a few more decades, and then I will naturally become a general if I have a general father!

You have to learn from me, so that you can retire peacefully like me, and you can take the guard out hunting when you have nothing to do, Sam!"

At this point, General Levian patted Sam's shoulder heavily, and then quickly got into the car with his big belly.

At the same time, outside the encirclement of the National Guard, Donton looked at the group of soldiers quickly getting into their respective vehicles, and then ran away.

Looking at the dust left by the armored vehicle, Donton stopped the car curiously and got out of the door.

"Just now they were aiming at me, but suddenly they just walked away. I was ready to kill, are you kidding me?"

After muttering to himself, Donton closed the car door and walked towards the pile of corpses in the distance.

Without the help of the National Guard, the workload of General Ryan's few remaining men suddenly doubled.

Looking at the SEALs who were still moving the corpses, Donton walked towards them.

As he walked, Donton greeted them from a distance.

"Hey, guys, your equipment looks much better than those who left.

Can you tell me what happened? Why are there so many corpses? I remember I didn't kill so many people. There must be one or two hundred people lying here, right?"

"Fuck, Donton!!!"

The seal carrying the corpse of his comrade was startled by Donton. He quickly threw the corpse aside, then pointed the gun at Donton and retreated again and again.

Just when the seal retreated the sixth step, General Ryan came over and stopped him.

"Okay, no need to be on guard, we are no match for him.

Continue...find everyone's name tags, I will bring medals to their families, as for now, don't let more people die, let me talk to Donton."

After the voice fell, General Ryan let go of the seal sadly, and then walked towards Donton.

Looking at the increasingly capable old man, Donton put his hands in his pockets and asked him with a smile.

"So you are their commander, and the one who said I am not important on the intercom is also you?"

"It's me, if there are more people who must die here, then I am the one who deserves to die the most here.

Donton, don't kill anymore, I..."

"You are so damn nice!"

Donton interrupted Ryan's words, then grabbed Ryan's neck and lifted the old man up.

While watching the old man struggling in his hands, Donton continued with a smile.

"A bloody massacre? I find it funny when I hear you say this word.

I was driving along the road and was about to go to Smallwell's coffee shop to eat and drink with the female paparazzi, but you guys blew me up all of a sudden.

That was an air-to-ground missile. I really learned a lot from you, haha.

Don't you like to bomb me? I also said that I would return the rockets you gave me.

Guess what, if I kill your general, will your superiors not care about the lives of the remaining soldiers and continue to throw missiles at us?"

"Wait, Donton, we didn't launch that missile. This has nothing to do with the general!!!"

On the side, the adjutant, who looked only about 40 years old, rushed to Donton nervously and looked at him worriedly.

"Third-party mercenaries have joined our battlefield, and they exchanged fire with us!

They also bombed your missiles. We rarely drop missiles near towns with too many people, because that would get us impeached!"

"Oh? Really? Do you mean I made a mistake?"

Hearing the adjutant's words, Donton extended his left hand to the adjutant with interest.

"Come on, give me your pistol."


"Even if you don't want to give it, I can still get it, man!"

Donton interrupted the adjutant's hesitation and jumped in front of the adjutant with just one jump.

Grabbing the adjutant's pistol, Donton raised Ryan, who was thrown to the point of rolling his eyes, high with his right hand, and smashed Ryan's legs with his left hand!


After two shots, Donton threw Ryan, who suddenly shrank, aside. Ryan finally caught his breath and screamed deafeningly while covering his legs.

Listening to General Ryan's wailing, Donton put his pistol into his waistband and said to the trembling adjutant.

"Don't worry, I just want to scare you. I don't want to kill this old man at all.

You may not understand the reason, anyway, it has something to do with a new friend of mine.

In this world full of bad guys, there are not many pure good people. This thing is like a giant panda, very rare and very interesting.

If I kill all the interesting people, what should I do when I want them to accompany me to have fun?

If one day, there are only pugs around me, how boring I will be, haha!"

Laughing loudly, Donton squatted beside Ryan and raised his right hand to the adjutant next to him again.

"Hey, man, don't stand there, your general needs treatment.

How do you usually treat this kind of gunshot wound? Is it like in the game, where you take out a tube of adrenaline and inject it into him first? "

"No, no, no... No, we... We have a medic...

Wait... I...

I am a fucking medic!!! "

As he spoke, the adjutant rushed into the command vehicle like the wind and ran out with a large box of equipment.

He quickly cut Ryan's pants open, and then quickly dealt with the bullet holes on Ryan's legs.

While being treated by the adjutant, Ryan tried hard to say something to Donton.

It's a pity that he is no longer young. Unless he is in a state of last breath, he will definitely not be able to chat smoothly while bleeding heavily.

It's not easy for him to stay awake in such pain!

Looking at Ryan's mouth opening and closing, Donton reached out and rubbed Ryan's hair heavily.

"Okay, Lao Deng, don't talk if you can't speak.

Your hair is probably all white, but my hair is still black and shiny. There is a generation gap between us!

If you have anything to say, I'll go talk to Louise. Where did that paparazzi go?

Let me think, Louise's smell should be... huh?

Is she on her period these days? She smells very bloody! "

After saying this, Donton let go of General Ryan's hair and walked towards a dentist's clinic farther away.

Pushing aside the two trembling gatekeepers, Donton looked at Louise lying on the bed and was slightly stunned.

"Oh, fainted, was she affected by the attack?

Get up, the sun is shining on your butt. If you don't wake up, your dad will die, girl!"

At this point, Donton raised his hand and pinched Louise's cheek, pulling it hard.


"Ah!!! ”

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the soft flesh on her left cheek suddenly loosening, Louise whimpered in pain, and then jumped up from the hospital bed in horror!

Reporting the real-time results to all the bosses, our Downton is now 55th on the new book list and 7th on the light novel new book list. Because a group of big guys were on the list for 30 days yesterday, they were removed from the list, so it seems that we have made progress again!

In addition, there is another good news that the monthly tickets of all the bosses have not been wasted. We have squeezed into the top 500 of the monthly ticket list and are now 470th!

Bosses, you all know that Downton never robs the poor!

Downton: "Since you are all tall, rich and handsome, hand over your monthly tickets! ! ! "

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