American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 32 Explosive Ball

A few minutes later, Liv took Donton's hand and pinned the cufflink-shaped locator on Donton's cuff.

After tidying up her sleeves, Liv patted the back of Donton's hand with a little concern.

"Since you strongly requested it, I can only pick a more beautiful locator for you. The signal basically covers the entire United States, and there is no problem in Europe.

But are you sure you want to carry this thing on the road?"

As she asked, Liv poked the cufflink locator with her little finger.

Facing Liv's repeated questioning, Donton slapped Liv on the butt.

"Of course, I'm counting on this thing to save me and my driver time.

Have you arranged the car? If all is well, I'll leave right away."

"It's arranged. It's a Chevrolet Tahoe, which is convenient for you to carry a considerable amount of tactical equipment.

But I see that you haven't prepared any tactical equipment, so your small bag can hold more things.

Next time you have an operation, remember to call me in advance, or come to the club to find me, and I will connect you directly to the city's arms supply..."

"Stop wasting time, let's talk about the next thing next time, Bartel, let's go!"

Donton interrupted Liv and snatched the car keys from Liv.

After throwing the keys to Bartel, Donton walked out of the private room and walked along the corridor to the venue.

Seeing Bartel following Donton, Ozwald's men greeted Bartel one after another.

"Old Bartel, you've changed your boss!"

"It's the Revenant, he was on TV last night!"

"He was on TV but there's no wanted order, that's the most amazing thing about the Revenant!"

"He attacked the Kane Hotel this morning, and I saw him driving fast on the way to the club, his driving skills are really terrible!"

"Warmly welcome the new boss of Shining Gotham, the Revenant!"

"Would you like to have a drink tonight, Boss Revenant!"

"My brother was killed by you yesterday afternoon, Revenant, I'll avenge you after I take good care of my brother and sister!"

"Boss Revenant, try this!"

A thug threw half a bottle of wine at Donton, who raised his hand and scooped it up, bringing the wine directly to his mouth.

"Tequila, my favorite!"

After pouring half a bottle of tequila directly into his stomach, Donton threw the bottle to the ground fiercely.

Seeing Donton behave so heroically, cheers suddenly rang out all around.

"Boss Tang, our boss Ozwald's ribs were broken by you. He is recuperating now, so I can't come and have a drink with you!"

"Boss Revenant has a good alcohol tolerance and often comes to the club!"

"Boss Revenant, how is it to fuck the daughter of the Gotham councillor? Is it very smooth?"

"Haha, it must be very smooth, but it's a pity that Boss Tang didn't record it!"

Accompanied by the cheers of Ozwald's men, Donton clapped his hands heavily.

"Guys, when I finish my work, I will definitely come here to drink more with you.

As for now, get out of my way, don't fucking block my way!"


Donton raised his gun and shot at the ceiling. The sound of gunfire and the shattering of the chandelier made the place quiet.

The crowd silently made way for Donton and Bartel, so Donton walked out with his bag and gun on his back.

When he was about to leave the club, the nervous Bartel was suddenly stunned, and then he quickly got behind Donton.

"Boss, I'll carry your backpack for you!"

As he spoke, he took Donton's backpack.

Seeing this, Donton grinned.

"You've finally grown up. Keep it up in the future."

"I know, Boss."

Bartel nodded hurriedly, and then took Donton to the car arranged by Liv.

Liv was particularly attentive to Donton's car, and even sent two little girls carrying wolf-tooth baseball bats to guard the door.

Seeing Donton coming, the little girl standing in the front blinked expectantly.

Last night, she heard her sisters talk about Don's generosity, and she didn't know how much she could earn this time.

Noticing the little girl's eyes, Donton went to Bartel to open the backpack, took out three or four grenades and threw them at the little girl.

"You two have worked hard. I don't have any money in my pocket. These explosive balls are just tips. Have fun with them."

"Don is so generous. Next time you meet up with my sister, I will come to help you with chores!"

The little girl picked up the grenade happily and stuffed the ball into her barren chest.

After the little girl left, Bartel opened the door for Don and sat in the driver's seat.

Don showed Bartel the location of the phone that Liv arranged, and Bartel nodded in understanding.

"It's near the History Museum. I've always heard that the Dimitrov family has opened a lot of laundries there.

Boss, we can arrive in about 20 minutes."

"Twenty minutes, right? Gotham is really big. You drive your car and call me when you get there."

Don waved to Bartel, then changed to a comfortable position to rest.

The car started slowly and drove all the way to the Dimitrov family.

On the other hand, in the heart of Little Italy in the east of Gotham, in the garden of Caesar Manor.

Falcone sat on the open-air sofa in pajamas, holding a cigar and waving to Victor Zsasz.

"Victor, what's the news today?"

"Boss, Miss Sophia arrived in Gotham at three in the morning, and she wants to see you.

In addition, Jonathan from Arkham Asylum also wants to see you."


After hearing Victor's report, Falcone nodded gently.

"Sophia is too anxious. Even if she has been using her seemingly casual appearance to cover up her ambition, her inner self will not allow her to slow down.

Based on this, smart people can always see what she wants, and she is still far away!

As for Jonathan, I know, let Jonathan come to see me first, as for Sophia... let her wait for me in my study."

Speaking of this, Falcone paused for a moment, and then waved to Victor.

"While I rest, let's send the destination to the Dimitrov family. With Donton's temper, maybe he has already set off by now!"

"Okay, boss, I will take people to deal with Yuri, the son of a bitch!"

Zas smiled cruelly and then left the garden.

After sending messages to Jonathan and Sophia respectively, he assembled a team of more than 300 gunmen and rushed towards the territory of the Dimitrov family.

At the same time, in the garden.

Looking at Falcone, who was sitting on the sofa with his back to him, smoking a cigar and admiring the flowers, Jonathan's pupils covered by gold-rimmed glasses briefly revealed a look of disdain.

Unexpectedly, Falcone suddenly turned his head to look at Jonathan as if he had eyes on his back.

Jonathan quickly raised his hand to adjust his glasses, and then bowed to Falcone.

"Mr. Falcone, you should know who I am here for, so can we be frank?"

"Sit down and talk, Jonathan, tell me what Mr. Lei Xiaogu needs my help with.

Although I have only met him a few times, my respect for Mr. Lei Xiaogu has not diminished. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Falcone took off his cigar and lighted it, letting the ash fall into the ashtray.

Jonathan sat on the single sofa on the left side of Falcone and put the small silver box he carried with him on his legs.

Falcone glanced at the box calmly and slowly took a puff of the cigar.

As he exhaled the smoke, Jonathan took out two documents from the box and handed them to him.

As Falcone was reading the documents, Jonathan added.

"Mr. Lei Xiaogu has a batch of goods that will arrive in Gotham soon. The date and container number are on the document. He needs you to ensure the safety of the goods.

In addition, Mr. Lei Xiaogu also wants to talk to you about the dead souls in Gotham. I hope you can make time to meet him!"

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