American comics: Concept of gods, starting from God’s reward for hard work

Chapter 4

Erin never thought that someone could successfully get started so soon.

The practice of magic requires a long time of accumulation.

Especially for beginners, if they want to develop a fighting ability in magic, they need years of hard study.

After all, not everyone is a genius.

And due to the special nature of Asgard, every mage will even spend more time practicing fighting skills while learning magic.

The glory of a warrior is always so eye-catching.

I still remember that when I first learned magic, it took me several hours to successfully sense the magic energy.

How long did it take Aaron?

Remember it was only ten minutes?

Unexpectedly, I saw the legendary magic genius!

And he is also a genius who voluntarily devoted himself from a warrior to learning magic!

Erin beamed.

If a great mage specializing in magic appeared in Asgard, there might be a chance to change the social status of mages.

Attract more people to join the learning of magic.

Involuntarily, Irene became more interested in Aaron

"Shut up! Aaron has officially become a mage, so don't disturb him from wandering in the mysterious ocean of magic now."

Irene scolded all the apprentices to be silent, asking them to continue meditating and providing Aaron with a quiet meditation environment.

This is the treatment of a magic genius.

Hearing this, the others were shocked. Although they did not dare to speak, they all blinked. Their eyes had exposed their thoughts.

Next, everyone stopped the discussion and waited quietly for Aaron to wake up.

Soon, an hour passed.

Aaron finally opened his eyes.

At this moment, the meditation skill has become LV4 (1000/ 10000)

The proficiency of each meditation +4. If you want to continue to upgrade, it will probably take several hours.

The current environment is obviously not suitable for continued meditation.

In addition, the energy intensity column has finally been increased from 2 to 3.

The effect is quite obvious.

After all, it only took him an hour from being exposed to magic to the increase in energy intensity! There is still a long time to come, and the improvement in strength will only get faster and faster.

Now, what Aaron wants to do most is to learn new ones. Magic.

Only in this way can we improve our combat power as quickly as possible and compare how powerful the lv4 skills are.

After all, before his memory awakened and he learned magic, judging from his previous memories, he had practiced fighting, spear, and sword skills for hundreds of years. , looking at the template evaluation, it is only level three.

Although it is much harder than the average Asgardian warrior, it is no more than an elite warrior at best, not even comparable to the three warriors of Asgard.

But now it has only been meditating for more than an hour, and it has reached the top. After hundreds of years of learning, I have to say that the golden finger is so powerful!

If I had awakened my memory and golden finger earlier, I don’t know how far I have reached in 1,000 years.

Although it is much late, it is still late, there is still time, Aaron was confident that he would be able to arm himself to a very high level in the remaining time.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an expectant and curious face, and those eyes were filled with the light of hope.

The face that suddenly approached made him Aaron subconsciously raised his hands to make a defensive move in fighting skills.

Before learning magic, he had already participated in warrior training and worked hard to become a qualified elite warrior.

He learned Asgard fighting skills, training techniques, and guns. It was not until he traveled back through time that he found that the time spent and the rewards were not proportional to the benefits if he continued to exercise, so he made the decision to participate in magic studies at the same time.

He did not want to just become one of the three warriors of Immortal Palace. To that extent, he wanted to become stronger.

But when he saw the owner's face clearly, Aaron stopped his actions and said helplessly:"Teacher, don't approach so suddenly next time, okay? Will be accidentally injured"

"Got it, I'll pay attention next time."

Irene smiled awkwardly, straightened up, her eyes flashed with curiosity,"How do you feel? Isn’t the power of magic so fascinating?"

"great! I mean awesome!"Amidst the envious looks of others, Aaron gave an affirmative answer

"By the way, teacher, can you teach me new magic? I can’t wait to dive into the magic."

Irene frowned, glanced at the others, and hesitated.

Magic teaching needs to be gradual. Generally speaking, even if beginners can perceive the magical energy, it will take a certain amount of time to accumulate before they can proceed to the next step of teaching.

But when I think of Ya With the talent Lun has shown so far, he has already made up his mind.

"Yes, but magic learning cannot be completed overnight. Although you already have magic energy, you have only meditated for a short time, and it may not be enough to fully cast magic once. Don't be discouraged later. With your talent, you are destined to become a great person. Inferior to a powerful mage like Second Prince Loki!"

Before teaching magic, Irene also made mental preparations for Aaron.

After all, Aaron has just come into contact with magic. Even if he is extremely talented, he will not be able to cast magic immediately.

He may have meditated after failure. The magic energy will be exhausted.

Irene didn't want to dampen the other party's enthusiasm, so she said it in advance.

Aaron nodded to express his understanding.

Seeing this, Irene began to tell the next magic.

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