America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 54 The target of public criticism

Fultz took his troops in a large circle inside and outside the city, but could not find any trace of the Chinese.

So they divided their forces into two groups and searched again where the wanted criminal might exist.

Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we still have to find them.

Fultz felt a tightness in his chest, which was congested, and his wound was aching again.

After searching a forest again to no avail, he couldn't bear it anymore and punched a tree on the side of the road.

"Sir." A mounted policeman behind him walked up cautiously and reported.

"Say!" Fultz took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"We caught two people, they seem to be wanted criminals as well."

The Mounted Police's search was not fruitless. Another team of them caught two people in an abandoned warehouse next to the railway.

When the two men were caught, they were looking for something in the warehouse. They were found with a Pinkerton detective tied to a pillar.

One of them had an upturned beard, and the other was said to be the man's groom.

There was blood all over the floor in the warehouse. God knows what these two evil wanted criminals did to that poor Pinkerton detective.

Two people were quickly brought to Fultz. One of them was dressed as a bounty hunter, and the other looked like a groom.

They were all tied up tightly.

"Let me go, this has nothing to do with me, I'm a bounty hunter." Mustache roared while struggling.

Fultz walked to his side and looked at him coldly.

A mounted police officer next to him handed over a reward warrant. Fultz took it and placed it next to his mustache face to compare it.

The portrait on the reward order looks exactly like the mustache.

"Hanif, um, killed a rancher in Montrose and was related to the disappearance of several Pinkerton detectives and the Bain brothers. How brave are you to come to Denver to commit murder?!" Fultz said coldly.

"Those have nothing to do with me! I was wronged! I never lie." Hanif struggled and shouted.

Also, the farmer was killed by his stableman Donnie, Bain's brother was killed by himself, and the other people had half a dime to do with him.

As for Detective Pinkerton and the blood stains in the warehouse, he was even more confused. He followed Chen Jianqiu's trail to Denver, but did not dare to enter the town or enter a store along the way. They did not have the ability to rely on mountains and water to feed themselves like birds, so they were hungry all the way and suffered terribly.

Relying on his intuition and tracking skills of many years as a bounty hunter, he found the warehouse next to the train track.

They just broke in and saw blood stains all over the floor and the dying Daniel. Just when they were overjoyed that they were heading in the right direction, they were ready to continue collecting clues.

A large number of heavily armed mounted police appeared at the gate of the warehouse.

Fultz hated the harsh words of criminals the most in his life. He could no longer suppress the "spirit of justice" in his chest. Regardless of his shoulder injury, he punched Hanif in the stomach.

Hanif groaned and almost spit out the berries he had eaten during the day.

"What's your relationship with the other four wanted people? Huh?" Fultz felt a little more comfortable and asked pressingly.

"I'm hunting them too! I'm a bounty hunter! Let me go, you idiot." Hanif would rather die than surrender.

Another punch, this time a direct blow to the liver. Hanif's face changed and he screamed in pain.

Fultz turned around, found a place to sit, and winked at his subordinates.

Now that the superiors have taken action, I naturally don't be polite.

The mounted policemen, who were holding back their anger, swarmed up and gave Hanif a beating. The groom, Danny, was shivering in a group and did not dare to say a word.

By the time everyone was beaten to the point of defeat, Hanif's head was bleeding and he could only gasp for air.

"Give him to the Denver police." Fultz moved his neck.

"What to do with the Chinese?" asked his mounted policeman.

"Let's go back and fix it, study their previous information, and make a plan." Fultz's face was gloomy. "As long as they are still in the West, I will definitely capture them and bring them to justice."


A few days later, Hanif walked out of the door of the Denver Police Department with a bruised nose and face. Behind him, Downey, the groom, was in much better condition.

After Pinkerton Detective Daniel woke up, he went to great lengths to prove to the Denver Sheriffs that his case had nothing to do with Hanif.

Hanif himself was temporarily released after spending all his money and paying a huge bail.

"We will ask the victim's family for their opinions. Please be sure to be present when the court officially opens." Your Honor said.

Hanif is now extremely eager to catch Chen Jianqiu and his associates.

Chen Jianqiu's bounty has increased again, and his nickname has also changed. "Double-Knife Butcher" and "Street Lamp Hangman" were added to the reward order. The bounty has doubled to 600 US dollars. Sean and Feiniao have each increased their reward. 50, turned into $250. Because Adam didn't show his face and was already worth a lot of money, there were still so many.

Hanif is short of money right now, whether it's because he just emptied his bail money or he may need to pay compensation to the farmer's daughter in the future.

More importantly, he vowed to make Chen Jianqiu pay the price for putting him in such a situation.


The white-haired old man Chen Lanbin stood with his hands behind his hands and stood at the window of Wanfu Building. He witnessed the entire incident with a complicated look on his face.

The long-braided young man behind him who had just suffered a loss was very angry, but when he saw Chen Jianqiu standing at the entrance of Chinatown covered in blood, he couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

"Sir, just looking at the sword skills, this person must be closely related to that person. His identity is complicated and confusing, and he must be inseparable from those remnants." The young man said.

Chen Lanbin shook his head and sighed.

"Mr. Chen, if it's inconvenient for you, I can help you solve these problems." A stiff Chinese voice came from the stairs. At the same time as this sentence, it was Detective Pinkerton, with a hooked nose, Lynch.

"We have initially learned something about that young man. I can help you deal with him, but it may be a little later." Lin Qi walked to Chen Lanbin's side, holding the window with his hand and looking down.

Chen Lanbin sighed again and turned around.


Outside Denver, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, a Latin American girl was holding a white horse. She had put on a new red dress, but this time it was a smart outfit, a dark red jacket and shirt.

On her shoulder was a Sharps 1874, a gun that could kill a bison at 1000 yards.

She lowered her body, observed the marks on the road, and then got on her horse.

A white horse, a red coat, and a gun enter the mountain.

Thank you to book friends 160527185556566 and Don’t Come 123 for your monthly pass, thank you Ke Goucheng for your reward, thank you all for your recommendation votes, thank you all for your collection and follow-up reading, thank you very much

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