America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 35 The Bain Brothers

There was no need to guess this time, because there was a person already standing there at the corner of the cave entrance.

This man was wearing a traditional denim jacket, and the most conspicuous thing was his bald head. Light shines in from the hole, and half of the bald face is dark and half is bright.

Both sides saw each other.

The bald head raised his gun and started shooting. Before Chen Jianqiu could hear the gunshot, he only saw the bald head's movements and ducked aside against the wall.

The bullet grazed his body and flew past.

Asuka and Sean behind him also raised their guns to fight back, but the light in the cave was dim and neither side hit the other.

The bald man hid around the corner, changing bullets.

Chen Jianqiu's mind was racing rapidly.

There are dozens of steps from their position to the entrance of the cave. If the three people on his side suppress him with firepower, within ten steps, they will be their world.

However, the bald man's next move made his calculations come to nothing.

A sparkling cylindrical object was thrown from around the corner.

"Back off, he has explosives!" Chen Jianqiu strode back and rolled back to the end of the corridor.


A huge explosion sounded in the corridor, and a stick of dynamite exploded like a bundle. The corridor turned into a loudspeaker and a microphone, almost bursting the eardrums of Chen Jianqiu and the others.

The shock wave generated by the explosion also followed. For a while, gravel fell off in the cave and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the second explosive was thrown over, and Chen Jianqiu and the others had to retreat a long way.

"Is this bald man crazy? Throwing explosives in the cave!" Sean choked and coughed due to the thick smoke. "Is he going to bury us in here? By the way, how many explosives did this madman bring?"

"This mountain is mainly made of granite, which is very hard. It won't collapse with this amount of explosives." Uncle Holmes added from a professional perspective.

"Shut up. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute." Sean stepped back without forgetting to fight back.

After three or four explosives were blown up, the whole cave was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Chen Jianqiu tried to fight back while the explosives were being thrown, but the bald man seemed to have four hands. He lit the fire and threw the explosives in one go, one after another.

They had to retreat again to avoid the debris and smoke coming towards them, and then the bullets were fired.

Why is the opponent throwing bombs so fast?

The tunnels in the cave extend in all directions, but there are only two exits. However, according to the current situation, only by placing yourself in the dark can you give the opponent a fatal blow.

"The three of you return to the cave where we just painted the mural." Chen Jianqiu said, "I'll stay."

"I'll go with you." Asuka said a little worriedly.

"There is so much movement in the cave. The group at the entrance of the cave will definitely find an opportunity to come in. You guys find a bunker and act accordingly." A smile appeared on Chen Jianqiu's lips.

"I'm here to play with this bald man."


Baldhead actually hates the dark, because as a bounty hunter, chasing prey in the dark can easily turn him into the target of prey.

Another reason is that in the dark, as long as there is a little light, his bald head will be like a beacon, serving as a target for other people's guns.

The only one to blame is his parents. From the moment he was born, he was bald. When he grew up, not only was there no grass on his head, but he became even smoother.

Yes, a bald head is handsome, but it’s not practical.

At this moment, he believed more in the bundle of explosives wrapped around his waist. He would not expose himself in a straight line, but would use explosives to clear the way whenever he came to a corner.

So he lit another match.

Then he saw an expressionless face.

By the light of the fire, he saw a man hanging upside down on the top of the cave like a bat, holding a sharp dagger, falling down, and the dagger went straight towards his neck.

Chen Jianqiu has been waiting here for a long time.

To save weight, he gave Sean the shotgun and only carried a knife.

With the help of the thick smoke from the explosion, he held his breath and jumped to the top of the corner. His hands touched the rock protrusion there, hooked his feet, and hung there upside down.

He used his hearing to identify the direction of the bald head, but to his surprise, the bald head was very experienced and the footsteps were almost inaudible. The breathing sounds a bit strange and messy.

Why are there the sounds of two people breathing?

At this time, flames appeared. Chen Jianqiu saw the bald head and launched a direct attack.

But when he jumped into the air, he suddenly felt something was wrong. This was an instinct before a crisis came.

A flash of fire suddenly appeared behind the bald head.

Chen Jianqiu gave up the attack, twisted his waist, changed direction, and landed on the ground like a cat.

He dodged the fatal bullet fired at him.

By the faint light of the match that had not been extinguished, he saw a face exactly like the bald head appearing behind him.

twin brothers?

The light of the match went out, and continuous gunshots rang out in the corridor.

Chen Jianqiu quickly retreated, stepped into a side road, and escaped into the shadows again.

The twin brothers still shot at the corridor again.

"What on earth is this? It's like a ghost." The elder brother touched his neck with lingering fear, where there was almost a big gash just now.

"Let's be careful. These three people are not simple, otherwise Chief Morris and the others would not have died in their hands." said the younger brother behind him.

Hanif found them a few days ago and asked them to hunt down these three people, but they were really unwilling to share the bounty with someone like Hanif. So he refused because he was too far away, and then quietly followed him.

They are called the Bane Brothers, and among the bounty hunters still alive in the West, the total number of bounties they have received ranks in the top ten.

Now, they decided to deal with the three fugitives as soon as possible, just like they usually do.


There is a camp on a high mountain plateau near the town of Montrose. At this time, the agents of the Pinkerton Detective Agency are camping and resting here.

Hook-nosed was sitting by the campfire, tasting freshly brewed coffee, when an agent walked up to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Boss, uh, Rost took his men to chase those three people privately." The agent said cautiously.

The cup in the hook-nosed hand stopped, and the agent didn't dare to express his anger.

"How did the background check of the Chinese person I asked you to check go?" He suddenly asked an irrelevant question with a hooked nose.

"Well, he entered the United States from California. We also found out that the ship he was on was from the Pacific Mail Company. It passed through Shanghai, Yokohama, and San Francisco. But our intelligence agent said that there was someone traveling from Guangzhou to Shanghai. He was seen on the ship, and we are still investigating his experiences going forward.”

"Keep checking." The hooked nose nodded.

"Rost probably won't be able to come back." The coffee in the cup continued to flow towards his lips, "These three are not the only high-profile fugitives in this town."

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