Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Ophelia Side Story (Part 6): The Test. (Part 2)









Spithe struggled to keep itself upright as it continued to get pummeled, both heads slowly losing their vision as the pain continued to dull their senses and overflow anything they felt, the scales along the head were now cracked in various places thanks to Ophelia striking them with her armored gauntlets or even a slash from her sword, and their horns were also shattered and left broken on the ground. Even the area’s near their eyes were slightly swollen as the scales were destroyed and revealed pink flesh that had now turned purple due to the force of the blow. The fear and anger of losing to a mortal however fueled them as the last attack from Ophelia gave them the resolve to try and go on the attack again. 




Both of the heads began firing their <Purifying flame> and using the last of their strength to use their summoned limbs to smack her away when she was jumping again. But to no avail, as the flames just created more and more cover for Ophelia to hide behind. The only positive outcome it produced is that it forced Ophelia to temporarily stop and hide behind some jutting-out rock slabs as Spithe stopped spewing fire and surveyed the area. 

{You damned mortal. You have humiliated us and caused us pain}

{You will die for that! We will make sure you die screaming!} 

“Then maybe you should start landing hits on me instead of screaming like a little baby!” Ophelia replied from behind the rock slabs, 




In a burst of rage and anger, Spithe let out a shockwave that snuffed out all the flames and brought a small silence to the plateau, its heads scanning the place to see where its opponent had gone. It tried to use its skill <God Sight> but due to the damage sustained to the face, thanks to Ophelia’s pummeling it would not activate. 

{{WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU INSIGNIFICANT MORTAL!}} Spithe called out as it could not see its target, hoping that by taunting its opponent, she would reveal herself. 

“I’m right here” Ophelia replied as she stood by the cliff edge, 




Both heads then spewed fire again, this time hitting their mark as the jets struck against Ophelia’s barrier, but unlike before, Ophelia was slowly walking forward, the flames merely being pushed aside as she closed in on the beast. This display shocked Spithe to the point where it doubled down, turning up the power of the flames but watching in disbelief as their opponent continued forward, unphased and undeterred by their efforts. 

Stopping their flames for a brief respite, Spithe looked down on the mortal before them, anger in their eyes as they were frustrated by the fact she was still alive and that she had brought them into such a sorry state. 

“I will ask you again. Pledge yourselves to me and live, or face death.” Ophelia gave them again the option to end this entire thing, giving them a way out as she felt pity for how the Divine Beast was now in such a disheveled and weakened state. 

‘Please. Just end it now, I still need you’ she thought as she stared down Spithe 


After a small struggle, Spithe once again stood on its two feet, both heads facing the mortal who had brought it to its knees, it's breathing heavy and ragged as it kept its gaze locked on her. 

{{NEVER}} It uttered with pure hatred and malice, its pride being the only thing it has left and something that would never allow it to kneel before a mere mortal. 

“Suit yourself. Prepare to die” Ophelia simply replied, disappointment in her voice as she raised her hand 






After the snap, several of the same chains from earlier manifested from thin air and from the ground and wrapped around Spithe, its necks were now wrapped together by one chain with a chain for each of its feet, its body however had several chains wrapped around it tightly as to make sure it wouldn’t escape. Then, four large pink glass-like barriers appeared, one in front, one to the right, one to the left, and behind but leaving the top open which now was boxing the anxious and afraid beast as it couldn’t comprehend what was going on. 

“And to make sure you don’t just fly off” 




After another snap, two purple lightning bolts came down hard and fast, each one blowing a large gaping hole through the wings, leaving them charred and burning. 

“And now. I bid you goodbye. To think that a Divine Beast would be so stubborn and prideful. A shame really” Ophelia lamented as she looked at Spithe 


‘[Orbital Strike]’ With that final glance, Ophelia casted the spell in her mind as she turned away. 








Instead of a snap, the clouds above them suddenly parted and made a large circular hole that showed the blue skies resting right above the darkened clouds. Suddenly, several large golden pillars of light landed around the bound and boxed in Spithe, the pillars moved in a circular motion that quickly closed in on the Divine Beast. Scaring them as they did not understand what this attack was, then the pillars of light disappeared as soon as it grazed their skin. Feeling nothing from those several pillars of light confused them, but only for a moment because as quickly as the pillars disappeared, a giant beam of golden light larger and brighter than the few smaller pillars that were circling it came down like a hard torrential rain. An explosive sound quickly followed as it bathed only Spithe in its golden glow, the giant beam dissipated all of the nearby clouds in its wake.  

The beam that had hit it made it roar in agony as it felt its entire body suddenly and violently combust, the scales cracking under the intense heat and pressure, the skin below them becoming charred and smoking. Spithe could feel all of this, every single individual scale cracking and exploding and the skin underneath being seared and turning into char, it was a very excruciating feeling and one that was dominating all of its senses. 

“A shame really” Ophelia uttered after letting out a sigh, the roars of agony behind her filling the air, the roar being heard for miles and miles. 


Meanwhile, far outside the borders of the small kingdom, in the middle of the continent, and even as far as an island to the north. All bore witness to a giant golden pillar of light that was soon accompanied by the sounds of a mighty beast roaring, but they could not distinguish if it was in pain or something else. But to those in the tent and the one’s in the nearby towns and tribal villages witnessing the entire event, all of their eyes were wide open as the display of power had shaken everyone to their core. The traitors in the tent especially all fell to their knees and began begging Olertin for forgiveness and asking him to speak on their behalf, reminding him of times they once faithfully served him. 

“Like I said before, your lives are no longer up to me” Olertin replied, as he glanced at the display, a small smile on his lips. 

“It’s in hers” 

His words made all of the traitors go pale and their expressions blanked, regret and desperation racing through their minds as they wondered what to do now. The thought of death at her hands, a mortal who has enough power to bring down a Divine Beast, would be like. 


{{Goddess. Deliver Us}} Spithe uttered as it felt its entire field of view go white, 


Finding themselves in a giant white expanse instead of the dark void, the beast was confused as to what was happening, both heads looking around to see if there was anyone or anything nearby. 

“So it seems you're here” A feminine voice called out to them


They looked around and then saw the vast whiteness vanish and break away, revealing a large dark void, and that they were on the palm of a giant ethereal figure of white in the void. Looking up they saw that the palm they were standing on was the palm of Histy, their creator and their master. 


Bowing both of their heads as they saw who they were standing upon, a look of regret washed over them

{Master we have failed in our duties} 

{Indeed, we have been bested by a mere mortal and have brought dishonor on you} 

“That is not the only thing you have failed in my name” Histy replied, her tone sharp and angry 

{F…Forgive us please Master, If you just reincarnate us we will deliver justice upon the mortal who dares challenge us, your most perfect creation}

{R…right, We ask for another chance so we can rid the world of that abomination of a mortal. No one should have such power except for us and you master} 

“Oh? Is that so…what if I told you that supposed “Abomination of a Mortal” was made by me and my brother?” 


Spithe’s eyes widened at Histy’s words, failing to comprehend their meaning, 

{That…that is a good joke Master, but it is inconceivable that you would create such a powerful mortal}

{Yes, indeed. You already created us, the most powerful beings in the world, why would you need to -}

“Silence!” Histy roared at the divine beast that shuddered under her words, raising them up to her eye level, her angered glare bearing down on them like a deadly ray. 

“You really believe that you are the pinnacle of my creations?!” 

{Master…We jus-}Spithe tried to reply 

“Did I permit you to speak?!” Histy roared as she cut off the words 

“Your arrogance and your blind loyalty have made you all lose your way in the world. Yes, not just you. But every. single. one. of you so-called “Divine Beasts” I made you to act as guardians and scholars to protect and enlighten the masses but what do you do?! You abused the power and knowledge I had given you and locked yourselves away from the creations you were supposed to teach!” she added as brought them closer to her face 

“And that mortal who you insult and degrade is a creation of mine. A creation made by me and my brother to change the world. Since the scholars who held the knowledge meant for that change I had wished for all FAILED!” 


Hearing these painful words Spithe dropped to its knees, their heads hung low as they realized the weight of truth that had come from their master's mouth. Indeed, they and the other Divine Beasts of the world were created to act as guardians and as scholars to their respective continents. They were tasked with guiding the smaller creations on how to proceed with life and then at some point return to their master…but they had done none of that, memories of Spithe instructing the other fellow Divine Beasts to disregard their duty as they saw the lower creations not worth the effort or time, telling them to simply turn themselves into mini gods then afterwards just hide away. 

“You do not deserve being called the “Divine Beasts” or even the “Created” to me, you are nothing more than simple rats who have forsaken everything. You and the rest disappoint me and disgust me, it will benefit me the most if you just died now. In fact, I should've told Ophelia to kill you then and there. A shame on my part really” she finished, looking down at the still-kneeling Spithe


{{We…we are…sorry}} Spithe cried as both heads looked up at their creator, tears flowing down their eyes onto their scales, Histy, however, remained unphased and kept her angry glare 

{{Give us another chance! Please!}} they cried out as they kept looking at their master, despite their teary eyes, 

{{Please! Please! Give us another chance! A chance to right this wrong! Please! Let us make things right! Master!}} they continued to plead, hoping that an answer would come. 

A long silence followed, Spithe continued to look upon their creator with a remorseful expression, awaiting for an answer, any answer

“One chance” Histy replied breaking the long silence 

{{!}} Spithe's eyes widened at her words

“You have one last chance to make things right. When the time comes for you to confront the other “Created” you either persuade them to come back into the fold or eliminate them on sight” 

{Yes, yes we will}

{We will fulfill your command}

“And another thing”

{{Yes. anything for you Master}}

“You are to share your knowledge of the world with that “Abomination of a Mortal” but you are not to call her that. Ophelia Erstad is the one I have created to bring change into the world and she will be the spark that sets the world aflame, the “Walking Apocalypse” to say. You are to serve her, be loyal only to her and those she deems are worthy and you are to not question it. She already beat you and sent you up here to me, so saying that she is not powerful will just be lying to cover up your pride and ego. ” Histy added, her gaze still sharp 

{{We understand. We are grateful to her. We will serve}}

“Good. now go back. She hasn’t killed you yet but your body is barely functioning. It’s thanks to her you haven’t died yet and sent into the void” 

{Understood Master. We will not fail you this time}

{Believe in us, we will make sure your instructions, and the instructions of the person you labeled the “Walking Apocalypse” come to fruition} 

“That will have to be seen” 

The figment of Histy then began to fade after hearing their words of confirmation and reassurance, sending the soul of Spithe back to its body. The familiar feelings of immense pain filled their senses as they resynced with their very much damaged and broken vessel. 

{{Hnnnggg}} Spithe groaned as they opened their eyes, seeing that they were now laying on their stomach, the smell of their charred skin filling the air. 


They noticed that their heads were dangling far from the cliff, but trying to turn their necks sent a lot of pain through them, they felt that there was someone standing on their back, and after a few minutes they turned their heads and saw Ophelia standing, her sword plunged into one of the shattered scales. 

“So. will you serve?” She asked the near-dead Divine Beast. 

{{We will serve. We apologize for our arrogance and blindness…Walking Apocalyspe}}

“Ophelia will do. Now let’s get you fixed up.” She replied with a nod as she hopped off their body and took a few steps back






At her snap, several vines shot out from the ground and the cliff face, wrapping around Spite. Even the tail which was at the base of the mountain was brought up to the plateau and held in place by a few more vines. A few moments later a bright green aura filled Ophelia’s and Spithe’s vision, the hymn and rhythm of a healing spell in the air. 

Spithe felt all the pain and agony wash away gradually, the horrible stinging feeling of their missing limb replaced by a warm and fuzzy feeling as it got reattached, the pain in their heels from the large cut they received also subsided and was replaced by the same fuzzy feeling of warmth. They allowed themselves to be washed away by this feeling, it was soothing and gave them a sense of relief. 

As the light subsided and Ophelia saw that the Divine Beast was restored to its prime, she pressed a button hidden under a corner of her helmet, retracting it into the rest of her armor, excluding the flexible armor plates of the neck guard, she undid her ponytail and allowed the breeze to slip through her flowing raven colored hair, followed up by extracting her glasses from her item box and putting them on and then storing her sword as she no longer needs to fight. She then hopped onto the back of Spithe and lightly tapped her foot, causing both heads to turn to her. 

“I Ophelia Erstad claim you as my own. You are to serve me without question and offer to me your undying loyalty. Will you serve?” She asked as she stared them down

{{We will serve}} Spithe replied, bowing its heads. 

“Good. now offer one of your heads. I plan to take to the skies for a moment and survey the surroundings. Plus it will give those who were watching us a small thing to marvel at” Ophelia stated as a small smirk appeared on her face. 

{{As you wish. Master}} Spithe replied as it lowered its left head the one with the more deeper and masculine voice 

Slowly stepping onto the head, she snapped her fingers and a saddle manifested itself, wrapping around the neck and giving Ophelia a comfortable seat. 

“Alright. Get us down to the base of the mountain first. There is a tent there with people who are waiting for me” 


{Hold on tight} 

Holding onto a scale, Ophelia watched as Spithe stood up, flashing its wings in an imposing manner before taking a few steps and leaping off the mountain, landing with a THUD! As they hit the ground, turning to the right and seeing the tent. 

“Lower me down please” Ophelia politely asked, with Spithe lowering their head right next to the entrance of the large tent. 

Exiting the tent, Olertin and his entourage emerged with awe on their faces. The sight of the large Divine Beast standing before them sent shivers down their spine, a different feeling from when they were watching from the display. 

“Hey there” Ophelia replied with a grin as she saw them all come out, 

“You actually did it” Olertin replied with a happy tone, 

“Weren’t you watching?” Ophelia asked as she crossed her arms, the smile still on her face

“Yes. yes I was, it’s just that…. it's different in person. seeing the Divine Beast that bested me, serve you faithfully” the old king answered as he was at a loss for words when he looked up at Spithe 

“Yeah. almost killing them does that kind of thing, anyway, how are the rest?” Ophelia asked 

“All of them are visibly shaking, after seeing you almost obliterate the Divine Beast, they began asking me to speak to you on their behalf” Olertin replied, sighing as he shook his head

“Shameless wouldn’t you say?” she continued, an annoyed look on her face 

“Indeed it is. But it is true that they were fools for believing in the lies of Valantros and Lowe” he agreed as his expression turned to pity 

“It is still their fault for believing it in the first place” Ophelia added, her smile disappearing

“So what will you do then?” 

“Just watch” 

Walking into the tent, Ophelia was greeted by the sound of hushed words and scurrying about as everyone had turned their eyes and attention towards her. Her gaze scanned the rows upon rows of tribesmen, the elves, arachnia, kitsunes, and lamias all rose up and gave her a deep bow, her gaze then fell on the center of the tent, with Mercy, Yamato, Python, Wilcor, and Tarantina all standing in front of the device. They too gave a bow but instead of all of them keeping their gaze, it was only Yamato while the rest had turned their head down and stared at the floor. 

“We pledge our lives and loyalty to you, Your Majesty Ophelia” Yamato uttered as she lowered her head. 

“We pledge the same” Everyone else from their tribes also followed up before bowing, 

“Thank you. You may rise” Ophelia replied with a smile, standing now in the center of the tent her gaze turning to her right and seeing five entire bleachers filled with the remaining people who had yet to do the same. 

At the foot of the middle bleacher, kneeling with his hands bound and his body roughed up and his wings pierced through, was Valantros, next to him, was Lowe, who was not in any way injured like the former. And beside both of them, were the remaining tribal leaders, all of whom had believed in Valantros and Lowe’s lies and empty promises. 

“So. it seems that you all lost the bet” Ophelia stated as she walked towards them, the gaze bearing down upon them filled with satisfaction and a hint of anger. 

“We…we were being too hasty. I had full faith in you-”

“Shut it you conniving little shit. You and your wolf kin friend are going to set the example for all future traitors” Ophelia cut off Valantros with a smirk



With the snap of her finger, the tent cover disappears, with Spithe looking down at them from above. The sight of the Divine Beast sent shivers down everyone’s spine, including the traitors. Valantros and Lowe especially as they were wondering what she meant by them being the examples. 

“Spithe. These two right here. Eat them” Ophelia commanded as she pointed at the two traitors


“Wha…wa wait please! You can’t do this!” 

“Please Your Majesty, talk some sense into her, we are too valuable to die!” 

Raising her hand, Spithe backed off, keeping its gaze on the two pleading and pathetic tribal leaders.

“Shut your mouths. ‘Ahem’ To everyone present, I am Ophelia Erstad. The chosen successor for this kingdom, many of you have believed the lies spewed by these two individuals, lies that paint me as a savage and an uncaring foreigner who swooped in and took the throne. But as you have seen and no doubt have heard, I am quite the opposite. I am here to fulfill the dreams of His Highness and unify the tribes of the continent under a banner of cooperation, unity, and prosperity. A dream that almost died thanks to the efforts of these two” Ophelia proclaimed as she faced the crowd. 

“During these past few weeks, I have been observing everything that these two have done, from plotting about how to kill me to trying to figure out ways to get all of you on their side” Ophelia added as she started walking towards the device, conjuring a crystal that replaced the one inside it. 

“Over these past few weeks, I have seen the two of them sway an elf to try and take over my mind. Try to brute force their way into making the Lamia tribe serve them by beating Python in a challenge, and probably the most heinous and the most shocking. Giving information to the slavers from the south on the whereabouts of some of the tribes” 



“WHAT?!” Olertin cried out as he stepped forward, anger in his expression

Audible gasps were heard from everyone as all eyes now focused on the two tribal leaders, sweat running down their faces, their eyes darting around trying to think of a way to counter the accusation. 

“If you are all wondering how I know this, it is very simple. I have a unique tag attached to me. It is called The Unbound. It allows me to conjure any type of magic that I can think of. Whether it be a spell that can darken the entire world. Or a spell that can send me accurately back in time, all I need to do is think it and it will happen” 

{!} Everyone's eyes widened at her statement, 

“After the attack on Tarantina’s tribe, I noticed that the slavers had a very good idea of what to expect and where they were located. I also noticed they had no advanced or even basic tracking magic that could have led them to the cave where their village was built. Heck, even the fact they were able to slip past the defense patrols of Iris was concerning” Ophelia continued, glancing at the gathered crowd, noticing that they were thinking on her words, even the rest of the traitors 

“So, acting on my suspicion that someone had to have told them where her cave was, I used a spell <Chronos> that sent me back in time a few days ago, and this is what I found” 

She then gestured to the display as it was being activated, on the display it showed Valantros hovering over a group of slavers with Lowe nearby resting on a tree branch, Valantros then tossed a leather bag that contained monster crystals. 

“I want you to capture or eliminate the arachnia currently holding up inside a cave system north of here. They are weak to fire magic and they are easy to draw out from their hiding places” 

“Oh yeah? And what if we don’t?” the slaver captain asked as he picked up the leather bag

“If you don’t then I will just kill you all here, but if you do, you get to make more profit wouldn’t you say?” Valantros replied with a grin 

“Heh. I like how you think tribal. Keep us supplied with some fresh meat and crystals and you got yourself a deal” 


“You! You sold off my tribe for your damn cause?!” Tarantina shouted as she lunged towards the kneeling dragonkin leader, only to be stopped by a very angry Mercy who was also trying to hold back from killing him right then and there. 

The rest of the traitor leaders also had feelings of anger as they all stared down the two of them, inching away from both of them as they were disgusted by their actions. The tribesmen who were sitting in the bleachers all shared the sentiment, disgust, and anger built up inside them as they saw this as a major act of betrayal an act that made them regret following and believing in them from the beginning. 

“I am Hannover, the next in line for the position of village chief of the Wolf beastkin, I condemn Village Chief Lowe and renounce our loyalty to him” A female voice spoke up from their bleachers, she then stood up and Ophelia saw that she had a more reddish hair color and she was draped in purple tribal robes. 

“Hannover?! You can’t be serious, what are you doing my daughter?!” Loewe cried as he locked eyes with her

“Making things right” Hannover simply replied, shifting her angered gaze to Ophelia where it softened 

“Your Majesty Ophelia, I recognize you and I hereby pledge our lives and our loyalty to you” she continued as she bowed, prompting the rest of her fellow kin to do the same 

“I too would like to renounce Village Chief Valantros and our loyalty to him” another feminine voice called out but this time from the dragonkin bleachers 

“Fafnir?! What are you saying my beloved?! You dare do this to me?!” Valantros quickly shouted at the dragonkin looking down on him, draped in a brown tribal robe 

“I do dare. I also request that Mercy Stryke be given the title of Village Chief temporarily, at least until my son Klien is old enough to inherit it” 

“I accept” Mercy quickly replied 

“I also recognized Your Majesty Ophelia, I pledge the same as the rest have already done” Fafnir quickly followed up with, bowing at her, the rest of her tribe doing the same. 

“And the rest of you?” Ophelia asked as she turned to the remaining tribal leaders still kneeling

“We pledge the same” all of them replied, each of them bowing their heads. Followed by their tribesmen in the bleachers doing the same. 

“It seems that everyone has spoken. Do the two of you have anything to say before judgment is given?” Ophelia asked as she looked at the duo whose expressions were that of despair. 

Both of them looked up and tried to voice their concerns but found that there was no sound coming from them, looking at Ophelia who had a malicious glint in her eyes as she smirked. Their expressions turned into horror as they tried their best to speak, realizing that they were effectively doomed. 

“So none? Very well then, I ask all of you now,  is there anyone who wishes to give them a different sentence?” 

No one replied, everyone had the same expression on their faces, they wanted the duo to pay for their crimes, and their lies and they wanted them to pay with their lives. 

“I see. Spithe. Kill them” she commanded with a flick of her wrist 

{{By your word}} 



In a swift motion, the two heads of Spithe swooped in and chomped up Valantros and Lowe, everyone just watching with slight happiness that the traitors had finally been dealt with, even Hannover and Fafnir showed only a hint of regret but drowned it out with a content expression as they watched their loved ones die in front of them. 

“Well. it seems there is only one thing left to do” Olertin uttered as he walked up to Ophelia, 

“I, King Olertin. Hereby renounce the throne in the name of my successor, Ophelia Erstad” he continued as he grabbed her hand and raised it above them, before turning to her, gesturing to his crown 

“I am grateful for the honor” Ophelia replied as she knelt on one knee and felt Olertin place his crown upon her head.

“May all of you serve her as loyally as you have for me” he finished as he turned back to the crowd

They were silent for a moment, but then Mercy stepped forward, kneeling on one leg

“Glory to Her Majesty” she stated 

“Glory to Her Majesty” Yamato and the others soon followed, all kneeling on one knee as they faced in him, even Spithe bowed both of their heads as everyone faced Ophelia who now stood up and faced them. 

"As my first act as the new ruler of this land. I hereby rename the Halkare Kingdom into the Halkare Empire, and I as its first empress. Together we shall go into a new age for all, an age of enlightenment, prosperity, and expansion. and most importantly, revenge on those who have tried again and again to enslave us. Glory to the Empire! Glory to the Empress!" Ophelia shouted with a charming and ecstatic fervor 

"Glory to the Empire! Glory to the Empress!" everyone else replied with fervor as they were swept up by the excitement 

“Alright. Let’s get to work” Ophelia muttered under her breath as a smile crept onto her face.


A/N: Hello everyone! and that is the end of Ophelia's side story. the next thing after this is a character sheet with an explanation for Tags and updated stats for the main characters, and some of the newer ones introduced. And after that, it is now back to the main story, as only two months remain before Amelia and the rest make their daring escape! will they make it out alive and in one piece? or will they be captured and then something else bad happens? who knows really, anyways. I hope you continue to enjoy this series like how I enjoy writing it and once again, Enjoy urself and Stay safe! 

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