Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Ophelia Side Story (Part 5): Meeting some of the tribes, and getting ready. (Part 2)

“So that’s basically what happened”


Olertin shouted in disbelief as Ophelia recounted her trip and experience to the elven village, fuming as the realization that Valantros and Lowe were escalating into directly trying to take control of the kingdom he had built by mind-controlling his successor. 

“Mercy!” Olertin shouted as he rose to his feet, his body trembling

“Yes Your Majesty?” the dragonkin replied as she appeared through the double doors into the throneroom 

“I want those bastards dead!” he replied 


“You heard me! Valantros! Lowe! To think that both of them are plotting this type of shit while I am still alive means they are nothing but no good traitors! To think they would blatantly want to control my successor even before The Test tells me all that I need!” his fiery words continued but were quickly followed by a coughing fit

“Your Majesty calm down, here have some water” Mercy said as she rushed up to help the aging king, conjuring a glass and using magic to fill it with water and handing it over to him 

“I still want them dead dammit!” Olertin grumbled as he finished the water

“Your Majesty, as much as it pains me to say it, I will not fulfill your request” Mercy said as she took the cup from him and looked him dead in the eyes


“Listen to me Olertin. They have MOST of the tribes on their side. Miss Ophelia has three, considering the fact that Valantros and Lowe have sway over them now, and your declining age means that if you were to order me to kill them, the other tribes will not just stand idly by. At most they will see you as a tyrant who wishes to silence the people that they believe in, and at least, someone who has lost touch with reality” she continued as she relayed her message. 

“Your health is declining Olertin, and if you push yourself too much, I am afraid you will leave us before anything can be done. Which is why I am asking you to trust in Miss Ophelia and stop making decisions” 

“Bu..but I am their king” Olertin weakly cried

“I know, I know. To them, you used to be the pinnacle of power, but now, you are just an old man who can be replaced. It's the hard truth” 

“I…I see, it’s funny if you think about it…I united them under the banner of protection and cooperation hoping that alone could earn their loyalty…but it seems that I was mistaken” Olertin remarked, his expression saddened 

“There will always be those who only respect the strong and only the strong. It was something I learned pretty quickly when I was young” Ophelia chimed in

“But do you have a plan for all of this?” Olertin asked

“I do, I plan to let them continue to consolidate their power, gather all of the traitors under one roof, then on the day of The Test I plan to tame that Divine Beast instead of killing it since that would be a waste, then I plan to use said Divine Beast against them. You told me once before that everyone here is scared and respects the Divine Beast. And so, once they see who truly holds the power, they will most likely fall in line. But I am speaking about everyone else who isn’t Valantros and Lowe” she replied

“So you plan to kill them?” Mercy asked

“Eventually. I can’t have stability in the realm if I keep traitors alive can I?” 

Her statement earned a nod from both of them, a small silence then fell on the three of them, each of them contemplating on the situation. The silence was then cut short by the sound of the double doors opening again and entering the chamber were members of Olertin’s entourage; Irly the green-haired elf who manages the relationships between the tribes and Udaria a siren who enjoys building anything. 

“Your Majesty, we have some news” Irly said, her face a bit saddened and a look of disappointment filled her

“What is it?” 

“The Sirens…have chosen neutrality, they want to see where the wind blows before making a choice, I am sorry” Irly answered, her head lowered

“I see…not even with your persuasion Udaria?”

“Father and Mother are adamant in their stances. They don’t want their people to be caught in some sort of civil conflict” Udaria answered, her head lowered in shame

“Well. at least they aren’t sided with Valantros and Lowe. thank you again for your help, you can raise your heads” Olertin told them, 

“So what is the plan now?” Irly asked

“Well…I do not know, but Miss Ophelia wants them to keep doing what they are doing”

“What?!” Udaria shouted, shock on her face

“I just want us to keep an eye on them for the moment, let them gather all of their supporters under one roof. Then I simply tame the Divine Beast and use it against them. Bringing them in line” Ophelia answered her

“I…I see, so you want to take out all opposition in one swift motion” Irly added, her hand on her chin, thinking about what Ophelia’s plan

“Exactly, better thant just going around and challenging the tribe leaders to a fight” Ophelia added

“But didn’t you win against Wilcor, Yamato and Python?” Udaria asked

“Yes. but consider this, if I go around and beat the tribal leaders who are under Valantros’ influence, they will just blame it on me for cheating. Either through poisoning their drink or just foul play. They already tried to mind control me, what’s to say they won’t go to those types of lengths to discredit me? Hence the Divine Beast” 

“Because if everyone saw you beat it and make it bend to your will”

“Then no one could oppose it, since no one has ever been able to beat it, and since we revere the beast. No one would question it if it voiced that you were its master”

“Exactly” Ophelia smiled as the two of them pieced it together.

“Genius” Olertin remarked, a smile on his face as he too pieced it together. 


A sudden knock on the door interrupted the group

“Who is it?” Mercy asked

“I am Erhert, Tribe Leader Python’s representative. I am here to pick up Miss Ophelia today” the voice from the other side answered. 

“Oh! Right right, I forgot I will be going to visit Python’s tribe today” Ophelia remarked as she just remembered 

“Enter!” Olertin called out to the girl. 

The doors swung open and a Lamia the same towering size as Python with the same matching beauty slithered into the chamber. She had different scales from Python however, instead of black and gold scales, it was black and red, she also had white hair while her mother had black, but besides that scale and hair difference, she looked like her mother.  

Erhet bowed as she stood before them, locking eyes with Olertin, who simply waved at her and smiled

“I hope your mother is doing well?” Olertin asked the lamia before him

“She is. She regrets not coming today, but she has told me that you would understand considering Tribal Leader Valantros’ actions in trying to persuade us” Erhet replied bowing her head again

“I see. What has he been doing?” 

“He sent a few of his dragonkin warriors to try and beat my mother to sway our people into joining them, needless to say, all of them have been thoroughly beaten and failed in their task. Although, she did ask me to ask you this Miss Ophelia” she continued as he gaze shifted towards Ophelia


“She asked if you wanted to participate as well in the matches when you come over” 

“Why, what for?” Ophelia asked

“Well, according to mother you beat her. And looking at you, I and many others don’t believe it” Erhet answered, scanning the human she considered unremarkable up and down

‘This bitch’ Ophelia thought as she saw Erhet do this

“Well. time to put your doubts to rest I suppose, let’s get going, lead the way. Your Highness, Miss Mercy, Miss Udaria, Miss Ilry” Ophelia nodded to each of them before following Erhet out of the throneroom and beginning their way to the Lamia tribe village. 

“You think she will go easy on them?” Olertin asked

“Well, I saw their fight from a distance Your Majesty. And I can say that the three of them were easily dispatched” Mercy answered

“Do you have a recording?” Ilry asked

“Well, yes. Here” Mercy answered as she conjured a crystal ball

“Oooo! I wanna watch!” Udaria added as the four of them began to watch what Mercy saw from the skies that day.

A few minutes went by and the faces of all four of them turned to a sort of pity for the opponents Ophelia was about to face

“Oh…oh they are screwed” Udaria said as the recording went on, before looking at the still-open double doors to the chamber. 


Arriving outside the village, the guards had curious looks on their faces as Erhet slithered up with a human in tow behind. 

“Greetings, Miss Erhet” 

“Greetings. Where is my mother? I brought the person she asked me to bring today”

“The person who is said to have beaten her”

“But she looks so small” 

“Indeed, I believe she may be joking with us but alas, anyhow where is she?” 

“Oh, she is by the arena, a group of wolf beastkin have come to try their luck”

“I see, thank you very much” 

‘I swear to the goddess I am going to enjoy beating all of you’ Ophelia thought as she overheard their conversation

After talking with the guards, Ophelia followed behind Erhet as they made their way to the arena, she saw that the houses of the Lamia tribe were mostly made of tarpaulin and were just really big tents, she also noticed that every single Lamia they passed had their eyes focused on her, they whispered to one another, trying to hide their words but Ophelia’s heightened hearing could hear everything

“Is that the one the supposedly defeated the village chief?”

“She looks so small and fragile” 

“I bet the chief was just lying, I heard from that she is the successor to His Majesty!” 

“She looks ugly”

“What a very weak-looking woman” 

‘Talk…keep talking…I will not hold back even when Python asks me too, that I swear’ Ophelia’s mind began thinking of ways to decimate the opponents she was going to face, but as she did Erhet interrupted her thoughts.

“We have arrived at the arena” 

“Huh, it’s bigger than I had expected” Ophelia remarked as she looked at it, 

The arena was a large patch of grass near the outskirts of the village, comparable to the size of a football field, there were some seats on either side of the arena that were filled with a mixture of dragonkin, wolf beastkin, and lamia’s alike, with the dragonkin and the wolf beastkin being the fighters that had come to challenge Python. Speaking of which was in the center of the arena, looming over another group of a dozen wolf beastkin, all of whom were clutching parts of their body and moaning as if they had been beaten very badly. 

“Is there anyone else?!” Python shouted into the crowd, her voice filled with anger

The remaining dragonkin and wolf beastkin simply remained silent before standing up, helping pick up their own warriors before leaving, each of them casting a hateful glance at Ophelia as they passed her by. A gaze that Ophelia did not mind, in fact, ignored as they passed her, giving them no reaction that could have given them any information. 

“And stay out! Bloody traitors!” Python added as she watched them leave

“Think you can bring my tribe into your stupid plot!? Come back when you have someone strong enough to beat me!” 

“Mother. I think they get the idea” Erhet stated as she slithered up to her mother

“Yeah, well I think they haven’t. Now where is- Oh! Here you are Miss Ophelia” Python smiled as she gave a small bow to Ophelia, much to the audience’s and her daughter’s disapproval

“Mother, you claim this person had bested you but she doesn’t even look like a warrior” Erhet told her, her voice filled with annoyance and disbelief, murmurs and voices of agreement erupted from the crowd each of them agreeing with her. 

“Silence!” Python bellowed, letting a sigh escape as she rubbed her temple 

“Do all of you feel this way?! You feel as if I am doing this out of my obligation to His Majesty?!” she asked the crowd, with murmurs of acknowledgments and nods that answered her question. 

“Fine. if you all feel as confident as you all are, I suggest a match. Miss Ophelia versus any of you who dare challenge her, do you think that you can beat her? Even when I failed!” Python asked as she raised her lance to the crowd, her eyes scanning to see if anyone was willing to take her up on it. 

And sure enough several lamia’s stood up, each of them willing to take up their village head’s challenge. Even Erhet raised her hand and agreed to take up her mother’s request. Determined to prove her mother was just lying out of obligation to Olertin. 

“Alright. Since all of you are confident, I will ask Miss Ophelia to go all out, no mercy for either side. Only when one side faints or says “I concede” will the match end” Python announced to the challengers, each of them nodding in return. 

“Everyone has about fifteen minutes to ready themselves. Then we will hold the fights in one on one style, no backing out now. Miss Ophelia, if you would kindly follow me” Python finished as she left the center of the arena, with Ophelia in tow. 

Reaching one end of the arena and entering a small hut, Python turned to Ophelia, a look of worry on her face. One that Ophelia could understand but was currently clueless as to why, 

“Are you really going to go all out?” Python asked, slightly concerned 

“I want to, why?” Ophelia replied, crossing her arms and looking up at the towering Lamia

“I…I ask that you tone it down a bit…considering that my daughter is one of the challengers as well” she asked with her head bowed

‘Ah. the love and care of a mother, how sweet’ Ophelia thought

“Uhuh…don’t worry I won’t kill her Miss Python” Ophelia replied

“Thank you! But if you wish to traumatize her as you did me, then I fully support that” Python immediately perked up and answered as she heard Ophelia’s reply

“Wouldn’t that be worse?” Ophelia asked, a bit concerned 

“Oh no not at all! You see, my and my daughter are very much alike. Stubbornness included, meaning that she will keep trying until you do something so unholy unfair and traumatizing that her will breaks. You did it to me and I am fine” Python smiled as she gestured to herself

“Uhuh…I see, well I will keep that in mind”

“Thank you once again. And I wish you luck, though I doubt you need it” 

“Heh. thanks” 

“Now let’s get you out there and prove to my tribe that you really are worthy of being crowned Olertin’s successor” 


After the fifteen minutes passed, Ophelia found herself in the middle of the arena, facing off against a lamia with blonde hair and wearing plate armor, she wielded a lance just like Python and had it aimed towards her. Ophelia as well had changed into something more comfortable, the Transformative Multi-Purpose cube had switched from being tribal robes to a two-piece dress, with the top being a khaki long-sleeved shirt with a scarf that was loosely wrapped around her neck and draped over each shoulder, with her bottom being a large skirt that stopped right above the end of her legs. With her hands inside comfortable-looking black leather gloves. Her hair had been tied to her back in a single bun, but she still kept her angular and brutal-looking glasses on the bridge of her nose. But unlike her opponent, she was unarmed, much to everyone except Python’s confusion. 

“Alright. Fighters ready!” Python shouted




“Huh?” the crowd and the lamia fighting Ophelia let out a confused sound as she saw that her opponent was not only still unharmed but the head of the lance was firmly held in her grasp

“Surprised?” Ophelia asked with a smile before pulling on the lance, forcing her opponent to come to her


With a powerful punch to the face, the lamia was sent flying across the arena, tumbling and rolling as she hit the ground, leaving the crowd silent. 



The lamia groaned as she got up, looking back at her opponent who was now slowly walking towards her, her lance in her hand. The sight of this caused her to try and let out the words that she wanted to concede, but every time she tried, only air would come out of her mouth. 

“Ohoho, honey. No one will be able to hear you” Ophelia said as she smirked and continued to walk slowly towards the now panicking lamia, quickly gripping the other end of the lance and breaking it over her knee. Which caused several people in the crowd to utter surprised noises at her feat. 

Tossing away the part of the lance that lacked the head, she quickly wound up and threw the tip of the lance at the lamia, the throw creating a gust of wind that was felt throughout the arena. The lance itself missed her opponent, instead embedding itself deeply in the tree right behind her. The lamia’s eyes widened at how close it had gotten to hitting her, and how deep it went into the tree, practically poking out the other side.



Turning around, the lamia saw that her opponent was now just three feet away from her. The pressure emanating from Ophelia sent the senses of the lamia into overdrive as she tried to look for a way out, only to find there was none. Making her collapse on the spot, with Ophelia catching her before she fell. 

“Round one goes to Miss Ophelia” Python announced, the display rattling the other competitors, all except Erhet who seemed to remain calm. 

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck WHAT WAS THAT!’ but inside Erhet’s mind, she was currently freaking out after seeing that display, 

“Alright, next competitor up!” Python told the next lamia who was shaking, 

The lamia failed to register the words from her village head, needing a push from the competitor behind her to begin moving. 

The next four competitors all shared the same fate as the first, each one tried to dash forward and get their hit in, but each time they were surprised to see that Ophelia was holding their weapon, uninjured, and smiling at them before she sent them flying or straight to the ground with a punch that could be heard from the seats. 

Then there came the sixth challenger, she looked like the others but had a more toned body, with short brown hair but still beautiful, but instead of bringing out a weapon, she was unarmed, like her opponent. To everyone in the village, this was Kilina one of the best fighters they had. 

‘Oh? Does someone think they can match my hand-to-hand skills? I will enjoy this’ A cruel smile formed on Ophelia’s lips as she readied herself. 

When the match began, unlike her comrades before her, Kilina simply stood there, waiting for her opponent to make the first move. 

‘Oh? I see how this is going to be…alright then, I’ll play’ she thought as she slowly walked towards her

But as she closed the distance 







Kilina fired of a couple of punches that Ophelia easily blocked, she also blocked an attack made by Kilina’s tail. 

“Impressive, I like the way you move” Ophelia commented as she awaited Kilina’s next move

“Hmph, your overconfidence will bring you down here!” the lamia respond before unleashing another flurry of punches and tail strikes and sweeps, 








The bout continued for a while as Kilina continued to hammer away at Ophelia, desperately trying to break through her opponent’s tough defenses. If sweat could be made by lamias it would have drenched Kilina at this point as weariness and fatigue caught up with her, her blows were coming slower and slower, and soon after a few more tail strikes and punches, Kilina stopped, her breathing heavy and ragged. All the while Ophelia was still standing perfectly calm without a sign of fatigue showing. 

“You did good, I like the combinations you used, but…I think it’s my turn” she said with a smile as she clenched her fist. 





The only thing the audience saw was that Ophelia did one move, one blurred punch before walking away. But the moment she turned and began to walk, Kilina’s body began shaking from impacts that were not visible but could be heard by the entire audience, the sounds of bones cracking, scales cracking and flesh hitting flesh reverberated throughout the arena, before Kilika’s body stopped, the noises following as well, then dropping into the arms of Ophelia who caught her before she hit the ground. 

‘Oh I am fucked’ Erhet thought as she saw what happened, her mouth slightly agape, failing to notice her mother was watching her

‘Huh…I guess I got it better than the rest of them’ Python thought as the bout finished. 


“Alright. Erhet, your up my daughter. I hope you have a plan” Python told her as she patted her shoulder 

“I do mother, I am prepared” Erhet answered her, her face unwavering and unconcerned 

“Oh. I know exactly how you feel at the moment my darling daughter. Your scared”



“Of course I would know! I am your mother after all, still think I was lying when I told you I had lost to her?” 

“Tsk…you were right” 


“And I am sorry, for doubting you…mother” 

“Hmm, I accept your apology, but now you have to still pay the consequences of your actions~”

“I understand…wish me luck”

“Hehe, good luck my darling daughter. And I love you” 

“I love you too” 

Stepping onto the field with her halberd gripped tightly in her left hand, Erhet locked eye’s with her opponent

‘I have to try and win…at least try’ she thought as she took a deep breath. 

‘At last…time to beat your reptilian-looking ass’ Ophelia thought as her smirk turned into a full-blown smile. 

“Hey there! It seems that it’s finally your turn no?” Ophelia called out to her opponent, 

“Indeed. It seems that you have bested the rest of my people, but unlike them. I will break you” Erhet coldly responded, her expression hardened and unwavering

“Oooh, I am shaking” Ophelia responded, her cocky attitude emanating. 

‘Tsk. she knows she can beat me…was it something I said earlier…oh shit…it probably was’ Erhet thought as she steeled herself, ready to fight and go down swinging. 





Erhet dashed forward, swinging her halberd down in a quick motion, the impact cracking the ground but failing to hit Ophelia who just leaped to the side, content with just letting Erhet play her game until she tired herself out.

“Huh, is that all you can do?” she taunted the lamia

“Silence coward!” Erhet retorted










“Hah…hah…damn you” Erhet cursed Ophelia as she had been chasing her for a while, desperately trying to land a blow, but continuing to make small craters in the ground with each missed swing

“Aww, is the lamia feeling tired already?” 

“Don’t mock me coward! All you do is run away!” 

“Oh? Run away?...hmm…maybe because I understand what my opponent is doing don’t you think?” 


“Oh scary~” 





Suddenly, as Erhet tried to go on the attack again, Ophelia unleashed a punch first, straight to her plate armor, shattering it completely, much to everyone’s amazement and horror.


“Just a single punch, what are you done already?”

“Damn you!” 






“Eat this”




As Erhet swung her halberd again, Ophelia caught it mid-swing and used her fist to smash the handle that connected to the head, much to Erhet’s shock, before quickly grabbing and using the flat side of the head to smash directly into the lamia's face. Sending her flying a few feet before crashing onto the ground. 

“Had enough yet?” Ophelia asked the downed lamia

Struggling to get up, Erhet locked eyes with her opponent, rage filling her


Rushing forward, intent on using her bare hands to bring down her cocky opponent. 

“Good. because neither am I, catch me if you can” 

As their little game of mouse chasing a cat continued, Python noticed something, her daughter’s movements were getting faster, her strength slowly increasing with each failed strike. It was as if Ophelia had seen something the rest hadn’t 

‘Is something happening to my daughter’ she thought

[Yes, something is happening] Ophelia’s voice rang in her head



[Some simply telepathy, I could tell that you noticed the same thing I did no? Your daughter getting stronger and faster with every attack]


[The simple explanation is that I am trying to raise her power, as her mother I bet you noticed that your daughter is also A-Rank no?] 

“Yes. she was able to get to that rank fairly quickly” 

[I thought so, I am currently trying to help her breakthrough to S-Rank, consider it an apology for me beating up your daughter] 


[Indeed. Now just watch what happens] 

As Ophelia continued to just dodge and dodge, she continued to monitor Erhet’s status. Seeing that it was quickly rising thanks to a skill she had


Name: Erhet Pythonidae 

Race: Lamia 

Power Rank: A (Bordering S) [Currently undergoing rank up]

Status: Healthy

Age: 19 

STR: 900 (+140)

DEF: 900 (+120)

MP: 990 (+100)

DEX: 970 (+100)

SPD: 900 (+150)


Halberd Heaver [All Halberd Based Attacks will triple in speed and damage]

Lightning Step [Instantly dash in any direction with the speed of lightning] 

Appraisal IX [Able to see stats of those weaker than the user]

Heavy Weapon Handler XX [Proficeint in using any double-handed heavy weapons. A.e Warhammers, Halberds, Bostaff, Pike etc.] 

Single Wield VII [Proficiency in using weapons with one hand]

Dual Wield XII [Prodiciency in using weapons with two hands] 

Resilience [Negates poison damage] 

Unstoppable Advancing Tower [Unable to be staggered or slowed by skills and magic that causes <stagger> and <slowed> ] 

Lamian Scale Toughness (Passive)  [Tougher skin than usual thanks to scales] 

Skull Buster [Attacks on skull/head of target is tripled, ignores special defense] 


Body Strengthening Magic [Boosts body ability to max for power level, Uses spells such as <Body Enhancement> (Strengthens the body to the maximum potential it has for power rank) ]

Constrictor [Create’s a giant scaly barb that wraps around and entangles the target]

After a while, Erhet stopped moving, her heavy breathing intensified. She could feel her insides burning, clutching her chest she fell to her knees,

‘What the! What is this pain? Did she hit me with something while I was attacking?! AAAAAAAAAAGH’ her inner thoughts swirling as she tried to figure out what was going on.

“AAAAAAAAGGGHGHGHHH!” No longer able to contain the pain, she let out a screech as she felt as if she was on fire. Collapsing to the ground and squirming 

“Alright time to help” 

Without a second thought, Ophelia dashed towards the downed lamia, kneeling next to her as she covered her in a green light, activating her magic <Ultra Heal> and <Pain Killer> immediately calming Erhet down. Python herself rushed to her daughter, intending to help her in anyway she could. Telling the rest to just stand aside 

“Breathe Erhet, Breathe. The storm will pass. Just keep breathing” 

Without raising any resistance, Erhet did what she was told, slowly and steadily breathing, gripping her mother’s hand as she tried to endure the pain that was now heavily suppressed but could still be felt. 

Suddenly, she started to glow, the light blinding everyone except Ophelia who simply continued to stare directly at the now blinding lamia. After the light had subsided, Erhet felt at peace, the pain had faded away, and she could feel that she was definitely stronger now, her body more powerful with every single motion. 

“Good, it seems that you safely made it. Most people don’t, they either rank down but in most cases die” Ophelia remarked as she stood back up, helping the mother and daughter up. 

“What was that?” Erhet asked

“You ranked up. Congratulations” 


“What do you mean?! As in I advanced to S-Rank?!” 

“Yep. Check your stats if you don’t believe me” 

Without hesitation, Erhet opened up her stats and sure enough, she was left speechless by what she saw


Name: Erhet Pythonidae 

Race: Lamia 

Power Rank: S [Newly Promoted]

Status: Healthy

Age: 19 

STR: 1040

DEF: 1020

MP: 1090

DEX: 1070

SPD: 1050


Halberd Heaver [All Halberd Based Attacks will triple in speed and damage]

Lightning Step [Instantly dash in any direction with the speed of lightning] 

Appraisal X [Able to see stats of those weaker than the user] {Leveled UP}

Heavy Weapon Handler XX [Proficeint in using any double-handed heavy weapons. A.e Warhammers, Halberds, Bostaff, Pike etc.] 

Single Wield VIII [Proficiency in using weapons with one hand] {Leveled UP}

Dual Wield XIII [Prodiciency in using weapons with two hands] {Leveled UP}

Resilience [Negates poison damage] 

Unstoppable Advancing Tower [Unable to be staggered or slowed by skills and magic that causes <stagger> and <slowed> ] 

Lamian Scale Toughness (Passive)  [Tougher skin than usual thanks to scales] 

Skull Buster [Attacks on skull/head of target is tripled, ignores special defense] 


Body Strengthening Magic [Boosts body ability to max for power level, Uses spells such as <Body Enhancement> (Strengthens the body to the maximum potential it has for power rank) ]

Constrictor [Create a giant scaly barb that wraps around and entangles the target]

“Whoa…I…I leveled up! Mother I leveled up!” 

“That you did my darling, that you did. Congratulations!” Python responded to her cheerful daughter, embracing her. 

“Thank you, Miss Ophelia. I don’t doubt that without you, I would have lost her” Python said as she bowed her head towards the girl who saved her daughter's life. 

“Tha…thank you, Miss Ophelia…I apologize for everything that I and the rest of my tribe had said about you. Please accept our apology!” Erhet shouted as she bowed her head, this action caused everyone else to do the same. All of them finally acknowledging her power.

“Hmm…I accept” Ophelia answered

“Thank you!” 

“Oh and this is for you” Ophelia said as she handed over a giant jet-black halberd and a new set of lamia plate armor. 


“This was crafted by the people from my continent, as I am not a lamia I decided it was best that you have it. And the halberd is your choice of weapon no? Consider it a replacement for the one I broke. I also have several items for the people who fought me, but we can give them afterwards” 

“Sniff…sniff…sniff…Thank you!” Erhet cried as she began to cry, minus the tears. 

“I believe you have proven yourself Miss Ophelia, the Lamia tribe stands with you. Am I right ladies?!”

“Yes Village Head!” the audience shouted back, all of their faces showing great admiration and respect to the human who had proven herself time and again. 


A/N: Surprise! finished this one shortly after the last one, and I confess that this one was one I had a good time writing. and so I hope you enjoy reading it! as always, if you have any thoughts, leave them in the comments below, I appreciate reading them. and once again I wish you a pleasant day, and I hope you have a good time reading this! 

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