Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 21: Apologies and Affirmation

“Hnng…ughhh…” Amelia groggily opened her eyes as she felt the morning rays flood her squinting eyes, 

“Fwaaa…mhhh, Sister Mary?” She called out but saw that no one else was in the room with her, 

Letting out a sigh, Amelia pushed away some hair that had covered her face and she straightened out her clothes. She stood up and stretched up her limbs from her very pleasant sleep although the memories of last night's events were still fresh in her mind. 


Opening her item box, she was surprised that the necklace was gone, her mind instantly running through her memories to try and remember where she had left it or worse had thrown it in her fit of rage. Tears began forming as the thought of losing her one way to communicate to her beloved just because she had a fit filled her with dread. 



The sudden knocking on the door had snapped Amelia out of her trance and with a deep breath and a quick wiping of her forming tears, she walked over and slightly opened the door. 

“HAAH! Big Sis is really here!” a young boy’s voice came from the other side as Amelia looked down and saw three young children looking up at her

“Hooray!” one of the other boys exclaimed 

“Hi Big Sis!” the only girl of the trio greeted, all three of them having big smiles on their faces. 

“Hey there you three” Amelia warmly replied as she patted the trio on the head, causing them to giggle as they were clearly enjoying it. 

“Umm, Sister Mary found this in the bathroom, she told us to give this to you” one of the boys said as he held up a blue crystal necklace, Amelia’s eyes widening as she took it into her hands

“Thank you, I was actually looking for this” she replied with a smile as she bent down and kissed the three on their foreheads, with them kissing her cheek in return. 

“Yay! We did good!” the three of them cheered, causing Amelia to smile as well and pat them on the heads again

“Run along now, tell Sister Mary and Mother Felice I will be down in a while” 

“Ok!” the three of them shouted in response as they ran down the hallway and disappeared down the stairs. 

Closing the door and breathing a deep sigh of relief, Amelia closed her eyes as she clutched the necklace in her hands tighter than ever, a torrent of emotions welling up inside her before subsiding as she let loose another sigh and opened her eyes, staring at the necklace

‘Don’t do anything stupid now. You have to apologize’ she thought as she placed the necklace on the window side table, wisps flying out and fluttering around her

‘Call her please’ she asked them as she communicated telepathically 

[As you wish] the wisps replied as they began to swirl and take shape

“Hello?” Ophelia’s voice came through as the wisps took her form, this time it depicted her standing up instead of just her head. 

“Hi…” Amelia answered as she saw her lover looking at her 

“Hi…” Ophelia replied as she had a concerned expression on her face 

A long pause then hung between them as both of them tried to summon the courage to speak first, their eyes constantly locking with one another before breaking away just as fast. Amelia then took a deep breath as she steeled herself and once again locked eyes with her lover

“I’m sorry” Ophelia spoke first, breaking the silence, her expression one of regret 

“So am I” she replied with an equal expression of regret 

“Listen, I…I deliberately told you nothing even back then because I feared that if I did, and you stopped it, someone else were to get hurt. It didn’t matter if it was someone close or a random child on a street, I did not want more people to get hurt by what apparently was fate” Ophelia began as she locked eyes with her and slowly moved forward

“But…it seems that in my attempt to protect others, I have hurt you. The most precious person I hold closest to my heart” she added as she grasped her beloved’s hand and kissed it, causing Amelia to blush 

“I have forgotten the reason why I put this plan into place, to protect my citizens, the people I care for and most importantly. My one and true beloved, you” she continued as both of them kissed, causing Amelia to tear up as she tasted her beloved’s lips. 

As Ophelia pulled away, she saw that Amelia’s eyes were overflowing with tears and her face was flushed with red. 

“You're so unfair” Ameli muttered as she was wiping away her tears, sniveling. Causing Ophelia to help in wiping the tears and cupping her face 

“What do you mean Amelia?” 

“You always take the initiative…and I’m always left feeling regretful I couldn’t do it first. You big meanie!” Amelia shouted as she kept wiping away her tears, with her pouting angrily. 

Ophelia’s gaze softened and her smile continued as she wiped away more tears and kissed her beloved again, pulling her into a hug this time. Rubbing her back and letting her calm down in her arms. The sound of her breathing softening and returning to normal filled her with a sense of closeness she had so far longed for once again. 

“Judging by your face, I take it you're ready to apologize?” Ophelia’s asked as she saw her beloved’s face partially return to normal 

“Mhmm” Amelia nodded as she took a few steps back and took a deep breath

“I am sorry” she stated as she looked at her with unwavering eyes

“I took my anger out on you, the person I love, I was being selfish and that caused me to do things that I normally wouldn’t do. And for that, I am sorry” she continued as she could feel more tears coming up, doing her best to shove them back down

Steeping closer, Ophelia cupped her face and looked into her eyes affectionately 

“You were in the right to yell as much, I had hidden a lot from you. But I see your intention. So I forgive you” Ophelia continued as she kissed her deeply again, 

“Thank you” Amelia replied as she looked at her and she felt a huge weight leave her shoulders. 

Laying back down on the bed, she looked up at the figure of her beloved and an idea crossed her mind, an idea that made her face flush red as she stared more and more at the figure, relishing that it was a near picture-perfect copy. 

“I know what you’re thinking. And my answer is no” Ophelia flatly stated as she crossed her arms

“Why?” her beloved cried as she sat up 

“We can do it in person. And…Wisps copy everything, but not my vagina” 

“Ohh…that sucks” Amelia replied as she sank back down on the bed 

Ophelia smirked as she walked over to her now lonesome lover, looking down at her as she sulked on the bed. A thought grew in her head as she took the sight in, Amelia still had her disheveled and unkempt bed hair, her neck was in full view, succulent and very much ready to be bit into, and her sleeping dress’ buttons were undone, revealing her very much exposed and undefended breasts that were slightly smaller than her own but still large in their own right. 

‘Fuck. now I wish they could copy everything…damn it wisps’ she thought to herself as she continued to stare, but with that stare came an idea



“Wait what are you-”


“Eiyaaah!” Amelia moaned as she felt her breasts get grasped out of nowhere, looking up and seeing Ophelia’s figure grin as she began playing with them

“N-no fair! You can’t just do that after telling me no!” she cried as she felt herself heating up from the groping 

“I did say we couldn’t do it. But I did not say anything about me doing it to you” Ophelia replied with a grin as she locked lips with her lover again

With the kiss so deep, Ophelia’s figure fell onto the bed, continuing to play with Amelia’s breasts and kissing her so deep that she could only let out cute and erotic moans that made Ophelia even more and more eager to fully commit to the whole thing. 

Pulling out of the kiss, and standing back up, Ophelia looked down and saw that Amelia had saliva going down the corner of her mouth, her face flushed red and her nipples fully erect, even seeing that some of the lower part of her sleeping dress had gotten soaked, making Ophelia smile. 

“You bully…no fair” Amelia moaned as she looked up at her lover who was very much satisfied with this for now. 

“You even made me come…I will get you back for this” she continued as she sat up

“You can do that and more my love when you get here” the blue figure told her as she helped her up 

“I noticed that I never asked. But what are you doing over there?” she asked as she came back to her senses after a long pause 

“Oh, just building stuff. I built a house for us to live in, and made a garden that we can take care of together. Basically stuff we need to have a very relaxing and lovely life, far, far away from our problems” Ophelia replied with a heartfelt smile 

“Are you sure you’re not hiding anything else from me?” The disheveled Amelia asked with a serious expression as she clung to her beloved 

“I am. But I will tell them when we meet in person as I feel that over a call like this will not be enough” Ophelia replied as she embraced her lover

“Hmm, okay then. That’s a promise no?”

“Of course” 


“Ah, I guess that’s time” Ophelia remarked as her figure began fading in and out

“I see…I love you” Amelia said as she held up her hand 

“I love you too, I will be seeing you soon. So don’t worry” her lover replied as she grasped her hand and interlocked her fingers with it, before her figure disappeared into hundreds of wisps that went back into the necklace. 


Switching out of her soaked nightgown and getting into more comfortable clothes, a pair of shorts and a plain white shirt, and making use of her magic to clean herself up. Amelia made her way downstairs and saw children running around, screaming with joy as they played with one another. Each one that saw her greeted her as “Big Sis” and kissed her cheek before they continued playing, looking out of the window near the door, she saw the older teens who were all around thirteen to fifteen playing out in the large field just outside the orphanage, some were practicing with swords in mock spars while others were practicing magic with, and then the rest were playing tag with the younger kids who had also come out to the field. 

Moving into the dining room, she saw that the large tables were already set and that there were several kids cleaning up the place who also dropped what they were doing and ran over to her to greet her and kiss her on the cheek before they back to what they were doing. Amelia’s smile was evident as she enjoyed seeing their smiling faces and watching them scurry away back to what they were doing, one of the older children cleaning noticed that she was still scanning around

“Big Sis, Mother, and Mama are out back” she told her with a proud expression

“Thanks, McKenzie, I was just looking for them” Amelia replied as she patted the young boy on the head and went out the back door in the kitchen. 

As she exited the orphanage, she saw Mother Felice and Sister Mary standing in the middle of the training yard. She remembered that this training yard was built by Mother Felice to train the kids on how to defend themselves and even hone the skills of some of the kids who dreamt and then went on to become adventurers, a smile on her face formed as she remembered herself training harshly under Mother Felice who would keep demanding more and more of her. 

‘It paid off in the end though’ Amelia thought as she unconsciously rubbed her arms, their scars hidden underneath the illusion magic. 

 Walking down to the yard, she saw Mother Felice in a black tank top that exposed her arms that were muscular while still being feminine, the shirt also highlighted her very curvy chest on her sleek frame that was often hidden under a large cloak that covered everything. She was also wearing a pair of grey combat pants that also highlighted her otherwise hidden curvy bottom half and to top off her look she wore heavy-duty black boots. 

Standing next to her was Sister Mary who was holding onto her stave and still wearing her nun habit, something that Amelia had gotten used to as she had never seen Sister Mary dressed in anything else, except for times they bathed together where she laid eyes on her very well-endowed body, Amelia had never seen her mother wear anything else other than the nun habit. Mother Felice also noticed that she had a gentle smile on her face as she saw their daughter approach them accompanied by a warm and fuzzy gaze. 

“Mother Felice, Sister Mary. good morning” Amelia greeted as she hugged and kissed each of them on the cheek, with them doing the same in kind. 

“Whatever happened to Mother and Mama? My little Amelia? I quite enjoyed being called that by you, heck the other children still do for the most part, but they mostly copy you so now all I hear is “Mother Felice” and “Sister Mary” It is disheartening, to say the least” Mother Felice told her as she was finishing up tying her hair 

“Mhmm, whatever happened to that?” Sister Mary chimed in 

“I don’t know…I just recall one day telling myself that I needed to call u by more respectful names after I had learned I was abandoned and adopted” Amelia answered them with a face of conflicting emotions. 

“Well, it’s fine I guess. You are twenty years of age now, so I understand why calling two old ladies Mother and Mama would be embarrassing” she continued as she side glanced at Amelia who now had a guilt-ridden expression on her face. 

“Sorry…I did not know you felt this way. I always thought that this was for the best…” Amelia lamented as she could feel her tears welling up


“Oh my, no need to cry my dear little Amelia, I was only joking with you” Mother Felice’s eyes widened as her guilt-tripping attempt had failed spectacularly and she rushed over to wipe away the tears. 

“Really?” Amelia asked with a quiver as she held tightly onto her mama 

“Of course, Sister Mary brought this up and I just wanted to ask you. I did not expect this would have had such an effect on you” Mother Felice continued as she soothed her daughter, looking over at the nun who crossed her arms and had a disapproving look on her face 

“Of course it would. You guys mean so much to me” the young girl continued as she tightened her grip and sank deeper into her mama’s breasts

With a guilt-ridden face, Mother Felice said nothing more as she allowed her daughter to let loose her emotions, all the while seeing Sister Mary stare at her with killing intent, a wry smile on Felice’s face as she knew what that meant later. 

After a few more minutes, Amelia calmed down and she and Mother Felice wiped away her tears and snot. With Mother Felice making sure that her daughter was once again looking her best. 

“Ahem. are you feeling better” She asked her now calmed-down daughter

“Mhmm. I am, I love you Mama and Mother” Amelia said as she looked at the two women with a warm smile 

“We love you too Amelia” Sister Mary answered as she stepped forward and stroked her daughter’s hair. Making Amelia soften and hug both of them tightly. 

“Right. Now that you are better again. Care to be my sparring partner?” Mother Felice asked as she looked down at the happy girl 

“Hmm? What about Mother?” Amelia asked her Mama

“Uhh, she’s feeling unwell at the moment” Mother Felice answered as she glanced at Sister Mary who was still looking at her with a disappointed look 

“Oh? I can heal her” 

“I don’t want that. I just feel a bit under the weather is all, plus. I am no match for your Mama so I would like it if you would be the one to take my place” Sister Mary quickly replied as she kissed her daughter’s forehead. 

“Ohh…ok then” the young girl replied with a nod

“Great. Let’s get started” the nun finished as a sadistic smile flashed on her face that only Mother Felice saw, sending a shiver down the caretaker’s spine


“Are you both ready?” Sister Mary asked as she looked at the two fighters

“Yep!” Amelia replied as she switched into her usual adventurer attire of a white long sleeve with black combat pants and heavy-duty combat boots with titanium armor pads and a titanium chest plate, flourishing her twin daggers 

“Uhuh” Mother Felice replied as well as she was still stretching her limbs and hyping herself up, flourishing the stave like a bo staff. 

Mother Felice and Amelia had also noticed that all the children of the orphanage had come to watch the sparring match that was about to take place. 

“Ready when you are Mama!” Amelia gleefully shouted as she entered her ready stance 

“Unn!” She replied as she took a deep breath 

“Begin!” Sister Mary shouted as she waved her hand down to start the match



In the instant the match started, Amelia was right on top of Mother Felice, her twin daggers coming down with deadly precision. The sight gave the caretaker only a few seconds to react and within those few seconds, she caught the descending daggers with her stave before allowing herself to fall on her back and kick her opponent straight in the abdomen, with the momentum sending her flying behind her and as Mother Felice continued to roll back, the moment her feet touched solid ground she pushed them and propelled herself forward into a forward roll to gain some space between her and the hopefully disoriented Amelia. 

Looking back, she saw that Amelia had gotten back up and was stretching her limbs, a smile on her face as she was amazed by the maneuvers her mama had done. 

“That was a good counter Mama!” the giddy young girl stated as she reorientated herself and reorganized 

“You give me too much credit. I know you’re not giving your all yet. So why not show your Mama what you can do” Mother Felice replied as she gave her daughter a nod

“If you insist” 

“By all means, give your Mama a show!” 

As she said those words, the skies above them darkened and a howling wind blew violently with thunder crackling and roaring in the clouds above. The children watching suddenly felt at ease as an invisible barrier had formed around them, with some of them smiling as they saw Sister Mary simply waving her hand to construct it for them. 

Taking a deep breath, Mother Felice watched as Amelia stood still, knowing that her daughter wanted her to make the first move. 

‘So be it then’ she thought as she waved her stave that began glowing a menacing purple and blue

Amelia smiled as she saw her mother make the first move and dashed forward, running at the caretaker with blurring speed, Mother Felice upon seeing this cast two spells in her mind <Lightning Strike> and <Ice Stalagmite> causing large stalagmites made of ice to violently burst out of the ground before a lightning bolt struck it and caused a massive explosion of ice and scattered lighting that damaged everything in a medium-sized circular radius. 

Amelia ducked and weaved through all of that as she closed in on her Mama, a grin on her face as she noticed that the attacks were faster than usual, scarily faster than usual with some of the ice explosions and lightning being near misses, while others nicked her limbs. Giving her a sense of excitement as she finally had a match that was not going to be so one-sided. But while Amelia was excited about the prospect of having a fun fight, Sister Mary had a warm smile on her face as she watched her lover and their daughter go all out against one another. 

‘Fufufu, in front of her children she will never back down. Haaa, I love it’ she thought as she watched Mother Felice continue to unleash her spells of lightning and ice, seeing a smile on her face that kept growing bigger. 

‘It’s been a while since I saw that particular smile’ she continued to think as a memory flashed into her mind and made her feel fuzzy inside 

As Amelia closed in, Mother Felice rushed forward, conjuring a purple color mace in her left hand and smiling as she swung it down on her daughter that just got into range. 


Surprised by the speed at which the blow came down, Amelia barely had time to spin to the right to dodge the incoming attack, before her eyes widened and she let out a winded gasp as she felt a painful blow to her side, her eyes glancing down and seeing the head of her Mama’s stave striking her. Before glancing up to see her Mama with a large smile. 

Staggering back, Amelia began blocking the surprisingly fast attacks and swings made by her opponent, amazed that her Mama still had this level of fight left in her as it gave her a hard time to predict where the next blow was to come, and in that distracted state, Mother Felice was able to create an opening that she followed up by thrusting her stave forward in a three-hit combo that struck Amelia’s stomach, titanium chest place and her face, making her stagger back further. As the two of them stopped moving, Amelia brought her fingers to her nose and felt something wet, pulling her finger back and seeing blood. 

“C’mon now Amelia! I know you can do better than that!” Mother Felice stated as she looked at her daughter 

“Someone like you who became SS-Rank can easily crush someone like me, an S-Rank that barely fights! So stop holding yourself back!” she continued as she stomped her foot down hard. A disappointed expression on her face

“Don’t go soft for my sake my little Amelia! Because that does nothing but serve as a disservice to us both!” 

“Show me what the four years spent in that Goddess-forsaken academy has taught you! Show me how strong you have become! Show me my daughter who earned the tag of the “Leviathan Princess!”” 

As those words reached her ears, Amelia understood. She believed that when her Mama asked for a spar she thought it would be a light one, one that she could just play passively, basically not take it seriously. But as she looked upon her Mama’s disappointed expression, she knew she had interpreted it wrong, she realized that her Mama truly wanted a serious fight and that she had let her down, and that stung deep into her heart. But instead of crying, she knew the only way to make up for it was to give her what she wanted. A fight, it didn’t have to be a life-or-death situation, but she had to give it her all. And if that was what her Mama wanted, then that was what she was going to get. 

Meanwhile, looking down at the two of them, Sister Mary had a smile on her face. 

‘It seems it’s about to get better’ she thought as she saw Amelia’s silhouette give Mother Felice a nod, 

‘I don’t think she has caught on as to why her Mama is stronger than before’ she continued to think as she saw her lover look up at her and give her a wink, prompting the nun’s smile to grow larger

Glancing over to the children who were all elated and cheering for the two, Sister Mary could only nod her head 

‘<Motherly Bond> a powerful skill, although it does not mention it, the number of children nearby stacks the effect, further increasing the benefits of the skill, and since the orphanage has fifty-five children, my darling’s stats are increased fifty-five times over, more than enough to be on an equal playing field with our daughter’ the nun continued to think as she saw the two of them ready for the rest of the match. 

“Alright Mama, if you want a fight. I’ll give you one!” Amelia happily shouted as she clanged her daggers together and bathed them in an ethereal golden light. 

“Good! Show me what you can do!” Mother Felice replied as she teleported to the other end of the training yard, her stave and purple mace at the ready. A smile on her face as she saw her daughter charge her.


A/N: Hello! so this came a little later than I had hoped since school is picking up despite it being the first week. I have tried lessening the amount of effects being written as suggested so if you want those effects back or like it the way it is now, just let me know. Anyway, I forgot to mention that I have a 2nd series titled The Old Scholar, although it will have slower chapter releases it will have chapters. I alternate between writing chapters for both series so that I can give them the love they deserve. I also am thinking about opening a Kofi or coffee, idk how its spelled and I also don't know how it is set up so yeah there is that. anywho I hope you enjoy this chapter, as it centers around Amelia and her mothers and as always I hope you Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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