Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 9 – Daughters of the sun

Liam took in a deep breath. He was about to do something he never thought he would do. He looked down into the lake and the naked Kenyanire that was waiting for him.

“You said you wanted to get your plan into action. So, hurry up, take off your clothes and get in the water so I can wash you.” Kenyanire said, staring suggestively at Liam as he stood awkwardly on the bank of the lake, obviously trying his best to not stare at the naked Amazon.

“It isn’t a good decision Mrs,” Liam said, quickly thinking of a way to get out of this situation. Kenyanire stood up out of the water, showing her fully her well-rounded breasts and slightly shaven sex to Liam. Liam blushed and looked away from the luscious and gorgeous Amazonian woman.

“Tell me your thoughts Liam,” Kenyanire said moving through the water until she was standing in front of the heavily blushing and embarrassed Liam. She grinned down at the short human as due to her height her breasts were level with his face.

“The work I plan to do today means I will probably get very dirty, so wouldn’t it be better for time if I didn’t bathe,” Liam said, looking up into the eyes of Kenyanire, she smiled, her sharp yet loving eyes looking down at him. Without warning Kenyanire quickly moved down and locked her lips with Liam’s. Liam could feel his body be overcome by a soft, warm, and relaxing sensation as Kenyanire kept their lips locked. Liam broke out of his blissful state though as he felt his growing erection pressed against something that wasn’t his pants.

“Hold the fuck up,” Liam said as he pulled away from Kenyanire. He then glanced down to see that some vines had broken away from the tress and had stripped him of his clothes. Liam tried to jump away from the vines, but Kenyanire grabbed him.

“Don’t worry, I control the vines. I have also placed some anti-magic barriers set up so Yantraki will know you are here, but she won’t be able to see what you and I will be doing.” Kenyanire said, giggling maniacally as she picked the now naked Liam up by the scruff of his neck. She then lobbed him into the lake before diving in after him.

Liam quickly emerged from under the water and started to look around as he quickly started to tread water. He looked around for Kenyanire, but she was nowhere in sight.

“Your ass underwater looks nice” Kenyanire whispered into his ear as Liam popped out of the water.

“Holy fucking shit!” Liam screamed as he quickly tried to jump away from her, but due to him being in the water he looked more like a mentally disturbed dolphin. Kenyanire quickly wrapped her arms around Liam and held him above the water.

“Keep calm, you may drown!” Kenyanire said, laughing at the flustered Liam. Liam calmed as he was lifted out of the warm water. He blushed as he quickly dove his hands over his crouch to hide his erection.

“Wh…What are you going to do to me?” Liam questioned. Kenyanire smiled and kissed him again on the lips as she placed him gently into a shallower part of the lake where he could stand.

“I was originally going to just wash you, but now…” Kenyanire teased as she started to kiss Liam.

“It would be rude let alone cruel for me to leave such a magnificent opportunity go to waste,” Kenyanire said teasingly again as she started to plant more kisses onto Liam. She stopped though as she noticed the judging look in his eyes.

“What is wrong little one? Or big one should I say” Kenyanire joked.

“What would your daughter think” was all Liam said. Kenyanire sighed, she loved Liam, but she hated the fact he was so moral.

“The seal on you may be that of my daughters, but you are property of my family, and when we have another sacrifice ready, I will add my seal to you as well,” Kenyanire said her sadistic grin on her face. Liam frowned, he couldn’t waste his time here with her, he needed to get to work to find solutions to these (what he saw as unnecessary) sacrifices. Kenyanire pulled Liam onto her lap and started to rub his shoulders.

They sat in silence for a while as Kenyanire cleaned Liam’s back. But she soon spoke as her hands went across the scars that ran deep into his skin. She remembered seeing them the first time she had cleaned him, but because of his drugged state, she never got to ask what caused the marks. This was the perfect time to learn a little bit more about her toy.

“Tell me, Liam, how did you get the scars on your back,” Kenyanire asked gently, her warm and calming voice snapping Liam out of his frustrated state. Kenyanire jumped as Liam quickly turned and stared her in the eyes.

“That’s none of your business,” Liam said sharply, not sounding much like his usual self. Kenyanire narrowed his eyes and pulled his face close to hers, a serious look in her pupils as she matched Liam’s harsh gaze and tone of voice.

“It is my business, if someone or something hurts my property, I will rip them to shreds!” Kenyanire said sternly as she let go of Liam’s face. She didn’t even realise she had grabbed it, to begin with.

“Sorry…. But as head of our family and you're new… what is the right word. Not mother as I do wish to have sex with you so calling me mother would be weird, not master as that is already my daughter…” Kenyanire tried to think. Liam smiled seeing that her aggressive nature was just her way of being overly protective.

“How about a friend?” Liam asked, not sure why he was helping his capture find a title for him to call her by.

“Friend? I have heard the term before, it means you like each other, right?” Kenyanire said, happy that Liam may have accidentally confessed that he liked her. Kenyanire smiled and held Liam tightly.

“You know you can tell me anything right? So, if you don’t want to tell me about your scars, you shouldn’t do it out of fear of me judging you.” Kenyanire said reassuringly as she poured some water onto Liam’s head as she started to wash his hair.

“Sorry for yelling. But I rather not talk about it…” Liam muttered after some time. Kenyanire Gave Liam a soft kiss on the neck and cuddled him into her chest. Kenyanire kissed Liam on the cheek.

“Tell me then about your family. I met Katlin when I visited your village. I wanted to ask her about your parents, but I didn’t get much of a chance.” Kenyanire said she remembered asking Liam about this subject before.

“Again, I would rather not talk about them. I haven’t even told Katlin about my parents, I just told her they were dead.” Kenyanire stayed in silence for a while, realising she was touching a bad subject for him. Liam placed a hand onto Kenyanire’s arm when she reached around to wash the side of his leg.

“Sorry if I upset you,” Liam said quietly.

“You could never upset me,” she said lovingly. He felt as if he was a small child being talked down to by his mother. He wondered if this is what it was like to have a real mother, not including the whole wanting to fuck him, not including the whole human sacrifices and cannibalism thing, but he wondered this here this moment he was in right now was close enough. Liam leaned back into Kenyanire and gently cuddled into her chest. Kenyanire was surprised by the sudden movement but did nothing to stop the cute looking human. Neither of them knew how long they were there for, as they cuddled in the warm water, but it had to be at least a good hour or two before both Liam and the Amazon decided to get out the water, dry off and get dressed. Liam placed the cloth he originally planned to use to wash into his pocket.

“Ready to get your plan into action my small one? Where would you like to begin” Kenyanire asked, smiling at her small human friend? It felt weird calling him a friend, but in a way, she also liked it.

“If it’s alright, can you help me find a large clear area (somewhere with no trees or bushes) and unused land? I then need help finding people who can help me build a fence and lastly some people who can help me capture some animals to keep as livestock.” Liam said, a bright flicker of excitement in his eyes. She liked the look, it suited him well. Kenyanire smiled as she patted Liam on the head and led him back into the jungle and towards their next destination.

They walked for a while until they reached a large barn-like structure that looked to stretch for about a good two miles long and the same high as well as long. It was truly a breathtaking sight to see. Kenyanire noticed the impressed look on Liam’s face and smiled.

“Here we can get a war carrier to ride in, it will make looking for the field you want much easier,” Kenyanire explained as she walked him towards a cutout doorway that led to the inside of the barn. Together they entered the large barn. Liam’s eyes widened as he looked at the gigantic 6-meter-tall horse-like creatures that stood before him. The creatures were at least 6 meters tall and probably 6 meters long. The creature had thick green fur and about 8 eyes, it looked monstrous yet oddly majestic. Kenyanire smiled smugly, happy to see Liam was impressed by their warhorses.

“Come, we don’t have much time left in the day, we spent a long-time bathing,” Kenyanire said as she picked Liam up and placed him onto her back. Liam’s eyes widened as Kenyanire ran at full sprint towards one of the large creatures. She then leapt and before Liam could even register what was happening, they were on the back of the warhorse.

On either side of the war horse were large pillboxes that hung of the saddle that was tightly and securely wrapped around the horse's back. She opened the hatch of one of the large wooden boxes.

“Go in here, you can look out the arrow slit and tell me when you want me to stop,” Kenyanire said as she carefully lowered him into the box.

“Don’t go near the boxes, they contain arrows that are made with a metal that is designed to pierce Amazonian skin, so if it was to cut you it would be deadly,” Kenyanire advised. Liam nodded and smiled at Kenyanire as she moved away from the opening of the pillbox.

“Is this safe?” Liam asked as Kenyanire took the rains of the warhorse.

“For an Amazon yes, but for a human? Well, I am not sure” Kenyanire joked. Liam didn’t take it as a joke though as he looked around the large wooden box that was filled with sharp-looking throwing spears and arrows. What made it worse was the spears and arrow tips were made out of blue metal, this must be the metal Kenyanire had said that is designed to kill Amazons. Liam gripped onto the ladder that led to the hatch above him as there was a jolt and the warhorse started to move.

Liam moved carefully over to a small wooden stand that stood near a long sideways allow slit. He climbed onto the box and stared out the about 12-inch-tall opening. Kenyanire opened the hatch lightly and peered down at Liam to check on him as she rode the warhorse out of the barn and onto a large open track.

They rode for a while in silence, Kenyanire kept checking under the hatch every few minutes to check to see if Liam was still safe and secure. Kenyanire gave a jovial smile as she stared down at the darting eyes of Liam as he looked around the area for any good places to start placing his weird human ideas into action. She didn’t expect to find anywhere since her area of the island was only roughly about three hundred by five hundred miles.

The path they rode down soon came alongside a large opening which was around 3 or 4 hundred meters by another 3 or 4 hundred meters. But something about the field was off. Kenyanire stopped the war horse and glanced over the field carefully. A large 9ft tall wooden staff with the skull of an Amazon tied upon it sat at the centre of the field. This was the marker between Kenyanire’s tribe’s territory and her daughter Rhexdice’s territory. The problem was though that this marker had been moved to the centre of the field a good two miles away from where it was originally meant to be meaning her daughter had moved it recently. Kenyanire turned the warhorse and started to March it towards the centre of the field.

“We are just going to take a little detour,” Kenyanire explained as she locked Liam inside the box for his safety.

“Don’t worry, this field here actually looks kind of what I am looking for.” Liam returned joyfully, completely bliss to the potentially dangerous situation he was now in.

Kenyanire muttered a few words and undid the magic blocking spell so that Yantraki was fully aware of what they were doing and where they were. She then unlocked and opened the hatch to where Liam was. She then picked up a piece of fish she kept on herself in case Liam became hungry. She then threw the meat at Liam. It knocked him on the back of the head, and he turned to her, looking confused.

“Don’t worry, just wanted to make sure you were alive, I am stopping here for a while, I need a walk, stay here where it is safe” Kenyanire informed, before shutting the hatch door again locking it. She had thrown the fish at him so that Yantraki could hopefully sense through the slave seal that Liam had been hit and would come to help. Kenyanire lowered herself off the horse and raised her hands into the air. The ground shook as a monstrous vine was formed from magic and wrapped itself around the warhorse before securing itself to the ground to keep the horse in place.

She then turned her attention to the surrounding field. She summoned vines around the area, intertwining the vines to make them into a border to keep anyone away from the warhorse and Liam while she checked the territory marker. Now the only way to get to the warhorse, Liam or even Kenyanire was from the direction they entered the field as the other sides were all now sealed off by walls of the throned vine.

Liam got down off the box he had been standing on. He sat himself down under the opening in the box and pulled his legs into his chest. He wanted to take a look around the field to see if he could use it for his plan, but since Kenyanire had gone on a walk he didn’t want to step outside, especially due to the small earthquake he had just felt. He was amazed the warhorse only shook quite violently and didn’t fall over or runoff, it didn’t even make a noise, it had to be very well trained. But then again, he heard rumours from soldiers that because of the lack of meat on their islands they usually ate the tongue of their animals, they never said anything about doing it to warhorses (he didn’t even know these giant creatures were even a thing) but it wasn’t out of the question.

He smiled to himself as he ironically realised this was the first time in probably a week that he had been on his own. This is the first time he had somewhat control over his life and his own decisions and even then, it was controlled slightly by the slave seal on his chest and arms. He was still wondering if he was even a human anymore. He felt human as well as looked the part, but from what Kenyanire had told him he now had the same life span as an Amazon, would that mean he was then some kind of half Amazon? He didn't know that well on the elective too long though despising the very thought of being even remotely like them.

He was usually an incredibly passive person, but when it came down to Amazons, the very thought of them made him sick. Yet here he was, potentially working himself to death as a slave for them, and the sad part was he was doing this all willingly because he wanted to help them. Liam was busy cursing the power his boner had over him when he started to hear some women talking in Amazonian. he could tell the abnormal language was Amazonian due to its strong emphasis on uncertain letters and words as well as so almost hostile yeah oddly seductive sound they made whenever they spoke. To say the least, it was an interesting language.

Thinking it was just a group of patrolling Amazon's who had seen the large warhorse and come over to see what was going on, Liam moved over to the slit in the box to see if he recognised any of them. She stood himself on top of the boxes and peered out onto the field squinting slightly as his eyes adjusted to the light. His eyes soon fell upon a group of about 10 or so Amazon's holding large wall spares or bows dressed in golden armour that covered their shoulders shins and nothing else. They were also painted in either white or golden paints which contrasted with the dark native skin, many of them also had long white or blonde hair which shone brightly in the sunlight.

These Amazons didn't look much like the ones from the village, maybe if they were from a nearby village, they could even be friends or allies of Yantraki and her people. But something didn't feel right, they seemed on guard, ready for a fight. He felt a shiver run down his spine, the Amazon that looked as if she was the one to lead the Amazons in this party, snapped her head to look at him. Liam shot down instinctively. Something about this woman was off, something about her terrified him. Liam didn’t get much time to dwell on the thought as like many things so far in his adventure amongst the Amazonians his thoughts were interrupted as he heard a large crash above him.

Footsteps plot along the top of the roof. Each step making Liam shiver it's the feeling of death approached. Perhaps started to shake as he heard the yelling of incredibly pissed off Amazonian women. It seemed that these big friendly giants didn't have the best intentions for him. He started to dart around the box looking for something to define himself with. He soon found a large box of blue-tipped arrows. The arrows designed to kiss Amazons.

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” Liam said as he saw the 9ft tall Amazonian bow next to the arrows. He quickly realised he wouldn’t be able to fire the arrow, but maybe he could use it as a knife? He picked up one of the arrows and started to try to snap the arrowhead off so he could try to use it as a knife. An ear-splitting thud sounded behind him as the hatch door smashed open. Liam turned around quickly with the arrow in his hand, thinking how stupid he would look if it turned out that these Amazons in reality weren’t enemies at all, and he was just being paranoid. He snapped the head of the arrow off and placed the arrow into his back trouser pocket as a backup before grabbing another arrow to try to use as a spear.

One of the Amazons dressed in white paint dropped down into the box. Her eyes soon landed on the determined-looking Liam as he held one of the large war arrows like a spear. The warrior giggled and darted to the side of Liam. She swept him up into her arms and snatched the arrow from him.

“Small,” she said as she tried her best to speak in English. The Amazon then leaned in and smelled the small human. His scent was interesting, it was much like her master Rhexdice’s scent but sweeter. The Amazon then slumped Liam over her shoulder and carried him out the box, the entire way Liam was hitting and struggling to no avail against the powerful woman. The Amazon laughed as she exited the pillbox with Liam still struggling over her shoulder. 10 Amazons including Rhexdice were standing around on the top of the back of the warhorse, waiting for them. Rhexdice smiled as she saw her loyal warrior walk over to her with her prise slung over her back.

“What do you have sister?” Rhexdice yelled.

“It seems whoever had the nerve to ride a warhorse into our territory has been smuggling some interesting contraband with a very interesting scent.” The woman handed the still fighting and struggling Liam over to Rhexdice.

As soon as Liam was handed over to Rhexdice her eyes lit up as she smelt both her sister and her mother on him. She quickly pulled off his shirt and looked at the slave symbol on his chest. She ran her fingers along with the slave seal admiringly. The letters that spelt out her sister Yantraki’s name glowed across his chest. Rhexdice at that moment realised who this human was, and how valuable a piece of manipulation could become. If she could get him back to her tribe and have her priestesses place him under some blocking spells to hide him from her sister, she could probably hold him as a valuable hostage. Her sister and mother didn’t have the military power to have a war with her, so they wouldn’t be able to save him with force, the only way they could even touch their human would be through diplomacy considering they also didn’t have anyone who could steal him from them. They could use the small human’s life as leverage to gain more territory from them, they could probably if they were lucky turn them into a vassal for her queendom.

Rhexdice smiled as she placed a kiss onto Liam’s head to calm him. She didn’t need him to be calm as her sister was probably already on her way and she already planned to force him back to their tribe. Rhexdice licked her lips, she may even be able to have a little fun with the small creature that now sat in her arms like a terrified baby Chillcali. He was a slave so Rhexdice wondered if her sister would be angry if she ate his arms, after all, he didn’t need them. He only needed his legs as that was all he needed for them to take him for walks, so if she ate his arms would that be that much of a problem.

“So, what’s your name little one?” Rhexdice asked, already pinning Liam down and tying his arms and legs to her war spear.

“Mr go fuck yourself!” Liam yelled as he could smell the strong scent of blood on the Amazon’s breath, for whatever reason this triggered a defence mechanism for him. Liam noticed the Amazons licking his lips and a few even moved down to grab his ass commenting on how he would taste roasted over a fire. He was terrified of this woman, he felt as if she was going to kill him any second before then roasting him over the fire like a pig.

He got one of his arms loose from the Amazon's grip and quickly grabbed the makeshift knife from his back pocket. He turned and stabbed the arrowhead into the side of the unexpecting Amazon. Rhexdice’s eyes widened for a few seconds as she glanced down at the arrowhead that was now lodged in her side. She then glanced back to Liam before looking at the 4-inch arrowhead again. She moved her hands slowly over the arrowhead and yanked it out her side. She then looked at Liam as he screwed up his face out of anger and lunged at her. If he were going to die, he would die fighting. She gritted her teeth and smacked Liam across the face.

“What were you thinking? Do you think a singular arrowhead will kill me? And even if it did then what? You don’t think do you, you stupid fucking human!” Rhexdice yelled as she slammed Liam’s head into the ground. She then turned him onto his front and slammed the body of her spear into his back as she continued to tie Liam to the spear.

“Meat, you humans are fucking meat and that is it. Now stop resisting before I have you spitted over the fire!” Rhexdice said as she finished tying Liam to her war spear. She had now fully committed to the idea of cutting off his hands and making them into a bra. She turned Liam over and looked into his eyes, considering for a few seconds if she should bite his tongue off. Gathering what little courage he had Liam spat at Rhexdice. Rhexdice only stared into his eyes in response as she found the restraint, she needed to stop herself from killing him.

“Why do you do this? Why do you fight back against those far stronger than yourself? Is it because my warriors teased you by saying they were going to eat you? I am sorry if this is all scary for you, but I would prefer it if you came willingly.” Rhexdice said, finally understanding that the human wasn’t hostile by nature and was simply just easy to provoke. She honestly couldn’t get too angry at him for his lashing out now that she thought about it. He was scared he was going to be eaten so he decided to try and fight back as best he could. Rhexdice held Liam against her chest and buried her face into his hair. Liam couldn’t help but think this feeling of being held in such a manner reminded him of Yantraki or her mother. Liam was snapped out of his blissful daze though as a vine shot past his face and separated him from Rhexdice.

Rhexdice eyes started to glow in a yellow fire as quickly turned to look at the source of the vine. Liam looked around. When the vine shot between himself and his Amazon capture it had flung him back onto the back of the warhorse, hitting his head on one of the many handles that were designed for Amazons to hang onto while manoeuvring on the horse in battle. Liam looked around, his ears ringing as he sat up. He quickly noticed Kenyanire standing by his side, she looked serious.

“You’re not too badly hurt, are you?” Kenyanire asked as she raised her hand and wrapped a wall of protective vine around Liam.

“Never felt better” Liam joked. Kenyanire smiled as she walked towards the gold-painted Amazon.

Liam paired between the vines that now wrapped around him as a protective layer. He couldn't see what the Amazons were saying, but he watched intensely as the Amazons painted in both the gold and white paint jumped off the warhorse onto the ground below followed by Kenyanire. Liam wasn't a religious person, but even so, he found himself praying slightly that whatever was about to ensue then Kenyanire was to come out the victor.

Kenyanire stared down at her daughter, considering what she should do with such a little brat.

“Mother, fancy seeing you here in my territory,” Rhexdice said as she held her war spear tightly. The end of the spear started to become engulfed with a golden flame. Kenyanire sighed. She hated it when her daughters acted as they could beat her in a fight.

“This isn’t your territory daughter, please leave me and your sister Yantraki’s husband alone,” Kenyanire said, already fed up with her daughter and her friends’ presence.

“You weak old hag!” An Amazon mocked, causing the others to laugh. Kenyanire kept a deadpan expression as she didn’t wish to give the Amazons even an ounce of enjoyment. The only one who didn’t laugh was Rhexdice as she knew the power her mother held. The warrior that made the joke noticed she hadn’t even shaken Kenyanire in the slightest, wanting to show off to her friends she made a drastic decision. She charged towards Kenyanire, her war spear in hand. Kenyanire kept calm as the warrior charged at her. Charging with monstrous fury, the Amazon blinked for only a second, but as she did so she could swear, she saw a hand in front of her face.

Before the charging Amazon could even register what was happening, Kenyanire had already swept her off her feet and slammed her head into the ground. Kenyanire then proceeded to place her foot onto the Amazon’s neck.

“Leave,” Kenyanire said as she moved her foot from the neck of the Amazon to her arm. The Amazon started to scratch and hit Kenyanire’s leg. A crunching was heard as Kenyanire started to crush the arm of the Amazon. Even Liam who was a good 30 metres away from the fight could fear the sound of the Amazon being torture, her screams sounding like they were right next to his ear. Her screams only increased when Liam heard a crack as Kenyanire broke the arm of the Amazon.

Second Amazon charge, another two right behind her that flanked out to either side of Kenyanire to try and outsmart her. Kenyanire threw her hands out to the side. Tree roots were summoned out the ground, moving at such a speed that the Amazons couldn’t react. The summoned tree roots slammed into the two flanking Amazons taking them out of the fight.

The Amazon that was still charging at Kenyanire front soon found Kenyanire’s foot slammed into her face. taking her out of action.

Rhexdice then leapt at her mother alongside her remain warriors. Kenyanire only sighed as she raised her hands again and summoned tree trunks out the ground. The remaining warriors were quickly knocked off their feet by the tree trunks, leaving only Rhexdice.

Rhexdice charged at her mother, dodging the vines and wooden tree trunks summoned to stop her. Kenyanire smirked, she could tell her daughter was only playing, she wasn’t trying too hard. Kenyanire dove towards her daughter slowly. Rhexdice summoned a ball of golden fire into her hands as she reached her hands towards the face of her mother. Kenyanire smiled and ducked, dodging the attack. Kenyanire then performed a bicycle kick, grabbing onto the arm of her daughter as she did so.

“So young, so naive, you remind me of myself,” Kenyanire said as she slammed her daughter into the ground, placing her in an arm lock. Seeing her daughter’s frustrated face Kenyanire let her go and clamber back to her feet as she sprinted back to the side of her recovering warrior’s. Rhexdice gripped her arm tightly, she could swear it was broken.

“Please tell your friends to stop daughter” Kenyanire sighed as she looked at Rhexdice. Rhexdice snarled and put a hand out towards her mother as she started to mutter a few words under her breath. A large ball of golden fire started to form in her hand, but she quickly snuffed the flame out as she concluded she couldn’t beat her mother in a fight, not yet.

“Get the injured, we are leaving,” Rhexdice said reluctantly, staring into her mother’s dead eyes.

Liam clasped a hand over his mouth to stop himself from throwing up at the agonising sounds let's caped the Amazon’s lips as she came to the realisation her arm had now been almost snapped in two by Kenyanire. Liam heard the sounds of battle as another Amazon leapt at Kenyanire to try and avenge their fallen comrade, but her war cries were cut short last he heard the snap and break of bone and then silence.

Liam couldn't help but want to scream for them to stop the fight and to just give up as he heard the rest of the Amazons all charge at once towards Kenyanire. But before even one of them could land of blow let alone scratch Kenyanire that was the sound of cracking a bone and wood hitting flesh, then again silence.

“Fine we’ll leave.” he had the familiar voice of the Amazon that had originally tied him to her war spear say. He then heard is more footsteps seem to be approaching the area from the direction of the woodland they had originally come through to enter the field.

“Mother!” a voice called out. Liam sat up somewhat excitedly as you realised it was the voice of Yantraki. The vines around Liam unravelled setting him free, but only for a few seconds as the vines then lifted Liam down onto the ground next to Kenyanire. Liam felt a small amount of sick in his mouth as he saw blood caped Kenyanire standing in front of him, the Amazons she had just fought were limping off in the background, carrying what looked to be their dead and injured. Liam didn’t have much time to take in the gory sight though as he soon found himself wrapped in the arms of Yantraki.

“You should have stayed in bed! Oh, Goddess thank you for keeping my Liam alive!” Yantraki said as she pulled Liam into her chest. Liam could swear this was the first time he had ever seen Yantraki express such a large amount of emotion at once. He pulled himself away from her slightly and stared at her bright red face and eyes. He could see the very beginnings of tears rolling out of her eyes. He really couldn't believe what he was seeing as he watched the Amazon, he so feared start to cry uncontrollably over the very thought of him being injured. He smiled slightly to himself, condemning himself for even starting to think this bloodthirsty monster was anything like him in the slightest.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again! Now come on, let’s go home and get something to eat my love” Yantraki said as she started to smother Liam’s face with warm loving kisses. Kenyanire looked away slightly embarrassed that she just had to fight some of the friends of her daughter. Kenyanire watched as Rhexdice, and her warriors finally left through an opening Kenyanire had made for them in her wall. She was just happy the fight only lasted a few seconds and the worst injuries suffered were just a few broken bones.

Once her daughter and her warriors had safely left, Sruna and Takire moved to the Kenyanire’s side along with Yantraki who held Liam tightly to her chest.

“Mother, allow me to send some warriors alongside Sruna and Takire to take vengeance,” Yantraki asked. Kenyanire smiled and patted her daughter on the head.

“Don’t worry, their time will come,” Kenyanire said, placing a kiss on Yantraki’s forehead. Kenyanire then looked down to the slightly shaken up Liam that somewhat forcefully clung to Yantraki’s chest.

“May I also ask what you think of our field here?” Kenyanire asked Liam as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

“Well, I haven’t had that good of a look, so if everyone and everything is safe is it alright if I take a look now?” Liam said, quickly regain his composure. Kenyanire laughed at his determination and nodded. She then looked to her daughter, expecting her to let Liam go, but instead, she only held him tighter.

“I shall escort my husband around the field.” Yantraki declared. Sruna and Takire looked to each other and sighed, they understood how traumatic it must be for Yantraki to concede the very thought of her husband being taken away, but they were slightly annoyed that she was now bound to probably being clingy to Liam for a good few weeks before she deemed too safe for him to be alone. What they found to be annoying about this was that they were destined now to be his baby sisters every second of the day until Yantraki deemed the territory to be safe enough for him to start wandering around again.

The group walked for a while around the field, Liam ordering them to stop now and then so he could study the ground, of the surrounding area. He had decided that the vines Kenyanire had something around the field would make for a great fence of sorts and all they had to do now was make one last one that led to the exit of the field they would also have to build a gate there, but besides that, the field was all set and ready to go. Kenyanire, as well as Yantraki both, noticed the large smile on Liam’s face as they walked around the field.

“What do you think? With this area work?” Kenyanire asked as she moved over to Liam as he was still being held tightly to the chest of Yantraki.

“It’s almost perfect, alongside your vines being used as a border to stop the animals I plan to try and place in here will work,” Liam said cheerfully, the Amazons all laughed lightly, thinking he looked like an excited child as he popped his head out from between the arms of Yantraki. The Amazons walked the rest of the length of the field before unbinding the warhorse from the vines Kenyanire had put around it during the fight.

Yantraki was the first to head back to the village with Liam in her arms, leaving her mother and the other Amazons to secure the perimeter and check for any remaining hostiles.

Yantraki and Liam walked in silence for a few minutes, well Yantraki walked, Liam just sat in her arms like a large lap dog. Liam was the first to break the tense silence.

“So, can I ask a question?” Liam said, looking up to Yantraki. Yantraki didn’t look down at him though, instead deciding to continue scanning the area carefully.

“Go ahead my little love,” Yantraki responded, even her voice was on edge.

“So, um… Those people…” Yantraki interrupted Liam without even a second to let him finish.

“My sister and some of her warriors wandered into our territory, they think we are weak, and war will probably break out in the next few months. I was hoping to not drag you into it, but it seems the Goddess have decided differently.” Yantraki explained, a deeply pissed off tone to her voice.

“You are going to war? Against your sister?” Liam said, not understanding how this situation had occurred.

“It’s a… long story,” Yantraki said as she started her explanation.





Hey there, hope you have enjoyed the story and if ever want to read more chapters always feel free to go over to Royal Road to read more, anyway though, always thanks for reading:

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