Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 6 – arrival

Liam's eyes shot open and immediately began to gaze around. His vision was slightly blurry but soon cleared as he opened his eyes wider and sat up. He placed his head in his hands. He could nearly remember the night before, all he remembered in detail was Yantraki's singing.
He rubbed the centre of his head. He could feel a strong migraine starting. He looked around himself to see where he was and was shocked as he realised he was on a boat. He looked down at the adorable looking Yantraki that was cuddling into his side and had his arms wrapped around her upper body. A feeling of sickness came into fruition as he remembered the events earlier that night. He felt lucky, to say the least, that this savage creature didn't devour him next. Liam pushed back the need to the throw-up and regained his composure as he tried to rationalise the gory events of the night before.
It had to have been a cruel joke, there was no way these people would actually cook and eat one of their own?
But Liam soon came to the grim reality as he saw the impaled body of the remains of the girl placed high upon a large decorated alter that sat at the end of the boat. He couldn't see it well from his position, but he knew what it was.
He was saddened and ashamed to know he didn't do anything to stop the feast, but he was happy to know that according to the Amazonians promise that was going to be the last one, then again that only relied on his skill to find an alternative as well as a sustainable source of entertainment and food supply for the Amazons. Now he had more determination than he had ever had before. He would never let such a tragedy happen again.
Yantraki Gave out a little moan like a scared child, making Liam look down at her to see if she was alright. She was deep in sleep, but it seemed like she was having a nightmare, a feeling he could currently sympathise with. He didn't even know Amazons could have nightmares being such ferocious and bloodthirsty creatures. Yantraki slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him, her mouth slightly wobbly like she was about to cry and her face and eyes with a sense of cute fear in them, like a child that had just seen a scary movie for the first time.
Liam turned his head as he felt a little bump in the arm opposite to where Yantraki was cuddling into him. He instinctively turned to see who had bumped him. Kenyanire smiled gently at him as their eyes met. She reached out and gave him a little pat on the head before she moved closer and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. muttering a few words that he couldn't understand, but for whatever reason calmed him.
“Good morning, you have been asleep for a good while, but that was expected after we gave you a sleeping drug in your sleep. In hindsight, it wasn’t a good idea and was a bit of a waste, but we didn’t want to risk you waking up and causing a fuss, but either way here we are now safe and sound. But anyway, us giving you the drug means you were out for about a day. We are about 7 hours away from our island” Kenyanire said, beaming a smile at him. Liam nodded back to her, not saying a word. He was still trying to process what had happened the night before. He had acted like a coward. He had originally planned to apologise to Yantraki for interrupting their feast, but he wasn't going to apologise for wanting to save a life even if he had agreed for that life to be taken and he went back on his agreement.
He sat between the two Amazons for a while longer until daylight slowly started to creep over the horizon. He looked on at Yantraki as her eyes slowly opened and she stared up at her. He hadn't even noticed that she had fallen asleep in the first place. But he guessed this was probably just her way of coping with being out on the water. He assumed this was the reason though as she did seem quite scared to be on a boat as did most Amazons.
“Is she alright?” Liam asked Kenyanire. Kenyanire smiled and reached around him and patted her daughter on the head.
“Amazons can't swim, thus many of us are scared of water. I have done this trip many times and do not fear it, but this is a first-time maiden trip for many Amazons. Most Amazons have never even stepped foot off the island, and this shall be the first and last time. They passed the initiation ceremony and will now return home after they finished the second part of the ceremony which was their war party.” Kenyanire said as she smiled at Liam. She then went on to explain the trial ceremony in how the sacrificial girls (Boruma) were chosen. Liam started to think, he now had to find a new trial ceremony for the Amazons that didn’t involve human sacrifice or death. Liam noticed the sad look in Kenyanire’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. Kenyanire looked at him and gave a somewhat forced smile.
“Back on the night of all my daughters taking part in their years' initiation ceremony one of them failed they remember the sights of watching the other nine, including the one currently nuzzled into your chest, oiling and preparing their sister to be eaten. I even remember the taste of the young girl” Kenyanire said, a mixture of nostalgia, happiness, and deep depression as well as regret on her face. Liam wasn’t even sure how a person could show so many emotions all at the same time. He looked down; it seemed these Amazons weren't as straightforward as he once thought. Yantraki looked up at Liam’s face as she cuddled into his chest.
“Cuddle,” she said in a wobbly slightly scared voice. Liam couldn’t help but blush slightly, he didn’t like her, in fact, he could say he hated her. But this side of her was adorable. Kenyanire smiled at the sight of her daughter being this happy in the arms of her human. Kenyanire moved a little closer to Liam, gently placed a hand on his head.
“If you like I can show you where we have the books you requested, I can make sure Yantraki has a good sleep and you can then have a good read,” Kenyanire said with her usual gentle smile on her face. Liam nodded and after a little bit of struggling and fidgeting about he handed over the Yantraki to her mother.
Kenyanire gently placed her daughter onto the bench and wrapped her in a fur blanket. She then stood up and started to lead Liam to where they were keeping the books. As they walked Liam couldn't help but be slightly impressed by the architecture of the boat. It was amazingly well crafted, something he wasn't expecting from a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals.
Together they walked along the deck of the boat until they reached a large wooden cabin that sat roughly at the centre of the large wooden vessel. The sun was now starting to rise over the horizon and Golden Ray's sunshine we're now flooding over the boat. Liam smiled. It had now officially been what he believed to be his fourth day there with the Amazons. He couldn't believe he'd been through so much in such a short amount of time.
Together they entered the large cabin. Inside the wooden room was a singular table in its centre with two chairs on either side and a pile of books on top of said table. Liam smiled. He hoped that they had gotten all the books he had requested. He was about to approach the table but was stopped when two large arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a hug. He turned to see Kenyanire standing over him, her face looking worried.
“Hey, what is it?” Liam asked, just wanting to go and read the books.
“Do you hate us?” Kenyanire questioned. Liam thought about her question for a few seconds. He had heard rumours that Amazonian’s can't tell whether or not someone is lying to them just by looking into their eyes, so he decided without a second thought on telling her the truth.
“Yes,” he muttered staring her dead in the eyes. Kenyanire nodded, understanding his hatred.
“Then I hope that one day I can find forgiveness,” she said before planting a kiss on his forehead and leaving him alone in the room. He looked at the door dismally. He was starting to feel a little bad for answering. But he also didn’t want to lie to her. He also couldn’t find it in himself to forgive her for murdering god knows how many people, but then again that was all only due to her culture.
Liam shook off the feeling and walked over to the table. He sat down at the table and pulled the pile of books over to himself. He started to dig through the pile of books until he saw the book, he had asked for about agriculture. He quickly flicked open the book and started to flick through its soft pages. He hadn’t even finished reading the first page when he heard the distinct sound of the door creaking open. He was expecting to see Kenyanire or Yantraki, or even Sruna and Takire, or even another Amazon. But instead of anyone he would have expected, he saw no one.
Liam walked over to the door and shut it, assuming the wind must have just opened it on its own. But as soon as he sat down, he heard muttering and the door opening again. He now knew something wasn’t right.
“If you need something you can just ask me?” Liam called to whoever was standing on the other side of the door. There was no response, only the sound of about 8 or so different whispering voices arguing. Liam sighed and walked over to the door. He opened the door and looked outside. But before he could peak his head outside, he heard scampering feet running away from him. He looked out into the hallway and looked around.
“Wankers” Liam muttered as he went back into the room. Rather than going back to his chair he walked to the table and picked up one of the thinner and lighter books. He then returned to the door and closed it tightly. He then loudly walked back to his chair before quietly back treading to the door. He watched the door carefully, wanting to try to catch who was standing by the door.
The muttering voices soon returned, and Liam smiled. He raised the book above his head and waited until whoever was outside decided to open the door once again. The door creaked open, and the short-haired head of a woman entered the room. They said a few words in their native language, sounding very confused about where the subject they were spying on disappeared. Liam narrowed his eyes as he gently nocked the girl on the head with his book.
“Good morning,” Liam said as he walked into the doorway and looked down at those who had been spying on him.
About 8 young girls sat before him on the floor, all looking at him with mixed looks of shock, fear, curiosity and excitement. He looked to the brown-haired girl he had hit on the head as two of her friends rushed to her side. The brown-haired girl rubbed her head as she stared at him. She looked slightly annoyed and pissed that he had hit her, but also embarrassed that he had caught them watching him. The girls all stared at him, a look of aw on their faces. Liam stared down at the girls that were all now kneeling before him, looking at him like children when they saw an animal they like at a zoo.
He took note that these girls were all dressed in green cloth tops and tanned coloured grass skirts. They wore red war paint on their bodies. He realised quickly It wasn’t war paint but the paint that the slaves wore. These were Boruma. Liam put a hand down towards the Boruma he had just hit. He felt bad for hitting her, after all if he failed his mission, she was probably going to end up like the other Boruma the night before. The brown-haired girl was nervous at first to take his hand, but when she saw the kind smile Liam was giving her, she didn’t hesitate for much longer.
“Let’s keep this simple, I have just woken up and had nothing to eat so forgive me if I'm not the most patient or nice person in the world right now,” Liam said scratching the back of his head as he walked into the little wooden cabin. The girls didn't answer but followed him inside and watched him as he sat down at the table and went back to reading his book. Despite his young age people of the village including Katlin always said that Liam acted at least 20 years older than he was. This mixed with his tiredness and hunger need an A easy to irritate an incredibly angry person at this moment in time.
The Boruma started to creep and walk around Liam as he tried his best to ignore them and read his book. The girl with the short brown hair soon got her hands on an old historical book detailing the history of a planet formerly occupied by humans about Galaxy or so away called earth. The girls are gathered around the Brown head girl as he started to flick through pages for the book. They didn't seem like they could speak English let alone read it nor understand it, but despite this set back they seem to like the colourful images and photographs of soldiers in their uniforms as well as women in dresses or factory outfits. Liam smiled slightly to himself, he never met his mother, but he had heard she was a factory worker like that once and his father was a farmer, he wondered if his mother was alive if she would have looked something like the woman in the image. The Boruma or pointed at the blonde locks of the factory girl, probably all wondering if humans had weird hair colours and styles like Liam and the girl in the image.
Liam got distracted from his book once again as the girls all seemed to start getting excited as you run over insert pointing at the hair of the girl Adam uttering the word ‘Taca’. The Brown-haired girl then ran off out the door with two of the other girls in tow. Liam gave out an annoyed groan, he could tell these girls were up to something and he only prayed it didn't get him into any form of trouble.
The brown-haired girl and her two minions soon returned. They stood at the entrance of the room and raised a shiny magazine above their heads. Liam narrowed his eyes and the plastic and quickly realised what it was. It was one of the old porno mags he kept under his bed. He started to blush with embarrassment and tried to ignore this discovery as he went back to reading his book. He couldn’t help but notice the young girls as they took, they ran over to the other Boruma and started to flick through the pages of the magazine until they reached a page with an image of a blond woman in lingerie. Liam realised what they were doing as they started to compare the blond girl in the history book to the woman in the image. It seemed they had a hard time telling the blond women apart.
Liam smirked a little. These girls were just like giant children. He jumped as he felt something press against his neck. He turned quickly to see a curious and innocent looking girl standing next to him. It was the brown-haired girl again. He didn’t even see her move let alone hear her get behind him. She closed her eyes and moved towards him, pressing her nose against his neck and giving him a few sniffs.
“Hey, you need help?” Liam asked, scooting his wooden chair across the floor slightly to move away from the overly touchy Boruma. The girl narrowed her eyes at him and pounced onto him like a wild cat. She started to lick and kiss his face. Liam tried pushing her off, but she managed to wrestle him onto the ground. The other Boruma were all sitting around them now, watching and laughing at their friend as she to play a fight with the human.
Liam grunted and managed to pin the brown-haired girl onto the floor. He stared into her soft brown eyes. Sweat poured down his face. He had to have been fighting this girl for at least 1 hour now. His entire body felt exhausted. The brown-haired girl put her hands out and gently felt his face. She smiled and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Liam was taken back as she did this. He was even more taken back as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him down onto her, forcing his face against hers. She giggled as she started to kiss him more. Liam struggled and moved off the girl. He had finally concluded that these women were insane.
The brown-haired girl smiled at him. He seemed fun, she liked him. Liam stood up and went back to his chair to carry on reading his book. He glanced behind him to see the brown-haired girl staying close behind him, a cheeky smile on her even cheekier face. She reeked trouble. Liam sat back down in his chair and watched as the girls all started to play fight and kiss each other, much like what the brown-haired girl had done to him. Speaking of which Liam started to look around but the brown-haired girl seemed to have vanished. He sighed and smiled, happy to be rid of the nuisance. Or at least that’s what he thought. Liam grimaced as he looked down to under the table to see the brown-haired devil was now cuddling against the inner thigh of his leg. He didn’t like her, she annoyed him, but at least he could admire her speed.
Liam tried to go back to reading his book, but the Amazons playful prods and pokes against his legs and chest kept him distracted. Liam narrowed his eyes down at her, a deadpan expression on his face.
“Can you politely fuck off?” He said sternly. The air-headed brown girl either couldn’t understand the que (not unexpected considering her lack of English), or she just didn’t care as she moved out from under the table and started to sit onto his lap. He tried to push her off but still being an Amazon, she was strong enough to pin him. These girls didn’t have the look of Amazons, so Liam had instinctively assumed the weak looking girls were going to be easy to put to one side and ignore, but this one at least looked to be a problem. He tried to push the girl off before, but she resisted and started to wrap her arms around his neck, laughing and giggling.
“Look I am trying to save your life, you weird humanoid creature!” Liam said as he pulled back his chair and stood up, forcing the girl off his lap. She giggled as she went down onto all fours like a wild animal. He had no clue what was going through this girl’s head. Alongside the help of several other Boruma ambushing Liam from behind, they pounced onto the man and forced him onto the ground.
The brown-haired girl’s face was blushing with excitement as she started to hug him and kiss his chest. To the Boruma this was all just fun and games, for them to play with their new friend. Liam froze from his struggling as he felt a shiver of pure fear run down his spine. He turned his head and looked to the door of the room. Yantraki was standing menacingly in the doorway, a crazed look in her eyes.
“Hey, a little help?” He asked. Before Liam could even blink, he was already in the arms of Yantraki. Liam gulped as he looked into her eyes as she carried him out of the room. She held him tightly into her chest as she walked.
“Hey, um… you can put me down now… Thanks for the help” Liam said.
“No,” Yantraki said sharply. He could tell she was on the brink of snapping. After a little while longer of walking down the boat, she stopped and placed Liam gently against a large wooden pole. She then dropped down onto her knees and wrapped her legs as well as her arms around him. Yantraki placed her hands on either side of his face and forced him to stare at her.
“What were you doing with those sluts? If you want sex that badly you could always ask me.” Yantraki said as she started to kiss Liam’s lips. She gave his lips a few teasing bites as she moved her hands onto his chest.
“I love you, my little human,” she said, as she started to try to undo the belt on his trousers. Liam gulped and gathered all the courage he could as a man and quickly moved his hands onto her shoulders. Yantraki stopped in her tracks, slightly confused on why her toy was resisting her.
“We weren’t trying to do anything. I think they were just all very curious to see what I was.” Liam said, wanting to put a stop to Amazon’s advances, he could tell she had lots of pent up energy that she seemingly wanted to release now. He had heard rumours that Amazons accidentally killed men when they had sex with them. He didn’t know if this was true or not, but he didn’t want to find out. Yantraki sighed with annoyance and put a hand over his mouth.
“Fine… but what I said about that girl being the last sacrifice last night… But those girls…”
“No, you are not eating them,” Liam said sternly to the furious looking Amazon. Yantraki looked like an upset toddler as she bit her bottom lip out of annoyance. She ignored his protest and continued to undo his belt and start to tug down on his trousers.
“Hey, come on, no need for that” Liam said awkwardly, putting his hands out and stopping her. A heavy blush came over his face. If she wasn’t a bloodthirsty Amazon, he would have let this beauty do whatever she planned to do, but he couldn’t help but feel like she was going to bite his dick off.
“If I can’t eat the Boruma you will need to keep me happy in another way.” The Amazon giggled as she pinned him down and started to plant gentle kisses onto his face.
“Look I am starving, and we will be arriving at your island soon, I need to be able to have energy or I won’t be able to work.” Liam tried to argue but the Amazon wasn’t listening as she held him in her arms as she was now fully stripping him of his clothes. She stopped though as a hand landed hard on her head. She looked at Liam stunned. He had hit her. Liam squinted his eyes, expecting her to hit him back, but instead, he got a gentle pat on the head.
“You don’t want to yet huh? Well, let’s leave it for a while, anyway I want our first time to be magical and not on a shitty scary boat.” Yantraki said letting him get himself dressed and stand up, but not before planting a kiss on his blushing cheeks. She couldn’t help but giggle at his embarrassed but serious face. Liam jumped as Yantraki pulled him into her arms.
“Just don’t get too close to those sluts, or I will have to break our promise,” Yantraki said, her terrifying voice making Liam shiver with fear. Liam nodded.
“Yes…” He said quietly. Yantraki let him go and escorted him back to the cabin. They entered the cabin to find the Boruma all playing around and looking at the images from the erotic magazine and the books.
Yantraki walked with him over to his chair where his book on farming and agriculture was still open. The brown-haired girl noticed him and gave him a friendly wave. She then noticed Yantraki and scowled slightly before going back to playing with the other Boruma, keeping her eyes on Liam. Yantraki knelt beside him like a guard dog as she ordered him to go back to reading.
They sat in the room alongside the Boruma for a while longer until Kenyanire entered the room and informed them that they were soon arriving at the island. The brown-haired girl helped Liam quickly gather all of his books while Yantraki watched carefully, making sure the Boruma didn’t try anything.
“Thanks,” Liam said, a smile of gratitude on his face as the brown-haired girl placed the final book into a large leather and grass bag that Kenyanire had provided for him. Yantraki couldn’t help but glare at the brown-haired girl. She hated the fact that a ‘lower life form’ such as herself was getting more attention than an Amazonian warrior princess that would enslave the entire world to just see her beloved human smile.
Once Liam’s bag was packed Yantraki and her mother escorted him out of the cabin and towards the front of the boat. Liam breathed in the salty ocean air as he could see the emerald island coming over the horizon. Liam could feel a tear trickly down his cheek. He was going into a new world. Yantraki noticed the tear on his cheek and went to wipe it, but before she could even lift her hand the brown-haired Boruma was already comforting him by gently rubbing his shoulder. Yantraki was starting to despise this little shit that had the nerves to touch her male.
Yantraki wrapped an arm around Liam’s neck and pulled him to her side. She placed her index finger under his chin and made him look into her eyes.
“I will protect you, so don’t worry about anyone hurting or being mean to you,” Yantraki said, giving him a loving and adoring smile. As she hugged him, she glanced a deadly gaze towards the brown-haired girl.
“What do you want from my man? Just because he saved your sister from being sacrificed last night, doesn’t give you the right to touch him. Remember I can go back to the mainland and our colony in Liam’s village and just have her killed.” Yantraki said in her native tongue to the brown-haired girl. The brown-haired girl returned Yantraki’s gaze. The night before when Liam had woken up and come outside and had his panic attack every Amazon at the feast had seen it. They had also all seen the depressing state Yantraki was in later that night. The Amazons had secretly planned to eat several of the Boruma that night, including the brown-haired girl and her sister. But after the incident as well as the solemn look in the eyes of their war chief Kenyanire, the warriors had decided to eat only the cooking Boruma and spare the rest.
Many Boruma like the brown-haired girl now saw Liam as one of their own. Thus, they were overly friendly and playfighting with him as if he was, he was one of them.
Kenyanire was at the head of the boat as they neared the island. Liam and Yantraki by her side. Liam took in a deep breath as he prepared mentally what he needed to say to convince as well as explain his idea to the Amazons. He had come up with the idea to try and make sustainable farming by hunting and capturing the animal he believed to be called the Timberwolf-Eyed Quaggatra. He wanted to try and farm these animals like cattle and all he would need to do is find a way to breed the animals and have some of the Boruma and Amazons become farmers. But he knew this would be hard. There was a good chance the Amazons had already thought of farming the Quaggatra, but there was probably a difficulty or problem. He hoped to find out the problem (if there was one) and fix it, he also wanted to try and find a way to start making bread and make some crops. He knew it would be hard, but he knew he would get there soon enough.
Kenyanire glanced to her side and saw the nervous look on his face. She had to admire this small human to some extent. Despite his nightmares that seemed to come and go at random in the night, as well as his obvious fear, he was now going to the island populated with the kind of people he hated the most. He was brave, stupidly brave. She couldn’t put into action nor words how much potential she saw in him. She put a hand onto his head and gently ruffled his hair. Liam looked at her like an angry child. After he had helped them, or at least tried his hardest, she wanted to change his hatred into love. After all, once he landed on the island, he would never be allowed to leave. The entire idea of changing hatred into love sounded stupid, but then again they had all the time in the world to do stupid things, why not let this be one of them.
As the boats started to get closer to the island, they could hear the roaring drums of the tribe welcoming home their worriers. Kenyanire leaned down to Liam and moved close into his ear.
“When we arrive on the island, there will be a very large party with lots of sex, drink, food and potentially some other things you may not like. These warriors on these boats are new-born, this has been their first riad and our warriors will want to celebrate with the sacrifice of a human male, but don’t worry we have a few pre-prepared so you won’t be killed.” Kenyanire explained, placing a soft kiss on Liam’s cheek. Liam looked up into her eyes, a look of fear starting to form.
“But…” Liam tried to protest, tears forming slightly in his eyes as he remembered the night before in gruesome detail. Kenyanire muttered a spell quietly and placed a hand onto Liam's back. The spell activated. The spell was designed to keep a person calm and relaxed, no matter their circumstances.
“No, sorry Liam, but tonight we need at least one sacrifice. We usually kill at least 50 humans, but I will manage to talk them out of eating you and any of the Boruma. But there will have to be one sacrifice at least.” Kenyanire said sympathetically as she gently rubbed the side of his face. Liam gulped and looked down.
“But you promised…” Liam said, staring angrily into Kenyanire’s eyes. Kenyanire smiled and kissed him on the lips.
“I swear on my life there shall only be one life that we sacrifice tonight. Can I have your word that you will still work with us starting tomorrow? Just keep in mind that if we don’t find a sustainable food source for the harvest feast in about 10 days, we will start to eat the Boruma” Kenyanire said, she knew this stupidly kind boy would help them, but only if they kept the number of sacrifices to a minimum.
Until at least they could find a way to make the minimum to zero. Liam gave her a cautious look. He didn’t trust her. She had already gone back on their agreement, so he could trust that she wouldn’t in the future. Kenyanire giggled at his sour expression and placed both her hands onto his head. She proceeded to ruffle and scratch the annoyed boy’s hair until he started to look like he was drifting asleep. Liam slapped her hands away as politely as possible and slapped himself to stay awake.
“Fuck it, fine” He muttered, reluctantly agreeing to her terms of service.
The sound of the drums grew louder as they approached the island. The boats then returned the thundering noise with drums and cheers of their own. Liam could feel his heart beating out of fear as he saw the cheering horde of Amazonian women dressed in corded grasstops, as well as other pieces of clothing and war paint. They looked eager and ready to party. Yantraki swept Liam into her arms and held him tightly into her chest as she handed her bags of his things to the waiting Boruma that stood nervously by their sides.
As they approached the shore of the island, Liam could make out a distinct Amazon that stood above the rest. She seemed like an important member of the tribe. She had dark skin like the rest of the Amazons, but what was different about her was that her hair was silver in colour rather than having long dark hair like Kenyanire or dark green hair like Yantraki. Depside the boat still being a good 200ft away from the island he could feel the eyes of the woman lock onto him.
Liam started to feel himself sweat nervously. He was already surrounded by cannibalistic monsters, but now he would be living in a village of them. All he could do was pray that he would survive in a world of such savage creatures.




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