Amazonian and her captive

chapter 1 – An Amazonian

Gunfire rattled over the boy's head as the second battalion moved up to support him and his team. His hands were shaking, his knuckles turned white as he gripped his rifle. He slowly popped his head above the trench, but quickly dived down again as a 5ft long arrow cut through the helmet of the guy next to him and exited through the other side, planting itself into the trench. He could feel sick in his throat as he saw the man's shattered skull and brain matter sinking into the black mud of the blood-drenched trench.

"Hey, come on Liam; this is no time to die!" a man dressed in military attire yelled to the boy. Liam pulled his dark green jacket around his shoulders, sloppily fixed his black shirt, and pulled himself to his feet. He ripped off his bulletproof vest; after all, it was no use against the Amazonian's arrows.  But then again neither was he, he was simply a 17-year-old teaching assistant who joined the army at the last minute, got around 2 weeks of training and was then sent off to the front lines to fight.

"Alright lads and lasses let us show these fucking savages some Imperial might!" the colonel screamed as he blew his whistle, the signal to charge. Still shaking, Liam fixed his bayonet and clambered out of the trench, mud staining his face and clothes. He couldn't believe what was happening as he glanced down the sides of the trenches to the countless soldiers charging alongside him.

His whole body ached with the urge to turn and run; fear clouded his mind of the consequences of his actions, but execution for desertion was something he feared even more. It was like time slowed as he glanced to his right side to see the captain of his unit being flung back through the air by one of the gigantic 5ft long arrows. He looked to his left to see the female medic of their unit, a woman who all people in the team thought highly of, suffer a similar fate as an arrow cracked through her ribs.

Liam slowed his charge as the distant sound of missiles screaming through the sky grew louder, landing right before his eyes. He knew his place in the military. He was just cannon fodder against the Amazons, but he had to admit he was amazed at the carelessness the captains had with the lives of the soldiers in their charge. The missiles landed in front of him, chucking him off his feet and shaking the ground below him. His body hit the ground with a devastating thud. His dark, silver hair was stained with mud and dirt and even some blood splatters from his allied troops that had been ripped apart by the rain of arrows.

His distraught eyes turned to see the devastating forest that lay before him, as he slowly pulled himself into a sitting position. The shells had reduced the thick jungle that had once towered high into the heavens, to nothing more than charred ash, with dead Amazons and soldiers littered across the ground. Liam laughed hysterically to himself as he came to the realisation that his unit was told to charge too early; such a simple mistake had led to so many deaths.

He gazed around at the dead, maybe 4, no, 5 maybe even 7 thousand imperial soldiers that just had died brutal, but hopefully quick, deaths. Alongside them an unknown number of Amazons. But from what he could see of the battlefield for everyone Amazon killed there was probably 40 soldier’s dead in their place. He raised his hands to his face, his eyes glancing across the many cuts and calluses that riddled his hands. Blood was so thickly stained into his fingers that it looked like his skin was peeling off, but then again it might have been.

Liam's mind was so confused and in such an unreasonable place that he didn't even pay attention to the pair of arms dragging him off into the only piece of the jungle cover still standing close to them. The stranger dragged him through the mud, making him slowly come to his senses as sharp stones cut into his legs.

Liam's blue eyes sparkled as he saw a small lake in front of him, its water untouched by the battle raging around it. He looked up to the stranger. He smiled when he saw the friendly face of one of his fellow soldiers from his hometown. The boys never knew each other well but still had a strong bond as brothers-in-arms. Liam's back settled against a large tree that towered over the shimmering waters.

"Here," the boy said sitting next to Liam, a small bottle of water in his hand.

"No, I won't be leaving this place mate," Liam said pushing the water bottle back. Liam knew he didn't have the energy left to fight nor even lift a finger in defence. The boy laughed as he slumped onto his side.

"Me neither," the boy said. Liam's face dropped as he saw the large gash that was revealing the boy's ribs running along his side. The boy's blood and guts were exposed; Liam was thankful as well as impressed that the boy had even found the strength to drag Liam over to the location they were in now.

Liam struggled but managed to shut the boy's eyes as the young man's last breath left his mouth. Liam now sat there holding the cold bottle of water, and the corpse of a good man next to him. He contemplated the reason he was even there. The only reason the soldiers were there was to protect a small caravan, but when the soldiers arrived the caravan was destroyed, and the Amazons had descended upon them.

Liam's glance lazily looked over to some rustling bushes. A tall, beautiful woman appeared with an almost goddess-like body, long brown or dark green hair that flowed down to her hips. She wore a headdress of green ferns with large blue feathers behind them and on her arms and legs, she wore gold jewellery. Her eyes were a sparkling mix of many colours, and her large breasts were covered by a red-corded grass top. As she appeared from the tree line, he noticed she was gripping her side but with his delirious mind that's all he could make out of the exquisite strong-looking warrior woman. She started to move over to the small lake, ignoring Liam, or maybe she didn't notice him. But either way, he couldn’t care less. The Amazons were his enemy, even if he had no way to carry on his fight against them. The woman stumbled over to the lake, collapsed to her knees and started splashing the water onto her face and bloodied side. The women retracted in disgust though as she tried to drink the water. It was probably saltwater that was in the lake, no wonder she didn't like the taste.

Despite his hatred for the Amazons, Liam knew that his death was sealed, and at least someone should be able to leave that forsaken place alive. Liam picked up the water bottle and threw it down to the thirsty Amazon. She jumped as the metal bottle gently hit her leg. She drew a knife and leapt to her feet, her eyes narrowing on Liam. She studied his every movement, not wanting to let him get the jump on her. Not caring for her defensive stance, he mimed to undo the top of the water bottle and to drink the water inside. She seemed to get the message as she pounced down to the metal bottle. She fumbled around with the lid for a while but soon opened the bottle and drank the refreshing water. Once she had scoffed the water down, she frowned and threw the bottle at where Liam once was.

She was surprised to see he was now gone, and even more surprised to see a few trickles of blood on the leaves and tree he’d once sat against. She moved up to where he’d been and started to follow his tracks. She soon found him as he was badly injured and hadn't made it far in the time she’d been drinking. He was sitting against another tree that overlooked the battlefield. Before he died, he wanted to do two things. He wanted to do something nice, which was him giving water to the Amazon, even though she would probably have gotten it off his corpse anyway, and the second thing was that he wanted to die looking over in the direction of his village that wasn't too far away.

The warrior grinned down at the defenceless man, there was something about him she liked. She picked him up carefully in her arms and carried him back to the tree where his dead friend lay. She placed him back down against the tree before picking up his empty water bottle and staring at him. She placed the bottle onto the leather belt that was hidden under her grass skirt, as a sudden idea took over her mind, an idea she liked.

The warrior calmly walked over to him, still clutching her side, her other hand firmly gripping her stone knife. She knelt in front of him and placed her hand to her side. She muttered a few words and a green light appeared from the centre of her hand. The light spread over her wound and she quickly healed. Liam laughed slightly to himself; he knew she didn't need his help.

She moved forward towards Liam. He leaned back and exposed his neck, not having the energy to fight back, waiting for her to kill him. Instead of a cold blade slitting his throat his hair was gripped and gently yanked forward until he was nose-to-nose with the Amazon. He looked at her painted face and painted body, her black-painted lips opened slightly as she murmured something in her native tongue. She softly placed her hand onto his forehead and pushed back his messy dark silver hair.

"What is your name?" She asked in her heavy Amazonian accent, which sounded like a mix of Italian, French and Spanish.

"L…Li…. Liam" He croaked out. She gently ran her fingers through his hair.

Seeing the blood-stained state, he was in, she carefully picked him up and took him down to the lake. She removed his shirt, revealing a large piece of shrapnel in his side. She yanked the metal shard out of him, making him scream in pain. She didn't know why she did what she did next, but she cut her hand and allowed some of her Amazonian blood to trickle into his wound. The wound quickly healed, she then moved her dripping hand to his mouth, allowing him to taste some of her blood. The magic that was her blood quickly made all pain in his body vanish as he lay there exhausted. She smiled and gently started to wash his hair and face. She closely examined the scars that riddled his body. Just from looking at him, she could tell he was badly injured, and vulnerable.

"Yantraki," she said pointing to herself.

"Kill me already," Liam said, trying to act tough. She could easily see through his act.

"You give me water, why?" She asked as she dunked his face under the water, quickly pulling him back up and washing his hair.

"You were probably going to get it off my dead body anyway," He said, coughing up the salty water. The Amazon nodded as she splashed some water through his hair.

Once she had cleaned him to a respectable standard, she pulled him out of the water and placed him onto the soft grass. She stood over him and gazed down at his exhausted body. She disappeared off into the jungle, Liam didn't know how long he was lying there but after what felt like an hour or 2 the Amazon returned with two more Amazons, some rope and a spear. She stood over him and put the spear point to his throat.

"human, you will not die here today," She said turning her spear around and using the blunt end to smack him over the head.

The 7ft Amazons tied him to the large 8ft long spear and started their journey back to their camp, Yantraki not forgetting to pick up his shirt as they left. As the warriors carried the bound Liam back towards their camp, Yantraki put her hand out and gently patted his head. She despised humans; she saw them as nothing less than livestock, but for whatever reason, she found him oddly calming to be around.

"Sister, why do we have to save this human?" A warrior with her hair slicked to the side and the hair on the other side of her head was shaved into lines giving her an almost delinquent tough girl look, her name was Sruna, the other warrior quickly hitting her to discipline her. The second warrior had long black hair and more fierce eyes. Her name was Takire.

"Simple, today I found a human that doesn't fully disgust me. He is interesting" Yantraki said as she gently caressed his face. She looked down at his shirt and gently ran her fingers over the emblem that lay in the top left corner. The red and green squares that matched off against one another were only separated by a black cross and a weird creature with a black mane at its centre. She wondered what the symbol meant, what it symbolised for him and his people. She looked down into his sleeping face; it was like that of a veteran warrior who had seen hell, and that of a small innocent child. She knew nothing about him, and she wished to learn.

The warriors continued through the thick jungle, following the long winding lake back towards their camp. Every now and then they stopped to gaze in wonder and horror at the forest that had been reduced to ashes. They continued trekking, soon reaching their war camp that was located near the coast. As they walked into camp the Amazons rushed to greet them. A warrior woman in similar attire to Yantraki approach them slowly, her face covered in red and black bands of war paint, her body painted in black and white markings.

"My Chiefess," the girls all said in unison, bowing their heads slightly. The woman approached and gently planted a kiss on Yantraki's forehead.

"My daughter, what have you brought us?" She said gesturing to the bound Liam, a loving smile on her face.

"A human that interests me, I gave him some of my blood, so he will now live for as long as us… Sorry mother" Yantraki said, slightly disappointed that she had used such a precious power on such an unimportant person. Her mother smiled gently and planted a caring hand on her daughter's head.

"It is very hard for us Amazons to love humans let alone males, so the fact you did such a taboo thing for him…I shall let it pass this one time." She said as she planted a soft kiss on her daughter's head.

“I do not love him, I just like looking at him for long periods of time…” Yantraki said, crossing her arms.

Yantraki's eyes lit up as she heard her mother say she could keep him, though she couldn't help but blush at the idea of loving him. Yantraki and the warriors that were carrying the bound Liam carried him past the tightly packed cages where many humans were stripped naked and stuffed into them. They laid him carefully on the ground and untied him. Yantraki considered giving him his shirt back, but she liked his smell and wished to keep it with her so she could memorise it in case he ever tried to escape, and she would need to hunt him down.

She led him into a small hut and left him there giving instructions for her warriors to bring him to her when he woke. Yantraki and her mother made their way to the high priestesses' hut where they prepared a special native meal for him as a way to win him over. They knew just giving him food wouldn't be enough so Yantraki was already hatching out a plan.

Liam slowly woke, his head hurt, as did his body. He looked around himself, panicking as he realised, he was in a small wooden cage. He tried to jump up but his head ‘thwacked’ against the wooden bars of the cage. The Cage looked to be no bigger than 4 feet tall, something that didn’t suit his 6-foot frame. One of the beautiful Amazon guards noticed him and hurried off to inform her master.

The warrior reached the hut of the high priestess; the Chiefess and her daughter were all preparing food for the captive. She bowed to the royal guards in their large blue and gold feather headdresses, tanned grass skirts and body/face paint.

"The chiefess's daughter's pet has awoken," She said panting for breath. The royal guards nodded as they turned and let her enter the hut to relay the news. She entered the dark hut and moved towards the group of women surrounding a small makeshift kitchen. The girl approached and dropped down on one knee.

"Your greatness, your pet has awoken." She spoke. Yantraki smiled and clicked her fingers. Several beautiful Amazons in nothing but grass skirts picked up the bowls and plates of fruit that Yantraki and her mother had prepared and left the hut alongside Yantraki.

They walked out into the golden sunlight and moved swiftly to where Liam was held, still keeping their elegant posture. Yantraki smiled her foxy smile as she moved to the side of his cage and knelt down next to him. She gave him a gentle smile as she reached forward to stroke his hair. Liam slapped her hand aside instinctively as he jumped back away from her.

"You calm yourself, I don't wish to harm you, nor do my sisters." She said as she dragged him into the cage bars and placed a loving hand on the side of his face. Liam looked over to the captives that were crammed in cages like sardines. Yantraki moved her hand to grip the sides of his cheeks with her strong, soft, warrior-like yet still feminine hands.

"Do not look at them. They are nothing but pigs for slaughter and sacrifice, I offer you a different fate to them." She signalled for the guards to open his cage and they quickly complied. Yantraki quickly moved around and entered the cage, her servants placing the food behind her. She pounced on him like a wild cat and forced him onto the ground, her wide hips straddling his waist as she leant towards his ear.

"Your life will be simple, you will be mine (you will serve me), and I might share you with some of my closest sisters, but only on special occasions where I feel like being nice to you." She whispered into his ear. She leant back and grabbed a bowl of fruit. She picked up a single berry and placed it to his lips. Liam tried to move away but she quickly tightened her grip around his waist and forced the berry between his lips, making him eat the delicious fruit.

"I will care for you, look after you, and give you all you could ask of an Amazon princess" His eyes widened with fear as she muttered the words into his ear. He tried to struggle but her grip over him was too strong.

"Your choices are to join the human pigs in the cages over there where you shall be fattened, raped then eaten by me and my warriors; Or because I made you immortal with a few trickles of my blood, you can live with me as my pet, become my loyal male, become the one who serves me, and I will do anything and everything in my power to make you happy and safe." She said softly into his ear as she kissed him on the lips, gripping the hair on the back of his head and holding him tightly.

"So, what's your decision," She said gripping the growing member in his trousers. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. What he was going to say next wouldn't make any difference as she planned to take him anyway, but she just wanted to see how easily he could be bribed into becoming her pet.

"No. Just kill me quickly, please," He said, doing his best to resist the woman. Yantraki laughed and kissed him again.

"I see where my mistake was," She said as she made him sit up against the back of the cage.

"I shouldn't have given you a choice that was too nice of me," She said offering him a bowl of fruit. She then placed a strong-smelling, probably alcoholic drink in front of him.

"Eat and drink, I will need you to be strong for when we return to my tribe's island. My blood sisters may be a little rough with you." She said going to kiss him, but Liam quickly dodged her black-painted lips. She smiled and let him go.

"You'll come to your senses," She said giving him a pat on the head before leaving. Her mother was outside watching him.

"You think he will be compliant, or do we need to beat him first?" Her mother asked in the Amazonian tongue as Yantraki walked past her. Yantraki smiled and looked over her shoulder back at Liam who was studying the bowl of food with his eyes, keeping his distance, not trusting the Amazonian food. Yantraki smiled at his curiosity.

"He is like a small wolf; you need to be kind to him and show him how good life with us can be but show him the pain he will suffer if he disobeys us and chooses to rebel." She answered in her native tongue. Her mother smirked and stared down at him happily.

"He will make a fine pet for my daughters," She said to herself as she started to walk off.

Liam sat there hungrily looking at the food. He then looked over to the starving, naked and humiliated humans in the cage next to him. He wanted to give them the food, but he doubted he could throw the food over to them. Liam could feel the gaze of the two Amazons that were guarding him staring subtly at him. The first Amazons had the hair on her head swept to one side, the other side of her head was shaved, and the back of her hair was in a ponytail, this girl was Sruna. She wore white and red body paint on her dark tanned skin. She wore a leaf top and grass skirt.

The second girl had long flowing black hair which was a similar colour to the first girl, her hair had nothing special about it and she seemed to be stricter and better dressed (in what little clothing she had) than her counterpart. She narrowed her gaze as her eyes met with Liam's. This girl was Takire.

"Eat or the princess will get angry," Takire said using the butt of her spear to move the bowl of fruit closer to him. The first girl was also staring straight at him.

"Or we can let him starve so we will have to force him to eat," Sruna said licking her lips and shooting a seductive/sadistic smile at him, making Liam shiver slightly.

He sat there in silence for a while longer, still keeping his eyes locked on the sweet looking food. Yantraki watched him carefully from the high branches of a nearby tree; she was studying him to see how quickly his fake mask of bravery would shed. She did this because she wanted to see if his tough-guy act would break when offered food.

Liam bit his dry, cracked lips, as well as being starved he could feel his throat and tongue turning to dust, he was so thirsty. He swore under his breath and reluctantly reached out and grabbed a few pieces of fruit. He examined their dark blue skin and the little black and green dots that speckled them. He slowly ate the round fruit. He felt annoyed as he admitted that the fruit really did taste amazing. He ate a few more pieces, much to the enjoyment of his Amazonian observer that hung over his head, taking in every little detail of his face.

Still hating himself for giving in so easily he took the small brown clay cup off the tray and lifted it to his lips, taking a few sips of the strong drink. He screwed his face up as the powerful taste made him cough, much to the amusement of Yantraki and the other Amazons. The two guards giggled at the sight of Liam's face, making him place the drink back onto its tray and narrow his eyes angrily at it. The girls all had to admit it was cute how he looked like he was blaming the drink for his embarrassment.

Yantraki soon jumped down from her tree silently, studying her pet. She crouched down like a stalking cat and moved silently behind the part of the cage Liam had his back to. She smiled as she leapt at the cage, rattling it and making Liam jump, knocking his head against the top of the bars.

"You bit…" Liam quickly calmed himself, not wanting to risk angering the Amazon. Yantraki laughed and walked elegantly around to the front of the cage. She crouched down and smiled calmly at him.

"I see you had your meal; did you enjoy it?" She asked as her guards lifted the cage door to let Yantraki enter, picking up the tray of finished food. She passed the tray to one of her servants who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"It seems my little puppy has eaten well," She said moving towards him to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Liam just managed to doge her affection as he moved to the very back of the cage. She smirked and before Liam could even blink, she descended upon him like a lion on an antelope. She pinned him down on the ground and held his arms above his head. She then bombarded his face with her soft lips. He despised this woman, but he despised himself even more for not being able to control his body's reactions. He could feel his member growing, his face growing red with blush and sweat starting to form all over his body. He knew he had to put a stop to this.

"Hey-" Liam was cut off by Yantraki throwing her hand over his mouth, her other hand was now holding both his wrist.

"I want to ask you questions." She said letting go of him and allowing him to sit up. He could tell the reason she kept grabbing him and letting him go was to show her strength, so he would be more likely to comply and to his dismay, it was working.

"Do you hate me?" She asked, her face blank and emotionless. Liam gulped, regaining what little bravery he had.

"Yes," He said, his voices shaking. Yantraki nodded, keeping her composure but still looking ever so slightly annoyed. Her gentle brownish, green, and yellow eyes twinkled as they caught the light. She reached out a hand and placed it lovingly onto Liam's shoulder.

"Relax my pet, you shall be safe with me, I can look after you better than any human possibly could." She said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Why… Why me" he said trying his best to hide his fear of her.

"I really thought I’d made this clear, We Amazons can sense those who are destined for us, and very few Amazons ever get that feeling, so once we have found the one, we are destined for we never let them go. I am being kind to you because I think you are interesting, I think you are a mix of weirdly cute and handsome" She said caressing his face, slightly annoyed that he was being so stubborn. Without warning, Liam slapped her hand aside and leapt at her. She smiled, dodging his attack, slamming him into the ground. He grunted as she placed him into an arm lock and shoved his face into the dirt.

"Cleaver boy, but also very stupid." She swept her leg around him and wrapped her legs around his waist, straddling him.

"Get off me…" Liam managed to say as she crushed him.

"I'll fucking kill you," He said as he looked angrily towards her. She looked down at him incredibly confused.

"I don't understand, I have only been kind and loving so far, yet you fight back. Maybe it was because I have been so rough to you?" She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I am very sorry my little prisoner Liam," She said giving him another kiss. Liam was annoyed that she had defeated him so quickly but at least he now knew she was much too fast as well as stronger than him. Now he was just hoping that she wasn't as smart, after all, it seemed that she didn't expect him to attack her. Yantraki gestured over to one of her warriors and asked her something in their native Amazonian. The warrior left and soon returned with a clay cup of a dark misty blue liquid.

"This will not put you to sleep, but it will calm you enough for us to have a sensible conversation." She said forcing him to drink the mixture. He felt his body go numb soon after the liquid trickled down his throat. He could still look around and move his head, but the rest of his body felt as if it had large iron chains clad around it. She picked him up and gently laid him against the cage.

"Good." She said as she carefully ran her figures through his hair.

"Now can you speak" Yantraki questioned as she prodded him in the face.

"Yes…" Liam just managed to say, he could feel his hatred for this woman growing with every passing second.

"Now tell me, Liam, why did you become a warrior?" her thick native accent and the purr of how she talked was oddly relaxing and yet terrifying all at the same time. Knowing he had no other choice than to comply with the warrior princess’s demands he started to ponder on her question. He originally joined the army because the Amazons were approaching his village. His village was probably only about 8 miles away from the battlefield, and the army needed soldiers, so he decided to join the army in order to save his village.

"I did it to protect my people from Amazons," He said, doing his best to stare angrily at Yantraki. Takire shot him a pissed off look as Sruna giggled slightly. Yantraki seemed to notice her friend's anger and quickly placed a hand on her friend.

"So, does that mean your village is near here?" Yantraki asked. She wasn't sure if what he was saying meant that his village was near them. His response and physical reaction, no matter how small, would tell her his little secrets.

"N…NO," Liam said, doing his best to lie to the Amazon. But his efforts were in vain, she could tell from his slight shuffling and the nervous tone in his voice. Yantraki said something in her native tongue and Sruna ran off towards the royal hut. She soon returned with Yantraki's mother who was holding a large, tanned piece of what looked to be a kind of paper.

"Here my daughter," Her mother said as she handed the paper to Yantraki and took a seat next to her as she stared curiously at Liam.

"Here my pet," Yantraki said unrolling the paper roll, revealing it to be a map of the area.

"Point to your home," She said passing the map to him.

"I can't, it isn't on there," Liam said, doing his best to lie. He could see exactly where his home village was on the map, it looked to be only 9-10 miles away from the Amazon camp. Yantraki sighed, she knew it would take a while for Liam to become compliant and do as she said, he was so stubborn.

"Okay I understand you do not wish to tell me at this time, I ask you other questions instead," She said taking the map back from him. Yantraki stood up and passed the map to one of her warriors.

"Go and ask the prisoners where the nearest villages are and if any of them know his village, if they do and their information is correct give them some decent food," Yantraki whispered to her warrior. The girl nodded, took the map and walked over to the cages that were crammed with humans.

Liam watched as the warrior walked off, but before he could think of what she was doing, Yantraki reached forward and prodded his face, catching his attention.

"Tell me, what is your favourite colour?" She asked, patting him on the head condescendingly.

"Red" Liam answered quickly. Yantraki smiled, moving her hand from the top of his head to caress his face. She was happy that despite the look of hatred in his eyes it seemed the drug was starting to have its effect and now he was starting to relax.

"Do you find me beautiful?" she asked moving closer to him until her chest was pressing against him. Liam looked down, not wanting to allow this Amazon to see him blush again. Yantraki gripped his chin and made him look up to her.

"So, you do? My, my, I find you beautiful as well," She said, placing a kiss on his lips. Yantraki looked up to the sky, it slowly starting to get dark.

"You must be very tired, it will be night soon, I will leave you alone," Yantraki said, planting another kiss on his lips.

"Would you like to spend the night with me?" Yantraki asked seductively. Liam didn't speak as he could feel the drug taking effect. Combined with his own tiredness, it was starting to take hold of him. Liam could only spit angrily at her. Yantraki slurped up his spit and smiled slyly at him.

"I will take that as a no… for now" Yantraki planted a kiss on his lips and left to go to sleep.

Yantraki, her mother, Takire and Sruna made their way to the royal hut. They pulled the cloth door aside and entered the warm hut. Yantraki stripped herself of her clothes, as did her mother and friends. Once naked they moved over to a large open bath. They cleansed themselves of their face and body paint.

"What do you think of the boy," Takire asked as she started to wash Yantraki's mother's hair.

"He is a stubborn one, but once he is housebroken, he will make a fine pet for my daughters." Yantraki's mother said.

"No, I agree we need to tame him, but I will not share him with my sisters, they will hurt him and probably break him!" Yantraki said annoyed and visibly angered at the idea of sharing Liam.

"Let us not get too angry tonight, we have not even had him for a day so let us look after him then decide his fate," Sruna said, surprisingly calming the two women.

After their wash Yantraki dressed in some basic clothes.

"Takire, Sruna go and tell the warriors that there will be a very heavy storm tonight. Mother, if I may ask could you please ask the high priestess to summon a storm while I prepare a good sleeping place for myself and Liam to sleep in tonight. Tonight, I plan to show Liam how good life can be as my personal pet" Yantraki spoke. Yantraki's mother was proud of her daughter's determination to take this man as her own, like a true warrior of Amazon.

Yantraki's mother, Sruna and Takire all complied with the plan as Yantraki started to prepare a perfect nest-like bed for her to seduce Liam in. Of course, Yantraki didn't want Liam to think she was all ‘loving and kind’, she could see in his eyes he was probably coming up with an idea of how to escape. She planned to allow him to try and run but she would capture him again when she did, she would severely punish him. The idea was to make him understand that if he tried to escape her, he would suffer and if he was to stay by her side and be obedient, he would be the happiest man alive. Her plan was almost perfect, but she also knew he may try something that she wasn't expecting.

As Yantraki was moving around some pillows for them to sleep on she couldn't help but feel excited as she wanted to see where her pet used to sleep and live before they met. She wanted to meet the people that had raised him, she wanted to learn every little detail about him. She wanted to know what he loved; she wanted to know what scared him. The very thought of discovering all these things about her new toy was starting to make her body tremble with excitement and ecstasy.

Yantraki's mother soon reached the hut where the high priestess was preparing poisons. She politely entered and smiled at the beautiful priestess who was crouched by a cooking pot. Yantraki's mother gave her request to the white-dressed woman and the high priestess happily complied.

Yantraki, her mother, Sruna and Takire soon regrouped in the royal hut, waiting for the storm to start and to put their plan to manipulate Liam into action. The rain soon started and Yantraki started to count. Despite her feelings for Liam, she did need/want him to be slightly ill so that she could spend time nursing him back to health. In theory, he would become attached to her. She made the excuse of being able to study him when he is ill, but in reality, she just wanted to be able to look after him.

They waited in anticipation a while longer, listening to the rain pounding the ground outside. Yantraki soon decided that it was time for them to spring into action. They got together some furs to shelter themselves from the rain and made their way out of the hut to go retrieve their pet. Yantraki blushed as she reached Liam's hut to see him curled up in a ball, his body and clothes drenched in rainwater. He looked like an adorable, defenceless puppy. Sruna and Takire rushed over to the cage and opened the wooden doors. Yantraki wrapped one of the blankets she had brought with her around his shoulders and lifted him into her arms.

"From today onward, I will care for you, whether you like it or not." She said picking him up and proceeding to carry him in her arms back into the royal hut.

"I…I refuse… to be a slave…" He said trying to fight her, but he was already starting to succumb to the cold rain, he felt ill, he could feel his strength leaving his body.

"No, no, not slave, I take good care of you my pet," She said as they entered the hut. She started to think to herself. She did plan to make him into a slave, but for some reason, she had called him her pet.

 She stripped him of his wet clothes, dried him and then placed him onto the warm, soft furs. Yantraki's mother smiled happily at her daughter as she straddled Liam's mid-section, then lowering her body onto him and falling into a deep sleep. Yantraki's mother was much like her daughter, as soon as she laid eyes on Liam, she wanted him for herself. But she couldn't tell her daughter this, she knew it would start a fight between them. She knew she would have to use some manipulation of her own to play Liam on her side.

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she approached the cuddling couple. She couldn't wait to be the one in her daughter’s place. She looked into Liam's sleepy eyes. There was a fire inside him, a fire that interested her, a fire she wished to stoke. She leaned down and planted a kiss on his cheek. She knew it would take a lot of work, but she was determined to bend him to her will. She smiled and moved over to a wooden bed stand. Picking up her daughter's drink she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small packet of white powder and sprinkled it into her daughter's night drink. In the middle of the night, her daughter would always wake up to drink. The first part of her plan was in place. She had put a small amount of a natural sleeping drug into her drink so that she would sleep far into the day, giving her enough time to swipe Liam.

As she plotted though, Liam was coming up with a plan of his own, a plan for escape. A plan that Yantraki's mother could tell he was plotting, and didn't intend to let his plan come to fruition…



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