Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 94: The Plan Fails (Somewhat)

(A/N: Man, The battle against Thanos in endgame, coupled with "I need a hero" it's goddamn epic. Check it out ;)

Chapter 94: The Plan Fails (Somewhat)


"Are you sure about this captain?"

"Antlions are very sensitive to sounds, if we attract them in just one spot, Princess Yuuki will be able to kill them all in just one go. Otherwise, if the other Antlions notice our presence, they will probably call for all the others across the city. At that moment this matter couldn't be to deal with just a few dozens of Antlions, but to face thousands..."


*Clack clack clack!*

After that, Jeffrey threw a small rock towards the center of the hall at the church. Hearing the unusually loud sound, dozens of Antlions left their hiding spots and moved towards the center of the sound to identify what was happening. They knew how to recognize the sounds emitted from their own species, and thus, they knew that this sound was not provoked by them.

As soon as most of the Antlions within the building approached, from the ceiling, Yuuki raised her staff and pointed it towards them. Soon enormous shockwaves started spreading across the area and the Antlions started being tore apart in mere seconds.

No blood was splattered, however, the exoskeletons of the Antlions were all cracked up, and the muscles and organs inside them were all messed up after the attack. Although some screeches managed to leave the mouths of the Antlions before dying, none of them reached the ears of the ones outside, so now that the group had finally cleared up the building and erased all kinds of threats, they could finally retrieve the artifacts.

The conch of Poseidon didn't pose any problem, most of the present Antlions walking around it had already died after Yuuki's attack. However, when they moved towards the Storm spear, which was being kept inside a hidden basement inside the church, they saw an enormous white-colored Albion with an incredibly fierce appearance.

Fortunately, all of them managed to hide before being spotted by the monster. None of them knew about this type of Antlion, and none knew about its abilities, so simply trying to overwhelming with numbers was just plain stupid.

"Shhh... Don't make a sound... That's an unknown type of Antlion we have never seen before... It might even be some kind of mutation" Jeffrey started looking around in case there were more monsters like that. But seeing nothing else, he started planning some sort of plant to take it down and retrieve the Artifact fastly.

'The offensive power of Yuuki's magical abilities are probably enough to damage it as much as the other Antlions. However, it's not completely sure whether he is stronger than those Antlions, or if his body is more resilient than theirs... If by any chance he alerts the rest of the Antlions inhabiting this city, then we could be done for'

Jeffrey then turned to look at the Artifact and soon his brain started working fastly. If he could manage to get his hands on it and then attack the monster, then combined with the offensive magic of Yuuki, even that unknown monster could probably not survive. His subordinates on the other hand could probably offer assistance from the distance using their bows.

In the worst case, he could have to use the grenades given to him by Delbere. However, those weapons cause too much noise, which in turn could alert all the Antlions in the city. That's why the grenades given to him must only be used in the worst of cases.

Jeffrey soon decided the strategy on how to decimate that beast fastly enough and explained everything to his subordinates and to Yuuki, who only nodded in response and prepared herself to attack the monster at any moment.

"Everyone... prepare yourselves!...... Now!!!"

At his command, everyone shooted arrows covered in flames towards the Albino Antlion. Yuuki also helped and started applying her magic on the body of the beast, causing it an enormous amount of damage that seemed to stun it momentarily.

Jeffrey jumped out from his spot and dashed towards the artifact with enormous speed. And before the Antlion could even notice what happened, Jeffrey grabbed the Storm Spear and attacked the Antlion with all his might.


With a roar, Jeffrey stabbed the back of the Antlion with enormous strength and then transferred his mana to it. Soon, the spear started releasing thousands of Electric rays from its blade, and the whole body of the Antlion was electrocuted. Coupled with the devastating power of Yuuki's magic, it wasn't before the body of the Albino Antlion fell to the ground completely charred and destroyed from inside. 

However, they didn't stop there, after the Antlion fell to the ground powerlessly, Jeffrey and Yuuki continued attacking with all their might. Even the Knights a few meters away fired a few arrows against the Antlion until everyone felt that it was enough.

"We did it... Perfect, Let's go, there's no time for celebration. We need to leave right away before the Antlions on the outside detect us"



Suddenly without noticing anyone noticing, the seemingly dead Albino Antlion got up and yelled furiously against his aggressors, before bitting into Jeffrey's left arm using its enormous mandibles.

"Fucking bug- Get your horrible face away from me!!!" Jeffrey swung the spear towards the body of the Antlion once again and struck its side with rage. Soon, electricity started spreading across the body of the Antlion with fastness, and the expression of Jeffrey relaxed slightly seeing that the grip onto his arm seemed to have lessened up slightly.

However, what no one expected came next.


Suddenly the electricity surrounding the body of the Antlion increased enormously, even when Jeffrey was not using the spear because he was starting to lack mana, and without any warning, suddenly an enormous ray of pure electricity shot from the mouth of the Albion and struck heavily upon the body of Jeffrey. Piercing a hole in his stomach, and destroying the formation of the Knights after it struck the ground.



Blood spurted from Jeffrey's mouth in enormous quantities, not to mention the fact that many of his organs were destroyed completely or burned by the electric ray that the Antlion used.

"Captain!!.... Everyone attack it, it is incredibly damaged from the previous attack!!"



With a swing of his head, the Antlion ripped apart the arm of Jeffry and threw it away as if it was trash. Then it threw the Spear meters away before dashing towards the group in a frenzy.

Yuuki who managed to react on time raised her staff and pointed in direction of the Antlion while trying to hit it properly. However, due to its incredible speed, it was being incredibly hard to hit it with her magic while it moved.


The Antlion turned to look at Yuuki after noticing that she was the strongest one of the group, and dashed towards her with eyes full of fury, before it tried bitting her with his mandibles. Unfortunately for the Antlion, Yuuki was not only blessed with incredible mana reserves. But her body is also incredibly superior to the average human, giving her speed and strength above what a normal human could only dream about in his entire life.


After dodging the attack, Yuuki kicked away the face of the Antlion and then pointed her staff in his direction.


Multiple shockwaves assaulted the body of the Antlion once again, tearing its insides once again and dealing an enormous amount of damage in just seconds.

However, right when Yuuki was sure that her magic was going to finish it off, suddenly an enormous amount of electricity started gathering in its mouth before it turned to look at Yuuki and opened its mouth wide.



An enormous ray of electricity flew in her direction, ready to pierce her body in one go and finish the main problem once and for all. However, it was at that moment that suddenly the whole basement started trembling, and without warning the entire ceiling started collapsing completely, leaving the Knights completely dumbfounded, and protecting Yuuki after the rocks from the ceiling blocked the attack from the Antlion.

"What... Happened?"


From the enormous hole in the ceiling, Aspen suddenly appeared and stabbed the head of the Antlion with his bloody butcher. The enormous weight of the weapon, coupled with the superhuman strength of Aspen's body did not leave a chance for the Antlion to retaliate, and soon, the body of the Antlion finally fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Sir Aspen?" Yuuki turned to look at Aspen, who was just looking around hurriedly before she asked in a confused yet relieved tone seeing him here.

Aspen just ignored her and raised his voice so that everyone could hear him properly. He seemed to be in a hurry and probably didn't want to lose any more time than needed.

"Everyone, I kinda alerted the entire swarm of Antlions living in this city, we need to get moving and fast!!"


"B-but captain Jeffrey can't move, he was attacked by the mutant Antlion and lost a lot of blood!!"

Aspen turned to look at Jeffrey with a raised eyebrow, and then looked at the screen that popped up in front of him before he made Jeffrey drink one of his healing potions and picked him up from the ground.

Name: Jeffrey Anyer

Race: Human


[Hp: 74/100]

[Anemia: Due to the enormous bloodloss this being has gone through, his body goes through a weakened state where even maintaining his consciousness is a hard job]

"I'll carry him, now hurry up or we will get swarmed by thousands of Antlions!!"


The whole group escaped from the Church with a hurried pace, Aspen took the Spear and saved it on his inventory before he started doing the same with Poseidon's conch, that way, none of the Knights could have anything that slowed them down. Many of them were surprised, but due to the situation they just shrugged it aside and concentrated on getting out of the church rapidly

When they got outside, the entire group saw an enormous army of Antlions running in their way while letting out vicious screeches, as if yelling curses towards them.

On top of the army, was flying another Albino Antlion. However, this one had his body completely covered in cuts and injuries, as if he had been attacked by a sword.

As soon as it saw Aspen and his group, it let out a furious screech and dashed towards them with its mandibles ready to cut them apart in one swing.



I don't know if I'm starting to suffer from a creative lock, but I think I will start taking a bit of a rest from these multiple chapters every day.

Anyway, school starts after tomorrow, so it was gonna happen either way.

I will try to continue uploading daily though, as I want to end this story within this year. Though it seems very hard at this point...

Goodbye guys.

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