Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 50: Auction time~ (III)

Chapter 50: Auction time~ (III)



Finally! After so much time I finally have an opportunity to increase my max Mana!

I looked back to Alyem who just gave me a small nod in response.

The presenter soon cleared his voice with a cough and continued explaining a bit of the backstory of these fallen stars.

"During these months, Sir Zerios traveled through the dangerous lands of the jungle, trading many goods with the pygmies and documenting every new species that inhabits those lands that are yet to be discovered. But through his long journey he also managed to find many falling stars through the darkness of the night. One of them even almost destroyed his whole carriage with goods inside!!"

The crowd laughed sightly at the misfortune of the merchant. However, it could also be considered good luck to find these many fallen stars in just the span of a few months...

Even I, through these 19 years I have been alive inside this world, have only found one!

Though, that may be because I spent most of my life inside the walls of the city due to being unable to survive a night in the wild... And because at the hours fallen stars start to appear I was probably sleeping...

Hmm... Now that I think about it... didn't the first fallen star I found appear exactly just a few weeks after I moved to my new house in the wild...? And coincidently it happened just the night I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom?


Well, maybe I should reduce a bit my sleeping schedule... that way it may be more possible for me to find a fallen star...

"Nevertheless, despite that small misfortune, Sir Zerios managed to get through the months of travel the incredible amount of 6 fallen stars!"

""Wooooooooooooh!!!!"" The crowd screamed in disbelief and excitement at the sudden revelation of the presenter.

Of course, I was the same.


"Aspen, calm down a bit"

"Oops, I got a bit excited there... sorry"

The presenter waited a bit before the screams died down, and then continued.

"The starting price will be of... Two Thousand Syelves for the six fallen stars!!"

Damn... Let's hope Alyem will be able to buy those fallen stars...

Soon, the people around the whole place started biding their prices for the fallen stars.

"Two thousand and three hundred Syelves!!"

"Oooh~! The number 4 offers Two thousand and three hundred Syelves, does anyone have more to offer?"

"Two thousand and nine hundred Syelves!!"

"Three Thousand and five hundred Syelves!!"

"Four Thousand Syelves!!"

"Four Thousand and..."


"Seven Thousand Syelves!!"

As the number 86 said his offer everyone else stayed silent, maybe because this price was already too high for those fallen stars. Or so they thought... But paying for this price in exchange for increasing my max Mana was totally worth it.

Not like I was the one paying anyways~

"Come on Alyem, it's time!"

"Sigh... Alright..."

"Seven Thousand Syelves in one... Seven Thousand Syelves in two... and Seven Thousand Syelves in...!!"

"Eight thousand Syelves!!" Alyem screamed aloud for everyone to hear him.

"Ooooh~!! Number 68 offers Eight thousand Syelves, Will someone dare to bid a higher price?!"

"Eight thousand and five hundred Syelves!!" The number 86 screamed again, this time with clear annoyance in his tone of voice.

When I looked over to see the one that was competing for the fallen stars, I saw a bald elf with an extremely extravagant mustache hanging above his mouth. His clothes looked extremely expensive, and he wore some kind of emblem on his chest that had a potion engraved on it.

An alchemist huh...?

"Say Alyem... what kind of uses does the fallen stars have for you guys...?"

"Nine thousand Syelves!! Huh? Uhm... If I remember correctly fallen stars are used by alchemists to create a Mana regeneration potion. And due to the extreme rarity Fallen stars have, this potion is incredibly expensive to the point that only one of them may reach the price of Twenty thousand Syelves..."

"Ten Thousand Syelves?! That's Twice the price they offered me for a pack of thirty Ironskin potions!"

"That's because although you may be able to get some fallen stars, the success rate for creating this potion is incredibly low. So sometimes it's not really worth spending that much money on fallen stars. Though, if you are skilled enough then I think it may be worth a try..."

Hmm~ I smell the money...

No, I still need to get more mana. Besides, It's not like I will visit that many times this Kingdom... I still need to take care of my home after all...

"Nine Thousand Syelves from number 68 in one... Nine Thousand Syelves in two... aaaaand Nine Thousand Syelves in... Three. Congratulations Sir Alyem for winning the pack of six Fallen stars!!"

"Ugh... Sure"

And now I have seven Fallen stars in total. Which also means one Mana crystal that will increase my Max Mana by 40 points, and three more fallen stars for making a second Mana crystal...


"Ugh... my Nine Thousand Syelves..." Alyem started muttering something in a low voice that I couldn't hear for some strange reason.

Whatever, today was a good day. Now I only have to wait for my potions to be auctioned, and everything will be solved today.




-Back to the present

After I finished practicing my magic and reminiscing the Auction day, I exited the library and headed straight to my room in the nearby inn. 

"Good morning~" I greeted the innkeeper that was currently cleaning some tables at the bar from the first floor.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Human"

I then continued walking towards my room that was on the third floor of the inn.

*Click* As I closed the door behind me, I let out an exhausted sigh.

Why was I exhausted, you ask?

That's because the plan was starting today. Well... in a few minutes to be exact....

I checked my inventory and took out an invisibility potion, before sitting on top of my bed with a tired expression on my face.

I was honestly a bit stressed out due to what was going to happen. It was the first time I was trying to steal an important treasure from a Kingdom after all...  

"Neo" I took out my finch staff and raised it on the air. Soon a portal appeared in the middle of the air and Neo came out of it while chirping happily.


As I started to pet the small head of my tiny friend, I also tried to calm down a bit before beginning with the robbery

"Fuuh~ It's alright, everything will go okay as long as I follow the plan. Besides, if something goes wrong I can just opt for a tactical retreat..."


"Heh, thank you for helping me calm down, Neo"

*Chirp???* (Da fuk is this guy talking about?)

I stood up from the bed and stretched a bit my limbs before standing right next to the window.

"Alright! Time to yoink some Hermes boots!"


Finally the Auction ends and the Yoink begins...

The internet in my house internet is completely dead, so uploading for now is a bit harder than usual as I have to use the internet from my phone in order to write a chapter on pc, which is slow as fuck.

Anyways, I'll try to speed up the uploads for this story a bit, but I can't assure you that I will do it. As I'm also writting the other fanfic.

Aside from the fact that I also have classes in the morning...

Anyways, that's all.


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