Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 3: Training begins.

6 years had gone by, and now i am an 8-year-old.

During these few years i have tried to learn swordsmanship by myself, and i can say that at least now i don't suck at doing it.

When i began practicing i used to hit things with the dull part of the blade.

I still do it, but... less than before...

Also, it seems like my system just shows me my status and abilities, it doesn't help me to level up my skills, nor my stats.

I don't get any quests.

I don't get exp.

It doesn't give me a shop.

It doesn't talk to me.

It's just there to show me the condition of my body...


Anyways, take a look at it

-Aspen (Aeron) [Infant]

[Human: 99,999%] [Divine being: 0,001%]

Age: 8+(19)



[Hp: 65/65] [Mana: 40/40]


Strength: 5


Stamina: 6 


Resistance: 4 


Defense: 0 [No armor currently]


Comprehension: 7


Mental stability: 10 


Mental power: 4


-Abilities (Passive)


[Order's blessing: Supreme body]

[Order's blessing: Supreme mind]

[The player]

[Swordsmanship: Novice]

-This skill represents your current level at the art of swordsmanship.


Pretty amazing right?

It seems like my stats can increase while i grow up, and with training.

During these 6 years my strength increased by 3 points, my stamina by 4 points and my resistance by 2 points. Most probably because of the physical activity that I had every day.

Most of my physicals stats increased due to my body developing more, and because of me playing with the kids in this village.

F*ck they made me run every day...

But after a month i became the fastest in our group, so it was pretty easy after that.

It also seems like currently i could compete with adults in strength, a few days ago i helped my father transporting tomatoes, i pretty much carried the same amount of tomatoes he did, and we were similar in performance.

So i guess the physical stats of a normal person should be around 5 right?

About the Intellectual stats, I think they should be 5 for average people too...

I mean...

They didn't look that different from me in that regard...

But who knows.


Comprehension increased due to me practicing and training swordsmanship every day, while mental stability probably increased that much because i kept gathering wood from the floor every day, constantly without rest.

About mental power...

It just increased due to my body developing more, i didn't know how to improve my thinking and reaction speed, so i had no way in training it during this time...

However, that's about to change.


Because today is the day when i ask for official training in swordsmanship

Currently, i was standing in front of the Guard barracks.

I could hear some conversations and laughter inside.


I'm kinda nervous.


Alright, let's do this!

*Knock, knock, knock*


The door opened and one of the guards stood there.

Brown hair and tiny eyes, in summary he looks like your average guy.

Unlike the typical knights and guards you could imagine, these didn't have iron armor covering most of their bodies, they were wearing leather armor...

However, they had real iron swords on their belts.

Would that iron sword be better than my wooden sword?

I mean, it's the most logical thing...

But something tells me that my deadly wooden sword is way better than these iron swords.

However, until i have one in my hands, i won't know.

"Mmm... you are Aspen, right? What are you doing here? Did something happen?" The guard asked me while scratching his almost-nonexistent beard.

"No, i just resolved myself"

"Resolved for what?" The guard frowned at my statement.

"I..." Gulp "I want to be a guard." 

The whole place fell silent.

"Aren't you a little young for that kid?"

"Yes... yes i am"

"Then why are you trying to join us?"

"I want to learn how to swing a sword and then wield it to protect my family!"

I lied a bit, but i guess it's okay.

"Mmm... nice purpose there, but you can only become a guard when you turn 13 years old" 

"Wait!" A rough voice came from behind him.

An old man appeared behind the previous guy, he had a large beard and long white hair, however despite being old, he had quite the muscles under his armor.

"He has quite the spirit there, something i haven't seen in a long time." The old man said while looking at me.

"But sir, isn't he a bit too young?"

"Then that means that we have more time to make him into a proper warrior. Who knows, maybe when he grows up he will become the strongest guard here, and will protect the villagers."

My face lit up and my lips curled up by instinct, I'm sure i looked really happy right now.

"Then you will allow me to become a guard?"

"You will have to wait until you turn 13, kid, however, i can still train you"

"Yes!" i screamed in happiness.

"Alright kid you can go now, i expect you to be here tomorrow at 6 a.m, you better prepare yourself because i will not go easy on you..."


And he really didn't hold back.

Holy COW!, that was surely one of the worst experiences i ever had. 

I thought this could be easy due to my improved psyche, but i was wrong...

How could he do this to a little child like me?

My whole body aches, it's like having muscle pain, but on every part of your body, at all times, and whenever you move the pain increases briefly...

Does he feel no guilt?


He made me do more exercise than a normal person should do, probably because he wants to see my determination while doing this...

Or maybe he noticed my improved psyche and increased the hardness of the training....


I won't give up. It's not like i have something more interesting to do in this new world, I mean there are no electronics in this village, so this is the only thing that i can do to pass time.

I will become the strongest!


My harem waits for me!

I can't surrender now!

i will-!

I fell asleep.

6 months later.

I finished my daily training without much difficulty, my body was sweating a little, but it was probably because of the heat today.

Then suddenly i noticed the old man approaching me with a smile on his face.

The name of this old man was Harry Magnus.

He was a veteran warrior that fought in a war against the other races when he was young, he told me a lot of stories about that war, but every one of them ended in the same conclusion.

The other races were monsters when compared to humans.

He told me that almost all the other races could kill humans with their bare hands, he told me that they are faster, stronger, and better in every way compared to us.

I believed him a bit, but i didn't think they were something i couldn't beat with good weapons, accesories and a great armor.

In Terraria, it was the same, if you didn't have those three things, you could be completely destroyed by almost every monster you found.

Except slimes.

Those little sh*ts were quite easy to kill, but still annoying as f*ck 


While lost in my thoughts he arrived beside me.

"Alright kid, today is the day you awaited so much" The old man said

My most awaited day?

"C...could it be" 

"Yeah kid, catch it" he threw me a wooden sword

"We are beginning our sword training today."



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