Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 18: A few inconveniences

After doing some parkour and using my swords to climb the walls of the tree, I managed to reach the end of it.

It took me at least a few hours to climb the whole tree, my hands were slippery due to the sweat I got after some minutes of climbing and more than one time I almost fell.

So it wasn't really a pleasant experience.

The little bird tried to help me climb the tree by grabbing my clothes and flapping its small wings at full speed, It didn't do that much, but I appreciated the effort.

After coming out of the hole from where I fell, the beautiful scenery of a green forest appeared in front of me, the sun rays and the small breeze touching my skin made me feel a little sleepy, however, I quickly shook that feeling away and inspected my surroundings.

The grass in front of me was a bit burned due to the fire magic I fired towards the monsters last night.

Although my fire didn't spread that much, it still ruined a bit of the beautiful scenery that was in this place.

As for the zombies...

They just disappeared like they never existed, like they simply vanished.

Not even a trail...

I wonder where do they go when there's sunlight...

Well, time to stop thinking about useless things. Now I have to return to Balroc city and tell them everything that happened.

I opened the map they gave me for this trip.


"Mmm...? That's strange... Where the hell I am...?"

I looked at the map dozens of times, flipped it upside-down and turned it around other dozens of times...


Yeah, that's right.

When I was escaping from those  monsters, I didn't pay any attention to where I was going... Sh*t.

This map just shows the border of the human territory, and there's a possibility that while escaping I ended up entering the territory of another race...

If i'm not wrong the race next to us are the elves, they are a neutral race that live in the forests and live in coexistence with nature.

Although they do not have as much brute force as the other races, they are still many times stronger than a normal human. And that's just the weakest of their characteristics, as they specialize in agility and their extremely keen senses.

And to make things worse, They are monsters on archery. Once an elf has a bow in his hands they turn into killing machines, as their bows are specially made by to be extremely strong and powerful. They can even pierce platinum armor if its hit with accuracy.

Not to mention that their accuracy is almost perfect due to their perfect eyesight.

Even goblins are easier to fight as they are not as agile as elves.

They are pretty much slow compared to the other races.

Heck, I even managed to outrun the goblins when I was escaping from my village.

Still, they are not to be underestimated. As their monstrous strength can rip apart even the strongest armors with ease.

The only reason the human kingdom has survived all these years is because the goblin territory is actually pretty far from here, so actually moving an army to invade this place is too hard and resource wasteful for those green bastards.

But one day they will invade, that's for sure.


"So I'm lost huh...?"

I looked towards the sky while sitting on the ground.

The little bird was next to me taking a nap, probably he used too much energy while flapping its wings.

I turned my head again to look at the forest in front of me.


This time I actually don't know where to go.

Let's just hope that, wherever I go, I don't find any elves, and if I do... then let's hope that they don't try to kill me at first sight.


During my journey while trying to find the human territory, I improved a lot my Nature control magic, to the point where I could move and bend the surrounding trees in any way I wanted.

Sometimes while traveling through the forest I hummed any song that came to my head. When my magic improved I began to make the surrounding trees dance along with the music I hummed.

What? I was bored...

The little bird of course sang the melody along with me, or at least it tried, since he didn't know the melody sometimes he could desynchronize with me.

And like that our journey continued.

In the end I named him Neo. As that meant "New" in Latin, and I wanted a fresh new start in my life after almost dying to the zombies that night.

Talking about the night, I actually managed to survive a few nights while traveling. I summoned 10 birds to fight the eyes and zombies that appeared, and holy Molly...

Although the body of those monsters is extremely tough, in the end they couldn't sustain the damage of 10 summoned birds attacking them constantly.

So surviving in the night became something possible now.

However, sometimes it became too dangerous as the number of monsters increased way too much, and the group of birds was unable to control them. In cases like that I just had to make a small house of wood or stone and sleep there until the next morning.

And I repeated that process for one week while traveling...


"Two weeks and I have found nothing..."

I'm pretty sure I'm already far from the human territory, maybe I should turn back and go in the opposite direction...

However, while those kinds of thoughts began appearing in my mind, I started hearing noises somewhere near.

*Chirp* Neo that was resting on top of my head suddenly began chirping, like trying to warn me about something.

However, before I could even notice it, the problems already arrived.

"A human...?" A voice came from above me.


When I looked towards the direction of the voice I saw a group of elves on top of a tree, all of them had bows in their hands and were using some kind of leather armor.

As for their faces... Well, like in all the stories I have read until now, they were all pretty handsome.

Pointy hears, blond or auburn hair, and green eyes that shined like emeralds.

Of course, compared to the great me, their handsomeness was nothing.

Just joking...

"What could a human be doing in our territory?"

Although they were vigilant towards me, they were still somewhat relaxed in my presence. Probably because of me being a human.

"I'm currently trying to find the human territory" I said to them while still being cautious.


They just laughed at me?

"Well, right now you are going pretty much on the opposite direction to the human kingdom" One of them said while suppressing his laugh

Sh*t, I knew it!

"Well... uh... thanks for the information, then I'm leaving" I said while smiling in a dumb way and scratching the back of my head.

However, before I could even take one step ahead, an arrow flew past my feet and landed on the ground.

Well, sh*t...

"Wait human, who said you can leave?"


So i'm becoming your prisoner?

Yeah, like hell i'm gonna go with you guys.

I rapidly used my Nature control magic and moved the tree in which they were standing. The tree moved its branches in the direction of their feet and wrapped around it, leaving them unable to escape from its grasp.

While they were startled due to the sudden movement of the tree, I began running at full speed.

They tried firing arrows at me, however I placed some stone blocks behind me to block them.

While I was escaping, I rapidly drank a swiftness potion and an ironskin potion.

Better to be prepared in case they free themselves




*Huff... Huff... Huff*

I was currently leaning on a tree while catching my breath after running for some minutes straight.

After using my magic to stop them from following me, I continued running for a while in case they actually managed to free themselves

However, after a while I ran out of breath and had to rest for a bit. 

"Fuuuu... Well, at least now I'm not lost" I said to myself while resting


"Well aren't you an interesting human?" a voice came from above the tree I was currently leaning.

I looked upwards and saw all the elves looking and pointing their bows at me with a smile on their faces.


"Can we talk about this?"

Although at first I had planned a bit on how will things happen, while writing the chapters I made some modifications that ended up changing the plan that I had for this.

So after the last episode I became a little lost on what should Aspen do next.

However, yesterday, after reflecting on what to do next on the story while watching the dawn next to my dogs, and having some existential crisis, I managed to have an idea on how to continue this story.

So I hope that this won't make things worse.

That's all for today, bye guys

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