Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 89: Play With The Princess

The place where Althea was taken was the royal family's secret garden. There, Queen Titania and the Chief of the Ministry of Magic, Cassandra, sat at a table. Nearby, Princess Liliauge and a boy Althea had never seen before were laughing, surrounded by flowers.

When Princess Liliauge spotted Althea, her face lit up with a radiant smile.

"Al-he-ya~ Over here, over here!"

The young princess beckoned, her pronunciation still imperfect.

Althea glanced at her mother, who nodded in approval. After bowing respectfully to Queen Titania and Minister Cassandra, who were seated at a distant table, Althea approached Princess Liliauge.

"It has been a while, Princess," Althea said, bowing.

"Yes, Al-he-ya, you're as beautiful as always. Oh, here, this is for you," the princess said, handing her a flower.

"Thank you, Princess. By the way..." Althea glanced at the boy standing next to Liliauge. He seemed a bit younger than herself, probably around ten or eleven years old, yet not enrolled in the academy. On closer inspection, he bore a resemblance to the princess.

"Ah, Al-he-ya, you haven't met him before? This is brother Jef-fey," Liliauge explained.

"Your brother... then, this must be Prince Jeffrey, the second prince? It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. Please forgive my ignorance of your esteemed presence," Althea said, hurriedly bowing her head.

There was no response from Jeffrey. While she pondered, "Haven't I been in this situation before?" she heard Liliauge's irritated voice.

"Brother! If you don't respond quickly, Al-he-ya will stay like this forever!"

Startled, Jeffrey finally spoke, "Ah, please, raise your head. Althea? Please, don't mind me. I'd be happy if you treated me as you do Liliauge."

With permission granted, Althea looked up to find Prince Jeffrey covering his mouth with his hand, his face turned away but his eyes fixed on her. Curious but relieved, Althea smiled and responded.

"Thank you. Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Althea Monclair. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Realizing his mistake, Jeffrey stammered, "I-I apologize. Liliauge called you Al-he-ya, so I... The correct name is Althea, right?"

"Please don't worry about it. But Princess Liliauge has greatly improved her speaking. Before, she could only manage Li-ya," Althea said with a gentle laugh, looking at Liliauge, who beamed and hugged her.

"Liliauge loves Al-he-ya. You're kind and beautiful, and your silver hair is so lovely. I want to be like you," the princess said, pouting slightly.

The gesture, a privilege of the very young, was irresistibly charming.

"I love you too, Princess. You are the daughter of Their Majesties. Surely, you will grow to be far more beautiful than I could ever hope to be," Althea replied, hugging Liliauge back. The princess nuzzled her cheek against Althea, delighted.

Prince Jeffrey, observing this interaction with a flushed face, stood silently, mesmerized by the scene.

Watching from afar, Cassandra Nightshade-Norland remarked, "Oh my... It seems Crown Prince Siegfried has a strong rival, doesn't he, Your Majesty?"

Queen Titania responded nonchalantly, "There are other strong rivals. It's up to Siegfried. If he truly loves her, he must manage on his own. If he can't, then desiring Althea is a luxury he cannot afford."

Cassandra chuckled, "A rival, you say? Who else could it be? Surely not my clueless son?"

"Your son? I've heard he's very capable."

"Whether he's capable or not is beside the point. Of course, I'd be thrilled if he brought her to our family, but I think she’s far too good for him," Cassandra replied.

Clara, who had been silently listening, interjected, "I'm glad you both think so highly of Althea, but she's not someone I'll give away easily. By the way, Titania, who is this rival you mentioned?"

"The second prince of Starry Stars," Titania revealed.

Both Clara and Cassandra gasped, exchanging surprised glances.

"He has proposed multiple times, even willing to marry into our kingdom," Titania added.

Cassandra muttered, "Starry Stars has certainly made a bold move."

"But it's not definite. It's just the second prince acting on his own," Titania replied casually.

Regaining her composure, Clara sipped her tea, "Ultimately, it's up to Althea to choose. Although, if the country decrees it, refusal might not be an option. Besides," she looked up at the sky and continued, "We have more immediate concerns right now."

"Indeed," Cassandra agreed, also gazing upward.

At that moment, a royal attendant arrived to summon the three women.

Queen Titania sighed, rising from her seat as she looked at the approaching official.

"...It seems our tea party must end here. Come, let's head to the audience chamber."

The other two women nodded in agreement and stood up as well.

Titania called out to the children playing in the garden.

"Jeffrey, Liliauge, it's time for you both to return to your rooms. Althea, I’m afraid I'll have to ask you to take care of them."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Althea replied, bowing politely.

After seeing the three ladies off, Althea escorted Jeffrey to his room and then proceeded with Liliauge and her maid Laila to the princess's chambers.

For a while, they read picture books and played with dolls in Liliauge's room. As dusk began to fall, Siegfried, accompanied by Curio, arrived.

Liliauge ran to her older brother, hugging him tightly.

"Brother~. Are you done with your work? If so, let's play with Al-he-ya!"

Siegfried lifted his little sister with a smile.

"Did you have fun playing with Althea, Liliauge?"

"Yes, it's always fun with Al-he-ya."

"That's good to hear. Althea, I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you."

"Not at all, Your Highness. In fact, I feel like the princess was entertaining me. We had a wonderful time dancing together."

Althea's nostalgic smile caught Siegfried's attention.

"...Dancing? Liliauge, did you dance with Althea?" Siegfried asked, surprised.

"Yes, Al-he-ya escorted me. It was lovely," Liliauge replied dreamily.

Turning to Althea, Siegfried inquired, "Escorted? What do you mean?"

Blushing, Althea looked down and explained, "I asked the head maid for some boys' clothes and... I played the role of a prince, escorting the princess."

Siegfried glanced at the head maid, who also blushed.

"We borrowed some of His Highness's old clothes. But... Althea looked so stunning that I wished to capture her image," the head maid said, still in awe.

"Capture her image...?" Siegfried mused.

"Yes! Al-he-ya looked just like a real prince. Even more handsome than you or Jeffrey, brother. So, Althea, will you dance with me again? I’ll practice my dancing to be ready," Liliauge said eagerly.

Lost in thought, Siegfried snapped back to reality when Althea spoke.

"Princess, I would love to dance with you again, but as a student, my time is limited."

Realizing her mistake, Siegfried gently chided his sister, "Liliauge, don’t trouble Althea too much. If you're too demanding, she might not want to come back."

Liliauge's eyes filled with tears at the thought. "No, I don’t want that! Al-he-ya, you’ll still play with me, right?"

Seeing the princess's distress, Althea smiled reassuringly. "Of course, Princess. I just can't visit very often because of school. But I promise to come again during the summer holidays. Will that be okay?"

Liliauge nodded vigorously. "Okay. I’ll wait and practice my dancing. Please be my prince again."

Althea gently squeezed the princess’s hand. "I promise."

"It seems she's settled now," Siegfried said, handing Liliauge to the head maid. He then turned to Althea.

"I hate to impose when you're likely tired from playing, but your father, Thomas, is at the castle and wishes to speak with you. Would you come with me?"

"My father? Of course, Your Highness. Princess, I'll see you soon," Althea said.

"Yes, you promised!" Liliauge replied brightly.

With that, Althea, Siegfried, and Laila left the princess’s room and headed to meet her father.

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