Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 85 – Complete Restraint

Upon seeing the two restrained figures, Cartlis Karthus Sivia with vacant eyes and Richt with bloodshot eyes, looking unfocused and in a dazed state, Siegfried spoke up.

"Lily, I need you to purify Cartlis immediately."

Lily, snapping back to reality, nodded and stood up. She followed Jean, who was escorting the restrained Cartlis to an adjacent room, with Regalus trailing behind them.

With the four of them now in another room, the remaining six were left with Richt. Suddenly, Richt, who had been in a daze, started thrashing about as if possessed. Sol held him down while Oliver quickly chanted a spell, likely a body-strengthening one. With the enhanced strength, Sol managed to subdue Richt, who soon returned to his previous dazed state.

"We don't have much time to explain everything... Althea, do you know the complete restraining spell? If so, I need you to use it on Tormandi. Can you do that?" Siegfried asked.

The complete restraining spell is an advanced earth magic that literally binds a person's limbs and torso to the ground, sealing their mouth to prevent speech, effectively stripping them of all freedom—a spell typically reserved for criminals. Siegfried's face twisted in agony as he requested this from Althea.

Althea, knowing she could perform the spell and seeing the dire circumstances, replied, "I understand. Although I’ve never cast it before, I will do my best."

As she began to chant, Oliver interrupted, "Not here... Sol, any 'secret room' in this mansion we can use?"

The 'secret room' referred to by nobles was often a euphemism for a torture chamber.

"Understood," Sol replied, lifting Richt with one hand, thanks to the body-strengthening spell, and leading the way. Siegfried, Althea, and Laila followed.

Sol led them to a half-subterranean storeroom, placed his hand on the floor, and invoked "Room of Solitude." A hidden door appeared, revealing stairs leading to an underground chamber. The four of them cautiously descended, finding a small, clean room—clearly designed to confine someone.

Sol laid Richt on the floor, asking Laila to assist. Together, they restrained Richt’s limbs, and Althea began her chant:

"Those who sleep within the earth, bind those who threaten our peace until I release them... Complete Restraint."

Earth-like tendrils emerged, binding Richt’s arms, legs, torso, and mouth, securing him completely.

"At least he's safe now..." Siegfried muttered. Althea then questioned, "Why is this necessary? This spell is meant for severe criminals or those who've lost themselves to drugs."

"Because he’s lost his self-control. If he weren’t someone we knew, we’d have to cut him down. But… you’d be sad if he died, right?" Siegfried explained, turning to face her.

"Of course! He has helped me many times..."

"That's why. We're doing this to save him."

"Why not have Lady Gresha purify him? Why is purification needed?" Althea pressed.

"Cartlis was charmed just after summer break started, right when he let his guard down and left the dormitory without his gemstone. Unfortunately, he encountered Lady Persephone in front of the RGC boys' dorm... and was charmed."

"When did this happen?"

"Three days ago. It took us time to find and capture him. We only just got him back and came here immediately. The purification will take time."

At that moment, Richt started thrashing again, but only managed muffled groans due to the restraints. As Althea reached out instinctively, Siegfried stopped her.

"No, touching him now would undo the spell. I know it’s hard, but it’s for his safety."

Althea nodded reluctantly.

"He will continue to thrash and then fall into a daze repeatedly. Until he calms down, we can't bring him to Lady Lily."

"How long will it take for him to stop thrashing?"

"At least a day, possibly a week."

Seeing Richt in distress, Althea felt a pang of sorrow. Siegfried, noticing this, bowed his head and spoke.

"Althea, I know this is difficult, but I need you to cast the complete restraining spell on Tormandi daily until he calms down. I considered taking him to the castle, but it would be too conspicuous and might worsen things for Tormandi later. I’m sorry, but you’re the most capable earth mage I know."

"No need to apologize, Your Highness. You brought him here out of consideration for my feelings, didn’t you? I appreciate it. I will do my best."

Moved by Siegfried's words, Althea resolved to continue the complete restraint spell with determination.

Siegfried cast a time-slowing spell around Richt, and they left the underground room, returning to the parlor. There, they found Lily and Regalus, who had finished the purification, along with Oliver, enjoying tea prepared by Jean.

As soon as the four of them appeared, Regalus rushed to Althea's side.

"Athea! Are you alright? You must be exhausted," he said, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"I understand your concern for your sister," Siegfried commented, a hint of exasperation in his tone, "but to worry about family in front of the crown prince of another nation without acknowledging him seems a bit inappropriate, don't you think?"

Regalus replied, unperturbed, "Oh, come now, Sieg. With Sol and Laila here, I knew there was no real danger. But knowing what she had to endure, I couldn't help but feel for my sister and wanted to comfort her. Is that really so wrong?"

"No, it's not," Siegfried admitted, his voice softening. "Althea went through more than we anticipated and she'll have to endure more still."

Siegfried gently patted Althea’s head, only for Regalus to swiftly brush his hand away.

"Your Highness, even though we are in familiar company, such actions might be misunderstood. Please refrain," Regalus said, placing a hand over his chest and bowing respectfully.

Siegfried, momentarily taken aback, remembered their surroundings and nodded. "You're right. Thank you for pointing that out, Regalus."

Turning his attention to Regalus, Siegfried asked, "How is Cartlis?"

"He’s been purified and is resting in the next room. It took longer than expected," Regalus responded, his tone unusually uneasy.

Noticing Regalus's uncharacteristic hesitation, Siegfried glanced at Lily, who appeared utterly drained. "Lily, are you alright?"

"Yes, I think so... but I don't think I can manage any more magic today," she admitted, her exhaustion evident.

Lily’s purification spell, while a mid-level light magic, had drained her significantly. The intense enchantment on Cartlis, despite his brief three-day absence, suggested a formidable charm. The prospect of purifying Richt, who had been under its influence longer, filled Siegfried with dread.

A heavy silence fell over the group.

Breaking the silence, Siegfried said, "Lily, I apologize for the strain I've caused you. I wish I could let you rest, but there are two urgent matters we need to discuss. Please, bear with us a little longer."

Lily nodded, and Laila brought her a cup of tea from behind.

"This tea has restorative properties. It should help replenish your mana a bit," Laila said with a reassuring smile.

Lily took a sip of the mildly sweet tea, feeling a touch of her fatigue lift and her mind clearing. "What kind of tea is this?"

"It's a special blend made by Lady Althea herself," Laila replied, her finger to her lips in a gesture of secrecy.

Feeling somewhat revived, Lily nodded to Siegfried to continue.

"Although Cartlis isn't here, please relay this to him when he wakes," Siegfried instructed Regalus, who nodded in agreement. "What I'm about to say is known only to the royal families and leaders of each nation. Listen carefully."

Althea hesitantly raised her hand. "Is it really alright for us to hear something so important?"

Siegfried nodded. "Yes, because both of you have been targeted, and this is no longer just someone else's problem. The first matter is this: over the past few years, there have been increasing reports of attacks by magical creatures. Among these, the Kingdom of FullTale has fallen."

"What?!" Althea and Lily gasped, their hands covering their mouths in shock.

"To be precise, it's believed to have fallen," Siegfried corrected himself. "There’s been no contact since May of this year."

"What do you mean by no contact?" Lily asked.

"Representatives from each country meet biannually to report on the situation. Since magical creature attacks increased two years ago, meetings have become more frequent. However, FullTale hasn't participated this year, and there’s been no news of internal strife. My father suspects that the kingdom has been overtaken by magical creatures and has dispatched scouts to confirm it. Until we hear back, it's not certain, but you must be cautious of anyone from FullTale."

"Isn't Richt from FullTale? Where is he now?" Lily asked, her voice trembling.

"He’s secured in another room," Siegfried replied.

"But if he’s become like those creatures, ordinary restraints won't hold him," Lily said, her panic rising.

Siegfried sighed, seeing her fear. "We've used a full confinement spell on him."

"A full confinement spell? Who cast it? Oh, the Ministry of Magic from RGC must have sent someone. That's a relief," Lily said, relaxing slightly.

"Lily," Siegfried called gently. "We need you to purify Richt as well, once he calms down."

"No! That’s too dangerous. I can't do it!" Lily cried, her fear palpable.

Regalus bowed deeply, "Please, we need your help."

Althea also bowed, "Please, Lily. You're the only one who can do this."

Siegfried and Oliver remained silent, their eyes fixed on the scene.

Feeling their earnest pleas, Lily glanced between her protectors and sighed. "Alright... I'll do it."

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