Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 82 – Althea’s Casual Exercises

Lily's wound, sustained during the attack, was quickly healed with magic. However, considering the psychological impact, she was given an early summer vacation. Speculations ran wild about the early leave of this light-attribute student. Three days after the assault on Althea and Lily, the academy began its summer break.

During the long summer vacation, most students returned home. Althea and her group would typically go back to the Monclair territory, but this year, they were instructed to stay at the royal capital's villa instead. This decision was due to frequent sightings of monsters within the Monclair territory, prompting Thomas to advise, "Spend this year at the villa."

After bidding farewell to their friends, Althea, Regalus, Laila, and Jean departed for the royal capital of the RGC.

Upon arriving at the port city, Regalus instructed Althea and Laila to head to the villa first. He intended to stop by the royal castle to meet Siegfried, who had returned ahead of them. As they parted, Regalus mentioned, "There are guests already at the villa, so don't be surprised."

Curious about these "guests," Althea and Laila pondered while the carriage took them to the villa.


"Welcome back!"

Upon arrival, they were greeted by three servants instead of the usual sole attendant, Sol.

"Sol, have you been well?"

"Yes, and it is a relief to see you in good health, my lady."

"Fufu, how about Alb?"

"Yes, he is well."

"That's good to hear... I see we have new faces here. What are your names? Could you show me your faces?"

The two maids, who had been bowing, nervously lifted their heads and replied in trembling voices, "I'm Nina" and "I'm Lanie."

"Nice to meet you, Nina and Lanie. I'll be in your care during the vacation."

Althea extended her hand with a smile, causing the two maids to look at each other in confusion.

"Althea, you’re making them uncomfortable. It’s not customary to shake hands with servants," Laila chided gently.

"Well, we're going to be spending time together, so I thought it'd be nice to be friendly," Althea responded, seeking affirmation from the maids with a smile. However, they only blushed and looked down, too flustered to respond.

"Althea, you really need to understand your own presence better," Laila sighed.


"Never mind. Let's head to your room. Nina, Lanie, we'll see you later."

Laila led Althea to her room as the three servants bowed and watched them leave.


In her room, Althea settled onto the sofa, taking a moment to relax. Laila immediately began to admonish her.

"You must be more cautious, Althea. Your smile is too dazzling for those unaccustomed to it. They were completely flustered."

"Too dazzling? My smile isn't that bad, is it?"

"Not bad, but extraordinarily captivating," Laila asserted passionately, just as a knock came at the door.

"Yes?" Laila called out.

From the hallway, Nina's voice replied, "There is a guest who wishes to have tea with you."

A guest? Althea recalled her brother’s words about an unexpected visitor.

"Who is the guest?" Althea asked, just as a shriek echoed from the other side of the door.

Laila tensed, preparing for any threat, when suddenly, the door burst open and Lily rushed in.


Oblivious to Laila's astonishment, Lily hurried to Althea, grabbing her hands and shaking them vigorously.

"I've been so bored waiting for you! I'm so glad you're here."

Althea, surprised by the sudden appearance and actions, struggled to find words.

"Is something wrong? You seem off," Lily asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"No, it's just... I wasn't expecting you. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thanks to you."

"I thought you would be at the Great Cathedral. Why are you here?"

"The cathedral is open to everyone, so it's not ideal for security. They said this villa is the safest place next to the royal castle. But I'm not allowed to leave the villa, and Sol, who is now my guard, refused my request to explore. It's so frustrating."

Althea, sensing Lily's frustration, offered, "Would you like to have tea with me here?"

"Can we go outside?"

"I'm afraid we can't leave the villa. It will have to be here."

"Oh... I thought you'd understand, Althea. You're being so cold."

"Cold?!" Laila couldn’t hold back anymore. "How can you say that?! Do you understand the efforts being made to protect you? You can’t even defend yourself and yet you complain about not being able to wander freely. This villa is for your protection!"

"I know that! But it feels like I'm being imprisoned. If it’s going to be this suffocating, I’d rather not have come."

Her words left everyone in the room speechless.


After a brief silence, it was Althea who broke the tension.

"...Then, would you prefer to return?"


"If you seek freedom, would you like to go back to the cathedral?"

"Are you saying... it's okay if I get killed?"

"Why do you think you would be killed?"

"Because I was targeted before. I was brought here because they tried to get me. If our kingdom's intelligence agency hadn't come to my rescue that time, I would have been..."

Remembering the incident, Lily hugged herself and trembled slightly.

"If that's how you feel, why won't you stay here where it's safe?"

"Being targeted and wanting to go out are separate issues, aren't they? I want to enjoy the capital city. That's why I asked for a guard!"

"Knowing it's dangerous, you still wish to go out with a guard?"

"That's exactly why I need a guard!"

"If you were attacked, the guard might get hurt."

"That's what guards are for, right? Don't you have Laila with you for the same reason?"


Once again, Laila stepped forward, but Althea raised a hand to stop her.

"Lady Greisha, I understand why it might seem that way, and Laila indeed sees it that way. But I don't. Laila is not just a maid to me; she is a dear friend. I would never endanger a friend."

"That's easy for you to say because you're not the one being targeted."

Laila clenched her fists, silently enduring the situation.

This girl knows nothing... She doesn't know that Althea was almost kidnapped when she was young or that we were recently attacked... She thinks she's the only one targeted and pitiful.

Laila wanted to shout, "Enough already!" but she knew Althea wouldn't allow it. She watched her mistress stand firm in front of her, holding back her frustration.

"Lady Greisha, do you believe the value of a life differs from person to person?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you think your life and the life of a guard are different?"

"Well... no, they're not different."

"Then using a guard for your protection isn't fair, is it?"

Lily fell silent under Althea's steady gaze. After a moment, Althea gently took her hand.

"I understand wanting to go out. So... let's train!"

Lily, confused by Althea’s sudden suggestion, found herself at a loss.

Ignoring Lily's bewilderment, Althea started giving instructions to Laila and Sol. Before Lily knew it, she was dressed in workout clothes and standing at the entrance of the villa.

"Um... what about tea?"

"We'll have tea after training. Now, let's start by jogging around the villa five times and then going up and down the stairs inside five times. But first, let's stretch. Follow Laila and me. One, two..."

As Althea led the stretches, Laila reached out to guide Lily.

"Here, raise your arms... now bend forward... and then..."

"Ow, ow, ow... that hurts!"

"We must thoroughly stretch, or it'll be worse later... next..."

"Wait! Laila, do you dislike me? Stop being so mean!"

"Mean? Well, I don't particularly like you. But since Althea decided on this training, my personal feelings are irrelevant. I will do my best to help."

"But it hurts!"

"That's because you don’t usually exercise."

By the time they finished stretching, Lily was already out of breath. Althea looked at her with concern.

"We’re going to run now... can you manage?"

"Run? What?"

"Yes, as I mentioned, five laps around the villa and five sets of stairs inside."

"No way! I can't!"

"How much do you think you can manage?"

"Do I have to do it?"

"You want to go out, don't you? Then you should at least practice running away."

"One lap..."

"Fine, since it's your first time, we'll start with one lap. Sol, can you assist?"

"Leave it to me."

"Wait... Althea, you're not running?"

"I plan to run twenty five laps. Let's go! Training begins now!"

With a cheer, Althea enthusiastically took off, leaving Lily standing there in stunned silence.

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