Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 75 – Hidden Feelings Amidst the Dance

"It was wonderful, Your Highness. Next, please, dance with me."

"No, I must be first."

A group of female students surrounded Siegfried, competing for the next dance. Meanwhile, around Althea, another group formed—this time, male students eagerly vying for her attention.

"Lady Monclair, please, one dance with me!"

"No, no, it will be more fun with me. Please, dance with me."

As the petite Althea seemed nearly overwhelmed by the growing crowd, a voice cut through the din.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. She's already promised her next dance to me. Apologies, everyone."

It was Ritch, his tone light yet firm, rescuing Althea from the throng.

"Oh, thank you very much, Lord Tormandi."

"Are you alright? I'm really glad I booked this dance in advance. It made it easier to help you out. But, as we agreed, I should return you to Siegfried afterward. Though, considering the situation, that might be tricky. What should we do?"

As they danced, continuing their conversation, Althea pondered the sudden attention she was receiving.

"Usually, people only observe me from a distance, but today everyone seems so proactive. Is it because they're graduating?"

"Well, that’s part of it. But I think there's another reason."

"What is it?"

"Seeing Siegfried with such a soft smile during your entrance. He's known for being stoic, and many have faced his outright rejection. Yet today, he smiled so warmly. Also, graduates can't refuse a dance request, you know."

"I see... So graduates can't refuse, but current students can?"

"Exactly. This party is primarily for the graduates. Otherwise, it would be chaos, like last year and the year before, with juniors overshadowing the seniors."

He gestured subtly towards Siegfried and Regalus.

"Ah, I understand now. Graduates can't refuse invitations from underclassmen either, correct?"

"Right. So if a graduate invites you, you can't say no."

"Thank you, Lord Tormandi, for explaining. Thanks to you, I won't unintentionally offend anyone."

The music ended at the perfect moment, and Althea curtsied as the dance concluded.

"Well, I promised to return you to Siegfried, but... I see Laila. Maybe I should take you to her instead."

With a playful wink, Ritch led Althea to where Laila stood.

After Ritch left, Laila guided Althea to a quiet corner where refreshments were laid out.

"Lady Althea, you must be hungry. You didn't have a proper lunch since you were helping out all day. Please, wait here. I'll bring something for you."

As Althea sat and watched Laila skillfully gather some snacks, a voice called out to her.


Turning, she saw Lily Gresha, adorned in the dress Althea had chosen for her.

"Lady Gresha, you look stunning."

"Thank you. Siegfried and Regalus both complimented my dress, saying how well it suits me. Regalus even praised your sense of style."

"It’s embarrassing to receive such praise from family, but I'm glad you're pleased."

"Your dress is beautiful too. The combination of white and pale blue is so elegant and charming. Did you have it made for today?"

"Ah, no, this was—"

"A gift from His Highness," Laila interjected as she returned with the snacks.

"Really? I must say, Siegfried has excellent taste. I'm envious..."

"Excuse me?"

Althea couldn't catch Lily's last whispered words and asked for clarification.

"Lily, where are you?"

A voice called from the dance floor, evidently one of Lily's friends searching for her.

"I must go. I'm sorry, but I’ve been called. Althea, please enjoy the rest of your evening. Until next time."

With that, Lily gracefully departed to rejoin her friends.

"What was that about? She might be a senior, and sure, she’s of the light attribute and even the student council president, but she’s still a commoner. Why does she call you 'Althea' so familiarly? No other commoner seniors do that!"

Laila's rare anger flared as she vented her frustrations about Lily's informal manner of address.

"I know you're upset on my behalf, Laila, but honestly, it doesn't bother me much. People in our domain are friendly like that, aren’t they? So, if anything, I find it rather kind."

"That's different! Our people show respect with their friendliness. Here, status might not matter within the academy, but it certainly does once we graduate. Besides, calling Prince Siegfried by name without any honorifics is too much. Don’t you think?"

Indeed. It might be inappropriate for the prince, but...

Althea recalled a recent outing with Siegfried. He had mentioned the appearance of new, unrecorded magical beasts, asserting that light magic was the most effective against them. Hence, Lily’s importance was recognized even within the academy.

"If she has light magic, could she be a candidate for His Highness's fiancee?"

Munching on her snack, Althea’s musings were cut off by Laila’s emphatic rebuttal.

"Absolutely not! She’s a commoner!"

"Talent should matter more than birth, shouldn't it? And whether her manner of speaking is seen as familiar or friendly depends on one's perspective. From what I've heard, Lady Gresha has done an excellent job as the student council president, and she gets along well with my brother and His Highness. Many in her year seem to like her."

"Yes, but some high-ranking nobles still shun her."

"Is that so? I wasn't aware... Perhaps that’s why His Highness chose me as his partner tonight. If he had chosen her, it might have worsened her isolation."

Laila nodded, conceding the point as Althea pondered the complex social dynamics of their world.

Althea's words brought a deep shade of empathy to Laila's face, who began muttering to herself.

"Uh, what? Did I say something strange?"

After a heavy sigh, Laila, with a serious expression, asked, "Lady Althea, what do you think of His Highness?"

"Well... I think he’s wonderful. He’s kind, always earnest in his endeavors, and possesses great judgment and decisiveness. As Father says, he’s flawless as the future king."

"That's not exactly what I meant—"

"Althea, there you are!"

Laila’s unfinished question was interrupted by Kaera, dressed in traditional uranian attire, who eagerly embraced Althea.

"Your dress is stunning. As expected of His Highness. Hey, Althea, would you dance with me?"

"Of course, I’d love to."

"Yay! Ahem. Then, Lady Althea, may I have this dance?"

Kaera extended her hand with gentlemanly flair. Feeling a slight flutter, Althea placed her hand in her, and they returned to the dance floor with smiles.

Watching them leave, Laila sighed softly, "Your Highness, it seems my lady is still quite innocent... my apologies."

Althea and Kaera glided onto the dance floor, the music wrapping them in its enchanting spell. As they danced, Althea couldn’t help but reflect on Laila’s earlier question. The image of Siegfried's gentle smile and unwavering support filled her mind.

"Kaera, thank you for this dance. You’ve always been a wonderful friend," Althea said warmly as they swayed to the music.

Kaera grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Anything for you, Althea. But if I may ask, what’s been on your mind? You seem a bit distracted."

"Oh, it’s nothing," she replied, though her thoughts betrayed her. Could Laila's question about Siegfried have deeper implications?

Their dance ended, and Kaera bowed playfully before escorting her back to Laila. As Althea rejoined her, Laila observed the fleeting confusion in her lady’s eyes, silently wishing she could ease her young mistress’s heart.

"Thank you, Kaera. I had a wonderful time," Althea said, her smile genuine.

"The pleasure was all mine," Kaera replied with a wink, then took her leave.

Laila approached, her expression a blend of concern and affection. "Althea, you’re back. Did you enjoy the dance?"

"Yes, very much. Kaera is always so lively," Althea replied, her tone light.

"Althea," Laila began cautiously, "about His Highness... I think it’s important to understand your true feelings. He’s not just our future king; he’s also a man with his own heart and desires."

Althea’s gaze softened, the weight of Laila’s words settling over her. "I understand, Laila. I do admire him greatly, not just for his qualities as a leader but also for the person he is."

"That’s what I was hoping to hear," Laila said, her stern expression giving way to a relieved smile. "It’s important to be honest with yourself and your emotions."

As the evening progressed, Althea continued to reflect on the conversations she had shared. The dance, the laughter, and the candid moments with Laila and Kaera had opened her heart to new possibilities. The future seemed a little less daunting, and the bonds she cherished felt stronger than ever.

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