Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 59 – Preparation Before The Exploration Tournament

The next day after school, Althea, Laila, and Julia parted ways with Kaera and headed to the central building for their recovery magic practice.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the central building, Siegfried was already waiting there.

"Your Highness, I apologize for being late," Althea bowed her head, followed by Julia and Laila.

"No... rather, I'm sorry that our precious afterschool time has turned into magic practice," Siegfried said. "Thank you for sparing your valuable time for me."



"Here... I don't want you to call me 'Your Highness'. As I've said before, I want to attend the academy as a student. Being called 'Your Highness'... bothers me."

"Ah, I see. I apologize. Since Lady Tornitos referred to you like that, I thought it was appropriate..."

"She's not that close to me, so I don't mind what she calls me..."

"Understood. Then, what should I call you?"

After a brief pause at Althea's question, Siegfried answered, "Calling me your big brother is unfair to your real brother, so ...just my name."


Though momentarily surprised by his unexpected words, Althea smiled and replied, "Understood. Then... Siegfried, I shall address you as such."

As Althea answered with a smile, Siegfried continued, "Julia, Laila, please do the same. And convey the same to Kaera."


Noticing Siegfried's slight blush, Julia and Laila, who were aware of his feelings, answered while feeling amused internally.

Unaware of the thoughts of the two, Siegfried accepted their response and said, "Thank you. Well then, let's get started with the recovery magic practice right away. We're borrowing this room... follow me inside."

With that, Siegfried led Althea and the others into the classroom on the first floor.

For the next few days leading up to the Exploration Rally, they continued their magic practice under Siegfried's guidance in the classroom on the first floor of the central building.

And then, on the eve of the Exploration Rally, as instructed, all ten members gathered on the fifth floor of the central building.

This time, others were also participating.

"The Exploration Rally is finally tomorrow. First, there's something I want to ask Claro Raev, who was absent last time," Siegfried said.

In response to Siegfried's words, Claro turned his face away, seemingly expecting to be scolded.

Ignoring his reaction, Siegfried continued, "Claro Raev, can you use recovery magic?"


Seemingly caught off guard by the unexpected question, Claro answered in a foolish voice.

"I'm asking if you can use recovery magic," Siegfried repeated.

"Well... I mean, I'm still at the very beginning... but I can do a bit of healing magic..."

"I see! How much recovery can you manage?"

"About half of a potion, I guess."

"I see... Well, we'll manage somehow for now."

Erica, who had been listening silently, interjected, "Your Highness, how did the recovery magic practice go?"

"Ah, Althea managed to do recovery magic somehow."

Looking at Althea and the others, Erica said, "Well, I see. But you couldn't manage dark magic, right? Even though Your Highness took the time out to help, there's no progress..."

"Dark magic itself is a rare attribute, and I didn't know any healing spells, so I asked my friends. But I couldn't figure it out. In Althea's case, she practiced tirelessly after asking a friend with wind attributes for spells, and that's the result."

"...I see. If that's the case, then it can't be helped."

Whether she was convinced or not, Erica said disinterestedly.

"Now, with no worries about physical recovery for tomorrow's event, there probably won't be any other emergencies, but just in case, it's best to put up protective magic. Ezreal, have you finished the handkerchiefs I asked for earlier?"

"Yes, here... there are enough for all ten of us."

"Thank you. Let's put protective magic on these. Earth magic's protective magic is probably the strongest... Tornitos, can you use protective magic?"

"Huh? Ah... no, I'm still..."

Perhaps feeling guilty about her slightly sarcastic remarks to Julia and Laila earlier, Tornitos seemed embarrassed.

"I see... Well, it can't be helped. We'll ask the teachers for help with this."

Taking the handkerchiefs from Kaera, Siegfried was interrupted by Kaera.

"Ask the teachers for help? Can you really do that?"

"Oh, if you submit a request by the day before, they'll cooperate with just putting up protective magic. It would be tough without protection for a team lacking in magic power, right?"

"I see."

After that, they discussed various priorities for the next day and then disbanded.

And then, the next day arrived.

Finally, the first major event, the Exploration Rally, was about to begin.

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