Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 56 – Gold Team Members

The central building is a somewhat special place where only magic wielders and student representatives can enter, but only during school events.

Magic wielders start their full-fledged spell chanting classes from the second year, which take place in the magically fortified classrooms on the first floor of this central building.

On the other floors of the central building, there are large halls used for events on the second and third floors, faculty rooms and meeting rooms for student representatives on the fourth floor, and a room called the special VIP room on the fifth floor.

As they headed towards the central building, Kaera talked about the VIP room on the fifth floor.

This VIP room is an area reserved for noble individuals attending the academy, requiring advance reservation for use, and its management is directly overseen by the school head, making it a particularly special place.

Kaera mentioned that she received an explanation about the use of this VIP room during the entrance ceremony due to her lineage to the Uranos clan chief. Of course, Althea and Julia did not receive such an explanation.

This time, they were summoned to that special VIP room.

"...I'm nervous... We'll be having spell chanting classes here next year, right?"

As Althea said in an excited tone while putting her hand on the door of the building entrance, Laila replied, "But before that, we'll be here for the graduation party of the third-year students, right?"

"Yeah... that's right. The graduation party for our big brothers. It's still far off, but thinking about it makes me a little sad."

Although Althea felt a little down at Laila's words, now wasn't the time to be down. She regained her composure and headed towards the lift to the fifth floor.

The lift, called a "Lifter," had a magic circle drawn under the floor of the box and used the magical power of magic stones to ascend and descend. Since it utilized the magical power of magic stones, even those without magic could use it.

The method of use was simple: just enter the Lifter and say the desired floor. However, since it could inadvertently pick up conversations, one had to enter quietly.

Entering the Lifter and saying "fifth floor," Althea watched as the box ascended towards the upper floor and arrived at the fifth floor in no time.

"So this is the fifth floor... I didn't expect to use it this soon."

Kaera murmured as she stepped inside and looked around. Following Kaera, Althea and the others got off the Lifter. While hesitating at the luxurious surroundings, a gentlemanly elderly man approached, addressing Kaera first.

"I'm Jonathan, in charge of this floor. May I ask for your names?"

"I am Uryan Kaera, a first-year student. These are--"

Though momentarily taken aback, Kaera, who had received an explanation, calmly introduced herself and then introduced her friends, Althea, Julia, and Laila in turn.

After the introductions, the man who introduced himself as Jonathan smiled and raised his hand. Then, upon confirming another young man emerging from behind, he said, "Please guide these young ladies."

The young man bowed and said, "Ladies, please follow me," leading Althea and the others to the room ahead.

Upon reaching the farthest room, the young man bowed deeply and said, "Please enter and wait here," before leaving.

As Kaera, who was at the front, opened the door, they were greeted by a room that seemed more like a chamber in a royal palace than a school, with a dazzling long table, chairs, and salon-like furniture in the back.

As they entered the room and looked around, a second-year student who had arrived earlier and seemed friendly said with a smile, "Why don't you take a seat for now?"

In the back, another male student, who seemed to be a first-year, sat with a displeased expression. It seemed he was a first-year student.

As the second-year male student approached and started a conversation, Althea and the others exchanged glances, nodded, and quietly took their seats.

"Hey, you guys are first-years, right? What are your names? I'm--"

Before the second-year male student could introduce himself, footsteps and a woman's voice could be heard from the corridor.

"...Finally arrived..."

Almost simultaneously with the grumpy first-year male student's muttering, the door opened, revealing a stern-faced Siegfried and a woman clinging to Siegfried's arm, followed by a male and female student standing behind the woman.

"Sorry for the wait."

Siegfried entered the room, brushing off the woman clinging to him, without paying any attention to the others, and sat at the head of the table.

The woman who was clinging to him said, "Oh my... Your Highness... We are your followers, you know? You don't have to be so indifferent..."

Slightly displeased, she said, but still, she took a seat to Siegfried's immediate left, gazing at Siegfried with a dreamy expression.

The female student who followed after them sat next to her, and the male student sat opposite her. It seemed they were the entourage of the woman who had been clinging to Siegfried.

Ignoring the woman's line, Siegfried started speaking.

"Thanks for responding to the sudden summons. This year's exploration tournament team has been decided by the fair judgment of the teachers, with one third-year, four second-years, and five first-years, totaling ten members."

After confirming that everyone was present, Siegfried continued speaking.

"Since there may be some who don't know each other, let's start with self-introductions... Yeah, let's hear each person's year, name, home country, whether they have magic, if they do, their magical attribute and amount of magic, and then what they like. Well then, I'll go first... Third year, Siegfried Sol Argesee. My home country is RGC Kingdom, my magic attributes are fire and thunder, with a magic amount of 170, and... I guess I like martial arts training. ...Alright, next, let's go clockwise."

"Uh... um... me? Um, well..."

Perhaps due to being suddenly asked, or maybe it was his nature, the male student began to speak nervously.

"I'm a second-year... Finis Clove. Um, I'm also from Royal Grand Central, and... I don't have any magic. My... um, favorite thing is... reading books."

After managing to finish his self-introduction while looking down, the male student sitting next to him immediately stood up. He was the friendly second-year who had spoken earlier.

"Alright, it's my turn next. I'm Richt Tormandi, a second-year. Um, I'm from the Sun Radiant Kingdom, my magic attribute is lightning, with a magic amount of 65. And as for... what I like? Well, I guess it's going on dates with girls. That's it!"

There was a moment of stiffness among the group, but Siegfried cleared his throat lightly and urged, "Next," prompting the displeased first-year to stand up.

"...First year. Claro Raev. I'm from Starry Stars. My attribute is water, with a magic amount of 32. I like... fighting."

He spoke dispassionately and quickly resumed his seat.

Next was Kaera's turn to stand up.

"I'm a first-year, Uryan Kaera. I'm from Uranos, and I don't have any magic. As for what I like... or rather, because I want to become a warrior, I guess it's training."

After saying so, Kaera sat down, and Althea stood up to take her place, bowing.

"I'm also a first-year. My name is Althea Monclair. I'm from Royal Grand Central Kingdom, and my attributes are earth and wind, with a magic amount of... 180."


Siegfried, Laila, and Julia, along with the other six, except for Althea, all exclaimed at once.

"W-wait... Miss Althea, seriously? 180?"

The friendly... or rather, the one who made a light comment, Richt, asked. Although both Laila and Siegfried reacted slightly to the sudden "miss," no one seemed to notice.

"Um... probably. I mean, I was told so in the magic measurement... probably."

"Well, even with a lot of magic, being small doesn't mean you're worthless," The woman sitting next to Siegfried said.

Indeed, Althea was still in her growth phase and quite petite at around 150 centimeters.

"...Is there a connection between being small and magic?"

Althea, intrigued by the statement, asked, and Siegfried replied.

"That's something you'll learn in your magic classes soon. Anyway, Miss Althea, please continue your self-introduction."

"Oh, um, yes. As for what I like... it's horseback riding."

While the surroundings were still buzzing with conversation, it quieted down when Laila stood up next.

"I'm also a first-year. My name is Laila, and I'm from Royal Grand Central. My magic amount is 39, and I have the dark attribute."


Once again, the six except for Siegfried, Althea, and Julia all exclaimed, but undeterred, Laila continued her self-introduction.

"My favorite thing is to serve Lady Althea. And... though I am a student, I am also Lady Althea's exclusive lady-in-waiting, so there is no need for honorifics. Please just call me Laila."

With that said, she smoothly took her seat, ignoring the ongoing commotion.

As Julia stood up for her turn, she took a deep breath and began her self-introduction with a slightly trembling voice.

"I'm a first-year, Julia Trinton. I'm from Sol Argesee, and... well, my magic amount is 68, and my... um, attribute is... darkness."


Everyone was too shocked to even speak.

After a moment of silence, Julia continued, "I like... making sweets."

"...For a lady to enjoy making sweets..."

The lady admonished by Siegfried muttered in a small voice, apparently still dissatisfied.

Siegfried, who must have heard the voice, sighed again and said, "Next," prompting the female member of the lady's entourage to start speaking.

"I'm a second-year, Catelea Ezreal. I'm from Royal Grand Central, and I don't have any magic. My favorite thing is... embroidery."

After Catelea Ezreal finished her self-introduction, as if waiting for it, the last lady stood up eagerly.

"I am Erica Tornitos, a second-year. Of course, I am from RGC, and my father is the Minister of Finance. My magic attribute is earth, with a magic amount of 33. And... um, as for what I like... or rather, who I like..."

Glancing at Siegfried... and locking eyes with him, she blushed and was about to say something when Siegfried stood up and spoke.

"Thank you all for your self-introductions. Thanks to that, it seems we can plan strategies to make the most of each person's abilities."

Although Erica couldn't finish her sentence, thinking that Siegfried had cut her off because he was embarrassed, she quietly returned to her seat.

Then, Richt Tormandi raised his hand and said, "Um... making the most of each person's abilities? What about people who don't have magic and can't even fight?"

"Yeah, what's the point of making them do anything? They might just become a burden. And besides..."

Agreeing with her, Erica interrupted herself mid-sentence and looked at Laila and Julia.

Silently listening to them, Siegfried said, "If only fighting ability is necessary, it wouldn't be the Explorer Exploration. Well, I think everyone has their own thoughts... We were put in the same team by fate. Let's plan strategies to make the most of everyone's abilities. Shall we gather here again after school tomorrow? Let's discuss specific strategies after that. Well, that's it for today, let's disband."

With that, Siegfried stood up and left the room quickly.

Following him, Erica Tornitos also hurriedly left the room, followed by Catelea and Finis.

And then, Claro Raev also said, "...Tomorrow again... What a pain..." while leaving the room.

Before they realized it, only Richt Tormandi and the four first-year students, including Althea, remained in the room.

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