Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 53 – History Studies – The Beginning of the World

About a week had passed since Althea was first summoned to the confession grounds. Already, Althea had been summoned several times and had declined each time.

While declining, she always thought about what Laila meant by "heartache," but she still didn't quite understand. In the midst of this, one of the classes she had been looking forward to, the history class, was starting today.

The first history class was about "The Beginning of the World and the Birth of Illumi Religion."

This world begins with the story of the absolute god, Lord Saul, and his wives, Lady Clair and Lady Stella, creating various principles all over the world, creating living beings including humans, and loving them.

When a crisis befell this peaceful world, Lord Saul fought to protect his beloved ones, ultimately turning himself into a sword to repel the demons and save the world. Additionally, while Lord Saul was fighting, his two wives prayed and contributed to weakening the demons to save the world. After the battle, it is said that the two wives also sealed the fragments of demons scattered throughout the world. This faith in Lord Saul, Lady Clair, and Lady Stella is called "Illumi Religion."

In Illumi Religion, the place where Lord Saul, transformed into a sword, is enshrined is called the "Holy Place."

Even now, Lord Saul's sword is enshrined in the "Holy Place"… but whether one can see the sword or not is only possible for the Pope and the Headmaster, so it's unclear if it's true, as the teacher said. Furthermore, the teacher also said, "Since it's said by the Pope and the Headmaster, I think it's true."

One student raised their hand and asked, "Teacher, why can only the Pope and the Headmaster see Lord Saul's sword? I think even the royal families of each country should be allowed to see it."

To which the teacher responded, "That's a good question. I was curious about it too, so I asked the Headmaster before. The Headmaster answered, 'Only the chosen ones can wear it.' If the royal families of each country were among the chosen ones, they would surely be allowed to see it."

"Chosen ones? Chosen by whom?"

"…Probably by Lord Saul's sword, I think. By the way, even if you head towards the 'Holy Place,' those who are not chosen are turned away at the entrance… I don't really understand the mechanism. When I tried—"

"Eh, Teacher, you tried it?!"

Many voices of the students overlapped.

"Yes, since it's a rare opportunity. It's famous that the cave north of the Ecclesiastical Congregation of Sacraments Principality is such a place. However, as soon as you enter, there are several forks, but no matter which path you choose, you're immediately returned to the entrance… It's mysterious, isn't it?"

The teacher said joyfully.

The students listened with puzzled expressions, unable to fully comprehend the mysterious phenomenon.

"Well, if you're curious, why not try when you graduate from the general department?"

"Can we really try?"

"Yes, it's like a graduation celebration. We ask for your wishes before graduation. If you wish at that time, you can challenge the cave where the 'Holy Place' is located. However, I don't recommend entering without permission. I've heard stories of people who entered without permission losing a leg. And if you safely arrive—"

With a meaningful tone, the teacher continued, and the students watched with bated breath.

"At the headquarters of Illumi Religion, you will serve Lord Saul. "

"Huh? Is that a decision?"

"Yes, it's almost a decision. It doesn't matter if you're a royal from another country or a high-ranking noble or even an heir. Because you'll be the future Pope or Headmaster… Didn't I mention it earlier? Only the Pope and the Headmaster can see that sword. In other words, only the children approved by God can reach it. So if you reach it, you must serve God."


The students looked at each other. They were undoubtedly struggling between the desire to see the sword of God and the fact that once seen, there's no going back.

After a while, one student spoke up.

"You mentioned that you tried, Teacher, but what were you planning to do if you reached it?"

"Me? Of course, I would serve God, not as a teacher but as a servant. After all, I might become the top of Illumi Religion, the only teaching in this world. I might even surpass the royal families of various countries… Well, that's what an ambitious person like me thinks."

The teacher answered with a dreamy expression. Apparently, he was quite ambitious.

"But I realized that my ambition was seen through, so I couldn't reach it."

"Is it bad to have ambition?"

Another student asked.

"Well, who knows? How about asking lots of questions when the Headmaster himself teaches the next class? It's about the mysterious 'Holy Place.' And then—"

The bell rang, interrupting the conversation.

"Oh, the chime rang. Well then, today's class ends here."

With that, the teacher quickly left the classroom. Some of the remaining students followed after him, curious about what would come after "And then—."

After the class ended, Althea suddenly remembered the conversation she had overheard between the Pope and her father.

―― "So it seems like the 'Holy Place' understands the intentions of those who approach it and then offers advice... Is that how it sounds?"

"Yes. That's what the 'Holy Place' is like." ――

Yes, that's what they had said.

"About the trial, my father mentioned we'll learn about it at the academy, so I'm sure we'll hear about it in the next class. I'm looking forward to it, Laila."

As Althea spoke cheerfully, Laila, while smiling, couldn't help feeling a bit anxious as she recalled Thomas's words, "Even if you learn about it at the academy, make sure to protect Althea without causing a fuss."

That night, sitting on her bed, Althea was talking to the fairy Ciel.

"Ciel, you said you were 'born in the Holy Place,' right?"


"Today, I heard in class that only the chosen ones can reach it. And if they do, they have to serve the Illumi Religion... Is that true?"

"Well... I don't really understand the human limits... but many people in that church can hear the 'sound' or see the 'door.'"

"The 'sound'? The 'door'?"

"Yeah, the 'sound' is actually... our voices, but hardly anyone can hear them properly. Only those who have made a contract can hear it clearly; otherwise, it just sounds like noise. Hearing the sound alone is already rare. As for the 'door,' it seems to appear somewhere in the church."

"Oh, I think I've seen that before..."


Ciel looked at Althea with a very surprised expression.

"Really? When, when?"

"During the magic power measurement... my brother's and my turn, each once... I think it was in a different place."

As Althea answered, Ciel's mouth opened and closed in astonishment.

"Ciel? Is something wrong?"

Feeling uneasy about Ciel's unusual silence, Althea asked, and after taking a deep breath, Ciel began to speak.

"You know, Althea, listen carefully. Most humans can't even see us or hear our voices. Only a few humans can either hear our voices as sound or see our forms. Among the three, I've only known two people besides you since I made a contract and went outside."

"...Two people?"

"Yeah, two people. The Headmaster? That's it, right? The important person at the academy who can see my form and hear my voice. And then, only the Pope, who could see my form and often came to the Holy Place through the door."


"I think the Pope can't hear voices or sounds... I don't think so, because when I talk to him, he just says 'Oh, there's a fairy.' ...As for the Headmaster... maybe he knows about the door, but... you're the only one I can definitely say can do all three."

Shocked by this revelation, Althea was about to let out an exclamation but quickly covered her mouth with both hands.

"In Althea's case, I thought it might be because of the contract with me, but... you could see the door even before making a contract with me, right?"

Nodding thoughtfully, Althea listened as Ciel fluttered in front of her eyes, arms folded, lost in thought.

After a while, as Althea gradually calmed down, she asked Ciel a question.

"Ciel, what happens if someone experiences all three?"

"...I don't know... but... Althea, when is the next class?"

"In a week."

"Got it. I'm going to the Holy Place for a bit. Um... I'll come back before that class, so don't worry and wait for me, okay?"

With just that, Ciel made a snapping sound and disappeared from sight.

After Ciel was gone, lying down on her bed, Althea recalled.

…Come to think of it, when I mentioned seeing the door, my father said "Don't tell anyone else," but... this is probably related... Next week's class, I was looking forward to it, but... I'm a little scared now... Ciel... come back soon...

Despite trying various thoughts to fall asleep, it wasn't easy, and by the time she finally did, it was almost dawn.


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