Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 48 – Can I Make Friends with You?

It's the morning after the entrance ceremony.

For the new students, it's their first time heading to the school building. Although, since there are dormitories within the school grounds, it's more like moving within the grounds to get to the school building...

Today was just orientation, where each class had self-introductions and received information about the school and class schedules. It ended in the morning.

The afternoon of the first day for new students was free time. They could observe upperclassmen's classes or relax in their rooms. With proper permission, they could even go to the shopping district outside the school.

Althea, Laila, and Julia were placed in the same Class A. Perhaps Laila was placed in the same class as Althea out of consideration for their "master and servant" relationship. Julia, who is shy and quiet, seemed genuinely happy to be in the same class as Althea.

Among others in the same class as Althea were Alicia Cuffs, the daughter of a duke, and several other noble girls were in Class B.

"Hmm, I haven't really ventured out of my domain much, so besides their names, I don't know much about other noble girls from the same country... My brother told me to at least remember the names of my classmates, so I did..."

Sitting by the window in the classroom after the orientation, Althea murmured while gazing outside.

She was alone because Laila and Julia had been called to the staff room by the teacher.

"...I should have gone with them..."

While feeling fed up with the rumors swirling around, Althea eventually found herself slumping onto her desk. At that moment, someone spoke to her from in front of the desk.

"Good day."

Raising her head to the voice, Althea saw Alicia Cuffs standing there.

"Good day... Lady Alicia."

Standing up and returning the graceful smile, Althea saw Alicia blush slightly for a moment, then clear her throat and continue speaking calmly.

"Well, it seems you know my name. We didn't have a chance to talk at the dinner in the dormitory the other day, as both of us were surrounded by seniors. I thought perhaps you didn't know me... Since we're in the same grade and class, let's get along well, shall we?"


"Are you listening?"

"Huh? Oh, yes."

"So, let's get along well—"

"Ah, yes. I just remembered something... Lady Alicia, excuse me for now... Until next time..."

Althea bowed politely, then walked past Alicia and her entourage. However, one of them grabbed Althea's arm and raised her voice.

"Do you understand what she's saying? Lady Alicia, the eldest daughter of a noble from our country among the new students, the highest-ranking one, is offering to befriend you. Coming from a former-count family at that and you're just going to leave without replying?"

The trembling of the hand holding Althea's arm was probably due to anger.

Althea glanced at the hand holding her arm, then gently touched the hand with her other hand and slowly opened the fingers, releasing her arm.

The girl whose fingers were being opened froze in surprise. It's understandable—she had put quite some strength into her grip out of anger, yet Althea effortlessly opened her fingers...

Once her arm was freed, Althea said with a bright smile, "I'm not in need of friends at the moment. And besides, there's no need to force a friendship. I'm sure there will be opportunities for us to get along eventually. Lady Alicia, I look forward to that day."

With a cheerful smile, she greeted them and left the classroom, passing by the stunned entourage.

After Althea left the classroom, the entourage of noble girls regained their composure and began to tremble, perhaps out of anger.

However, Alicia, although slightly shaken by being ignored, wore an expression as if she had realized something.

"It wasn't... unreasonable, though... But I did say I was looking forward to it... My brother, I won't lose. And... I'll be waiting, Regalus..."

The last words were spoken quietly, barely audible to those around her. But with determination, she tightened her grip on her hands.

The noble girls who had been trembling with anger at Althea's disregard now exchanged puzzled looks at Alicia's determined expression.

As I stepped out into the hallway and let out a sigh, I heard a smattering of applause.

Looking up, I saw a slender figure with black hair standing there, who could pass for a man at first glance. If she weren't wearing a uniform, you might have thought she was a man.

"I apologize. I thought of the Monclair heiress as nothing more than a pampered girl being coddled because of rumors... but you've shown me something quite interesting. cutie"

It seemed she was from Uranos and was speaking in the Uranian language while laughing. Perhaps she thought I wouldn't understand. There were some words in her speech that could be considered rude.

Since she's the daughter of a border count who protects the border, I was somewhat forcibly taught the Uranian language of the neighboring country. So, Althea could understand everything.

"Hello. I'm sorry for not meeting your expectations. ...Or should I thank you for calling me 'cutie'?"

Thinking it might be okay to play along a bit, I replied in Uranian. The other person, after widening her eyes in surprise, sparkled with excitement.

"Oh, you understand? I see, you can speak it. I must have sounded rude then. Sorry."

I was surprised by how sincerely she apologized, but seeing no ill intent, I replied with a wry smile, "If you apologize so sincerely, I can't stay mad."

"Really? That's good!"

With that, she suddenly hugged me tightly.

I was a little surprised, but since I didn't sense any malice, I stayed quiet. After a while, she released me and started speaking in the national language.

"Again, hello, Miss Monclair. I was terribly rude earlier. I'm Uryan Kaera. I was pleasantly surprised that you understood Uranian and hugged you without thinking, so I apologize for surprising you. I've been taught some of the national language since I'm the daughter of a border count, but my accent might be strange. I'd be happy if you could ignore it."


Despite her knightly way of speaking, it must be because of this, I thought, and returned the courtesy, bowing again and greeting her properly.

"Hello again. Should I address you as Miss Kaera?"

"O-Oh... no, in Uranos, the surname comes first. So, it's Kaera. I'd prefer if you called me by my name."

"I apologize for my ignorance. Then, I'll call you Lady Kaera. Please call me Althea. By the way, Lady Kaera, do you have any siblings?"

"Huh? ...Ah, yes, I have an older sister."

"I see. I thought so because of the surname 'Uryan.' The one who greeted me yesterday, Uryan Amara, is your older sister, right?"

"Yeah, I heard she was charming, so I was looking forward to meeting her. But she wasn't just charming... It was surprising, but I thought you were wonderful..."

...It seems she hugged me. As we were talking like this, the surroundings suddenly started buzzing.

Curious, I looked at the commotion and saw Regalus rushing in, out of breath.


As Althea exclaimed in surprise, he grabbed her shoulders firmly.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt?"

"Huh? Uh, no... nothing happened. But why are you so flustered?"

"Because I saw you being embraced by a man from outside..."

As he said that, he turned around and glared at Kaera.

"Oh... it's not what you think. Brother, Lady Kaera is..."

"Isn't it rude to suddenly embrace a lady!?"

Cutting off Althea's attempt to explain, Regalus raised his voice at Kaera. Behind him, Jean, who had followed Regalus, sighed and shook his head. Jean seemed to understand the situation. And behind him, Laila, who had returned unnoticed, was also there, checking the situation with Jean.

Protecting Kaera, who was surprised by the unexpected angry voice, Althea pulled her brother's arm and shouted loudly.

"Brother!! Lady Kaera... is... not... a... man...!!"

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