Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 46 – Entrance Ceremony

On the day of the entrance ceremony,

Althea had arranged to meet her parents at the entrance of the academy. Laila was standing a little behind, and she carefully observed the passing students and parents who glanced at Althea.

"...Laila, your expression seems a bit scary."

As Althea muttered while facing forward, Laila replied while lightly tapping her face with both hands.

"I apologize. There are some people who give strange looks..."

"It's okay. I can tell if there's malice, and I'm somewhat used to it. But more importantly... today is the entrance ceremony not just for me but for you too, Laila? I want you to enjoy it properly."

Turning lightly towards the back, Althea said with a smile. It was a familiar smile, but perhaps because of the different clothes she was wearing, it captivated Laila's gaze.

For a moment, while nodding absentmindedly, a familiar voice was heard.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting... Althea, it's been a week, hasn't it?"

Looking towards the voice, Thomas and Clara were standing and waving.

"Father, Mother, welcome."

As Althea performed the etiquette of a lady, the two widened their eyes and then said together,

"We were surprised... we thought you'd come running towards us..."

In response, Althea happily ran to Thomas and hugged him.

"Hehe, I wanted to hear you say that, so I held back. It was only a week, but it felt lonely. I'm really happy that Father and Mother are here!"

"Yeah, I'm happy too. But we should savor this reunion, though... we shouldn't be late for the entrance ceremony. After it's over, let's have a meal together."

Prompted by Thomas's smile, the four nodded at each other and headed towards the venue of the entrance ceremony.

At the entrance of the Entrance Ceremony venue, representatives of the current students were confirming and guiding the new students and their parents.

Following the guidance, they entered the venue. Thomas and the others sat in the parents' seats, while Althea and Laila sat in the seats for new students. After a while, the entrance ceremony began.

First, there was a congratulatory speech from the head of the academy.

The head of the academy, known as the "Headmaster," stands alongside the Pope of the Illumi religion. Like the method of selecting the Pope, the position of the Headmaster is bestowed upon someone chosen in the "sacred place."

While the Pope involves himself in all matters related to the Illumi religion, the Headmaster only concerns himself with matters pertaining to the academy. The current Headmaster, who ascended the stage to deliver the congratulatory speech, appeared younger than expected, perhaps around thirty years old. With black hair and eyes, he had a mysterious and well-composed face that even elicited sighs of admiration from the new students and parents' seats.

Following the Headmaster's speech, there was a speech from the Pope, and then it was followed by a speech from the student representative.

This year's student representative was Prince Siegfried.

As Siegfried ascended the stage, the female students in the audience looked at him with admiration, and the new female students cheered enthusiastically.

Despite everything, His Highness is still popular, isn't he? Well, because he's kind...

Althea thought as such, but she didn't know that his kindness was directed to somebody.

After the student representative's speech, the "Ceremony of New Students' Greetings" took place, and once it was over, the entrance ceremony concluded.

The "Ceremony of New Students' Greetings" involved calling out the names of the new students one by one. When called, the new students would stand up, bow to the current students and parents, and then take their seats, serving as a form of introduction.

Name are called by their full names, so when greeting the sons and daughters of famous families such as royal families of various countries, especially large applause is given.

As for Althea herself, because she had secluded herself within her domain due to magic sealing, she is not very well known, but still, she's the daughter of the Monclair family. When her name is called and she stands up to bow, a big round of applause is given. Althea, who hadn't expected such a large applause, sat down bewilderedly, and managed to finish the entrance ceremony safely.

Outside the venue, joining her parents and chatting about their impressions of the ceremony,

"Althea, congratulations on your enrollment," came the voice of Regalus from behind.

Turning around, there were Regalus and Siegfried, followed by several unfamiliar people walking together.

"Brother, Your Highness, thank you very much."

As Althea bowed her head, Siegfried, who was next to Regalus, said,

"Lord Thomas, and Lady Clara Monclair, congratulations on your daughter's enrollment. I will also assist Althea in the academy to ensure she spends her time there... safely. ...And Althea, once again... congratulations on your enrollment."

After expressing congratulations to Thomas and Clara, he addressed Althea. As expected of the crown prince of a great nation, his handling in public situations was flawless.

"Your Highness, thank you very much for your courtesy. The congratulatory speech earlier was also wonderful. From now on, both Regalus and I appreciate your support for Althea."

Thomas expressed his gratitude on behalf of them, and Clara and Althea bowed deeply.

"Lord Monclair, I always say this, but during my time at the academy, I am a 'fellow student.' I would appreciate it if you didn't treat me so formally. ...It would be appreciated if Althea also approached me with that in mind."

"I understand. However, even so, you are still a senior..."

Seeing Althea's slightly troubled expression, Siegfried sighed and continued.

"I see, well, can't be helped... Ah yes, that's right. I brought a few people because, while I certainly wanted to convey congratulations, some of the student representatives also wanted to be introduced."

Saying so, he stepped aside and showed the figures of about four students who were behind him.

"From left to right, assisting with Regalus, are Oliver Nightshade, Kaito Suoro, Soire Suoro, and Uryan Amara."

"Nice to meet you, Lord Monclair, Lady, and Miss. ...From now on, may I call you Lady Althea?"

The first to greet them was Oliver Nightshade. He's the eldest son of the Nightshade family, and currently in the same year as his brothers.

Next to greet them were Kaito Suoro and Soire Suoro, twin brothers from the Terran Republic, both second-year students. They enjoyed confusing people since they looked so alike, often switching places as a prank.

Lastly, Uryan Amara greeted them. She's a second-year student from a neighboring country Uranos1Reference to first chapter, Uranos Kingdom was a resource rich country on the western border of RGC, reigned by a passive king connected to the Monclair territory by a single bridge. Her father is a diplomat, so their parents have met several times.

"Thank you all very much. Although I may not be as accomplished as my brother, I hope to learn a lot at the academy. Please, I look forward to getting along with all of you."

Being greeted personally by seniors, especially members of the student council, Althea bowed humbly and carefully chose her words to respond respectfully.

Confirming that all greetings were finished, Prince Siegfried continued.

"Others also wanted to greet, but it's not feasible for everyone, so... Cartlis Sivia and Lily Gresha, among others, are giving instructions for cleaning up the venue. Since they seem to have met before, they were assigned to that task this time..."

Even upon hearing their names, Althea seemed puzzled, unable to recall them, so Siegfried turned to Regalus.

"...Did you not meet them?"

At Althea's reaction, Siegfried turned to Regalus.

"Ah... I haven't met Cartlis face to face. I remember... he was watching us from afar, and when he noticed us turning around, he ran away. Lily Gresha... she's the black-haired light-attribute girl I was talking to in the cathedral during my magic measurement."

At Regalus' words, Althea nodded, remembering that moment.

"But, Cartlis... he ran away after just seeing us from afar? Well, I guess it was embarrassing, but still, saying you've 'met' him... you just saw him, right?"

After lightly shaking his head, Siegfried turned to Thomas and bowed politely.

"Lord Monclair, once again, congratulations. And thank you for allowing us the opportunity to intrude on your family time. We will take our leave now, so please enjoy your time with your family, including Regalus... Farewell, Regalus, Miss Althea."

Saying so, Siegfried left with the other four.

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