Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 142: The True Legend

Siegfried found himself unable to open his eyes due to the overwhelming brightness that enveloped him. Instinctively, he pulled Althea close, ensuring that no matter what happened, they wouldn’t be separated.

As the intense light gradually faded, the two slowly opened their eyes. Realizing that they were still in each other’s arms, their gazes met, and they quickly broke apart, flustered.

"My apologies. When enveloped by light like that, we often get separated, so I acted on impulse."

"N-no, it's fine. Indeed, we've often been separated in such situations... Being left alone in a place like this would be terrifying. Thank you."

Althea replied, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Seeing this, Siegfried turned his face away, equally embarrassed.

Once they both managed to calm down, they took a moment to observe their surroundings. They appeared to be in a room enclosed by stark white walls, devoid of any furniture or objects.

"Where are we, exactly...?"

"Could it be that we were transported here by the gem we touched? But there was nothing in the altar earlier, and there seems to be nothing here either. What is the purpose of the Western Shrine, anyway? Perhaps the divine bird could have told us more... but given its demeanor, it probably wouldn't have answered us. By the way, did the fairy say anything?"

"No... It seems Ciel isn't with us. I may have left him behind at the altar..."

Althea's face grew anxious as she voiced her concern.

"I see... But if it's Ciel, it should be fine. Still, standing idly here won't help us. There might be some clue we're missing. Let's search the area for anything that might give us a lead."

Nodding in agreement, they began to search for clues. However, just as they were about to start, Siegfried suddenly felt a presence behind them.

Turning slowly, expecting to find no one there, they were both startled to see a creature that resembled a pure white horse with a horn growing from its forehead.

Unconsciously, Siegfried positioned himself protectively in front of Althea, murmuring, "A unicorn...? When did it get here...?"

The unicorn then gracefully folded its legs and bowed its head towards Siegfried, as if paying respect.

"Welcome, descendant of the Sun, and my old friend. I am pleased that we could finally meet safely."

The voice resonated directly in their minds, soothing and peaceful.

"Were we meant to meet you at the Western Shrine...? The Phoenix instructed us to come here..."

Siegfried shook his head slightly, trying to maintain his composure against the unicorn's calming aura, and asked.

"Indeed, meeting me was one of your objectives."

"One of our objectives...? That sounds as though there are others."

At this question, the unicorn gazed intently at Althea, who stood behind Siegfried. The unicorn’s eyes held a gentle, nostalgic warmth.

Drawn by the unicorn’s gaze, Althea stepped forward and approached it.


Siegfried’s voice seemed to reach her from a distance.

'This feeling... It’s so strange. Even when I’ve read about unicorns in books, I never felt this way. Not even with the Phoenix or the Divine Bird...'

Althea, almost in a trance, moved closer to the unicorn, extending her arms as if compelled by some unseen force. The unicorn lowered its head, leaning into her embrace. Althea gently hugged its neck and whispered,


The word slipped out, and with a start, Althea pulled back her hands, confused.

"W-what am I...?"

She stared at her hands, then at the unicorn before her, and finally clutched her head in her hands, sinking to the ground with a small cry.

"I don’t understand...! What is this... These memories?! Who is Amie?!"

"Althea! Are you alright? What happened?"

Siegfried rushed to her side, rubbing her back as she crouched in confusion.

"I don’t know... Why do I... How do I know this...?"

When Althea looked up, she saw the unicorn’s face peering at her with concern. She reached out again, and the unicorn, seemingly wanting to be petted, closed its eyes and nudged its nose toward her hand. As she stroked it, a sense of calm began to return.

'This feeling... I remember it... But why?'

"It is because you are the incarnation of the Moon Goddess."

The unicorn’s voice broke into her thoughts, answering the unspoken question.

"How did you know what I was thinking...? No, that’s not important right now. The Moon Goddess... The Divine Bird mentioned something like that, but... I’m human, aren’t I? I think there must be some mistake."

"No, you are closer to the Moon Goddess than any other incarnation before you. Perhaps... Have you ever met the Moon Goddess? Maybe in a dream or something?"

"I don’t think so... The only deity I’ve ever met in a dream was the Goddess..."

At Althea's murmur, the unicorn stepped back and tilted its head.

"It seems there’s some misunderstanding. The Moon Goddess is Stella, you know. But first, do you know the story of the Sun God and the Moon Goddess?"

"...? No, I know the tale of the Sun God and the Goddess of Light, as well as the Goddess of Darkness..."

Althea glanced at Siegfried, who nodded in agreement. The unicorn let out a heavy sigh and said,

"It seems a different legend has been passed down in the human world."

"A different legend?"

"Yes... This might take some time, but it’s probably my duty to tell you the true story of the gods of creation..."

The unicorn then sat down and began to recount a story that was subtly different from the history they had been taught.


At the dawn of this world, there was one god and two goddesses.

The god was the deity of the sun, while the goddesses governed the moon and the light. The Moon Goddess was the Sun God's beloved wife, a counterpart to his existence. The Goddess of Light was a close ally to the Sun God, and the Moon Goddess held a special place in her heart as well.

The three gods lived harmoniously, guiding humanity on Earth. However, one day, a demon race from another world sought to steal the Moon Goddess, launching an attack on this world. To the beings that dwelled in darkness, the gentle light of the Moon Goddess, which illuminated the night, was an object of deep longing.

To protect his beloved wife and dear friend, the Sun God and the Goddess of Light hid the Moon Goddess and faced the demons alone. However, the Goddess of Light’s divine power was not strong enough, and even with the Sun God’s strength, repelling the demons was an arduous task.

The Moon Goddess, unwilling to remain hidden while her loved ones fought, offered her immense divine power to the Sun God and the Goddess of Light without hesitation. With this power, they were able to drive the demons away. However, having given most of her divine power, the Moon Goddess transformed into a celestial body with her remaining strength, then lived out her days as a mortal until her natural death.

Devastated by the loss of wife and friend, the Sun God and the Goddess of Light mourned deeply. But upon hearing the Moon Goddess's final wishes from them, they honored her legacy by becoming a couple and bearing children to govern the Earth. These descendants inherited a fragment of the Sun God’s power. Though it was a mere fraction, the strain of giving birth to a child with divine power was too much for the Goddess of Light, who passed away a few years after. The Sun God, after watching over his descendants, created a celestial body of his own and transformed into a sword that now protects the Earth, beloved by his wife and comrade, from all harm.

After listening to the unicorn’s story, both Siegfried and Althea stood in stunned silence.

"This... can't be true. The legends we’ve been told... differ so slightly from the actual events..."

The tales passed down through generations spoke of the Sun God’s two wives: the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Darkness. However, according to the unicorn’s account, the true first wife was not the Goddess of Darkness, but rather the Goddess of the Moon, whose final wish led to the union of the Sun God and the Goddess of Light.

The unicorn, sensing their confusion, softly addressed them, "Indeed, there are subtle differences. Though they may seem minor, these distinctions could have significant consequences when it comes to the Sword of the Sun God, which you are destined to obtain."

"Are you suggesting that because she is here, those differences could become a problem?" Siegfried asked, his tone cautious.

"Yes. To the Sun God, the Moon Goddess was his most beloved. If he were to discover that her memory has been distorted, it would undoubtedly cause him great sorrow."

"I see... That's why it’s essential to convey the truth. But why wasn't this story shared with previous descendants? If they had known, the historical record could have been corrected long ago," Siegfried questioned further.

"Unfortunately, they could neither see me nor hear my voice," the unicorn explained, a hint of sadness in its voice.

"Why not?"

"I am the sacred beast of the Moon Goddess, while the Phoenix is the sacred beast of the Goddess of Light. As descendants of the Sun God and the Goddess of Light, some of you may have the ability to perceive the divine beings of the two deities. But the connection with the Moon Goddess was lost, leaving my presence and voice imperceptible to them. Additionally, during the times of crisis, there was no opportunity to discuss such matters."

"That makes sense. In any case, I will ensure that the truth is communicated, and the history corrected," Siegfried promised.

"Thank you. I entrust this task to you... But now—" the unicorn turned its attention to Althea, who had been silently listening.

"You are called Althea, correct?"

"Ah, yes..." she stammered, surprised to be addressed so directly.

"I am finally able to meet you... You bear such a resemblance to the Moon Goddess," the unicorn said, its voice filled with gentle admiration.

"To the Moon Goddess...? Such an honor is too great for me..." Althea replied, flustered.

"There is no need for such humility. Although the Moon Goddess had midnight-black hair, she had eyes of the same deep violet as yours. Your hair, too, shines as beautifully as the moonlight, a true reflection of her divine presence."

Embarrassed by the unicorn’s praise, Althea’s shoulders hunched as her face turned a deeper shade of red. Noticing this, the unicorn’s tone suddenly grew somber.

"The truth is... ever since the Moon Goddess passed away... not once, not even once, have I been able to meet any of her incarnations. During the sealing prayers against the demonic forces, though invisible to human eyes, I accompanied the Sun God and his sacred dragon. But the only ones who could ever see us were the descendants and the incarnations of the Goddess of Light. Although I could sense the Moon Goddess’s divine power, I could never lay eyes on her successors. To finally meet you in this lifetime... and to hear you call me by my name, 'Amie'... I cannot express how much this means to me."

As the unicorn spoke, tears began to fall from its eyes. The tears shimmered like pearls, dropping to the ground with a soft, melodic sound.

"Forgive me... It has been so long since I cried tears of joy. Until now, my tears have only been those of sorrow and loneliness. But I digress. Please, take these tears with you."

"These...?" Siegfried asked as he carefully picked up the glowing beads of tears, which resembled moons in the night sky.

"Yes, the tears will prove useful in many ways. For instance, if your divine power is ever depleted, consuming one of these will replenish it."

"Divine power...?" Siegfried asked, exchanging a puzzled glance with Althea.

"What? You are unfamiliar with divine power? But both of you possess it... Althea, you seem to have a strong affinity with wind and earth, while Siegfried, yours aligns with fire and lightning."

The two stared at each other in bewilderment.

"Are you referring to what we call magical power?" Althea ventured.

"So that’s what it’s called now... 'Magic power' does not quite have the same ring to it. It’s quite different from the power used by demons, yet it shares a similar name." The unicorn frowned, clearly displeased.

The unicorn explained the difference between divine power and magical power, but it seemed too complex for humans to distinguish easily.

"By the way... what would happen if a person with magical power were to consume one of these tears?" Siegfried asked.

"If a demon or creature of darkness were to consume it, they would suffer greatly and grow weaker. Of course, it wouldn’t restore their power. As for a human with magical power, they might experience mild discomfort, but nothing more severe. It might leave them feeling slightly fatigued, but there would be no lasting harm."

"So, it’s safe to assume that these tears won’t cause harm to humans?" Siegfried confirmed.

"Correct, as long as they are human."

"Understood. We’ll gratefully accept them," Siegfried said, lifting the pouch containing the tears.

The unicorn, satisfied, narrowed its eyes happily.

"Even though we have a bit more time, we cannot afford to linger here. I will guide you to the exit. Please, follow me."

The unicorn led them down a path that was entirely different from the one they had taken earlier, eventually arriving at the entrance to the shrine.

"Head toward the light ahead, and you will find your way out. Your companions should be waiting for you there. Follow the guidance you’ve been given... Oh, and Althea," the unicorn suddenly called out.


"Would you call me by my name one last time before you go?" The unicorn nuzzled its head against Althea’s shoulder, its voice soft and pleading.

"That... would be too much for me..." she hesitated, stepping back slightly.

But as she met the unicorn’s sparkling, hopeful gaze, she felt her resolve waver.

'So... cute...'

Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought back the urge to throw her arms around the unicorn. Instead, she slowly opened her eyes and said softly, "I... I’ll miss you, Amie. Thank you for everything."

"Thank you...! May the blessings of the Moon be with you... I will pray for your safety, Althea."

With those words, the unicorn bid them farewell.

After parting with the unicorn in the cave, Siegfried and Althea made their way toward the light and emerged outside. As they stepped out, Regalus, who had been waiting anxiously, rushed over and threw himself at them.

"I’m so glad you’re safe..." he sobbed, embracing both Siegfried and Althea in a tearful hug.

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