Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 138: The Shrine in the Northeast

Althea, hidden from view, retreated to a secluded part of the forest away from the soldiers and kept watch discreetly.

The fairy entrusted by Althea had transformed into a human form to blend in, avoiding detection while delivering a message to Siegfried and Regalus, who were also near the periphery of the soldiers' encampment.

Upon learning that Althea was concealed by her invisibility spell and had merged into the forest, the two men visibly relaxed. They immediately issued orders through Arnes to all soldiers to wear magic stones directly. Thanks to this, most of the soldiers appeared to be genuinely enjoying their hospitality meal.

“… Father mentioned that being charmed could drain one’s magic. Even if captured, it’s dangerous… But as long as we don’t act individually, we should be fine. I’m relieved for now. Though, suddenly―”

“Are you hungry?”

A familiar voice came from behind.

“... Please don’t startle me, Your Highness.”

Startled, Althea turned to see Siegfried and his attendant standing there.

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. After hearing Ciel’s report, I had Curio cast an invisibility spell on me so I could come here. I didn’t want anyone to see me casting the spell, so I created a distraction at a short distance to divert the watchful eyes above while I made my way here.”

Behind Siegfried, the attendant, who had been assisting them in back in the kingdom, lowered his head respectfully.

Curio, who had always been of assistance in the royal castle, had an element I hadn’t heard of before… So he is a wind magic user.

“Anyway, you must be hungry. I brought a little food since I assumed you wouldn’t have any on hand. … Here, have some with Laila too.”

Feeling both relief and hunger, Althea expressed her gratitude and accepted the food. As Althea ate happily, Siegfried occasionally glanced at the soldiers’ camp to monitor the situation.

After they finished eating, Siegfried elaborated on the plans going forward. He explained that before coming here, he had discussed and finalized the plans with Regalus, Oliver, Arnes, and Prince Yugg.

First, Arnes and Prince Yugg will act as commanders and proceed with the initial plan to hunt monsters within the Fulltale. Regalus, Oliver, the 1st to 3rd squads of the Fourth Knight Brigade, and the Starry Stars Army will focus on monster hunting. Meanwhile, Siegfried, Althea, Curio, and Laila will head towards the targeted shrine.

There had been some debate about choosing the companions to accompany Althea to the shrine. It was essential to have those capable of using invisibility spells to move away from the soldiers. Among the attendants, only Curio had the Wind Element, and since the invisibility spell Curio could cast only covered two people, Siegfried and Curio decided to come here.

Having explained the forthcoming actions, Siegfried, with a serious expression, turned to Althea.

“So, it has been decided that we will proceed with only four people to the shrine. Regalus said, ‘It will be fine,’ but I apologize for deciding without consulting you. However, if you feel that four people alone would not suffice—”

“No, it’s fine. Moreover, it’s not just the four of us. … Right, Laila?”



Behind the surprised Siegfried, Laila, following Althea’s instructions, raised her left hand. Suddenly, three figures appeared in front of Siegfried and Althea.

As Althea nodded, Laila began to speak.

“Forgive my presumption, but let me explain. These individuals are members of the Monclair assassination squad. The butler is Lord Thomas’s right hand, while the head of the orphanage is his left hand. … They were trained personally by Miles to protect the next generation of Monclair. … Though they lack experience at this moment, their skills are certain.”

As Laila calmly explained and Althea looked between her and the three figures, Althea continued.

“Your Highness, you are aware that Laila and Jean have undergone special training, correct?”


“Similarly, these individuals have passed rigorous training. I believe the reason my brother said ‘It will be fine’ is because they are here as well. And… Ciel is here too.”

“Yep, I’m here~”

A fairy invisible to others responded to Althea’s words.

Although Siegfried could not see the fairy Ciel, he could certainly see the light flitting around Althea.

Seeing this, Siegfried exhaled deeply and relaxed his expression.

“... So, we have sufficient combat strength here. … I can’t criticize Regalus for being overly protective. I suppose I too am quite overprotective.”

He looked at Althea with a self-deprecating smile.

“Perhaps so.”

Althea smiled back, softly.

The next morning, after waking up and discussing the dream and the watch with the fairy, Althea performed her morning prayers.

According to the fairy, there was no sign of any watchful presence above at the moment.

Once the prayers were complete, Curio and Althea, along with Ciel and the others, redid the invisibility spell and left the waiting forest.

Even if there were observers from above, as long as they maintained a certain distance from the soldiers, they would not need to be concealed. This was something the goddess had taught her in a dream.

After leaving the forest and moving a considerable distance from the camp, they checked their surroundings and dispelled the invisibility spell.

“We are no longer visible from above, but we may still encounter monsters, so be cautious of your surroundings as we proceed.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with Siegfried’s words.

They continued on, with Althea leading the way towards the shrine.

Although they had provided the soldiers with magic stones imbued with mental defense spells, the effectiveness of these stones in enemy territory was uncertain. Given that the area was likely saturated with charm magic, obtaining its effects without direct contact would be difficult. This made their progress urgent.

They ran for about a day and a half, taking breaks as needed. Then, at a certain location, Althea halted and announced,

“… This should be the northeast shrine.”

Looking ahead, however, there was nothing resembling a shrine—just an open plain of grass.

“… Here? … I’m sorry, Althea, but it looks like there’s nothing here…”

“Yes, I see nothing either. … But…”

As Althea replied, everyone turned around in surprise. Behind Curio, the fairy appeared in human form with a pop.

“This is the right place~. It’s just hidden by a barrier. I’ll open the barrier with Althea’s help. Althea, come this way.”

The fairy in human form extended a hand. Althea approached, took the fairy’s hand, and crouched down with them.

In front of the crouching Althea was a round stone about 10 centimeters in diameter. As the two of them touched the stone and the fairy began to chant an incantation, the stone gradually heated up until it became too hot to touch.

As Althea withdrew her hand from the heat, the stone rapidly grew larger and the heat transformed into flames that enveloped it. Strangely, the flames burned only the stone and did not spread to the surrounding grassland.

Eventually, the flames subsided, revealing a cave large enough for a person to pass through in the center of the stone.

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