Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 107: Materialization Magic

When the message arrived from the Kingdom of RGC to Monclair regarding the investigation into the Fulltale Kingdom, the general education students at the academy had just concluded their annual costume day. With their graduation from the third year approaching in three months, they were now fully immersed in preparing for the ceremony.

The graduating third-year students were divided into two groups: those finishing their studies in the general education program and those moving on to the next stage in the School of Magic.

The noble sons and daughters without magical abilities who were graduating from the general education program focused on preparing for their debut at the graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, students advancing to the School of Magic were busy not only with graduation preparations but also with learning the spell "Materialization Magic" before their enrollment in the magic program.

Today, the third-year students with magical abilities gathered in the central building classroom for their final "Materialization Magic" joint class before graduation. They received explanations on the mechanics and necessity of "Materialization Magic" and were scheduled to demonstrate it alongside second-year students from the School of Magic.

"Materialization Magic," in essence, involved using one's own magical power to manifest weapons and other items to enhance the effectiveness of spells. The type of weapon manifested varied from person to person—some conjured swords, others spears or staves.

While using magic without manifesting weapons was permissible, concentrating magic through a weapon allowed for more powerful spells. Therefore, using manifested weapons was a requirement during magic classes.

At the end of the explanation, the instructor emphasized, "It's crucial to manifest a weapon that matches your own magical capacity. Generally, many tend to manifest staves, given their role as wizards. The size of the staff varies according to your magical strength, but remember, your manifested weapon is an extension of your own magical ability."

With that, the explanation concluded. Shortly after, second-year students from the School of Magic entered the classroom and stood in front of the seats designated for the third-year general education students. It seemed the pairing had already been arranged.

Spotting Regalus among the second-year students, Althea waved lightly, but Regalus's expression when he turned around was far from cheerful. Puzzled, Althea was about to think further when she heard a familiar voice.


Raising her gaze, she saw Siegfried standing there. After hurriedly greeting him, she inquired again, "Your Highness? Could it be... Your Highness?"

"Yeah, I'm your partner. Regalus seemed pretty frustrated about it though."

"Really? Um... How are partners decided?"

"Huh? It's based on magical power. Partners are assigned according to their levels of magical power. Though it's not always a one-on-one match—when people have similar levels, there could be multiple pairs. If the general education had someone in the 130% range like Reg, he would've been with Althea, alongside me."

Among the second-year students of the School of Magic, Siegfried had the highest magical power at 170%. Following him were Regalus at 156% and Oliver at 153%.

In contrast, among the third-year general education students, Althea had the highest magical power, followed by Dion Benitel, a noble son of Terran Country, at 134%, and Lester Eseriel, son of a baron from the Kingdom of RGC, at 121%. Naturally, pairs were allocated based on descending magical power, resulting in Regalus with Dion and Oliver with Lester.

"Ah... I wanted to be paired with my little sister too. ...Or at least, with a girl."

While passing beside Althea, Oliver muttered complaints.

"Oliver, shut it! I would've done anything to pair up with Althea... I mean, I was supposed to be the one teaching her."

Beside Oliver, Regalus grumbled with a displeased expression.

Hearing this exchange, Althea, standing behind Siegfried, asked in a soft voice, "...Um, supposed to be teaching?"

"Oh, well, basically, royalty don't usually participate in 'joint classes.' If I didn't participate, Regalus would have been paired with you in advance."

Siegfried explained casually.

"...Royalty don't participate in 'joint classes'? (But Prince Yugg was there...?)" Althea pondered, then asked, "Why did you participate this time?"

"It's known that pairs are decided based on magical power. If I didn't join, it would've been predictable that my partner would be you, Althea. We already know each other, so it's not an unnecessary connection. Besides..."


"...I thought I'd be the most suitable for today's lesson."

He said with a rare smile. Some of the female students in the classroom who happened to catch Siegfried's smile lightly squealed.

Now understanding the significance of Siegfried's usually expressionless demeanor, Althea coughed lightly and gently admonished, "Your Highness, please guide us with your usual composure, so as not to disrupt others' lessons."

"Well then, second-year students of the School of Magic, please consider the younger students' magical levels and propose 'Materialization Magic' while providing guidance. Return in order of success with materialization. Instruction will continue until the final bell rings for dismissal... Now, begin."

With these words from the instructor, the guidance sessions for each pair commenced.

"Alright, Althea, let's begin. First, take a look at my materialization magic."


"...Become a sword in my hand, engulfed in flames, 'Flame Sword!'"

Siegfried extended his right hand forward, chanting, and a sword wrapped in red flames appeared in his grasp.

"Ah! That sword...!"

"You remember?"

"Yes, during the Explorer's Expedition, you cleared the mist for us..."

"That's right. This sword is also created using materialization magic."

"Um... Your Highness, back then you were just starting your third year in the General Sciences, right? You were already capable of using materialization magic by then?"

"Yeah. But it's not just me. Regalus could do it too. Oliver and Cartlis couldn't at that time, though."

"Wow...! And you didn't tell me, even though you could do it... It would've been nice to see it during the long breaks..."

As Althea's eyes sparkled with excitement, she glanced over at Regalus, who was instructing Dion Benitel a little further away, cheeks puffed in mild annoyance.

Seeing Althea's pout, Siegfried chuckled softly before speaking, holding back his laughter.

"Well... Reg probably forgot during the long breaks too. We learned materialization during sword training at the royal castle... You must know that Regalus used to stay at the castle for a few days on his way back to the academy before you enrolled, right? It was during one of those times that His Majesty happened to teach us. After that, he returned to the academy and probably forgot by the time he returned to his estate during breaks."

"I see... Well, I guess that can't be helped then... Oh! I apologize. I shouldn't be chatting when you're teaching."

"No, it's fine... But you should take it seriously. Let's focus on materialization."

With that, Siegfried began explaining about materialization.

"First, imagine the form of what you want to create... It's better if you can picture it fitting perfectly in your hand. Then, concentrate your magical energy into your hands and release it... Althea, do you have a clear idea of what you want to materialize?"

"Um... Well... If I were to think like a mage, I'd say 'staff'... But after seeing Your Highness just now, 'sword' seems good too. I'm a bit undecided."

"So, you're wavering?"


"I see. In that case, it might help to give each form a name based on your imagination. By the way, I can materialize more than just 'Flame Sword.'"

"Huh... But I thought you could only do one?"

"One? Who said that?"

"Well, no one actually... Your Highness, could you show me another materialization?"

"Sure. I was planning to show you anyway... Let's try a different one... Gather in both my hands, 'Thunder Spear!'"

Siegfried chanted, and a long spear with a handle appeared in both his hands.

Looking impressed, he turned to Althea, whose eyes were shining.

"Materialization doesn't have to be limited to just one. When you have several, it requires a stronger imagination. It's also easier to understand if you give each weapon a name."

Proudly, Siegfried continued, reflecting on his achievements.

After a moment of excitement, Althea closed her eyes, apparently expanding her imagination. After a while, she opened her eyes with determination.

"I've got it. Let me try... Shape into my hands, 'Anemoi.'"

As Althea chanted, magical energy visibly gathered in her hands. However, despite the gathering of magical energy, no short swords formed.


Um, puzzled, Althea tilted her head while pondering.

"Could it be that your image isn't clear enough? Althea, try drawing your imagination on this paper."

Siegfried handed her paper and a pen.

Taking them, Althea squatted down and began drawing on the paper.

"Done! This is what I imagined."

She proudly displayed a drawing depicting two finely detailed short swords, adorned with decorations.

"Huh, Althea... Your drawing skills are good. I'm a bit surprised, but these are very beautiful short swords. But if you have such a clear image, shouldn't they take form?"

Impressed, Siegfried thought for a moment before continuing.

"During magic usage, how exactly do you... cast... your... spell...?"

"When I use magic, I... um, point my hand towards the target and chant."

"...Is that all?"


"...And magic activates like that?"



"Um, is something wrong?"

"When you chant, do you concentrate magical energy into your hands?"

"I've never really thought about it."

"Even so, the magic still activates?"


Siegfried lightly held his head.

...A genius, perhaps? No, it's more like she's loved by magic. But because of that...

Thinking this, he exhaled and looked at Althea with a slightly worried expression.

"I think I've figured out the problem."

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Well, to put it simply... When you cast magic, you're being 'sloppy.'"

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