Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 103: Ignorance Is Not An Excuse

Following Siegfried's words, it was Thomas's turn to speak.

"Everyone has probably heard about the 'Attribute Stars' by now. They began lining up two years ago, and we've confirmed that four stars are currently aligned."

"Yes, I know about that. There was quite a buzz earlier this year when the fourth one aligned, right?"

After Lily responded, Oliver added, "I've heard about it from my mother too. There have been numerous instances in history where Attribute Stars aligned. We learned at the academy that three Attribute Stars align roughly every 50 years, and four align every 100 years. Is the current alignment because it's the 100-year mark?"

"Oliver, did your mother, Lady Cassandra, mention anything specific about this?"

"Um... she said, 'There's a possibility that more stars could align, so be prepared for any eventuality.' She also told me, 'Don't settle just because you're a student; keep pushing forward as much as you can.' But I'm not sure what she meant..."

"I see. So she said, 'keep pushing forward'? That probably means acquiring more knowledge and skills—not just through academy classes but through self-study."

"...So, classes alone won't cut it?"

"It might be fine during peacetime, but... if Lady Cassandra anticipates more unexpected alignments, relying solely on classes could be... quite difficult."

The men contemplated the weight of Thomas's words in silence.

"Um... what exactly do you mean by 'difficult'?"

Lily, the only one who seemed unsure about the meaning of 'difficult,' asked Thomas.

Regalus intervened, anticipating Lily's confusion. "Miss Lily, I'll explain what 'difficult' means later. For now... Father, let's get back to the topic at hand. Does this mean there's been a change with the Attribute Stars?"

Thomas glanced at Siegfried for confirmation. Siegfried, with his usual calm demeanor, responded.

"Just recently, it's been confirmed that five stars are aligned."

Upon hearing this announcement, Cartlis, who had been quiet until now, abruptly stood up.

"What?! Five stars... which ones?"

"...They're the 'Betelgeuse, Rigel, Emeraldia, Solar, and Proxima Centauri.'"

Cartlis muttered in disbelief, "All the general attribute stars...?"

Hearing this, he slumped back into his chair.

"If you understand that, Duke Sivia's son Cartlis is quite knowledgeable. ...I apologize to those who don't understand, but I can't explain further. Just understand that there's a possibility of a confidential event occurring, and we need to be prepared."

"So, classes alone aren't enough, you're saying?"

Oliver mumbled after Thomas's words.

The room fell silent for a while.

Thomas broke the silence.

"Anyway, what we've discussed is the possibility of these events unfolding. It's not confirmed yet, but that doesn't mean we can ignore it. Because it's unpredictable, we must prepare for the worst-case scenario. I'm sure every country is taking various measures... Right now, even in the Royal Castle of the Royal Grand Central, there are probably meetings underway. In times like these, I want each of you to reconsider what you can do as a precaution and act upon it."

"What can we do..."

Regalus nodded in agreement with Thomas's words.

"Everything you've learned in class becomes 'knowledge,' but for those who don't attend the academy, that knowledge remains 'unknown.' Those who 'don't know' stop there, but... I wonder if they can make an effort to learn. On the other hand, those who 'know' will test whether they can 'use' it and think about whether they can 'apply' it. That's how you learn and acquire knowledge... but well, it's up to you to decide. I don't want to be one of those adults who tell you how to spend your free academy life... Think of what I said just now as an adult's nonsense. I just want each of you to spend your limited academy life meaningfully because time is not infinite."

Thomas finished with a wry smile.

After finishing their meal, Thomas retired to his study while the others gathered in the parlor.

"Hey, what happens when all the general attribute stars align?"

Lily asked Cartlis.

"...Bad things happen..."

"What kind of bad things?"


Asked, Cartlis seemed to tremble slightly. He knew but didn't want to say. Seeing Cartlis in this state, Lily sighed and turned to Oliver.

"Tell us, Oliver."

"Me?... I don't know much either... I only know that bad things will happen."

"Then, Regalus. You must know, right? And also, about what 'difficult' means."

Although questioned suddenly, Regalus glanced briefly at Siegfried and, upon confirming his nod, began to speak.

"Speaking of which, about what 'difficult' means, it means that because we can't fight... The magic we actually use in the magic department is only the minimum attack magic that can be used with any attribute, right? Also, attribute-specific magic learned in theoretical studies is just that—learned. Even if you learn it, you won't know if you can really use it without practicing on your own. It's dangerous to suddenly practice without real experience. So it means we can't fight."

"Why is fighting assumed? There's no rule that says we have to fight just because we can use magic, right?"

"That's true, but... Well then, for example... Lily and a Illumi religious believer's child are together. At that time, if a goblin appeared, what would you do?"

"Well... I would run away together."

"What if the Illumi child couldn't move?"

"Well... You're being sneaky with a what-if situation!"

"Sneaky... Father said it earlier, didn't he? You should consider the worst-case scenario, he said. So think about it. If such a situation were to arise, would Lily use attack magic?"

"Of course. It's a decision to use it."

"But what if it was just magic you 'knew'? Would you use it?"

"...Just learned from theoretical study?... Yeah, I think I'd use it for now. It might help if I could attack."

"Yeah, but what if you couldn't chant the magic well? Then you wouldn't be saved for sure. If you ran away... you might be saved with a 50% chance..."


Lily, who hadn't considered that far, choked on her words.

"Of course, it's best if such a situation never occurs, but if it does? Even if you hear the spell in class and know it, if you can't use it properly, it's the same as not 'knowing.' That's what Father wanted to say. Not just knowing as mere knowledge, but being able to use it practically anytime, anywhere, no matter what happens. And... especially because we're boys, there are many things we want to protect, right? Oliver?"

"Huh?... Oh, yeah, that's right..."

For some reason, Oliver agreed with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Well, boys are tough, aren't they... But well, I understand the reason now. It's true that just learning in theory might not be enough for practical use. So it's about self-directed... right?"

"That's right."

"I understand the meaning of 'difficult,' but what other bad things happen when all the general attribute stars align?"

"Lily, you learned about general attribute stars and special attribute stars in class, right?"

"Um... y-yes, I think so..."

"Seriously... you should be studying a little more in the second-year general department, shouldn't you? Okay? General attribute stars... "

Regalus carefully explained the connection between general attribute stars and their attributes.

The red star, Betelgeuse, represents the "Fire Attribute," the blue star, Rigel, represents the "Water Attribute," the green star, Emeraldia. represents the "Wind Attribute," the yellow star, Solar, represents the "Thunder Attribute," and the brown star, Proxima Centauri, represents the "Earth Attribute." These five stars are known collectively as the "Common Attribute Stars." It is extremely rare for all five of these attribute stars to align; records going back 800 years indicate it has only happened once, approximately 500 years ago.

The remaining two stars are the "Special Attribute Stars": the silver star, Polaris, governs the "Light Attribute," and the purple star, Amethysia, governs the "Dark Attribute."

"In legends, there's mention of 'when the seven stars align in a line,' isn't there? When five attribute stars align, the likelihood of the remaining two aligning becomes very high," Regalus explained.

"...What does that mean? Aren't the other two stars not nearby? Why is that?" Lily countered with a question.

To Lily's query, Regalus hesitated before glancing at Siegfried, who shook his head. After confirming this reaction, Regalus responded, "Sorry, I can't say more than that."


"Lady Lily."

Interrupting Lily's objection, Siegfried called her name. She turned to his voice.

"It's still an ongoing investigation. To avoid causing a stir over something that's not yet confirmed, I can't say more," Siegfried continued.


"That's why Lord Thomas mentioned earlier, right? It's uncertain, but it might require your unique magic. That's why, not just you, but all of us need to think about what we can do, and diligently train day by day. ...Wouldn't you prioritize the benefits gained from training rather than the reasons why it's necessary?"

Siegfried's words silenced Lily's barrage of questions. After a moment of thought, she replied, "I understand."

With that settled, Althea silently listened during dinner with her father and conversations in the parlor with her brothers. She heard nothing but unfamiliar information. The only things she knew were about the "Common Attribute Stars" and "Special Attribute Stars," which she had learned in her second year of study.

As she walked down the hallway toward her room after everyone dispersed, Althea spoke to Laila.

"I'm hopeless, aren't I? I knew almost nothing."

"Is that so?"

"I... didn't even know that the attribute stars had aligned before. Even though it's common knowledge among people in town... It really made me realize how sheltered I've been."

"But Lady Althea, it's because you haven't had much opportunity to go outside."

"Maybe so, but I don't want to use that as an excuse to remain ignorant. ...Just as Father said, I need to think about what I can do..."

Looking determined, she squeezed Laila's hand. Laila smiled wryly and opened the door to Lady Althea's room.

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