Alternative Stories

Chapter 36 Discussion

(Looks like they are done evolving...) I mused as the first of my new Praetorians pulled themselves from their old exoskeletons.

Behind it I noticed the other thirty eight of them doing the same as well. (I would have liked to make more but I can only produce so much royal jelly at one time.)

[You would have had less if things had gone normally.] Goldy exclaimed with what I guessed to be a shrug.

Goldy definitely had a point there, after all when Xenomorphs are going through the process of becoming a Praetorian they release this kind of pheromone from their bodies, a pheromone that causes members of the hive to attack them with the intent to kill. Normally this would lead to a great number of Praetorian candidates dying before they ever got the chance to evolve but thanks to my superior control over my offspring I can stop that from happening. The candidates still release the said pheromones of course, however I can stop the other xenos from attacking them with relative ease on my part.

It wasn't just Praetorians that I had now either though, no, in fact I now had several new variants as well including but not limited to the praetorian variant of the Lashers. Actually now that I'm on that topic I should probably go into more detail about that shouldn't I?

As for the new evolution of the Lashers, well, they were only slightly bigger than the normal variant but with a much larger and more pronounced headcrest, a headcrest that slightly resembled that of a Prowler's or Crusher's in some ways. Its Body was far more rigid and sharp looking yet also far more streamlined and angular, the two tendrils coming out of its back had also become a lot more whip-like and can now be used to slash large and jagged open gashes into any opponent that is close enough to them.

Unlike the Crushers, which evolved from the simpler looking Runners and acted more like a living tank or siege weapon, the new evolutionary variant of the Lashers, or the Strikers as I have been calling them, are far more nimble and agile in comparison. Overall this new variant was more akin to something like a Cheetah, basically a creature that specializes in moving at very high speeds and chasing down prey, however unlike the physically weaker Cheetahs the Strikers still had the strength to fight head-to-head if it was needed of them

Moving on, we also have the previously mentioned Runners that I managed to get my hands on after hunting down some of those escaped livestock I had been told about previously. Unfortunately though I haven't had the time to create any Crushers as of yet, although I do definitely plan too once I have some time to do so. 

Additionally I had also made several Bull like Xenomorphs that I was using as guards for various important areas around the hive, they were honestly like mini versions of the Crushers with how they fought but the large horns coming out of their heads might actually make them slightly more dangerous in some ways. They had of course come into being from some wild male cows that I had used as hosts, however their numbers were relatively few with only a handful existing so far.

Anyway, finally we have the Scavengers, Xenomorphs that were born from the Flesh Leeches or whatever you want to call them. Unlike most Xenomorphs this variant doesn't have an inner jaw but instead makes up for it with two rather interesting abilities, not counting the ability of flight. First, they can vomit up large amounts of acid while flying overhead, they can't spit acid mind you but they can spew it down on to a target from above. And secondly, they have seemingly inherited their host's original ability with a slight change, as such Scavengers seemingly have the rather terrifying ability to inject their acidic blood into a victim through bites. So yeah, if you know how powerful Xenomorph acid is then I'm sure you can imagine the result of having said acid injected directly into your veins through dozens of needle-like teeth.

(Well whatever, either way things are going as I had hoped they would currently and that's all I can really ask for.) I hummed with a shake of my head.

[How are the preds doing by the way?] Goldy asked, causing me to quickly switch my attention.

(The ambushes I set up are in fact slowing them down significantly, even the Yautjas can get tired after fighting for hours on end apparently.) I explained but quickly let out a sigh when I noticed something. (However, it would seem that there is a slight problem.)

[What's that?]

(They have seemingly figured out that my children are smarter than normal.) I grumbled, I had expected them to figure it out eventually but it was still rather annoying to say the least.

[And that is a bad thing because?] Goldy asked not really understanding the reasons as to my current feelings of frustration, or maybe he did and was just trying to annoy's honestly hard to tell.

(Because they're excited!) I hissed while crossing my arms in front of me, however he still didn't seem to get the point so I continued. (Let me just summarize the situation for you then.) I hummed and clapped my hands together before getting into my explanation

(I have a group of super advanced aliens that are knowingly walking into a massive hive filled to the brim with thousands upon thousands of vicious creatures that have acid for blood and want to either tear them limb from limb or have tiny hand like entities face fuck the shit out of them so that they can be bloody hosts for their future siblings!)

(And the reason? The reason as to why they are doing this exactly?) I asked with a dramatic shrug. (Is it because their friend or whatever was taken? Maybe. Or is it because they don't want a Predalien to be created on their watch? Possibly.) I theorized before finally finishing this little rant with... 

(Or maybe, just maybe, it's because they think mounting my fucking head on a wall will make them look cool to all of their damn hunter friends!) I cursed while grimacing at the idea of being used as a fucking ornament in some assholes man cave.

[That...that is a fair point.] Goldy admitted and I was quick to agree with that.

(You are damn right it is.)

[ is your little swarm coming along anyway?] He asked after a second of silence.

(The second flock of my Scavengers will be done soon, additionally the number of Runners I have is slowly starting to grow as well.) I shrugged as I checked the appropriate mental connections.

[What about the other two creatures?] He asked, causing me to think on that.

(I'm looking into them.)

[And what have you found?]

(Well...) I hummed while switching my vision elsewhere.

Looking through the eyes of one of my children on the surface, I then glanced down towards the streets below as well as the two large entities stomping their way through it. Said beings were fall-legged creatures that somewhat resembled a black and red ankylosaurus that was built like a rhinoceros. The beings didn't have a club at the end of their tails, however they did have several sharp and backward curving horns. More specifically one large horn in the center of their heads and several dozen smaller ones running down their spines to the tip of its tail.

I took a quick second to just admire the creatures in question from afar, the biologist in me marveling at the two lumbering beasts for a moment. (These ones should be easy enough to use as hosts, I just need a way to restrain them beforehand.)

[And the boom boom snake?] Goldy said, causing me to grumble at the stupid name he had come up with.

(We are not calling it that.) I muttered before then sighing as I continued. (That is the main issue actually...)

It had taken me some time to find any members of this species at all, in fact so far I only knew of three that were scattered around the city in rather out of the way and isolated places. Honestly they were not as disturbing as I expected them to be, they actually kind of looked like abnormally long and large Graboids with sharp and armored centipede-like legs running down either side of their bodies. Of course there were some other differences, for example the fact that its body resembled that of a pinkish ret maggot with overlapping scarlet scales covering its head and some of its back as well. The main issue though was their size, the damn things were longer than a one story school bus when they're laying down and as for their height, well, when they reared up like a snake however they were just short of a three story building.

(I mean just look at the fucking things.) I gestured with my mind in their direction. (I don't even know if a Facehugger could attach to them or not.)

[It'll be fine, just force the Facehuggers down their throats and things will work out, I mean that's worked before after all.] Goldy shrugged, confusing me a little.

(What the hell do you mean by tha-hmmm?) I suddenly stopped myself when I felt something.


[What's up?]

(Seems they've finally made a decision.) I mused while turning my attention to the small commotion outside of the area I had set apart for the refugees.

Looking over what was going on I noticed a small number of people gathered together outside of their little haven that I had set up for them. At first they seemed to be about to walk into the greater expanse of my hive, however they stopped relatively quickly when they seemed to realize that they had no actual idea as to where exactly they were going. As such I quickly called over one of my thralls to intercept them while also preparing to possess said individual the moment they reached the small group in question.

[This should be interesting.] Goldy muttered with what I was guessing was an amused smirk.

(Please restrain from talking to me while I'm doing this.) I sighed as I possessed my thralls body

[Awww come on, where's the fun in that.]

Ignoring him for now I walked towards the group who at this point had noticed me. "Why hello there." I hummed in greeting.

(Thankfully I've been practicing a little, so hopefully I won't be too awkward this time.) I sighed remembering my first time possessing someone.

"Are we speaking to an actual person or just some monster wearing their skin?" A woman with dark, almost black, brownish hair who was also missing her right eye asked with a slight hiss in her voice.

"Sorry about her, my granddaughter has always been quite headstrong." A man in his early sixties sighed with a shake of his head as I stopped not too far from them. "Still though, who are we speaking to currently?"

"Just call me Carmen."

It seems they understood what exactly I am to some extent because some of them stiffened ever so slightly when they heard that. "I see..." The old man hummed, not as bothered as some of those around him. "Well, I suppose I should thank you, Miss Carmen, for saving us all I mean."

The group was made up of six women and four men. I was a little sad to see that Mel hadn't come with them but I suppose that made sense. As for the men in the group, well, I had rescued them from a gang on the surface, a gang that just so happened to have a rather disturbing "attraction" towards human flesh. Of course I had been keeping an eye on them just in case they tried something but so far they hadn't, maybe because they knew that I was keeping an eye on them or something like that, however it didn't really matter to me so long as they kept their hands to themselves.

Anyway, out of all the members of this little gathering only four of them really stood out to me. The first two being the one-eyed woman and the old man, the both of them seemed to have taken charge of the refugees somewhat while I was focused on some other things, not that it was any of my business but still. Actually the woman looked ready to punch me in the face if I tried anything, a prospect that honestly made me kind of respect her on some level.

Either way though, the old man looked as if he had been through some shit if the massive amounts of scar tissue covering parts of his body with anything to go by. Additionally just like his apparent granddaughter he had dark brown hair just with far more gray in it as well as greenish brown eyes. He also had a rather messy looking beard but for the most part he still kept a somewhat charming appearance despite his rather advanced age.

The woman on the other hand looked far older than I guessed that she actually was, a fact that was amplified by the exhaustion and stress that she hid behind her remaining eye. I could tell she was on edge just by looking at her rather tense body language and I couldn't really blame her for that, despite her apparent fearlessness there was clear evidence that her fight or flight instinct was currently screaming at her. Despite this however she looked to be possibly ex-military if her somewhat muscular frame with anything to go by, a fact that I could use, after all I needed competent helpers and companions now more than ever.

As for the other two, well, the first was surprisingly a rather short teenager or at least someone who had just entered their early twenties. She had long reddish orange hair with amber coloured eyes that were somewhat covered by the roundish glasses she had on, and just like everyone else in the group she was wearing the relatively plain looking clothes that I had gotten from Goldy not too long ago.

Honestly she was lucky to put it simply, despite her rather eye-catching figure she hadn't had to deal with much since arriving here from what I could tell. This was mostly because the people who had her in their possession originally were far more interested in sacrificing their captives to some unknown god instead of, well, raping and abusing them.

Oddly I felt a strange connection to the short red haired woman in question, it was kind of like when you meet someone who you can just sense has similar passions and interests to yourself. Actually though, instead of being on edge like everyone else she was observing one of my Xenomorphs that was hidden just out of sight with a fascinated look on her face. In fact she was the only one who had managed to notice its presence and instead of saying anything she just calmly watched it without any kind of fear at all.

Finally there was someone that made me feel rather concerned to be honest, the man in question was covered head to toe in stitches and scars as if someone had cut him apart and sowed him back together again. I was rather shocked to later learn that all of this was actually self-inflicted, he had basically done several experiments and surgeries on himself. 

Either way however he had raven black hair that was rather long for a man, it actually reached to just below his shoulders and was rather unkempt to say the least. Additionally he had somewhat bluish gray eyes that constantly flickered around as he inspected his surroundings as he creepily smiled to himself. He was also wearing all black except for a white coat that was ripped slightly at the bottom, I honestly had no idea where exactly he had gotten said coat from as I hadn't provided it to him.

He had apparently been a scientist that had specialized in mechanical augmentation and genetic alteration, unfortunately for him he had taken his practices a little too far and ended up here. To put it simply he was the mad scientist type and surprisingly despite my weariness of him he was one of the first people to voice their desire to join the hive mind, in fact he seemed a little too enthusiastic if you asked me.

"Well, I suppose I should ask you all to go ahead and introduce yourselves." I muttered after a moment of awkward silence.

"Indeed, my name is Edward Henderson." The old man coughed before gesturing to the woman next to him. "This is my granddaughter, Ophelia Henderson." Said woman in question didn't say anything and instead she just continued to stare at me menacingly.

"I see, and the rest of you?" I muttered and everyone soon began to nervously speak up one by one.

Eventually it got to the other two people I had some interest in, the first being the red headed lady who spoke without paying much if any real attention to me. "Harper..."

"Professor Alexander Jonas T Rainer Griffin at your service madam." The man in the white coat moved forward enthusiastically while reaching out to shake my hand with a large smile on his face. A fact that I didn't actually end up reciprocating at all as I just looked blankly at him, not that he seemed to care as he quickly continued and added. "However, I mostly go by Jonas nowadays."

"Enough with this crap." The person who I now knew to be Ophelia growled in annoyance. "Just tell us what you want already."

Hearing that I couldn't help but look at her oddly, I was somewhat confused by the question to be honest. "I've already told you my offer haven't I?"

"What she means is, what do you want with us if we agree to your deal?" Edward asked with a steady look on his face

"Nothing really." I admitted with a shrug. "I'll expect you to help out if I require assistance with anything but I'm not going to work you to death if that is what you are wondering about."

Thinking for a moment I quickly added on. "Also before you ask, I'm not interested in you for any kind of sexual reason. I mean seriously, I don't even think that is physically possible considering my current anatomy." That seemed to alleviate some of their worries, not just the women but even the men ended up breathing a sigh of relief at that, a fact that I decided not to question.

"There has to be more to it than that." Ophelia hissed, apparently she still didn't trust me at all, not that I could blame her.

I just smiled slightly and crossed my arms while responding to that little comment. "Oh there is, however I don't have time to explain all of it to you, also I doubt you would believe me even if I told you." I sighed without much care at all, honestly even I found my current situation hard to understand sometimes and I was the one currently living through it. "Although, I will say this, I have no intention of harming any of you, be that mentally or physically."

"I'm guessing that little fact will only continue to stand so long as we aren't a threat to you?" Harper asked with a knowing look in her eyes as she finally took her attention off of the Xenomorph she had been observing all this time.

"Correct." I hummed with a slight coldness in my voice that was far more unsettling then I had expected it to be.

My sudden shift in personality caused several of the people present to flinch in fright, however someone within the crowd did manage to stutter out a question. "Then l-let me ask som-something, what exactly will this "connection" you spoke of previously entail?" 

Hearing this inquiry Jonas's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Ooooh, please do tell! I'm quite interested to learn more about this fascinating new subject that you've presented me with."

His enthusiasm definitely took me by surprise a little. "Erm...sure I guess..." I mused as I began to explain how the link worked to some extent.

Of course I made sure to keep some of my intentions to myself, one of which was the fact that I was hoping that maybe I'd be able to somewhat help with their trauma. Now I probably wouldn't be able to remove their suffering and pain but having someone else, or an entirely different mind altogether in this case, could possibly help support their mental stability after all the shit they were forced to go through.

Sadly however I wouldn't be able to just add all of them to the hive mind right now, mostly because I was running low on my indoctrination slots. Hopefully though that wouldn't be much of a problem once I get that upgrade for my Gift, however until then I'd have to focus on those that have fully decided to join or not.

Anyway, I continued to explain until someone interrupted me. [I'm bored...] Goldy muttered half way through my explanation causing me to sigh in annoyance.

(I don't care...I just don't care...)

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