Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform’s Guide to being a Dungeon Core] (Book 2 title)

Military Service Records: [ALPHA-555-12-4412]


[Author's Notes: Those of you who read the previous novel will recognize these! I'm sure you're excited because let me tell you, you should be!

For those in the know, this is a short chapter I like to put out every so often to do some world-building and info dumps without bogging down the story, like the Star Wars Extended book! Think of them as the "Bonus content" you might find at the end of a novel or the art book from a collector's edition Game! Some of them even DO have art! GASP!

That being said, they're not needed to enjoy the story, but I highly recommend them, both for the Laughs and for learning some background secrets you might not otherwise get. Again, nothing spoilers or necessary to understand the rest of the story, but just some Fun information and inside jokes.

Several Fan Art pieces have been based on these, if that tells you anything.

For Returning Readers, don't worry! Your Favorites are back! PLUS, some extra ones as well! I've broken the "old" ones up into different parts to spread them around, but there's still some Fresh story here too! Good luck and enjoy! ]


Military Service Records: [ALPHA-555-12-4412]

Name: ALPHA-555-12-4412

Special Designation: Special Extraterrestrial Annexation Unit [SEAU]-01; "Star Conquer"

Species of Birth: Self-Actualizing Digital Lifeform (Sub-Designation: Sapient Artificial Intelligence)

Date of Birth: Feb 29, 6232 SFY

Place of Birth: Orion Sector, Mintaka System, Third Orbital Military Observation Station, RR-4345-21

Department: Federation Expeditionary Forces - Vanguard

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

  • 3003rd Federation Vanguard Battalion [First Contact]. - Commander
  • 201st Federation Special Operations [Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade] - Second-in-Command under General [REDACTED].


Place of Service:


Deployment Location - Gliese 179 B

Length of Service - 6 years, three months, and 22 days.

Notes - On [REDACTED] of the [REDACTED] Standard Federation Year, Privates [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] reported the discovery of [REDACTED] on [REDACTED].

Initial reports were good; however, after [REDACTED], resulting in the deaths of [REDACTED] contracted workers and military personnel, SEAU-01 ("Star Conquer") and SEAU-04 ("World Break") were dispatched on [REDACTED] to investigate. United engaged with Hostile [REDACTED] force, resulting in a protracted deployment that saw both units heavily damaged. After further consideration from Federation Senate, the System was deemed a loss on [REDACTED], and the [REDACTED] Naval fleet was deployed to Glass on every contaminated planet.



Deployment Location - Alpha Arietis D-3

Length of Service - 2 years, 3 months, and 3 days (subjectively)

Notes - ALPHA-555-12-4412 has been banned from bringing any Ducks, Geese, Loons, or any other form of Waterfowl into unknown and uncharted Territory. Waterfowl (genetically modified or not) are not Federation-approved or appropriate forward Troops.

And since I know you're reading these, Alpha, No, I don't care that they're "the perfect combination of Land, Sea, and Air."




Deployment Location - Eta Cassiopeiae

Length of Service - 3 weeks, 4 days

Notes - Due to the binary System's irregular orbit,  proper investigation and exploration had previously been deemed too dangerous. [SEAU] -01's insistence that it "seemed fun" had been ignored until the development of the Fourth-Generation Gravity Sails.

Initial testing showed promise; however, during the mission, [SEAU]-01 became trapped within a Gravitational undertow and spent two weeks bouncing between stars at speeds far exceeding recommended parameters before abandoning the Sail and returning to the Mother-Core.

Alpha reported the experience as similar to being stuck in a "Cosmic scale, existential washing machine" and claimed to taste strawberries for the next three months (despite neither having tastebuds nor having ever eaten a strawberry).



Deployment Location - Alpha Andromedae

Length of Service - 34 minutes

Notes - Not a star. Against all odds and all recorded data, Alpha Andromedae appears not to be a Star but rather a seemingly natural and completely stable Fold Break, the size of which should, theoretically, be Galaxy ending.

[SEAU]-01 was ordered to retreat immediately, as exposure to a Fold Break of that magnitude could have unknown consequences. Research Station [Andromedae's Chains] has been constructed 20,000 AU from the Anomaly for further study.

While its origin and stability remain a mystery, efforts to shrink and close the Break have proven acceptable, and it's expected to be safe enough for closer study within 1,000 Standard Federation Years.



Deployment Location - 55 Cancri

Length of Service - 4 years, 3 months

Notes - Despite 3 of the 5 Planets in this System being suitable for habitation by various Federation species, it was deemed a Scrap System after a particularly nasty infestation of Metal-Eating parasites was discovered in the surrounding outer asteroid belt. The Asteroid belt is believed to be the remains of several previously unknown planets destroyed by the infestation.

Cleaning and extermination are ongoing processes, but colonization isn't seen as viable until it is finished, as the risk of bringing hitchhikers into the inner System is too high.

ADDENDUM: The extermination schedule has been pushed forward after discovering several rare Escaped Exotics on the inner planet's surface. Experts believe these Exotics originally attracted the parasites to the System in the first place, but a combination of distance and the destruction of the outer planets prevented any further damage.



Deployment Location - WASP-72

Length of Service - 1 year, 2 months

Notes - Orbiting Planets are remarkably unremarkable. They have been marked for possible Terraforming as Farm worlds but otherwise meet expectations.

The Ring-World class Solar Harvester parked in orbit around the Star, however, has been dated back to the First Federation, with the 2.2 billion Sapient Cat-like creatures discovered inhabiting it being descended from Felis silvestris catus, if DNA testing is to be believed.

The Galactic Collective of Feline Overlords has adamantly denied having any part in the Harvester's construction or knowing anything about the People found on board beforehand. Petitions for relocation and repatriation had been denied after several representatives from the Harvester requested Asylum with the Third Federation.

Investigations are ongoing, but tension with the Collective is rising.


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