All the people turned into beasts: I started as a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapter 79 The Tyrannosaurus Rex solo show

No one answered Chen Chu's words, they just poured out firepower.

Under this indiscriminate bombardment, the plague lord was forced to disperse the rat tide.

If they are concentrated together, the losses will be even greater!


"Are you a human lackey? Why do humans help you every time!"

"What do humans do, and what does it have to do with me?"

Chen Chu was also puzzled.

Last time, missiles from Anlan City came and attacked the rats.

This time, several bombers and fighters came to bomb.

Could it be that this was the support they called for after he killed those savages just now?

This kind of military power is more powerful than Anlan City!

At the very least, there is not a single fighter in Anlan City!

It must have come from a more powerful central city.

The Goshawk King held his backpack in his talons, spread his wings to dodge in the hail of bullets, and cried out towards Chen Chu.

Chen Chu smiled, "Finally here!"

"King Chu Ba! We are here!"

A truck equipped with a heavy machine gun drove over crazily. Zheng Shanhe grabbed the machine gun and fired a round into the air.

Behind, a large number of animals appeared.

Armored North African cattle, sweat horses, wild boars...

A group of wolves led by the White Wolf King.

Above the wolves, there was also a group of monkeys sitting.

The golden monkey is capable of sitting on the white wolf king's body, holding a machine gun.

"Holy shit! What's going on!" Zhao Cheng wanted to pick up a piece of rat meat from the ground and eat it, turning into a rat and finding a hole to crawl in.

The Plague Lord was also confused.

Why did so many animals suddenly come here?

What the hell, where did they all come from?

"Report! A group of animals has appeared below! Bring firepower!"

"I said, we only need the DNA from the strongest one! And the Fiery Crystal!"



Chen Chu spread his wings and flew towards Zheng Shanhe.

In the carriage, in addition to the mounted heavy machine gun, there are also rocket launchers, C4 bombs...

Zheng Shanhe was really obedient and took out all the wealth in Ping'an Town.

"Have you seen those mice? This is your opportunity to evolve!"



The beasts were excited and roared one after another.

The Plague Lord felt great hatred in his heart.

It turns out that these animals are all under Chen Chu, and they actually want to use his army of rats to evolve!

"Fuck! My child can only die for me! Who do you think you are? The king ordered!"

"Your mother's name!"

Chen Chu directly carried the falling shells and flew towards the Plague Lord.

This guy can already cause damage to him, so he can't continue to evolve.

Like a bolt of white lightning, the White Wolf King rushed directly into the scattered rat tide.

Wild boars, North African cattle, etc. followed closely.

A melee unfolds immediately.

"You're fucking disturbing me again!"

The Plague Lord's heart is filled with hatred.

His dream of opening up new territories was ruined by Chen Chu!

My own army of rats is probably not safe today!

"Talent! Cutting!"

Rotating his body at high speed, he rushed towards Chen Chu like a tornado.

Chen Chu stopped directly. When the Lord of Plague came to kill him, he stretched out his claws to resist.


The long claws on the ten fingers were all cut off one after another!

"Watch where you're going!"

Chen Chu hugged him tightly and directly grabbed the Plague Lord!

"Talent! Iron Tail!"

The Plague Lord was hugged, but he did not surrender. His tail was swung out, as straight as a steel spear.


Nearly twenty centimeters of the front end of the tail pierced the crocodile armor on Chen Chu's chest and penetrated into his flesh.


Chen Chu opened his mouth and shouted, using his talent on the head of the Plague Lord, the Overlord roared wildly.


Amidst the huge sonic attack, the Plague Lord roared.

Afterwards, his eardrums burst, his eyes exploded, and blood spurted out.

"I really can't kill you without sacrificing a little bit!"


The Plague Lord tilted his head. He was already letting out too much air and not taking in enough air.

Under the roar of the Overlord at such a close range, the Plague Lord's brain was shaken into a ball of paste.

For this reason, Chen Chu gave up the claws on his ten fingers.

Now the fingers are bare and very ugly.

"I...I...are not willing to give in!"

"If you surrender to me, you will not die."



Chen Chu opened his mouth and bit the Plague Lord's head directly.

Evolution value: 373871200000.

By killing an animal in the early stages of perfection, Chen Chu gained 6,400 evolution points.

He spit out the plague lord's rat head and ate his front paws directly.

Things that can cause harm to you are good things to you!



Chen Chu swore that this was definitely the hardest thing he had ever eaten!

Without the king, the rat tide turned into headless flies and began to run around crazily.

The animals under Chen Chu were all hunting crazily to gain evolutionary points.

Looking at the corpse of the Plague Lord, Chen Chu felt a little sad.

If the Plague Lord is a person who only wants to become stronger, then he will definitely be the first to become the ultimate animal. The mistake was that his structure was too big and his ambitions were too great. He wanted to build an army to expand his territory.

This resulted in his evolution failing to keep up.


A rocket exploded directly behind Chen Chu.

Chen Chu turned around and said, "Damn it!"

The wings flap and fly high into the sky.

Both claws also felt a warmth at this time.

Dark and curved nails sprouted from the bare ten fingers!

Just like the Plague Lord!

"A new claw derived from it?"

Throwing his arms, "噌噌噌噌"

Suddenly it rose two meters, like ten sharp scimitars!

"Hahaha, get out of here!"

Chen Chu flew under a bomber.

Arms waving.


The sharp claws cut open the bottom of the bomber like cutting tofu!

"It's easy to use! It's easy to use!"

Chen Chu rushed directly from the gap below, waving his claws wildly.

"Boom boom boom"

The bomber exploded directly in the sky.

"Grass! It can fly!"

"Gather the fire!"

The firepower of fighters and bombers hit Chen Chu in the air.

Balls of flame exploded on him.

"I wasn't afraid of attacks of this level when I was in my mature body! Now that I'm in my perfect body, it's completely useless to me!"


The wings of a fighter jet were directly torn apart.


Another fighter's cabin was directly blown open by Chen Chuyi's tail.

In the air, it has completely become Chen Chu’s personal show!

"Report! The opponent is too strong! Don't be afraid of firepower!"

Chen Chu rolled up a fighter plane with its wings cut off by his tail and threw it towards a bomber.

The bomber did not dodge and was thrown directly into the air.

Another shocking explosion occurred in the air.

The fire burned brightly, and Chen Chu's domineering figure was reflected in each of their eyes!

"I don't care where you come from! If you want to take advantage of me, I will kill you even to the ends of the earth!"

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