All the people come, awaken the talent of the Almighty Master at the beginning

Chapter 145

Xiong Budao threw the eagle-headed man whose head had been slapped flat into the blood refining array!

"Let you do your last bit of strength for this formation! It's also a worthy death! "

If someone else is here, they will be surprised, is this still the humble bear? Can a bear be so six?

"Who! Come out!

Xiong Budao suddenly shot a huge palm print not far away!

"Hehe, Big Brother Xiong is still so cranky! You're going to hurt your little sister!" I

saw an enchanting woman appear in the shadows not far away.

"Jackie? It's you? Are you changing your human skin again?

Xiong Budao looked at the human-looking woman in front of him, and could see at a glance that she was not a human.

Even if those brown and yellow narrow snake pupils transformed into human appearance, they involuntarily exuded endless gloomy coldness!

"Brother Xiong is really good eye, and he recognized the little sister at a glance!"

"It seems that all the races have misidentified you Explosive Bear clan, who is saying that you have no brains, then you really have no brains!"

The snake demon Ji and the bear are not a safe distance apart, she is also afraid of being patted by the bear in front of her, you must know that although their explosive bear family is not as exaggerated as the strength of the earth bear family, but it is also a bear clan!

In the impression of the snake demon Ji, the bear, there is no good heat, even the black circles, the usually vegetarian guy life and death tiger and leopard is like playing!

His body is so perfect, but he can't let this violent bear touch it!

"Say, do you snake clans also want to participate?"

Xiong Budao didn't put Meiji in his eyes at all!

A race that only relies on female mating with other races to obtain resources, is not worthy of his bear!

"Brother Xiong is right!"

"This time, the ten major royal families of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range were ordered by the gods to gather in the land of the fall! But I never thought that someone would risk the world's great disapproval and lay down the blood refining array of the blood mosquito family here!

"I, the Mei Snake Clan, contact all ethnic groups, hoping that all ethnic groups will temporarily stop fighting, and after breaking the formation, the blood pill will be shared!"

"Hehe, I have to admire your courage, I think you also saw it just now, the last bird man who suggested me has turned into a blood pill, do you think that you Mei Ji clan, or that you Mei Ji can order me to bear not to do!!"

At this time, Mei Ji felt like her whole body was being pricked by needles!

This brute locked himself in the gas machine!


"Brother Xiong don't do it for the time being, the ten kings propose to join forces to break the formation, presumably Big Brother Xiong also knows the danger of this blood refining array!" It is impossible for you to break the formation alone!

"Although the blood pill is good, the blood pill that gets the hand is your own!"

Xiong Budao thinks that his strength is no less than the ten kings of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain! But he also knew that what this Mei Ji said was true, and it was impossible for a person to break through this large array.

You must know that the Blood Refining Array of the Blood Dao people has appeared once!

In that time of the Blood Dao Two Saint War, the battle was dark, and the Blood Mosquito Dao people with their blood refining arrays were actually comparable to the Blood Dragon Dao people with extremely deep feet!

If it weren't for the inheritance of the Blood Mosquito Clan's clan to break the formation, if he wanted to break it with strength, he would be too far behind, at least he had to reach the strength of the Blood Dragon Dao people!

"Good! Then join forces to break the formation, but after breaking the formation, I want the same share as the ten kings!" "

Yes, yes, before the little sister came, the ten kings had already promised, as long as Brother Xiong promised, this time you will have the same share as the ten kings, and then after completing the order of the gods, after returning to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, the Explosive Bear clan will be the eleventh royal family of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain!" You will also be the eleventh king of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain! Mei

Ji said to Xiong Budao with silky eyes!

Seeing that all the conditions were negotiated, she also kept approaching Xiong Budao, and constantly rubbed Xiong Budao's body with her own body!

"Haha! Good!

"I heard about your snake clan's methods, I'll try it today!"

Xiong Bu Dao picked up Mei Ji!

"Haha, Brother Xiong has to pity people, today people are Brother Xiong's people!"

Chen Dong didn't expect at all that outside the Blood Refining Array, all powerful races were plotting the Blood Pill in his hand!

However, the only advantage now is that none of the races know that it is a Terran who controls the Blood Refining Array!!

And the ten thousand races are also pushing those low-ranking races into the blood refining array and turning them into blood pills.

For the sake of their own interests, the ten thousand races did not hesitate to turn into black hands! Add fuel (oil) to the fire!

Now that he has not officially fought with the abyss, there are already races of ten thousand races that have been out!!

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