All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 71 - Lost Python (Revised)


The dark-skinned python just raised his head and was bitten by Fang Yun on his neck.

His body twisted painfully, wanting to be wrapped around Fang Yun, performing a deadly strangulation.

But Fang Yun was the first to entangle it. With the power of Fang Yun, he quickly twisted the spine of this python.

After killing this python, Fang Yun swallowed it directly, and then hid a dozen meters away, waiting for the next hooked guy.

And this python provides him with 1200 points of biological energy.

Fang Yun will “fish” here for the next day.

His harvest is very rich, two lynxes, five wild wolves, an adult wild boar and a small wild boar.

Plus the initial python, he gained a total of 6300 bioenergy.

After this day, he swallowed the remaining body of the female bear and gained another 4,000 points of biological energy.

And now, his total biological energy has reached 91200, which is less than half of the biological energy required for upgrading.

Returning to the river, Fang Yun found that the salmon has become very rare, and I don’t know if there will be another wave of salmon.

He waited for another three days here, but the shadow of a salmon was not seen.

And because of his crazy hunting these days, it also affected the number of prey in this area to some extent. He felt that he could not continue to stay here.

On this day, he began to crawl in the jungle, the direction is the direction of the river down.

Of course, he is not preparing to enter the ocean at this point, he needs to do a little more preparation.

In the deepest part of the vast ocean, human beings don’t know what exists in that place at the moment. The huge animals that are known are enough to shock people.

And these huge animals also make Fang Yun feel scared.

Needless to say, the blue whale is a baleen whale.

But another huge whale does not have the docile character of a blue whale, but lives on eating various large creatures.

Sperm whale.

The sperm whale can grow to more than 20 meters, plus its huge strength and bite force, Fang Yun does not know whether he can escape his life if he meets a sperm whale.

In addition to these terrorist creatures, other existences such as killer whales, giant octopuses, squids, and squids can also threaten Fang Yun.

Therefore, he would not enter the ocean without sufficient means.

‘S plan is to keep moving slowly along this route. When he meets a place suitable for living, he stays for a while, and waits until the nearby prey decreases, and then keeps on his way.

In this way, when he reached the ocean, he must have grown to a terrible level.

He can also fight against those huge marine creatures.

Crawled out along the established direction for two days, Fang Yun did not find a place suitable for him to live, and these few days of hunting, let him increase the biological energy to 100,000.

Can’t help but cheer him up, the next promotion is in sight.

Finally, on the third day, he found a place suitable for him to live.


What he didn’t know was that when he came to this place, beside the old tree where he had stayed before, suddenly a group of people arrived there.

There are a total of ten people in this group, including an older man as the head, and beside him is a young man with a little book atmosphere.

The rest of them were all young people, each with a sturdy body, a backpack on his back, and five people holding a machete in his hand.

The remaining three people were holding shotguns.

“Professor Tang, we are not in vain this time, the situation in the mountains is better than five years ago.”

The young man looked at the DV in his hand and said excitedly.

A lot of wild animals were photographed along the way. As a doctoral student studying animals, he was very interested in these.

So even if I had suffered a lot during this time, it did not wipe out his interest.

“Yeah, Xiaohu.”

Tang Xuemin nodded, “But it’s a pity that we didn’t see the big python that Director Feng Zhan saw.”

Seeing Tang Xuemin’s somewhat regretful look, Hu Ke smiled and said, “Professor, don’t worry, we only have time. Maybe we will find the giant python in two days.”

“This time our materials are very well prepared and can support for a while.”

This time they came to the mountain and brought not only dry food, but also utensils like pots, so they could simply cook something.

“Haha, my old man is not as patient as you young man, old, old.”

After hearing Hu Ke’s consolation, Tang Xuemin laughed and said, he wanted to say something more, but at that moment, a young man who went to look at the terrain suddenly turned his head and shouted to Tang Xuemin.

“Professor, there is something here.”


Tang Xuemin’s heart moved, and then walked over there. When he came to the young man, he fixed his eyes and looked at the place where the young man was looking.

It was a bush.

But among the bushes, there is a shrub branch that was obviously crushed ~ ~ formed a light hole shape.


Tang Xuemin saw this scene, and immediately took a breath of breath, and he looked up at once.

At this time, Hook also came here, and his eyes were also bright after seeing the abnormalities here, “Professor, this …”

Tang Xuemin raised his head and nodded at Hook, “Xiao Hu, it seems that we have found something.”

“Professor, there is a situation here.”

At this time, on the other side, a young man shouted to Tang Xuemin.

Wen Yan, Tang Xuemin hurried towards them over there, and when they saw the scene over there, everyone was stunned, as if struck by lightning.


Tang Xuemin swallowed a spit, two eyes stared at the boss.

“This this……”

He began to talk incoherently.

Right in front of him was a snake skin, a snake skin over ten meters long.

“This is where the giant python lives.”

Tang Xuemin came to a conclusion at once, and then carefully picked up the snake skin, “Great discovery, great discovery!”

He was so excited that he did n’t know what to say for a while.

“Little Hu.”

Suddenly, he said to Hook next to him: “Seal this snake skin, let’s leave here first, and find a place to camp again. Pay attention to the movements here over the past few days and see when the giant python come back.”

“We strive to take more photos.”

“it is good.”

Hook nodded with excitement, and then a group of ten people began to leave this place, looking for a place to camp again.

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