All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: International Sensation, Code-Named Devil, Mysterious Enchanter! (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Binding the holy shield brooch and the space wristband to the soul, Zhao Xing soon ushered in the second round of meeting.

Mainly the Extraordinary Squad and the three leaders this time.

“Teacher, congratulations.”

“How is it, how does it feel to kill the giant beast?”

“How does it work?”

Facing Han Song, Zhao Xing relaxed a lot. As soon as he came in, he pulled Han Song and kept asking.

Mainly because Zhao Xing also wanted to know.

How much effect did the jamming transmitter and the ashes of the soul play?

“The effect is very strong!”

“There is no attenuation of the two pieces of equipment.”

“Also, I have to thank you.”

“Hahaha, Teacher, it’s been a long time since I felt this kind of passion.”

“With one’s own strength, it is so refreshing to seal the gigantic giant beast and make it disabled in an instant!”

?Han Song is happy from the bottom of his heart.

?Originally after being injured, his combat effectiveness has stagnated.

I haven’t felt the feeling of becoming stronger for a long time.

But today, with a jammer in hand, he has sealed 20% of the attributes of the giant beast with his own power.

It also prevents this giant beast from releasing certain skills…

Let him regain the feeling of youth.

“Without a teacher, jammers are useless.” Zhao Xing congratulated with a smile.

Then Gao Feng also came over.

“Brother Zhao, I convince you. The ashes of the soul did not attenuate even in the face of the gigantic beast.”

“Hahaha, one shot kills 2 million blood, 5 shots get it done, enough for my whole life!”

Zhao Xing was a little puzzled: “Why do you need to shoot five more shots?”

The beheading effect of Ashes of Soul is to weaken the blood volume by 30%, so it stands to reason that 4 shots should be enough.

Could it be that the probability is not weakened, but the damage is weakened?


Gao Feng shook his head and said, “No, that giant beast has the skill of ‘regeneration’, which can quickly recover 30% of its HP.”

“You know “Zero Two Three”, the trigger probability also takes time, so I gave it this chance to recover.”

“If it is triggered by 4 shots in a row, then it probably has no chance to recover.”

Zhao Xing was stunned: “I see, Brother Gao, how does it feel to watch the giant beast fall?”

Gao Feng smiled and said: “One word, cool!”

“The video will come out in a while, you have to watch it carefully.”

“Look at how heroic I am, hahahaha.”

“However, you should not spread this information to the outside world. It has to be processed before it can be released to the public.”

Zhao Xing nodded, this point is still there.

Just when he was going to see the process of the giant giant beast being killed.

Someone else came over.

But it was Mowu’s principal, Wu Ming.

“Zhao Xing, thank you.”

“Principal Wu, you don’t have to be polite, this is what I should do.”

Wu Ming shook his head and said: “I still have to thank you on behalf of the Lion Army and Mowu.

“After 8 years of hard work and hard research, today I finally got what I wanted.

“I didn’t know how terrible it was until I took down this big guy today.”

“If it weren’t for the soul ashes and the jammer, I don’t think it might be possible to win it in a few years.

Yuan Ming soon knew the battle data.

Only when he saw the specific data of the giant giant beast, did he feel the difficulty.

Various large-scale attack skills pose a great threat to long-range transcendence.

There are also areas that weaken attackers and make melee combat impossible.

Precise and quick response Destroy Breath, as well as the astonishing blood volume and defense…

To be honest, 30 people is really not enough to watch.

After all, there is still a huge gap between the Transcendence in the 60s and above against the Giant Sky Beast.

It was also because of this that Wu Ming knew the importance of Zhao Xing.

“It’s a pity that you didn’t join my Mowu.”

“If I had signed the non-disclosure agreement earlier, I would have snatched you over.”

Wu Ming felt a little regretful.

If Zhao Xing can be recruited to Mowu.

The role it can play in the future is self-evident.

Let’s talk about this battle.

Disruptors and ashes of souls can also be applied to other raids!

Unfortunately, the admissions team at that time failed to impress Zhao Xing.

“If Zhao Xing had entered Mowu at that time, then there would be no need for Beijing University to win the fruit of victory.”

“My Mowu and the Lion Army can also handle it completely.

Wu Ming thought silently in his heart.

However, the sky fails to fulfill people’s wishes.

Wu Ming could only think about it.

He can be considered satisfied with the current result.

Finally, I can have an explanation for the previous 8 years of hard work.

“Old Wu, you’re wrong, Zhao Xing is already a member of Beijing University, so don’t try to get it wrong.”

Wu Ming snorted: “Then you have to take good care of Zhao Xing, if you treat him badly in the future… Zhao Xing, you come to Mowu, we welcome you anytime!”

“Hey, you’re still alive

Zhao Xing smiled and watched Wu Ming leave.

Soon there were only our own people left in the conference room, Wang Long, Gao Feng, Han Song, and Zhang Haiqiang.

Zhao Xing was watching the killing process of the giant giant beast.

There is no doubt that the difficulty of this dungeon is huge.

The Sky Behemoth has high defense and thick flesh, and has attack or suppression methods both from far and near.

With a team of 30 human beings who are now extraordinary, it is difficult to kill him without injury.

But now there are jammers and ashes of souls.

This number can even be greatly reduced.

“After reading it, what do you think?”

Han Song asked with a smile.

“Teacher, if the giant beast can deal with it like this, is it possible for other dungeons as well?”

“The jamming launcher makes the giant beast bear an additional 20%, and the speed drops sharply.”

“Magic dungeons, can they all come in handy?”

Han Song said: “It’s not impossible, but it also depends on the situation, and we can’t generalize.

“But research can continue in this direction.”

“Not to mention anything else, it will be very effective to frighten Xiao Xiaoxiao abroad.”

“There are always some countries in the coastal waters who want to make noise.”

“If I can research a giant jammer, next time I’ll just go there and take a turn.”

“Custody makes them miserable.”

Put the giant jamming launcher on the warship and go around the sea?

Zhao Xing’s eyes lit up, this is indeed a good idea.

If anyone dares to come to Xia Kingdom’s territorial waters.

Custody hurts those people.

Directly dispel the enchanting effect of the hard-enchanted equipment.

Even press curses.

Let’s just say it hurts!

“You can prepare to go to Beijing University and experience it in advance.”

“I’ll fly back to see you every week after a while.”

“I still can’t get away for the time being.”

Han Song is now bound to the jammer.

Both he and Gao Feng are the main forces in the Qingtian dungeon.

“By the way, think of a nickname.”

Zhao Xing asked doubtfully, “Nickname?”

Han Song: “Although your identity can’t be announced this time, you have to mention your credit. You should get a nickname. It won’t look obtrusive when the file is declassified in the future.”

Zhao Xing: “Teacher, there is no need to be so troublesome…”

Han Song: “The glory that is due to you belongs to you. It is not appropriate for you to show up more than once in the future and let others take the credit for you every time.”

“And with a code name, it can also set off smoke bombs and confuse the attention of foreign forces.”

Zhao Xing nodded without any further evasion.

He randomly picked up a nickname: “Then call it ‘Devil King’.”

Han Song raised his eyebrows: “Haha, King of Enchantment, you are not taking it lightly.

“But it’s better than that kid Gao Feng’s ‘Mad Dog’, and no one else can think of you.

“Okay, let’s call him the Demon King.”

Zhao Xing smiled and said, “Brother Gao Feng, you actually have a nickname called ‘Mad Dog’?”

I don’t know if the next time we meet, if you call a mad dog, the other party will be impatient, um…forget it, just think about this dangerous thought.

Zhao Xing also thought about it in his heart, he was afraid that Dang Feng couldn’t help but give him a shuttle.

A world-class dungeon will enter a period of sleep after the boss is killed, and it will be reset after about a week.

During this period, the dungeon will maintain the state after being killed, and you can enter to collect materials at will.

No one in the Kaitian team was injured.

The achievement of clearing the level without injury was directly achieved.

And in this way it can be replicated repeatedly.

It proves that the copy has been completely taken down.

Therefore, Xia Guo held a press conference the next day.

Under the numerous spotlights, the press spokesman announced:

“Yesterday, the Sky Plan made a breakthrough!”

“The Kaitian team composed of extraordinary powerhouses such as Beijing University, Chulong Army, First Military Academy, Mowu, and Lion Army successfully killed the giant beast!”

“No casualties in the team!”

“This is a historic moment, once again proving that Xia Guo has the ability to independently conquer level 80 world dungeons.”

“Let us congratulate the Kaitian team for their contribution this time.”

“For specific details, pay attention to the detailed reports of Zhenguo’s official media.”

The news of the capture of Sky World was released, and all the domestic media rushed to report it.

On the second day, interviews with Han Song, Gao Feng and the Kaitian team were released one after another.

Inside the interview room.

Gao Feng sat upright and said with a smile: “This is a huge victory, but it’s just the beginning.

“The achievements of our Kaitian team cannot be separated from the staff behind the entire Qingtian project.

“Among them, I am especially grateful to a certain enchanter. If there is no support for his enchanting technology, we still have a long way to go to conquer the world of Qingtian.”

Reporter: “The enchanter you mentioned, do you mean Master Han Song?”

Gao Feng smiled and said: “I can only say that his code name is ‘Devil King.

“In my heart, he is the king of enchantment!”

Another interview room.

Han Song also encountered the same problem.

“Dean Han, it is said that the Kaitian team has a master enchanter who has given him strong technical support.

“Code-named Demon King, are you the one who is blind?”

Han Song shook his head and said, “I can’t be called the King of Enchanting. Please don’t misinterpret this nickname. Besides, this is really not me.”

Wu Ming, the principal of Mowu, and other members of the Kaitian team also mentioned this code name during interviews.

Because the members of the Kaitian team also sincerely admire the enchanter behind this operation…

It can be said that without this enchanter, the conquering of the giant beast would have been postponed for at least a few years.

Therefore, the above requires that the code name of the devil be mentioned in the speech draft, which is used to confuse the public.

They are all very cooperative.

These interviews are for foreign media.

Give an illusory code name and let foreign countries guess.

news release

After the conference was held.

First of all, it caused a huge sensation in the country.

In an instant, ‘Qingtian dungeon was conquered without injury’ rushed into the hot search.

At the same time, “Who is the mysterious enchanter, the code-named devil?” has also aroused many speculations.

Under almost all reports, you can see many people commenting.

“Xia Kingdom is amazing! Beijing University is awesome, and the Demon King is awesome!”

“It’s been eight years, and the devil will solve it as soon as he makes a move, awesome!”

“Damn it, the gigantic beast looks like this. It’s really an exaggeration. Its body is hundreds of meters high, and it’s completely like a mountain.”

“In the original plan, Mo Wu and the Lion Army were the leading parties, but now it has been replaced by Beijing University and Chu Long Army. Could it be said that the Demon King is Master Han?”

“Didn’t Master Han deny it? The Demon King has someone else.”

“What do you know, this is called strategy, guess what I am?!”

“Xia Country is number one! Xia Country is the strongest, surpassing the country of America!”

Sure enough, as soon as the news was released, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the world.

Time Magazine: “Apparently, the Xia people are celebrating the victory.”

“But whether they really achieved the achievement of ‘clearance without injury’ is still debatable.

“As we all know, the only country that can pass level 80 world dungeons without injury is the great country of America!”

“We believe that the Xia people do not have such abilities. As for the technical support provided by the enchanter, it is completely confusing the public.”

“Unless they publish the complete attack video.”

Royal Britannia Media:

“There is no doubt that the Xia people are capable of conquering such a world-class dungeon, after all, they have already conquered one before.

“Counting the current one, this is already the fourth one. Xia Guo’s extraordinary powerhouse is truly terrifying!”

“Perhaps we should notice that there is such a powerful country rising in the East.”

“We have to admit that the summer poses a huge threat to our allies in the event of a fringe political conflict.

Koryo media: “There is no doubt that the mysterious enchanter Demon King of Xia Kingdom returned from studying in Korea.

“We have already learned the exact news, just like a certain master went back to China after going through thousands of hardships.”

“Some people are worried about the tense relationship between our country and the Xia Kingdom, but all compatriots are asked to remain calm. Our great Koryo warriors are on standby at any time and are not afraid of any challenges and threats!”

Tianzhu Media: “This is really funny news. We have the largest number of masters in the world! The most resources and weapons, as well as the most powerful people. Some people think that

Xia Guohui surpassed us. ”

“The great Tianzhu Kingdom will sweep away all copies and become the only true god to save the world!”

“Not any other country!”

On the day Xia Guo announced the news, many foreign 4.8 media rushed to report.

But at the beginning, no country paid attention to it.

Because there are many rumors about this kind of news.

Moreover, the videos and materials released by Xia Guo were also vague.

But there are also many countries that believe it.

Just like a certain Shah country.

Until Xia Guo started to make deals with certain small countries.

Take out some materials and equipment that have never been seen before.

All of a sudden, the major powers couldn’t sit still.

United States, Presidential Palace.

“What does our intelligence service do?!”

“Why is such an important news not confirmed to be true until the people of Xia Guo announced it for several days?!”

“God, who can tell me what method Xia Guo used?!”

“They actually sent something that they have never seen before to the Middle East, and some countries even plan to abandon us and plan to cooperate with Xia Guo!”

“Are we just going to watch?”

The president was furious and cursed the people around him.

A general said silently: “Mr. President, this happened too suddenly.

“Xia Guo’s Qingtian Project has always been dominated by Mowu and the Lion Army.”

“But not long ago, they suddenly changed the person in charge.”

“I think they should have some technical breakthrough.”

“It’s not a breakthrough in the strength of the extraordinary.”

The president stared at the general and said, “So what method did they use?”

The general shook his head, and said bitterly: “Our intelligence department has not got any useful clues yet, we can only guess that it may be related to that mysterious enchanter, but maybe

It’s a smoke bomb.

The president pointed with his finger: “Bad, we must find out whether this is a smoke bomb!”

“If the mysterious enchanter ‘Devil King’ is really someone, then we must find out, and it is best to find out what he did!”


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