All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 7 - Liao Jie\\\'s cooking

“I saw that at the auction a while ago, a two-handed abalone was sold for 160,000 yuan. I only made one abalone, or the master made it myself. How can the price be doubled?” Shen Long hesitated to answer Dao, it ’s too low to be afraid of losing money, and it ’s too much to be afraid that people wo n’t buy it.

“Haha.” Yang Wanglong smiled. He saw that Shen Long was a layman and didn’t understand the doorway. “So, I will give you an integer. One million is good. Do you want cash or transfer money? I will call the bank immediately to make an appointment for cash, and I can transfer it to you now. “

Although he can open a price tag of 500,000 to 500,000, Shen Long probably agrees, but he … or Ayi abalone can’t afford to lose this person, the price is low, and his face is not dull.

There is still a chance to find abalone on the market today. It ’s a chance to meet you. It ’s a lifetime regret if you missed it. He did n’t plan to sell the abalone, so he put it here … No, return it to the main store of Xiangjiang The treasure of the shop in the town.

“The transfer is ready.” Shen Long shuddered and took out the bank card from his pocket. “Just hit this card!” This is one million yuan, almost enough to pay the down payment for the small apartment near where he lives. Too.

“No problem, you hold it first, and wait for the account before giving it to me.” Yang Wanglong did the work, directly returned the abalone to Shen Long, and took out his mobile phone and began to transfer money to him.

After a while, only listened to the sound of “ding”, Shen Long received the text message to the account, and then opened the bank APP to check the balance, and the account was really a million more.

“This is yours!” Without saying anything, Shen Long got up and passed the abalone to Yang Wanglong with both hands, and turned around and left Ah Yi Abalone.

Yang Wanglong knew that he was full of one million now, so he did n’t keep it, and he also had other things to do. Shen Long just walked, he turned around and returned to the office. He clicked and took a photo of the abalone. His uncle sent it, and he called to report the good news to him without waiting for his reply.

Not to mention these things. After going out, Shen Long hit a car to go home. He smirked in the back seat along the way, causing the driver to stop looking back. Should I be a fool? Can I get the car money later?

Back at home, Shen Long looked at the balance for half a day with his mobile phone and did n’t wake up until his stomach crowed. He quickly called for takeaway, and then called the family for 50,000 yuan, telling his parents that his company had just issued a bonus. Let them spend!

After the phone call, Shen Long finally calmed down. No wonder the time and space merchants had so many online texts, this line really made money; hey, it seems that there are additional rewards for completing the task. I do n’t know what it will be this time.

He finally remembered this, and a “ding” sounded in his head, “Master Liao Jie from the world of” Jin Yu Man Tang “thank you very much for saving his wife and children. The experience is fully imparted to you. Please accept it if you accept it. “

There are two options in my mind: accept and reject; skill is not overwhelming, if you can have cooking skills like Liao Jie, it is really great, Shen Long has witnessed Liao Jie ’s fascinating craftsmanship, how could you refuse? , And now I chose to accept.

Massive information poured into the brain instantly, and the head was dizzy for a while. When he woke up, Shen Long subconsciously covered his nose. I went. Whose smelly socks are so bad?

Amount, it seems to be my own; I still don’t feel anything. After getting Liao Jie’s cooking skills, his sense of smell has greatly improved, and the taste in the room is a bit unacceptable.

Packed up the house for a while, and the delivery was also delivered. After taking a bite, Shen Long spit it out. What did he do? Is it human? The same is the aftereffect of Liao Jie’s cooking and experience, and his taste has also been improved. This kind of street shop can’t take out the food.

I still go out to find a high-end restaurant. Shen Long had to open the map and searched for a restaurant with the highest taste in the surroundings. The restaurant had a per capita consumption of more than 500, but the taste was only barely he tasted. It can be imported, but it is not necessary to say how delicious it is.

As soon as I checked out, I saw the word 698 on the receipt. Shen Long felt distressed for a while. It seems that the roadside shop can’t eat it anymore, but I can’t stand to eat in such a high-end restaurant every day. ?

According to three meals a day, morning, and evening, each meal is calculated at 500 yuan. It takes 1,500 meals a day, 45,000 a month, and 540,000 a year. The money to sell abalone is not enough for two years. .

I do n’t know if I will hear the wish of that world next time, will it be as lucky as this time, and I will earn a lot of money easily, the first time Shen Long was a little nervous, but after I tasted the sweet , UU reading He has already begun to look forward to the next task.

Otherwise, I will cook and eat myself every day in the future? This should save a lot of money? I have learned Liao Jie’s cooking skills, and I am certainly indifferent to ordinary ingredients, but it is always cheaper to buy ingredients than to buy finished dishes.

Or, simply open my own restaurant? Not only can one fill one’s stomach, but also make money, is it good to do two things at one go? Shen Long seriously considered it.

But if you want to open a hotel, should you be busy? I am afraid there is no time to enter other worlds to help others realize their wishes. Although it does not consume real-world time in other worlds, it takes time to collect materials and purchase various props and equipment in the early stage.

And his current account adds up to more than 1 million in savings and sales of abalone in these years. It is also possible to open a small restaurant in a place like Beijing. It is not easy to sell high prices in this kind of restaurant.

Do you want to cooperate with others? This idea was rejected by him as soon as it came out. He has already got enough work, and he no longer wants to work for others. It is impossible to go to work in this life!

Lying in bed while using his mobile phone to check the information, I don’t know how long it took, and Shen Long fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Long was woken up by a rush of cell phone ringtones, and the manager shouted as soon as the answer button was pressed. the company?”

“Go to you, I just don’t want to do it! I am now officially resigning, you can do whatever you like!” Shen Long finished cursing without saying anything about hanging up the phone and shutting down and continuing to sleep.

Laozi’s account lay one million, and he has the cooking skills of the world’s first chef, and he went to work and was exploited before hell! When I woke up, I continued to think about opening the hotel.

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