All-American Collection

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

Estimated…should take a few hours. “As he spoke, he put his finger on Nai He’s heart.

next moment.

Nai He only felt the heart beating violently, and the blood flow rate was also accelerating in an instant. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable, as if the heart and blood vessels were about to burst open.

“Go to sleep, wake up and everything will be over…” Nai He’s voice gradually became smaller, until it disappeared completely.

“Hu~ I spent a lot of money again, and I’m almost dying.” He exhaled, because Nai He fell into a deep sleep and complained that he didn’t need to hold it in his heart.

“Would you like to throw him out right now…” Nai He, who stared at the red color of his body, couldn’t help falling into silence.

“Forget it, it’s too dangerous to throw it out in this state. My unborn little niece can’t let her have no father before she was born.” Shaking his head, he moved Naihe to the bed in the room.

“Take advantage of this time to arrange for those girls.” He chose to leave alone.

But when she left the room, in addition to the transparent ball of light floating in the sky, the earth of this world was absorbing the scattered light, and it was constantly extending the big picture around it.

“In this way, Xiaojing’s state will also be better, and probably won’t get worse and worse because of the child’s request.”

Chapter 51: The first entry into the ghost

The suitable living environment for human beings has actually been completely prepared in the past, and now it is only necessary to appease people’s turbulent and flustered emotions and let them recognize the current specific situation.

It’s just that instead of appeasing them, it’s more accurate to turn on the flickering mode.

After experiencing the baptism of the last days, people whose spirits have become unstable, quickly chose to believe in everything that happened in front of them.

If there is another miracle that Xiaoye revealed, even people who still have some doubts in their hearts will eventually have to choose to believe that they and others have been saved by gods.

This is the world where the gods live, and Xiao Ye in front of them is the **** who saved them.

But the real situation is.

“Uuuuu~ Why is it like this again, I just want to get along well with them…” Compared with believers, I hope that there are more people who can chat and talk. Xiaoye looks at these people who obviously regard themselves as superior. The goddess admired her, and her tears were about to fall.

“Xiao Liu, don’t do this, Lady Goddess will be angry.” Avnor grabbed the little loli who wanted to get close.

“No…” I was really about to cry, and I resisted the urge to hold the little loli in my arms immediately, but the words stopped immediately.

The whole world trembled slightly, and Xiao Ye, who forcibly maintained her goddess posture, couldn’t help but change rapidly.

“Goddess…sir…” This scene scared the people present, especially Avnor, who was in charge of taking care of Xiaoliu.

“It’s okay, I have something I haven’t dealt with yet, I’ll leave it to you here.” As soon as the voice fell, the whole person disappeared in front of everyone.

With the disappearance of the goddess, Avnor let out a deep breath.


“Xiao Liu, that’s the goddess, we must be in awe, and we must never do such rude things again, you know?” Holding Xiao Loli’s shoulder, Avnor said with a very serious expression on.

“…!?” He tilted his head in confusion, then nodded under Avnor’s gaze.

“Very well, you must remember that next time you must not approach the goddess without permission.” Avnor added again.

“…” Xiao Liu was very cooperative and nodded again.

In a few hours, the expansion of the world has come to an end.

Compared to the original world, the current size has nearly doubled.

It’s just that the land under his feet has expanded a lot, it’s just an isolated island of an academy, and its help to the whole world is very limited.

But even so, Xiao Jing, who had been sleeping all the time, still got a chance to breathe.

Due to the request of the little guy in the body, Xiao Jing, who can only maintain a balance between the recovery and consumption of strength, once again has signs of awakening.

The eyelid trembled slightly, and the fingers moved slightly, which was a sign of waking up soon.

However, the eyelid trembled, and when the eyes were about to open, a figure suddenly appeared beside the bed.

An arm that caught Nai He who was sleeping was instantly thrown away.

The moment Xiao Jing opened her eyes, the pitch-black vortex in the air just disappeared.

“Little Ye?” When he opened his eyes, he saw his friend who loved his sister.

“Haha… You, you’re awake…” He smiled awkwardly, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, when Xiao Jing woke up, she looked at her friend, her nose moved involuntarily, and she sat down with her hands on her stomach.

He stared at his friend for a while, and then looked back after seeing Xiaoye sweating down.

“I want to be alone.

Xiaoye, you should first consider the future of those humans outside. My thoughts will never change, and I will never allow any more dirty things to exist. “He took his eyes back, but his tone and attitude were very firm.

“This… I know, then I’ll go first.” Xiao Ye didn’t refute, but chose to run away with an embarrassed expression.

After Xiaoye disappeared from the room, Xiaojing’s expression with his hands on his stomach fell into a tangle.

“She is not at fault, and… this unexpected appearance is not all bad. Her birth will make the world more complete.” Xiao Jing, who was silent for a while, couldn’t help but relax.

“Daughter~ You need to consume a lot of strength to grow, and now I can’t make you born quickly.

But it doesn’t matter. Your father who is full of filth is not useless. Now he can help our mother and daughter. “There was a hint of doting in the words, but the eyes looking at the front did not bring the slightest emotion.

At this time, in her indifferent and ruthless pupils, what was reflected was not the scene in front of her, but a man who was falling from the sky.

It was none other than Nai He who was thrown out.

Now the strengthening of the body has come to an end, because of the wind whistling in his ears, Nai He suddenly opened his eyes.

“What the hell!?” Nai He in mid-air instantly regained consciousness and found himself falling towards the woods below at a very high speed.

After reacting, Nai He wanted to go back to that world, but found that he seemed to be blocked, and he could perceive the existence of the world, but there was no way to shuttle.

I don’t know what’s going on, but there is no time to think about the situation now.

“Crash~” Nai He fell directly into the dense woods, the leaves squeaked and the branches broke constantly.


Even so, it still did not completely block the impact of the fall, and it fell towards the ground.

“Boom~” A large-scale crack occurred on the ground, and Nai He, who adjusted his posture with the help of a slight buffer, landed smoothly.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” A faint scream rang out, right next to Nai He.

Immediately turned his head, what Naihe saw was a young man covered in blood, about eighteen or nineteen in appearance.

It’s just that the young man’s appearance is a bit miserable, his body seems to be bitten by something, his arms have disappeared, a huge wound has appeared in his abdomen, and the damaged internal organs can be clearly seen.

Chapter 52: Spider Girl on Spider Mountain

Nai He clearly realized that he had become stronger, and there was still a huge gap.

If it was placed in the past, even if the speed of the fall was blocked by the branches, the body would be riddled with holes by the branches, and the moment it fell to the ground, it would definitely become a pile of mosaics.

But now I don’t have the slightest feeling to say it, and I even feel that this is definitely far from reaching the limit of this body.

The crack on the ground caused by the just landing seems to have caused some damage to the man lying under the tree not far away.

It’s just that the man’s injuries, even if he doesn’t have the damage he just caused, he won’t be able to live for long.

The mutilated limbs, the exposed internal organs, and the blood around the body are still not dead, which is a miracle.

“Little…little…cough~ Be careful…ghost…” The young man, who was not completely dead, spit out a mouthful of blood when he reminded Nai He.

next moment.

The sound of the air being broken through came from behind.

Nai He, who jumped from the spot in an instant, fell to the side of the young man who had only one breath left.

“Cough cough~ woo eh~” The blood in his mouth was spitting out as if he didn’t want money, but he even saw some broken internal organs in it.

“Kill…please…kill me…” Intermittent but painful **, the color of prayer showed in his eyes.

Looking at this young man, although he would not be attacked even without his reminder, but reminding others in this situation, it can only be said that his personality definitely belongs to the kind of good old man.

Nai He doesn’t hate such people, and he doesn’t like them very much either.

This kind of person will definitely lend a helping hand when you are in trouble.

But if they disagree, they will be the first to get in your way.

What was attacking him just now, Nai He has already seen it.

Not a human, but a large monster that looks humanoid.

There is no difference between the body and the human being, but it is nearly two meters above the head, and even more so is its head.

It looked like a huge spider face. In addition to the two big eyes, there were seven compound eyes that were much smaller, and the sharp and ferocious teeth in a blood-stained mouth were extremely ugly.

The monster that had not succeeded in the sneak attack did not immediately launch a second attack, but seemed to be worried about Nai He’s calmness and agility.

“Please…please…please give me a treat…” The weaker and weaker voice of the young man appeared beside him again.

“Please…please…you…” I prayed sincerely.

“…Okay, I see.” After a moment of silence, Nai He chose to agree to the young man’s request.

Half squatting down, Nai He covered his eyes and twisted the opponent’s neck with force.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to save him, his injury has no possibility of surviving, just because of the speed of blood loss, he will die due to excessive blood loss in less than 30 seconds.

“Huh…” It was the first time for Nai He to end other people’s lives with his own hands.

All the monsters and zombies I faced before were the most human-like ones, only the boos that were finally melted by the fireball. As for Lance, that guy can only be said to be an accident.

However, when it comes to personally ending the lives of others, Nai He is not much touched.

This may have been caused by the experience of going to the world. After all, the zombies kept their human form no matter what, and at least one thousand zombies were killed by Naihe at that time.

The only thing that makes Nai He feel is the fragility and insignificance of life.

No matter what era a person without power lives in, his life is still not in his own hands.

Nai He stood up again, looking at the monster that still had no intention of leaving, as if there was something here that was attracting it.

Now Nai He has no weapon in his hand, the knight’s long sword seems to have been removed, and even the shoes have disappeared.

But fortunately there is no other party, it belongs to the type of melee combat.

In this case, apart from the size, Nai He doesn’t have any obvious disadvantage.

“Okay, come on, let me try what kind of strength my current body has.” Compared with passive, Nai He prefers to attack actively.

Instant burst ability, and even caused a wide-ranging crack on the ground under his feet.

“Hey!!” He also chose a head-on confrontation, and the big man over two meters met Nai He.

“Boom~” The collision between the hands produced an impact, and an extremely loud sound could even be heard.

But the next moment.

The positions of the two sides with very different body types have completely reversed.

The bigger party was instantly suppressed or even pushed out.

With a loud crashing sound, Nai He pushed the huge spider-headed monster.

“Hoo la ~ hoo la ~ hoo la~” The fist immediately waved towards the opponent’s head, but he would not show any mercy to it.

The wound on that person just now was definitely done by this guy, and the reason why he didn’t leave is not known at all without guessing.

was taken as prey.

Although it seems that it is not clear who is the prey and who is the hunter.

The current body strength is very strong, even this monster that looks very powerful, still makes Nai He not feel even the slightest effort.

Suppressing its resistance, Naihe felt much easier than dealing with a three-year-old child.

The head was blown up, the bones were smashed, and even the heart was filled with a few fists, and it stopped after it was sure that the heart was smashed.

“It’s so dirty… It’s not enough to fight with bare hands.” The blood stained his hands, and even his body and face were stained with blood, which made Nai He quite uncomfortable.

“That idiot can’t be contacted at all, and his ability to go back seems to be limited, so it will be a little troublesome…” Nai He couldn’t help frowning, the situation had completely changed uncontrollably.

Nai He actually knew what was going on since he couldn’t go back to that world.

The ability to travel the world by itself comes from another goddess, and even that stupid goddess can’t suppress this ability.

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