Alien Queen

Chapter 72 - Lord Eddie

(Third today, ask for collection recommendations!!! Bow down step~~~~)

   “Sir Eddie, don’t you remember Argus?” Edmund said carefully: “Argus, the assassin from the Bywater Empire.”

The woman, who was called Eddie by Edmund, frowned slightly, her green fingers unconsciously twisted a lock of blonde hair on her forehead, her wrists were thin, her blonde hair was delicate, but her eyes were still inseparable. confused.

   “Argus…” Crimson lips moved slightly, and Eddie murmured his head several times before looking up to Edmund.

   “Who are you? I don’t know what Argus.”

   Suddenly, Edmund felt that his body could not move, as if there were tens of thousands of pounds of pressure in all directions, and his body almost deformed.

“Cough… Lord Eddie… I’m… Edmund… Argus… There is a erythema on my chest…” Edmond’s body was strongly oppressed, and his throat was intermittent, even a complete sentence. Unable to speak.

   At this time, his war saint was like an ordinary person, but he didn’t even dare to fight against it.

   “There is a erythema on his chest, hey, it’s him.” Edie’s eyes lit up.

   “Bash!” Edmond only felt the pressure disappear, and a blood spring spouted from the mouth and hit the ground, but his internal organs were already injured. Not even dare to wipe the blood on his lips, Edmund said to Edie tremblingly: “Master Edie, you have also given Argus a Black Star dagger. Have you forgotten?”

   “Remember.” Edie nodded, ignoring the blood on the floor.

   “If you die, what are you doing with me?”

   Edmund suffocated and quickly bowed down and said: “Don’t you want to avenge him? He can think of you all the time, but he doesn’t dare to bother you.”

   “I am concerned about what I do.” Yi Di smiled, her delicate face blooming like a flower, and said, “Does he still want to climb on my golden couch?”

  Edmund did not dare to interface, and stood upright.

   “Who killed him?”

Edmond was very happy in his heart and said: “It is a summoner with a summoner of level nine Warcraft. Lord Eddie, even if you don’t avenge him, think about your valuable black star dagger. And , The summoner who killed Argus spoke wildly and said that if someone wanted to avenge him, he would still kill him.”

   “Oh, I know.” Yidi responded with a light face, eyes closed gently.

  Edmund was speechless, anxious and embarrassed, but he didn’t dare to talk nonsense, and the stone house fell silent.

   “Why are you still here?” After a while, Yidi’s delicate eyelashes parted, revealing watery eyes, and asked curiously.

   “Master Eddie, when do you want me to arrange a duel between you and the arrogant summoner?” Edmond asked with courage, and his heart was agitated.

   “Just do whatever you want.” Edie waved and said, “Look at the arrangement. Come and notify me when it’s all right. Go out.”

   said that Eddie ignored Edmund’s ecstatic expression and fell into the same demented look as before.

  Edmond bowed and bowed out, and stepped back without daring to lift his head.

   “Successful!” Edmund followed the black guard guarding the door and walked out, ecstatic.

   Argus was Edmont’s cousin. In the early years, Argus gave up the family fighting practice in pursuit of what he believed to be, and disappeared. Even if he hadn’t met in decades, Edmund recognized Argus at the first sight. With his wrist, he soon became a close relationship with Argus, and his relationship was extremely close.

   Eyeball must be reported! This is the purpose of Edmund.

  Edmund used his family feelings as a reason to practise his arrogance, and then used family feelings to pray for Argus to avenge himself and challenge Robin to a duel. In the end, it turned into a challenge to Li Junshan. In doing so, Edmund is not very optimistic about the strength of Argus, but the eddy behind him.

   Lord Argus and Eddie once had a good time, to be exact, a dew marriage. No one but Edmund knew this. And he heard Argus said that Lord Eddie had a bad brain…

   Argus’s death was as expected. A Phantom Assassin will definitely affect Edmund’s status in the family in the future. Even if I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to walk through the bleeding valley, it is also Edmund’s habit to strangle the crisis in the bud.

  It now appears that all indications are that things are going in the direction Edmund expected.


  Although Li Junshan didn’t know what ghost Edmund was behind, there was always a very uneasy feeling in his heart. Edmond’s abnormal smirk made him a little elusive.

   was a good celebration wine, but it became a bit boring, and the dull atmosphere was disturbed by a sudden black guard.

   “You are Nicolas #Harriman?” The gray-haired black guard stood up against his chest, exposing the golden badge on his chest.

   “Well, what’s the matter?” Li Junshan noticed that he was carrying a small bag in his hand.

The black **** looked at Robin and Burundi, withdrew their eyes and stared at Li Junshan, saying: “According to the rules of the challenge duel, all the weapons and weapons on the killed party belong to the victorious party. Well, we cleaned his body. Now, everything is here, you can take it away.” Then, he threw the cloth bag on the table and jingled.

   “I haven’t been here shortly, and I don’t know of this rule yet.” Li Junshan said with a smile: “Thank you.” Then, he took out a small bag of gold coins from the space ring and handed it over.

   Black guards were also polite. They took the weight in their hands and smiled with satisfaction. They nodded to Li Junshan and walked out.

   “This is a good way to get money.” Li Junshan weighed the small bag, jokingly said: “If there is no money, go to those who are rich and low-level people to challenge, and you will be rich soon.”

   “It’s not as easy as you think.” Robin smiled and said: “The other party does not agree to not say, the relationship here is complicated, for no reason, who will challenge others at will.”

  As soon as they talked about this, they couldn’t help thinking of the situation in front of them, and their mood was down again.

   “Small, it turns out you are here, Mr. Gru looks for you.”

  Guri suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hotel, shouting to Li Junshan loudly.

   heard that Gru found himself, Li Junshan did not dare to neglect, greeted Robin and Burundi, put the small bag in the space ring, and hurried out.

   “Small hill, you actually have a nine-level World of Warcraft, I can see the tail from today’s challenge duel, too powerful.” Guli and Li Junshan walked side by side, full of excitement.

   “Oh, I wouldn’t dare to accept his challenge without that nine-level Warcraft.” Li Junshan opened the subject with a smile and asked, “Is Mr. Gru looking for me?”

  Guri shook his head and said, “I don’t know, he only let me call you.”

   While talking about the situation when they challenged the duel today, they hurried back to the summoner’s residence. Several summoners chatted outside and saw Li Junshan coming over, greeted them uncharacteristically with warmth, and congratulated him on his victory today.

  Li Junshan smiled and responded a few times, and naturally understood in his heart the source of their passionate tone.

  Gru’s stone door was opened. When Li Junshan arrived at the door, Gru saw him and nodded to signal him to go in.

“Small hill, your challenge and duel today is perfect.” Grew smiled and said to Li Junshan: “It can defeat a Phantom Assassin in the dark. Nine-level Warcraft is the main factor, but it is also very important to control the offensive and defensive ability of the summoning beast. Importantly, you can see that you are now a qualified summoner.”

   “It’s not all based on alien autonomous actions, what can I control.” Li Junshan said in his heart, with a smile on his face, said: “That’s what you taught Mr. Gru.”

   “How many things have I taught you.” Grew waved his hand and fell silent. Li Junshan was hesitant to see his eyebrows and could not figure out the situation. He could not speak at will, and he had to stand upright.

   “Is it related to Edmund?” Li Junshan suddenly felt sinking.

   “Small hill.” Grew still said, “You are temporarily useless for that snow spider silk armor?”

  Li Junshan didn’t think he would mention this suddenly, and he couldn’t help but responded and said: “Well, it’s useless for now. If Mr. Grew wants to use it, I will change it now.”

  Gru looks a little embarrassed, nodded and said nothing.

  Li Junshan resigned, went back to his stone room, quickly replaced the close-fitting snow spider silk armor, and returned to Gru’s residence.

   “Let’s put it on the table.” Grew looked up at Li Junshan and then lowered his head, as if entering meditation.

  Li Junshan put the snow spider silk armor on the table, retreating out of interest, and there was a doubt in his heart.

   “Grew has no expenses in the Scarlet Valley, and the Warcraft that was just rushed back by Donald has no high-end. He naturally looks down on it. What do you want the Snow Spider Silk Armor to do?”

   thinking, Li Junshan walked back to his stone room, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just stepped into the stone door, suddenly a flash of light in his mind.

   Ralph said that Scarlet Valley is coming for a newcomer recently…

   Donald may leave the Scarlet Valley to bring a newcomer outside…

   A few days ago I saw these old guys meet frequently and look strange…

  Gru’s going back to the snow spider silk armor is obviously to protect…

   Although the enchantment area of ​​the Scarlet Valley is against the sky, if the person who casts the enchantment area is far from this place, the effect will be greatly reduced…

   “Don’t they want to take advantage of Mr. Donald’s leaving the Scarlet Valley and join forces to break through the realm of enchantment and leave this place under strong rule and prison?”

  The information flashed in Li Junshan’s brain, his temple burst into a sudden, he was completely shocked by his speculation.

   “If it’s true…” Li Junshan’s heart beat suddenly, and he felt his throat dry for a while.

   “Nicholas, on behalf of Lord Edie, I challenge you to a duel.”

   Hearing the voice coming from behind, Li Junshan took a deep breath and tossed that earth-shattering thought aside, turned and looked back.

   “Edmund, I refuse this challenge.” Although I don’t know who that Lord Eddie is, Li Junshan did not hesitate to refuse.

“Boy, you heard clearly, it was a challenge to a duel request, not a request.” Edmund’s eyes revealed excitement and took a few steps to Li Junshan, sneering. “Remember, there will always be some people who are above. Above the rules. Unfortunately, Lord Edie who challenges you is the kind of person. You don’t have the power and qualification to refuse, even if she kills you anywhere, no one in Scarlet Valley will say anything.”

   “Tomorrow morning, see you in the arena.” Edmund Haha laughed a few times and walked away.


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